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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上地中海俱乐部国际酒店商务礼仪课程大纲Club Med - International Hotel Business Etiquette Course Syllabus1、 课程信息 Course Scope课程名称:国际酒店商务礼仪Course Name: International Hotel Business Etiquettes授课对象:酒店筹备期员工Audience: Hotel Pre-opening Staff时间安排:18小时(三天)Duration: 18 hours (3 days)授课教师:杨涛涛(中瑞酒店管理学院)Facilitator: Ken

2、neth Yang (Beijing Hospitality Institute)修订日期:2014年04月Revised Date: April, 2014二、课程描述 Course Description酒店在筹备期间通常会面临着场地清洁、设备采购、工程检查、服务标准订制、员工培训等工作项目,在这些众多的工作项目中,员工培训是非常重要的,因为它直接反映着酒店开业后的服务质量,关系到客人的入住体验。The hotel will encounter cleaning, equipment purchasing, engineering inspection, service standard

3、and staff training in the pre-opening period. Among this, employee training is very important, because it directly reflects the quality of hotel service and guest's experience during the stay in hotel.本课程是根据地中海俱乐部的培训需求进行设计,课程内容是围绕国际酒店礼仪内容,既有理论讲解部分,也有实操部分,能够帮助企业内部管理及服务人员学习并运用国际服务礼仪规则,提升企业服务人员的整体素

4、质,以赢得竞争优势、获取事业成功。The course is design according to the training needs of Club Med. The content is about international hotel etiquette, both the theoretical interpretation and also practical part, it could help the hotel management and employee to learn and use international service etiquette standar

5、d, improving the overall service quality to the staffs, winning the competition and gaining success, from great to excellent.本课程共分为五个部分,分别为:仪容仪表、举止风度、礼貌用语、商务礼仪、餐桌礼仪。主要的培训方法是讲师介绍、案例分析、现场提问和角色扮演。整体课程讲授为三天,共计十八个小时。This course is divided into five parts: Grooming, Proper Behavior, Polite Language, Busin

6、ess Manner and Dinning Manner. The main training method is the Class Room Lecture, Case Analysis, Role Play and Questions& Answers. The whole course will last for 3 days (18 hours).专心-专注-专业三、课程内容 Course Content日期Date第一天Day 1第二天Day 2第三天Day 3课程计划Schedule第一部分:仪容仪表Part 1:Grooming本课程旨在帮助学员认识到员工个人仪容、仪

7、表、卫生等在酒店中的重要性,以及如何正确着装、化妆等。The purpose of this course is to help staff to recognize the importance of personal appearance, hygiene, and how to dress properly, makeup, etc.l 礼仪、礼貌、礼节的定义The definition of etiquette, mannersl 男士、女士的着装要求 Dress codel 个人卫生要求Personal hygienel 化妆要求 Makeup第二部分:举止风度Part 2: Beh

8、avior本课程旨在帮助学员了解个人行为举止是反映个人的文化素质及道德修养。 The purpose of this course is to help staff understand the personal behavior reflect the individual's cultural quality and personality.l 风度、举止行为的定义 The definition of behaviorl 各种不同的身体动作所代表的含义 Body languagel 微笑服务 Smilel 表情 Expressionl 站、坐、走、手势Stand, Sit, Wal

9、k, Hand Gesturesl 个人行为举止禁忌Personal behavior taboos课程活动:化妆、表情猜想Exercise:Makeup and Expression第三部分:礼貌用语Part 3:PoliteLanguage本课程旨在帮助学员了解在服务过程中语言所起到的重要作用,及如何使用服务规范用语。The purpose of this course is to help staff to understand polite language is important in the service, and how to implement.l 语音、语调、语速、节奏

10、Pronunciation, Intonation, Speed and Rhythml 礼貌用语Polite languagel 称赞 Praisel 不良口头禅 Bad habit第四部分:社交礼仪在酒店服务中的运用Part 4: The application of social etiquette in the hotel service本课程旨在帮助学员了解基本的社交礼仪,并通过示范及练习掌握并能在酒店的日常工作中应用。The purpose of this course is to help staff understand the basic social manner, and

11、 through the demonstration and practice to master and can be applied in the daily work of the hotel. l 握手礼仪Handshakel 交换名片礼仪Exchanging business cardsl 鞠躬礼仪Bowl 引领礼仪Tiel 乘电梯礼仪Elevatorl 介绍礼仪 Introductionl 女士优先 Lady firstl 适当的距离 Proper distance课程活动:称赞、引领练习Exercise: Praise and Guide Practice第五部分:中西餐餐桌礼仪

12、Part 5: Chinese and Western Food Dinning Manners本课程旨在帮助学员了解中西方的餐桌礼仪,座次安排,文化差异等,从而能更好地为中外客人服务,同时也提高自身的气质与修养。The purpose of this course is to help staff understand the Chinese and Western dining manners, seating arrangement, cultural differences etc. Thus can provide better service for Chinese and foreign guests, but also improve staffs temperament and accomplishment.l 座次安排Seating arrangel 用餐顺序 Dining


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