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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级上册英语第八单元课件Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Period 1Section A 1a to 2c Teaching aims and demands No.1 words and phrases aquarium ,shark, seal, souvenir , ate (eat ) , else , win ,(won,won ), autograph, got , (get 的过去式和过去分词 ) , No. 2 学习 There be 结构的过去时 No. 3 学习行为动词的一般过去时 No. 4 教学方法:从谈论

2、过去做的事情入手 No. 5 用到的动词过去式有 Go went , have had , take-took ,eat-ate, hang-hung, see-saw, buy bought ,win-won ,get-got, meet-met, Step 1 Revision No.5 Ask ss to say the past form of the words in No.5 Teacher says some sentences ,then ask ss to answer . Where were you yesterday ? Were you at home yesterd

3、ay ? Were you happy yesterday ? Where was your mother yesterday ? Is she at work today ? Notice the difference between was and were ,is and are . Then ask : Did you get up early yesterday ? What time did you get up ? Did you go to Beijing last year ? Did you have a good time last Sunday ? Correct th

4、e errors the ss made teach them how to use the correct forms Step 2 1a What did you do on your last school trip ?Make a list Had lot of ice creams ,went to the beach ,visited my grandparents ,visit my uncle ,did my homework ,watched TV, played computer games ,went to the zoo in zhengzhou . Ask ss to

5、 talk in pairs ,then ask them to tell you . Step 3 1b What did Tina do on her school trip ?Listen and circle the expressions in the box Play the recording the first time ,ss only listen ,then play the recording a second time ,this time say ,now listen again ,circle the things that Tina did on her sc

6、hool trip ,hang out means 闲逛 fantastic means 幻想的,奇异的,奇妙的,在这里意思是棒极了 Step 4 1c pairwork Practice the conversation above .Then look at the picture at the top of the page and ask and answer questions . 1 A : Did Grace take photos ? B: No, she didnt . Her friend Tina took photos . 2 A : Did Joe have ice

7、cream ? B : No, he didnt . His friend Laura had ice cream . 3 A: Did they see any sharks in the aquarium ? B ; No, they didnt . They found some really smart seals . Step 5 2a Listen and check the questions you hear . Listen and ask ss to read them loudly and do 2c ,choose true or false ,then ask and

8、 answer questions ,practise the past tense ,use the correct forms of the words ,at last ,summery the grammar focus . Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didnt . I went to the aquarium . 课后反思:本课在设计上听说结合,相得益彰。首先给学生创造了一个语言环境,让学生自然融入,然后,缓缓导入阶梯状任务链,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,因此学生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导

9、点到为止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Period 2一、Goals:1、语言知识目标:(1)熟练掌握并运用日期进行交谈。(2)掌握与学生生活相关的短语,为学生的交际提供素材。本课要求掌握的短语为:speech contest,school trip,birthday party,basketball game。(3)熟练运用句型: When is? Its.2、能力目标:让学生学会合理支配时间,做时间的主人。3、扩展知识目标:根据教材内容,补充以下知识:(1)了解节日的表达及具体日期。(2)补充与学生日常生活相关的词组。4、情

10、感目标:培养与人合格、互帮互学的团队精神,以及礼貌待人的良好品德及行为。二、Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming upT:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Im your new teacher, Ms Lin. I hope to be your friend, OK?Ss:OK.T:Are you friends now?Ss:Yes. T:Lets chant like this:Yes, we are. We are friends.(clap hands)Step 2T:Hey, my friends. But I don

11、t know your names. Whats your name?Answer together.Ss:My name isT:How old are you?Ss:Im thirteen.T:When is your birthday?Ss:ItsT:Oh, I know your birthdays. Lets have a birthday Party, shall we?Ss:Yes.T:Chant:Party, party. Lets have a party.Ss:(clap the desks)T:Look, this is a birthday party.(show a

12、picture)Whose birthday party is it? Guess. Is it your birthday party?S1:Itss birthday party.S2:Itss birthday party.S3:Itss birthday party.T:Let me tell you. Its Sallys birthday party. When is her birthday?S4:ItsStep 3T:Oh, Sallys birthday is October 5th. Whose birthday is October 1st?S:T:Chinas birt

13、hday is October 1st. Its National Day.(show the picture.)October 1st is a big day. I think you know lots of big days. Activity 1T:Look, this is a calendar.(Two Ss have one.)Find the big days and circle them.(45 seconds)S2:January 1st is a big day.S3:March 8th is a big day.S4:March 12th is a big day.

14、S5:April 1st is a big day. Activity 2(show the dates)T:Oh, you know so many dates. What day is January 1st? New Years Day. March 8th is Womens Day.(show the festivals)Step 4 Which day do you like best?S1:I likeT:I like New Years Day very much. I can eat delicious food, plays games, and watch New Yea

15、rs Day party on TV.(show the picture)T:Can you watch TV now?S:No.T:Right, you have to stay at school. You must have English class now. So you are busy. My students are busy, too. 教学反思:教学时可以根据实际情况,或和学生有关的事.这样能引起学生的共鸣.他们就愿意讲.就有话可讲。本节课谈到学生的生日,以及父母亲的生日,他们兴趣还比较浓。Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Period 3S

16、tep 1T:Look. They have an English party. Whats this?(picture)S:Its an English party.T:She has a speech contest. Do you like speech contest?(picture)S1:I likeS2:I dont likeT:Is this a speech contest?Ss:No.T:This is a singing contest. She has a singing contest. She is No. 1. Do you like singing?(pictu

17、re)S3:I like singing.S4:I like singing.S5:I like singing.T:Look at these students. They go to Mount Yandang with their teacher. This is a school trip. Whats this.(picture)Ss:Its a school trip.T:Oh, they dont have a school trip. They have a school sports meeting. Do you have a school sports meeting?(

18、picture)S1:Yes, we have a school sports meeting.S2:Yes, T:Look, they are running. This is a running game. Who likes running.(picture)S3:I like running.S4:I like running.S5:I like running.T:This is aSs:Basketball game.(picture)T:This is a(picture)Ss:Soccer game. Step 2T:When is the soccer games? Its.

19、 Please guess. Please talk about the eventsin pairs(45 seconds) Activity 6 Guessing gameGroup A ask:When is the school trip?Group B answer:Its(此活动意在让学生操练events及dates而不留痕迹) Step 5 Activity 7T:When is Sallys speech contest?Ss:ItsT:When is Joes speech contest? Listen and tell me. Now please turn to P50

20、. You can see four pictures. A is, b is, c is, d is.Now look at 2b. This is a calendar. You can see September 24-September 30. Oct. 1st-Oct. 7th.Sallys birthday party is Oct. 5th. When is the school trip/the speech contest/the basketball games?Listen and fill in the calendar.(Ss listen)Step 3T:When

21、is the school trip?S1:Its Sep. 26th and 27th.T:When is the speech contest?S2:Its Sep. 28th.T:When is the basketball game?S3:Its Oct. 2nd.T:Please make a report.(30 seconds)The school trip is on Sep. 26th and 27th.S4:The speech contest is on Sep. 29th.S5:The basketball game is on Oct. 2nd.Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Period 4Step 1T:Good, Joe can make a plan for himself. Can you make a


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