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1、冀教版五年级下册英语第一单元测试题(附:本单元知识小结)UNITGoing to Beijing国也试满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分)三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()1.A.I see a red house.B.I see a red school.C.I see a red park.( )2.A.She is singing.B.She is dancing.C.He is singing.()3.A.I 'd like some tea.B.I'd like som

2、e water.C.I'd like some soup.()4.A.My father is reading a book.B.My mother is reading a book.C.My sister is reading a book.()5.A.I 'm hungry. B.I ;m thirsty. C.I'm tired.笔试部分四、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A.jumpingB.runningC.dance()2.A.manB.familyC.woman()3.A.hereB.todayC.tomorrow()4.A.breadB.

3、waterC.tea()5.A.sitB.upC.down五、看图写单词。(10分)六、选择正确答案。(20分)()1.I want rice.A.aB.anC.some()2.Would you likeapples?A.a B.anC.some()3. is the man doing?- He is reading a book.)4.The manme is laughing.A.atB.behindC.of)5.A.WhoseB.WhomC.Who)6.My mother isTV.A.watchB.watchedC.watching)7.Daming is playingthe k

4、ids.A.inB.withC.of)8.Theretwo apples and a pear on the table.)9.A.areB.isC.beA.Opens)10.Don'tA.sitthe door, please.B.Open C.Openingdown, please.B.stand C.sittingis crying?- The baby is crying.七、给下列句子选择相应的图片。(10分)(C.D.)1.She is drawing a picture.)2.I'm hungry.I want some noodles.)3.The baby i

5、s crying now.)4.Would you like a cup of tea?)5.There are two women.八、情景交际。(10分)1.你想知道这个男孩正在做什么A.What is the boy doing?B.What is the girl doing?)2.你想知道詹妮是否想吃些水果A.Would you like some apples, Jenny?B.Would you like some fruit, Jenny?)3.你想说“丹尼正在吃早餐”,应说:A.Danny is having breakfast. B.Danny is having lunc

6、h.()4.你想说“请坐下”,应说:A.Sit down, please.B.Stand up, please.()5.你想知道谁饿了,应问:A.Who is hungry?B.Who is thirsty?九、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Li Ming and Danny are hungry.They want something to eat.Mrs.Li: Would you like some noodles, Danny?Danny: No, thanks.I don 't like noodles.May I have some soup, please?M

7、rs.Li: Sure.Would you like some fruit, Li Ming?Li Ming: I 'd like an orange, please.Mrs.Li: Here is your soup, Danny.And here is your orange, Li Ming.Li Ming&Danny: Thanks.()1.Li Ming isn 't hungry.( )2.Danny would like some fruit.()3.Li Ming wants an orange.()4.Li Ming eats some noodles

8、.( )5.Danny drinks a cup of tea.参考答案UNIT 1单元测试听力部分一、听力材料1.I want to sing.2.The baby is crying.3.I would like some dumplings.4.This is a woman.5.I would like some candy.答案:1.B2.A 3.B 4.B5.B二、听力材料1.There is a baby.2.She is sleeping.1.1 would like some dumplings.4 .He is running.5 .Here is a cup of tea

9、.答案:435 2 1三、听力材料1.I see a red school.2.He is singing.3.I 'd like some tea.4.My mother is reading a book.5.I'm tired.答案:1.B2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C笔试部分四、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A五、 candy; jump; draw; cry; water六、1.C2.C3.A4.B5.C6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A七、1.C2.A3.E4.D5.B八、1.A2.B3.A4.A5.A九、1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FGoing

10、 to BeijingUNIT单元小结。、核心词汇 1 .和动作相关的单词jump跳;跳跃 run跑 dance跳舞 sing唱;演唱 sit坐 stand站立;直立talk交谈;100k看;瞧 see看见;明白;会见(过去式为saw) draw画 cry哭;哭泣;喊叫 sleep睡觉;入睡讨论2 .和食物相关的单词tea 茶 water 水 candy 糖果3 .方位介词down向下 潮下;沿着 up向上,在上面4 .人物名词man男人 woman女人 baby婴儿 boy男孩 girl 女孩5 .其他now现在 who谁 picture图画;照片 hungry饥饿的 sorry对不起,不好

11、意思(道歉时用)6 .动词短语look at看(某人或某物)look out of从向外看二、拓展词汇*1 .其他和食物相关的单词noodles 面条 dumplings 饺子hamburger 汉堡包bread 面包2 .其他常见时间副词yesterday 昨天 tomorrow 明天三、核心句型1.Please don't run!请不要跑!解读:此句是祈使句的否定形式,表示不许做某事。举一反三:Please don't open the window.It's cold outside.别开窗户,外面很冷。Don't speak in class.课上不要

12、说话。2.1 want to sing!我想唱歌!解读:此句是表达某人想做某事的句型。举一反三:I want to visit my grandmother.我想去看望我奶奶。She wants to go swimming.她想去游泳。3 . Jenny, what are you doing now?詹妮,你现在正在做什么 ?- I am drawing a picture.我正在画画。解读:这是询问某人正在做什么的句型。举一反三:一What is she doing?她正在做什么?一She is watching TV .她正在看电视。一 What is Amy doing?埃米正在做什么 ?- She is reading a book.她正在看书。Yes, please 女子的。解读:这是询问某人是否想要某物的句型。举一反三:一Would you like some water?你想喝些


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