1、对于写作稿子.doc1 E_le1 More and more young students go abroad because they want to get better education and find a better job in the future.I think that they may have problems in study and also in life.There may be problems in study and also in life for young students to go abroad to/ in order to/in an e
2、ffort to/ so as to get/receive better education and find/secure a better job in the future.E_le2 开头句群众脸:With the development of science and technology, our life is more and more convenient.开头句明星脸:With the e_pansion of IT implication, our life is of increasing convenience.开头句巨星脸:Thanks to the rapid e
3、_pansion of IT-based implication, the convenience of our daily life is on the rise.E_le3 越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现越来越难找到好工作。菜鸟级 More and more college graduates who have just graduated from university find that finding a good job is more and more difficult.大鸟级 A growing number of fresh graduates find that obta
4、ining a decent job is increasingly difficult.神鸟级 The difficulty of being employed by a decent employer is on the rise, as the number of fresh graduates grows.虽然说这两个句子的 WPS(每句中的词汇数)都超过 10 个,应该说不能算是写的特别初级的简单句,假如句法和词汇没有问题还是很有希望到达 6 分的。但假如全篇都是这样的句式,整个文章就显得幼稚,类似于记叙文写作,绝对打破不了 7 分。写作不同于口语,应当尽量符合书面语的正式性。口语中
5、我们很习惯用“某个人做某件事”来构成根本句式,以致于议论文中有的考生仍然写的是这样的句子:上例中第一句的 主句和 状语从句中都是以某个人开场的,第二句中 主句和宾语从句也是以人做主语其实改法很简单:我们只要防止从“某个人”开场句子就可以了,也就是说用比拟客观的就事论事的态度。如:防止“学生出国”,只写“出国”;防止“他们想要.”,只写“想要.”。这样,上面的句子就可以写成:go abroad to get better education and find a better job in the 2 future,不但很客观,而且把原来的主句和从句两局部 精简处理成了一个动词短语。既可以做谓语
6、动词加上原来的一个主语构成句子,也可以用不定式、动名词和分词处理为非谓语动词做主语、宾语或者状语,还可以以从句的形式处理。至于原来第一句中的主语 young students可以用介词短语的形式插入不定式或者动名词短语中,而下面的句子里的评价局部的内容提上来做主句的谓语,组成一个新的句式。另外,第二例句中的“have”,一般情况下主语都是某个人,而在写作中多为“there be”句型所代替,更加客观。所以上面的两个例句就可以合并成一句 :这样合并不但客观而且精炼,每个单位句子所表达的内容自然就扩大,词汇密度也相应地增多,自然容易得高分,假如加上个别单词或短语的交换,就可以到达 7 分。但切记不
7、可机械照搬范文中的长句 下面就是详细的几个客观表达的方面:一 句子开头“去人化”防止太多的人化主语/ “去人化”防止总是以有生命的名词和人称代词开头(I ,People ,We 等) 可以采用以下方法加以丰富:(1).换个思维考虑,用物作开头。A.在美国,人人都可以买到枪。用“人人”做主语:In the United States, everyone can buy guns.用“枪”做主语:In the United States, guns are available to everyone.B.你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。用“你”做主语:You can obtain this info
8、rmation on the inter.用“信息”做主语:This information is available on the inter.C.他突然想到了一个新主意。用“他”做主语:He suddenly thought out a new idea.或者 Suddenly he had a new idea.用“主意”做主语:A new idea suddenly occurred to him.我试着将此句再进展一点改动,将 suddenly 换成名词,将 occur 换成 strike 强调“突然”的程度:All of a sudden, a new idea struck hi
9、m.或者按照事物发生顺序的特征将 all of a sudden 放到插入语的位置上:A new idea, all of a sudden, struck him.但这个句子插入语和前后的主干局部比起来稍显长,所以这样用并不是最正确选择,试比拟 The silence of the lake, all of a sudden, was broken up by a scream.主次清楚,重心稳(2) 表示某人拥有的“sb.have .”句型变成 there be 句型 More and more young students go abroad because they want to g
10、et better education and find a better job in the future.I think that they may have problems in study and also in life.There may be problems in study and also in life for young students to go abroad in order to get better education and find a better job in the future.(3) 以“某人”作主语使用情态动词can, may, shoul
11、d 等时,建议前两个改成 It is likely /possible to do/ that .;后一个改成 It is necessary/ imperative/ highly e_pected/ suggested that sth be done.的句式:3 To curb global warming, our government should promulgate new laws to govern the felling of trees.To curb global warming, it is imperative that our government promulg
12、ate new laws to govern the felling of trees二使用被动句式 在比拟正式的新闻、商务、法律等英语文体中,被动句式因为其更突出客观性的宾语或者事实被广为使用。图表分析p 和议论文都是比拟正式的文体,所以我们也应该注意多用被动句式。尤其是在以下两个方面:(1).主语不确定 A.Someone murdered the millionaire last night.The millionaire was murdered last night.(2).主语是泛指很多人或者大局部人 B.To improve the air quality, we should
13、reduce the use of private cars.To improve the air quality, the use of private cars should be reduced.C.Most people think that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales caign.It is widely believed that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales caign.被动句的用法不仅表达在主句中,在从句、非谓语动词短语中都有可能用到,如:I
14、 am not sure whether the college graduates will find jobs in the financially difficult year.I am not sure whether the college graduates will get employed in the financially difficult year.但是因为汉语中本来是没有被动句式的,所以受汉化思维的影响很多考生不会想到这一点。这就要求我们对此要引起足够的重视,并且在平时多加练习以培养对其敏感度。归纳起来说,议论文中我们要积极防止“某个人”做主语,尽量用不定式、动名词从
15、句做主语,或者使用被动语态,谓语动词用评价性的动词充当,这样就可以由 记叙文性质的“过程性句式”顺利转化成更符合议论文文风的 客观评价性的句式。三 名词化 写 作 中 把 原 本 用 动 词 或 者 形 容 词 表 达 的 地 方 换 成 名 词 叫 做 名 词 化(nominalization)。名词化是为了防止太多动词造成的句法处理上的困难,同时也可以把某些陈述型的句式转化成更客观的评价句,更符合议论文的文体要求。如:A 班长得了流感今天没有来。Our monitor didnt e today.He has got a flu.很明显这两个小句可以用因果关系的信号词连成一句:Becaus
16、e our monitor has a 4 flu, he didnt e today.,但这个 because 引导的原因状语从句以及其它的状语从句是考生们很常用的复合句,虽然看似比拟复杂,其实仍然是某个人做主语。假如非谓语动词掌握得好,可能我们会想到用 Having a flu, our monitor didnt e today.这一句使用了非谓语动词,比前一句效果有所改善,但这仍是某个人做主语,效果还可以再进一步提升。假如我们把前后两局部分别用一个 概括性的名词来替代,中间加上我们熟悉的 表示因果关系的动词, 这个句子就非常符合议论文的风格:The flu caused the abs
17、ence of our monitor today.The absence of our monitor is because of his illness.至少我们可以尽量将其中的一个小句变成名词,减少某个人做主语的口语化句式的出现频率。B 谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩白。终究用哪一个做主语更适宜呢?我们就有要考虑句意的重点。这句话所要表达的内涵是:有些人以自己不懂法律来为自己的违法行为辩白,也就说明“不懂法律”成为他们的法宝,而这正是作者批判和否认的主要对象。所以我们选择“不懂法律”来做主语:Ignorance of the law e_cuses no man.但是有一些单词是我们在写作
18、中几乎必需要用到的,平时要备好以下几个常见的名词化:lack of (if there is no.), inability(can not do)failure (didnt do.) 而且在详细的使用过程中可以结合介词 with 使用,使得句法更加凝练。此外个别单词也可以利用题目中的动词的名词性后缀如:-tion,-ment, -isation, -ness, -ity等或者变成动名词形式-ing。如:More younger generations celebrate the western festivals.The celebration of the western festiva
19、ls was enjoyed by more younger generations四 晋级词汇1.对被过度使用的词或词组进展“晋级” butvery The film we saw last night was very interesting. The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.The film we saw last night was anything but boring.be of + n.交换 adj.The products are of high quality (very good ) and ar
20、e sold everywhere in China. 5 more and moreàan increasing number of;growing number of/ growing trend of. increasingly; on the rise, on the declinetrend up; trend down; drop eg.More and more people now prefer to stay at home and watch TV.àPeople in increasing numbers prefer to stay at home
21、and watch TV.because of (because) àdue to; given; considering; thanks to; owing to;on account of; in view of ; by reason of; in thatin view of the fact that.importantà Significant; vital; prominent; crucial; indispensable; essential; primary; key; leading; notable emphasize à lay emph
22、asis on; attach importance to; place stress on; make a point of; underline; highlight; give priority to try to do sth.à strive to do sth.; make great effort to do sth.; spare no effort in doing sth./to do sth.; take pains to do sth; do one"s utmost I think à From my perspective /in my
23、 opinion; from my point of view; Im of the opinion that; it occurs to me; as far as I am concerned; I am in favor of 2.防止使用语义较模糊的 make, let, have,get 而多使用语意详细生动的动词。1) This conversation let me have this opportunity to share their e_perience and knowledge. àThis conversation allowed me this oppor
24、tunity to share their e_perience and knowledge.2) TV makes people have few chances to municate with each other. àTV deprives people of the chance to municate with each other.3) The substance and tone of his remarks make the lasting peace in the Middle East possible. àThe substance and tone
25、 of his remarks contribute to the possibility of the lasting peace in the Middle East. 五、家庭作业 一、改写以下文章 Every family has lots of housework.Everyone should do some of it.I help my parents do housework such as washing clothes, cleaning the room and watering flowers.I will do it well for my family.I thi
26、nk Ive learned how to take good care of myself and my family by doing housework.Sometimes doing housework is an enjoyable e_perience.And doing housework is also a kind of e_ercise.I can feel proud of myself only in this way.I think doing housework is useful and valuableThe summer holiday is ing.I will learn to do more housework.And my parents 6 will be happy.专练提示分析p :这篇作文样本是局部同学典型的作文风格,带有初中作文的痕迹。几乎所有的句子都的简单的主谓宾或者主系表句子。每个句子的主语都是第一人称开头。词汇的使用量不大,简单单词的重复使用频率高。复杂句型几乎没有。要求:1.要求尽
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