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1、良好教师话语的特征根据 Robert ONeillT 1999 年 5 月 发表于 English Language Learning and Teaching 网站上的 文 章 Dogmas & Delusions in Current. EFL Methodology ,良好 的教师话语应富有以下特征:.It is broken into sense groups within sentences.It is simplified but not unnatural.The teacher regularly pauses and does other things that encour

2、age or invite students tointerrupt, comment and ask questions.When new vocabulary or structure is taught, the teacher gives typical examplesthatillustrate pragmatic meaning.Theteachergetsregularfeedbackthroughquestionsand other devices.Theteacherconstantly“ scans” thegroupandmaintainseye-contactwith

3、differentmembersof it,and isthusconstantlyalerttonon-verbalas well as verbalindications of incomprehension, problems of attention-spanorpotential disruptive behavior.The teacher gives students chances to interact witheachother as well as with teacher.The teacher constantlyuseslanguagethatiscomprehen

4、sible ,rarely ornever falling below the switch off barrier. In other words, the class may not understand every word but always understandsthe main gist良好的教师话语应该具有高度 的互动性,教师在英语课堂上不仅仅 是在说话,而是要通过说话启动意义 协商,鼓励学生进行较真实的师生互 动和生生互动。因此,英语教师在课 堂上应考虑学生的能力和兴趣,尽可 能地增加可理解性输人,从而为学生 的输出创造条件。下面,我们尝试结 合具体的课堂实例进行探讨:a.教

5、材内容John: I need a single room, please.Receptio nist:Its $ 80 anight.John: $80 a night! Sorry, I cant afford that.Receptionist:Why dontyou try the next door? Its cheaper there.b.老师如何教的?看课堂片断:Teacher: (Puttinga picture of hotel on the board) OK. Whats this?(用简洁、自然的问题 引出情景。)Students: Its a hote l.Teach

6、er: An expensive hotel?(简化、自然的提问。)Student 1: Maybe.Teacher: Why do you say that?(意义协商,引人互动,鼓励学 生自行组织语言进行交流。)Student l : Its very big.Teacher:Are all bighotels expe nsive?(鼓励学生间的互动。)Student 1:In China, yes.Stude nt2 : Especially inYanan, big expensive.hotels are veryTeacher:Yanan,allright.You know, T

7、his hotels in London and its very expe nsive.(Pause ) Now tell me about this hotel, please Li Liwei.(给出例句,通过停顿和提问让学生做出反馈,以 了解学生掌握的情况。)Student3 : Its a big,expe nsive hotel in London.Teacher: Good. Now here comes John (Drawing a man and writing Liverpoolon board). (Pause ) Do you think he lives in Lo

8、ndon?(转换话题时稍作 停顿。)Students:No. He lives inLiverpool.(每个学生都参与说话。)Teacher: Yes. And where is he now?Students: London:(每个学生都参与说话。)Teacher: Right. What else do you know about him?(鼓励学生自行组织语言进行交流。Student 4: He doesnt have much mone y.Teacher: Why do you say that?(意义协商)Student 4: He has poor clothes.Teach

9、er: OK. Now he goes to this hotel and he sees a woman behind the desk. (Pause ) What do we call her in English?(转换话题时稍作停顿,引 出新的知识点并引起学生 的注意。)Students : Receptionist.Teacher: Yes.(板书:receptionist.并放慢语速,达到强调一个新知识点的作用。)Everybody: Receptionist.Students: Receptionist.Teacher: OK. John wants a roomfor him

10、self. Soa singleor a double room? (为互 动创造场景。)Student 6: A single room.Teacher: Yes. Then how does heask?(引导学生住意真实场景中的语言形式。)Student 7: Excuse me, madam,could I room?Teacher: Madam?mada m.have a singleProbably notNot to thereceptionist. (提示 并纟斗 错。Student 7: Excuse me, could I have a single room?Teache

11、r: Thats right and very polite in fact. But lets keep it short.(称赞并提 出要求,以使互动更加口语 化。Student 8: Single room.Teacher: Yes, but more polite.(提示。)Student 8 : Single room,please.Teacher: Si ngle or(停顿以鼓励学生自行纠错。)Student8 : A singleroom,please.Teacher:Good. Nowagain,please.(称赞并要求重复以 求巩固。)Student 8 : A sing

12、le room, please.Teacher: (板书: A single room,please:并放慢语速,达到强调另一 个新知识点的作用。)Everybody.Stude nts: A si ngle room, please. Teacher: Any other ways to ask for a room at a hotel?(进行拓展,鼓励学生提问和 互动。)Student 9: Can we say Have you got a spare room?”Teacher: ( Pause)But do we say that whe n we ask for a room a

13、t a hotel?(停顿以引起学生的注意,从而启动 下一阶段的意义协商。)housesStudent 10: No, only inwhen we ask the landlady if we can use a room.Teacher:Yes. Possibly even inhotels if we want to use a room which isnt a bedroomforsomething unusual. (补 充说明,加深印象,激励 学生继续通过互动进行探 索。Student 11: A free room?Teacher: Yes, possibly. But not

14、Have you got a free room? Why not? (引出话题进行探讨和互动。)Student 12: It means the roomdoesnt cost any mone y. Its for free.Teacher: Yes. What should we say then?(引发进一步的意义协商。)Students:( Silence )(给出思考时间)Teacher:Have you got anyrooms free?(板书:Haveyou got any rooms free?(并放慢语速,达到强调又 一个新知识点的作用。)Students:Have yo

15、ugotanyrooms free?Teacher: Any other ideas?(拓展并鼓励互动。)Student 13 : Haveyouanyvacancies?Teacher: Thats good. Come and write it on the board.(称赞并强调。)(改编自 Gower et al, 1983)c.分析:根据以上这篇课堂实录片断,我 们不难发现教材的内容其实很简单, 但教师却把教材的内容活化为一个 真实的场景,为在课堂上进行有效的 互动创造了条件。首先,教师的语言 简单、精炼、自然、易懂,符合英语 口语表达的习惯;其次,通过提问并 配以停顿和板书等其他

16、形式,教师始终在鼓 励和引导学生进行有效的互动和意 义协商,从而达到用英语进行真实交 流的目的;教师还在交际中引入了少 量且必要的单词和句型操练;最后, 教师通过学生的各种反馈真实地了 解他们的学习情况并及时给予称赞、提示或纠正,帮助学生掌握正确的表达方式。 总之,教师摆脱了教材的文字内容, 根据学生已知的信息和兴趣设计出 一套前后连贯的步骤,通过大量的可 理解性输人,不断开拓新的知识点, 创造环境激励学生进行较真实的师 生互动和生生互动,为在课堂内开展 真实的双向交流和意义协商营造了积极的氛 围。课堂提问的技巧提问是英语课堂教学中使用频率 较高的教学手段,而问答如今已成为 课堂教学的首选交际方式之


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