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1、Unit 4 What would you do?Main Grammar 1 虚拟语气虚拟语气:(if 如果如果) If I had time, I_ go for a walk. If he/I _ invited, he/I would go to the dinner party. wouldwere2.If引导的条件从句引导的条件从句( if 如果如果)If I have enough money, I_ go to Hainan.will If it _ sunny tomorrow , well go to the zoo.If you come, so _ I. 3.3.if

2、表示表示“是否是否”, 引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句。Should此处表示此处表示“应该应该”, 不是虚拟语不是虚拟语气气 I dont know if I should go to the party. He doesnt know if she have finished her work.iswill 4. I dont have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? What if “如果如果怎么办怎么办? ”相当于相当于 what will happen if 如果下雪了怎么办如果下雪了怎么办?(put it into E

3、nglish) What if it snows? 1.If I _(know) his number ,I would phone him.2.I_(not buy )that coat if I were you . knewwouldnt buy3.If Tom doesnt come,_ (他也不来)他也不来) 4.The teacher wants to know if he _ (go) home yesteday. wentneither will he 5-Dont worry.Hell come and help you. -_ he doesnt come? A. What

4、 B. Why C. What if D. How if 6.Mother told me if it _(be) seven now.cwasMain words 1.million 两百万棵树两百万棵树 数百万棵树数百万棵树 2.cut I _ (cut) my finger yesterday. There is a deep _(伤口伤口) in his arm. cut -cut - cut 现在分词现在分词cutting 3.offer offer sb sth offer to do sthcutcut向某人提供某物向某人提供某物主动去做某事主动去做某事two million t

5、reesmillions of trees近义词辨析近义词辨析 plenty of. enough. many. much .She doesnt have _ friends and doesnt enjoy the company of other people. A. plenty of B.enough C.many c肯定句肯定句疑问句疑问句否定句否定句否定句否定句Key Phrases 1.give sth to chairty 2put it in the bank 3.speak in public 4.ask you to be in a movie 5 in the sli

6、ghtest. e up with 7. medical research 8. take a long walk 9. ask ones permission 捐某物给慈善机构捐某物给慈善机构存它入银行存它入银行在公共场合说在公共场合说让你去拍电影让你去拍电影一点也;根本一点也;根本提出、想出(问题)提出、想出(问题)医学研究医学研究 散步散步征求某人的许可征求某人的许可 10.without permission 11. introduce oneself 12. rather than 13. a circle of good friends 14. by accident 15. wa

7、it for sb to do sth 16.get nervous 17. the company of 18. everyone else 19.let down 没得到许可没得到许可自我介绍自我介绍而不是而不是朋友圈子朋友圈子 .偶然地偶然地 (变得)紧张的(变得)紧张的在在的陪伴下的陪伴下 其他人其他人使使沮丧沮丧等待某人去做某事等待某人去做某事Key sentences1.You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group. You would also rather stay at home and read a

8、 good book than go to a party. (1). rather than = instead of. 作比较的为相同作比较的为相同部分部分 He should go rather than (=instead of) kate.He was eating rather than(= instead of )drinking.(2).would rather dothan do “宁可宁可而不而不” would rather not do sth 宁愿不宁愿不做做,不喜欢做不喜欢做 注意注意: would rather do sth. than do sth. =prefe

9、r to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做 eg. I would rather drink green tea than coffee.= I prefer_ green tea rather than _coffee. .Id rather _ at home than _ . A stay , go out B to stay ,to go out C to stay, go out D stay, to go outto drink drinkA2.Then I m too tired to do well. 然后就很累然后就很累,

10、考不好。考不好。 too to 意为意为“太太而不能而不能”, 出现在出现在 简单句中,常与简单句中,常与so that 句式句式not enough to do句式进行转换。句式进行转换。He is too young to go to school.=He is _ young _ he cant go to school.=He is not _ to go to school. sothatold enough . 3.Not in the slightest=not at all 微不足道的微不足道的 eg. He _ (not) bother me in the slightest

11、 yesterday. 4.Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. get along (well) with=get on (well) with与与相处相处(很好很好) eg. My classmates are easy to get on/along _ . We get on well _.didntwith.不填不填1.The girl is easy to _.A.get along B.get along with C.get with D.get along on well2.I would wait _(介词介词)him _ (introduce) himself to me. 3.He would rather_to pop music. A listen not B,not to listen C not listenBforto introduceC 4.I dont have a present.What if _ brings a present? A.other everyone B. everyone other C.else everyone D. everyone else 5.How are you gettin


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