1、Tittlesubtitlen amedate1. Executive SummaryThe executive summary provides asynopsis of the report. It shouldin clude:? A stateme nt on thepurpose of the report- what it sets outto achieve? A brief outline of themethodologyscope of the report an d/or research? An outli ne of themajor issues or findin
2、gscovered in thereport? An outli ne of themajor con clusi ons and reme ndati onsof thereport.The executive summary should not in clude new in formatio n nor shouldit be used as an in troduct ion to the report.As the executive summary is a summary of the report, it should ALWAYS be the LAST sect ion
3、of the report writte nTable of Contents.Executive Summary1Table of Con te ntsl2n troducti on or Backgro und23.Scope of Report or Research Objectives34. Research Methodolgy34.1 Primary Sources4.2 Sec on dary Sources5. Detailed Findin gs45.1 First Draft5.2 Seco nd Draft6. C on clusi ons and Reme ndati
4、 ons56.1 Con clusi on6.2 Reme ndati ons7.Bibliography .8APPENDIX .92. Introduction or BackgroundIt may in clude an outli ne of theterms of refere neeor the reas onsfor the decisi on to write the report (see below).Explain the background to the issue/problem/topic (this could be the history, etc. tha
5、t helps us un dersta nd the issue/problem/topic.What are the differe nt points of view/op inions about the issue/problem/topic?What is likely to happen in the future?This report was requested by a nu mber of stude nts hav ing difficulty un dersta nding how to write a report.This report aims to give
6、students a plan to follow when preparing their material and an example of the layout of a report.The material for this report was gathered from various books and web sites which will be referred to later. This format is n ot the on ly way to write a report.It is written especially for students under
7、taking Academic English. However it can be a useful guide to any stude nt in any subject.3. Scope of Report or Research ObjectivesOutli ne the purpose of your report.The scope of the report should defi ne major issues or research objectives to be addressed by the report.If in doubt, ask you teacher.
8、 They may be able to help you find the right place to look for in formatio n.4. Research MethodologyMost reports will in clude:? 4.1 primary sourcesof in formati on surveys, questi onn aires? 4.2 sec on dary sources of in formati on books, internetThis sect ion n eeds to detail how the in formatio n
9、 for the report was obtained and any limitations. The place to start is in your own head.How much do you already know about the topic? Write everyth ing dow n.Use the library. Not just the in ternet. There are books, magaz in es, n ewspapers, and staff to help you. Take no tes and orga nise the info
10、rmation in a folder.Remember to write down all the information about any book or web site, etc. for the bibliography:author, title, date published, publisherand place published (see Appe ndix B of this report).Note tak ing skillsare n ecessary whe n read ing in formati on and youmust summarise much
11、of that information.5. Detailed FindingsThe largest secti on of the report it will con ta in all thein formati on and an alysis, in clud ing tables, charts and diagrams.The body must be divided into logical sect ions and subsect ions with headings ide ntical to those in the Table of Contents.It will
12、 in clude headi ngs and sub-headi ngs which reflect the contents of each secti on.Although a report starts with a synopsis do not start writing it until AFTER you finish the introduction, body and conclusion in that order.5.1 FIRST DRAFTDivide the body of the report into headi ngs and subheadi ngs,
13、so each section can be written on its own. This makes the task seem easier.Use the passive voice (revise this sect ionof En glish on Cue, Module5). Use short senten ces and simple, formal la nguage. In clude pictures if you want to make it more interesting e.g." Diagram 2 showsthat "Use yo
14、ur puter ' s spell check and print preview where possible. Plan the pages carefully. Careless layout will lose marks. Check grammar and pun ctuati on.When referencing a book, etc. in your writing remember quoting directly must use quotati on marks e.g.“ There are many reas ons whypeople visit Au
15、stralia ."(Smith 2012).In direct quotes (paraphras in g): Smith (2012) says there are many differe nt reas ons people want to visit Australia.Save two copies: one on your puter and one on a USB. Lost work means starti ng aga in.5.2 SECOND DRAFTProduc ing the sec ond draft is not hard once your
16、first draft of the report is edited, typed and saved.6. Conclusion and RemendationsThis is a summary of the main findings of the report, especially those that are for the reader/clie nt.Con clusi on should tell what the detailed findings mean for the reader/clie nt in relati on to the scope of the r
17、eport or research objectives.The remendations should list the action that you remend should be take n based on these con clusi ons.6.1 CONCLUSIONIt is hoped this guide will ben efit stude nts in at least two ways. Firstly, to give a step by step method to report writ ing. Sec on dly, it is to be use
18、d as an example of report writing.The process of report writ ing is obviously a long and plex one. Each step should be pleted before moving on to the next one. Do NOT put off starting to research and write just because it is difficult.Make sure the in formatio n in the report is releva nt to the top
19、ic and discusses the issues men ti oned in the in troducti on.6.2 REMENDATIONS+ Take one step at a time+ Do not waste time+ Use all the resources available+ Talk to your teacher if in doubt+ Start now7 BIBLIOGRAPHYThe bibliography is an alphabetical list of refere nces used in preparati on of the re
20、portStude nts should refer to their textbook for guideli nes on how to correctly refere nee in formatio n sources.Jorda n, R.R (1990) Academic Writing Course,Colli ns ELT, Lo ndon.Mangubhai, Francis and Pritchard, R (1996)English on Cue , USQ,Toowoomba.APPENDIXThe appe ndices sect ion is for materia
21、l that is releva nt and is referred to in the report, but is too long or is not necessary to be in cluded in the body of the report.Examples: Questio nn aireAppe ndices to be labelled: Appe ndix A, Appe ndix B etc.WRITING A BIBLIOGRAPHYTake careful n ote of the order in which the in formatio n appea
22、rs below-alphabetically! The format is different for books, magazines and intern et. Most en tries beg in with an author but if not the n the title, etc. is show n.1.0 BOOKSAuthor' s family name, initial or first name, (date of publication), title in italics , name of publisher, place where published.Barro n, M L (2010)Bus in ess Finance , McGraw-Hill, Syd ney.Kitche n, P D (Ed.) (1997) Busi ness Law: Fu ndame ntals, Thomps on,London.Brow n,
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