



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Views on language learning and learning in general(1) Behaviorist theory Eg;you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages,stimulus,response,and reinforcement (2) Cognitive theory(3) Constructive theory (4) Socio-constructivist theo

2、ry Eg:learning is the best achieved through the dynamics interactions between the teacher and the learners.What makes a good teacher?(1) ethic devotion(2) Professional qualities (3) Personal stylesHow can one become a good language teacher?(1) the development of professional competence (most difficu

3、lt) (2) A specific range od skills strategies,knowledges and ability (3) Have a sound command of English (4) Learning practice and reflection.learning from others experience.leaning the received knowledge leaning from ones own experience as a learner.Language use in real life VS traditional pedagogy

4、(1) in real life,language is used to perform certain communicative functions. Eg: to give directions,to exchange information or to make a complaint. In traditional language classroom,the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions.(2) For various reasons,traditional pedagogy tends to focu

5、s on two language skills and ignore the others. Eg:the grammar-translation methos emphasized on reading and writing skills and virtually ignored listening speaking skills.(3) In reality language is always used in a certain context,but traditional pedagogy tends to isolated language from its context.

6、 Eg:when the English passive voice is introduced,the teacher always focuses on the explanation of how the objects in an active sentence is moved to the front of a passive sentence. And how the verb is changed to an auxiliary plus an -ed form of the base form of the verb.What is communicative compete

7、nce ?(1) linguistic competence (2) Pragmatic competence (3) Discourse competence (4) Strategic competence (5) Fluency Task based language teaching Task definition Is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others,freely or for some reward.Is an activity which requires learners to arrive at an

8、outcome from given information through some process of thought,and which allows teachers to control and regulate that process Four components of a task A purpose :make sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task A context :this can be real simulated or imaginary and involves sociolingui

9、stic issues such as the location the participants and their relationship,the time,and other important factors.A process;getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving reasoning inquiring conceptual and communicating A product : there will be some form of outcome either visib

10、le or invisible Exercises tasks Focus form meaning Situation no situation real life situation Outcome correct form accomplishment of task Language practice of assigned form choice of form and content Error immediate correction delayed correction Principles for good lesson planning (1) Aims means a r

11、ealistic goals for the lesson the teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he or she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson,but the things that students are able to do bu the end od the less

12、on.(2) Variety means planning a number of different types of activities.(3) Flexibility means preparing some extra and alternatives tasks and activities as the class does not always go according to the plan (4) Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the lea

13、rning capabilities of the students.(5) Linkage means linked with each other Harmer suggest the following measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students(1) Act immediately (2) Stop the class (3) Rearrange the seats (4) Change the activity (5) Talk to students after class (6) Create a cod

14、e of behavior Dealing with errors (1) dealing with spoken errors (2) When to correct generally it is best to interrupt students during fluency work unless communication breaks down.if the students has got most of his language right but has made a trivial mistakes it is sometimes wise to let the mist

15、akes pass if there are some common mistakes that other students might also have problems with,the teacher can take a note in his or her mind and try to do the correction after the students performance.(3) How to correct indirect teacher correction is encouraged to avoid damaging students self esteem

16、 and confidence. Ask a question to invite the students to say it again with a hint of a problem. Sometimes the whole class can be invited to correct the mistakes.Characteristics of the listening process(1) spontaneity (2) Context (3) Visual clues (4) Listeners s response (5) Speakers adjustment A pr

17、ocess approach to writing (1) Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written process(2) Help students writers understand their own composing process(3) Help them built repetoires of strategies for previewing drafting and rewriting (4) Palace central importance on the process of reversion (5) Give students time to write and rewrite (6) Let the students discover what they want to say as they write (7) Give students the feedback throug


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