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1、目录Content1工程概况General of project12编制依据References22.1编制说明Instructions22.2执行规范和标准Standards and specifications23施工组织Construction organization43.1主要工程实物量Main construction items53.2施工安排Construction arrangement53.3施工机具准备Construction machinery and apparatus preparation63.4施工人员安排Personnel arrangement63.5施工进

2、度计划Construction progress schedule74质量控制计划Quality control plan74.1质量方针与质量目标74.2质量目标:74.3质量保证体系Quality assurance system85压缩机组施工技术措施Compressors construction technical measures85.1施工总体要求:General construction execution requirements85.2设备开箱检查:Visual inspection of equipment115.3基础验收及处理:Foundation treatment

3、 and acceptance115.4机组就位、找平找正Locate level and align assembling units145.5机组就位、找平找正Locate, level and align assembling units155.6二次灌浆Secondary grouting175.7系统管线安装的技术要求Technical requirements for system piping installation195.8乙烯压缩机组Ethylene compressor units225.9丙烯压缩机组Propylene refrigeration compressor

4、units295.10甲烷制冷压缩机组Methane refrigeration compressor units356HSE 控制计划 HSE control plan406.1HSE“六个零”目标:HSE “Six Zero” targets406.2施工现场的安全控制 Safety control on construction site407附录Appendix437.1乙烯二标段压缩机安装工程设备一览表Equipment list of ethylene compressors installation work437.2施工机具及消耗材料Construction machinery

5、 and consumable materials447.3压缩机冷态找正曲线图 Curve of cold state alignment of compressors477.4工作危险性分析(JHA)表Hazard Assessment Worksheet517.5乙烯二标段压缩机安装工程进度计划Construction schedule plan of ethylene compressors installation work531 工程概况General of project上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程是中国石化股份公司、上海石化股份公司和英国BP公司合资的大型石化项目,位于上海市金

6、山区漕泾上海化学工业园区内。乙烯裂解装置为该工程的龙头项目,计划于2002年年底开始土建施工、2003年4月15日开始安装施工、2004年12月28日机械完工、2005年3月投料开车、同年五月开始商业运行。Shanghai SECCO 900kt/y Ethylene Project, located in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park, is financed and executed by the joint venture of SINOPEC Co. Ltd, Shanghai Petroleum & Chemical Co, Ltd an

7、d BP Company. Ethylene heaters installation is the most important part of this project. It is proposed to commence civil construction at the end of 2002; commence installation construction on April 15th,2003, complete machinery construction on December 28th, 2004; commissioning in March, 2005 and st

8、art the commercial operation in the same year.90万吨/年乙烯裂解装置由ABB LUMMUS/SEI联合进行EP总承包,其工程管理由赛科石油化工有限责任公司的一体化项目部(IPMT)负责,齐鲁石化工程建设公司作为CM公司代业主进行施工管理。The joint venture of ABB & LUMMUS/SEI contracted the engineering and procurement work of 900kt/y ethylene complex project. The IPMT of SECCO Petroleum &a

9、mp; Chemical Co, Ltd. is responsible for the project management. The QI LU Petroleum & Chemical Engineering Construction Company is the Construction Management Company.上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程中冷区、热区、烯烃转换区及裂解炉区的1#、2#、3#、4#裂解炉由中国石化集团宁波工程有限公司(原第三建设公司)承建。在所承担的施工区域中共有3台压缩机组,分别是乙烯压缩机组、丙烯压缩机组、甲烷制冷压缩机组The Third C

10、onstruction Company of SINOPEC contracted the installation construction of four heaters in heater area and the installation work in first compressor area (Ethylene compressor and Propylene compressor), hot area, cold area and Olefin Conversion Unit. There are three compressor units in contracted con

11、struction area. They are Ethylene compressor unit, Propylene compressor unit and Methane compressor unit.2 编制依据References2.1 编制说明Instructions2.1.1 本施工方案根据压缩机与底座组装后,整体出厂到货状态、现场不进行解体的原则编制。The proposal is made out based on the principal that the compressors shall be assembled with their foundations, wh

12、ich will be delivered to site integrally and will not be disassembled. 2.1.2 本方案仅涉及压缩机安装部分的施工内容,压缩机组的试车应另行编制,其它专业(吊装、运输、焊接等)应参见各相关专业的方案执行。This proposal is made for compressor units installation work only, the compressors commissioning proposal shall be made additionally. Other relevant work (lifting

13、, transportation, welding) shall be performed in accordance with the corresponding professional proposals.2.1.3 若本施工方案与ABB LUMMUS、SEI的设计文件、设备的随机技术文件有关规定不相符时,应按设计文件、随机技术文件执行。If there is any conflict between this proposal and the design documents provided by ABB LUMMUS and SEI, the relevant requiremen

14、ts of attached technical documents with equipment, the latter shall govern.2.2 执行规范和标准Standards and specifications2.2.1 ABB、SEI设计的施工图及其它设计技术文件;Construction drawings of ABB/SEI and other relevant designed technical documents2.2.2 三菱重工有限公司提供的压缩机现场安装手册及随机图纸;Compressor field installation manual provided

15、 by SanLing Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and attached drawings with equipment 2.2.3 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范GB50231-98;General code of construction and acceptance of machinery equipment installation GB50231-98;2.2.4 压缩机、空气、泵安装工程施工及验收规范GB50274-98;Compressors, air and pumps installation and acceptance specificat

16、ions GB50274-982.2.5 压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范GB50275-98;Compressors, fans and pumps installation and acceptance specifications GB50275-982.2.6 乙烯装置离心压缩机机组施工技术规程SH/T 3519-2002Technical regulations of ethylene complex centrifugal compressor units construction SH/T 3519-20022.2.7 石油化工装置设备基础工程施工及验收规范SH3510-2

17、000Petrochemical equipment foundation construction and acceptance specifications SH3510-20002.2.8 石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准SH3514-2001Quality inspection and assessment standards for petrochemical equipment installation work SH3514-20012.2.9 大型设备吊装工程施工工艺标准SHJ515-90Heavy equipment lifting and construction pr

18、ocessing standards SHJ515-902.2.10 石油化工施工安全技术规程SH3505-1999Petrochemical construction safety technical specifications SH3505-19992.2.11 工程专题会议纪要、施工现场的条件;Special work meeting minutes and the construction field situations2.2.12 上海赛科IPTM动设备施工技术与施工质量管理工作细则PR-00-CIJ-MR-0001;SECCO IPTM Power equipment cons

19、truction technology and construction quality management regulations PR-00-CIJ-MR-00012.2.13 上海赛科IPTM工程质量管理程序 PR-00-CIJ-QU-0001SECCO IPTM Engineering quality management procedures PR-00-CIJ-QU-00012.2.14 上海赛科IPTM施工质量规则 PR-00-CIJ-QU-0002 SECCO IPTM Construction quality regulations PR-00-CIJ-QU-00022.2

20、.15 上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程施工组织设计;SECCO 900KT/Y Ethylene Complex Construction execution plan 2.2.16 机组安装和安装设计的推荐操作API686Compressor units installation and recommended operation of installation design API6862.2.17 上海赛科IPTM离心式压缩机 SD-00-TSC-MR-0002 SECCO IPTM centrifugal compressors SD-00-TSC-MR-00022.2.18 上海赛科I

21、PTM蒸汽透平 SD-00-TSC-MR-0003SECCO IPTM Steam turbines SD-00-TSC-MR-00032.2.19 上海赛科IPTM螺杆式压缩机 SD-00-TSC-MR-0013-A01 SECCO IPTM Screw compressors SD-00-TSC-MR-0013-A012.2.20 石油、化学品和燃气工业设施的离心压缩机API 617Centrifugal compressors used for petroleum, chemical products and combustion gas industry facilities API

22、6172.2.21 石油、化学品和燃气工业设施的旋转式容积式压缩机API 619Rotary and displacement compressors used for petroleum, chemical products and combustion gas industry facilities API 6193 施工组织Construction organization乙烯压缩机施工隶属于中石化第三建设公司上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程项目部。在本项目,我公司严格按项目法施工,能有效的同赛科一体化项目组的项目管理相接口。选择具有丰富管理经验和在同类型装置工作经验的人员担任项目部及现场主

23、要管理人员,项目管理与现场管理的实施能有效的同赛科IPMT的现场管理接口。材料运输到现场情况将按项目程序项目材料控制程序,充分利用固有仓储设施,尽量减少临时仓储建筑,合理地储备物资,减少材料交接界面、减少运输量,科学合理的进行施工平面布置。竣工验收将遵照中国政府的关于工程竣工验收的规范、标准及SECCO有关要求。Ethylene compressor units installation is part work of ethylene project executed by SINOPEC SNBC. Our company, namely SNBC, will carry out work

24、 strictly in accordance with project law and meet SECCO IPMT management requirements. We have selected experienced management who once worked on the similar projects to serve in project department and on construction site. The execution of project management and site management can effectively inter

25、face SECCO IPMT management. The materials that have been delivered to site will be managed strictly following the project control procedure-Project Materials Control Procedure and the field warehouses will be efficiently put in use so as to reduce transportation cost and temporary facilities buildin

26、g cost and reserve materials and arrange construction in a more reasonable way. The project completion acceptance shall follow national governmental codes and standards of project completion acceptance and the relevant requirements of SECCO.3.1 主要工程实物量Main construction items上海赛科90万吨乙烯二标段主要有离心式压缩机组2台

27、(乙烯压缩机组、丙烯压缩机组)由蒸汽轮机驱动,螺杆压缩机组1台(甲烷制冷压缩机组)由电动机变速齿轮箱驱动。上海赛科90万吨乙烯压缩机安装工程中主要工作量(包括压缩机组的附属设备)见附录Shanghai SECCO 900KT/Y Ethylene Complex has two main centrifugal compressor units (Ethylene compressor unit, propylene compressor unit) that are driven by steam turbines, one screw compressor unit(Methane ref

28、rigeration compressor unit) that is driven by one shift gear box. The breakdown list of Shanghai SECCO 900KT/Y Ethylene compressor units installation work (including the auxiliary equipment of compressor units) can be seen in appendix. 3.2 施工安排Construction arrangement3.2.1 根据压缩机、设备的到货计划,总体施工安排是压缩机先吊

29、装就位再进行压缩机厂房、平台及其劳动保护的安装。According to the arrival schedule of compressors and equipment, the general arrangement shall be to lift compressors in position and then to install compressor plants, platforms and personnel protection.3.2.2 根据施工场地大小,压缩机结构形式、供货状态,和我公司现有吊装机具的能力,拟采用一台500T和250T吊车实现的吊装工作Accordin

30、g to the size of construction site, compressor structures, supply status and the lifting equipment owned by our company, it has been proposed to carry out lifting work by one 500T crane and one 250T crane.3.3 施工机具准备Construction machinery and apparatus preparation3.3.1 根据总的进度计划和设备到货计划,编制施工机具使用计划,作为机具

31、调谴的依据。Based on the general progress plan and equipment arrival plan, construction machinery and apparatus employment plan shall be worked out as the dispatching reference. 3.3.2 中小型施工机具应在施工前7天内进场,并严格按照施工平面规划布置。大型施工机具应在施工前3日内进场,防止过多的占用施工场地。Middle and small size machinery and apparatus shall be delive

32、red to site seven days ahead of construction, and they shall be arranged strictly in accordance with the construction layout plan. Large size machinery and apparatus shall be delivered to site three days ahead of construction so that they shall not occupy to much construction space.3.3.3 施工用水、用电工作应在

33、正式施工前完成。Construction water and power supplying work shall be completed in advance before formal construction is started.3.4 施工人员安排Personnel arrangement3.4.1 参加压缩机组安装工程的施工人员应有压缩机的施工经验,并按专业配备工艺管线安装、电气安装、配管焊接、仪表及机械专业等施工力量和相应的管理人员。并根据工程进度合理的调配。The personnel who take part in compressor unit installation

34、work shall have compressor installation experiences. The professional process pipes installation, electric installation, pipes welding, instruments and machinery constructors and the corresponding managing personnel shall be employed. They shall be reasonably arranged according to construction progr

35、ess.3.4.2 施工人员施工前,针对本压缩机组的施工特点进行专业技能培训和技术、安全交底,使作业人员熟知施工技术要求,和HSE注意事项。Before construction is started, professional technical and skill training and HSE orientation shall be performed aiming at compressor construction requirements so that each personnel shall know construction technical requirements

36、and HSE precautions very well. 3.5 施工进度计划Construction progress schedule 施工进度计划根据公司劳动力和资源及SECCO对施工进度要求的计划进行编制,见附录。Construction progress schedule shall be worked out based on labor force and resources owned by company and the construction progress requirements of SECCO, see the appendix. 4 质量控制计划Quali

37、ty control plan4.1 质量方针与质量目标Quality policy Quality targets:质量方针:诚信为本,顾客满意,创精品工程与国际接轨。Quality policy: Sincerely satisfy client, create elaborate works and meet international standard requirements.4.2 质量目标:1.1 单位工程质量合格率100,优良率98%以上。Unit work qualification rate shall be 100%, excellence rate shall be o

38、ver than 92%.1.2 现场返工率5%。 Re-work rate shall be 51.3 确保工程优良,争创国家级优质工程To assure that works shall be qualified and compete for National Excellent Work4.3 质量保证体系Quality assurance system按照中石化三公司质量保证手册(2002-C版),建立本工程项目质量保证体系,确保各个质量管理要素的正常运行,使施工现场质量管理处于受控状态,实现从传统质量管理方法向现代化管理方法转移。Set the Quality Guarantee

39、System of this project according to Quality Guarantee Manual (2002-C Edition) compiled by our company to guarantee the normal operation of each management factor so that the quality management of construction site shall be under control and to realize the transformation from traditional quality mana

40、gement method to modernized management method.5 压缩机组施工技术措施Compressors construction technical measures5.1 施工总体要求:General construction execution requirements5.1.1 质量要求:Quality requirements5.1.1.1 严格执行三建公司质量方针,要求大型机组试车一次成功;The company quality policy shall be strictly carried out. The commissioning of l

41、arge machinery units shall be successful in one time. 与机械相关系统的静密封无泄露率为100%,单机试车机械密封无泄露率达到90%以上。The machinery relevant systems shall be 100% leakage proof, single unit shall be over than 90% leakage proof. 对各种检测、试验要一丝不苟,施工记录要准确、及时、齐全,严格执行自检、互检、专业检查等检查制度。All inspections and testing shall

42、 be performed out carefully and precisely. Construction records shall be accurate, complete and in time. The self-inspection, mutual inspection and professional inspection systems shall be strictly carried out. 5.1.2 吊装要求:Lifting requirements5.1.2.1 机械设备的吊装与运输,应执行化工工程建设起重施工规范的有关规定。Machinery and equi

43、pment lifting and transportation shall follow the relevant regulations of Chemical Work Construction Lifting Specifications. 设备吊装和运输时,不得将钢丝绳、索具直接绑扎在机加工表面,绑扎部位应适当衬垫,或将索具用软材料包裹,不得使硬金属直接与设备表面相接触,以免损伤设备表面。During equipment lifting and transportation, steel wires and slings shall not directly conta

44、ct with machinery surfaces. The colligation position shall be properly padded or the slings shall be properly packed. Hard metal shall not directly contact with equipment surfaces so as to avoid damage to surfaces. 机械设备的吊装和运输,应根据包装标记或设备重心确定受力点,作业过程中,应使机器及主要部件保持水平状态。To lift and transport machi

45、nery and equipment, the lifting points shall be ascertained according to the mark on packages or the center of gravity of equipment. During work, machinery, equipment and their components shall be held horizontal. 吊装转子时,应使用制造商提供的专用工具。对自制的吊装工具及索具,应进行200%的工作负荷试验,时间不得少于1小时。While to lift rotor,

46、special lifting tools provided by manufacturers shall be applied. Self-made lifting tools and slings shall be subject to 200% of working load testing and it shall last at least one hour. 5.1.3 文明施工及产品保护Civilized construction and products protection 现场施工时应实行科学管理,做到文明施工,遵守施工工艺纪律,杜绝野蛮作业,必须做到“三条

47、线(设备工机具、零配件、材料摆放一条线)”、“三不见天(润滑油、清洗过的零件、打开的封头管线管口不见天)”、“三不落地(使用的工量具、拆下来的零件、污油脏物不落地”、“五不准(没有火票不准动火;不戴安全帽不准进入现场;不系安全带不准高空作业;没有检查过的起重设备不准起吊;危险区没有安全栏或无人监护不准作业”“五不乱用(不乱用大锤、管钳、扁铲;不乱拆、乱卸、乱拉、乱顶;不乱动其它设备;不乱打保温层不乱用其它设备的零件、附件”。做到当班施工当班清,工完料尽场地清;Construction shall be managed in a scientific way. Constructors shal

48、l obey construction process disciplines and avoid violations. They shall meet the following regulations, such as: “Three - put-in-line regulation” (equipment and tools, parts and components, materials shall all be put in lines), “Three- no -opining -to -air” (Lube oil, washed parts, opened sealing p

49、ipe opening shall not be opened to air.), “Three no- falling- to -ground” (measuring instruments, removed parts, oil and dirt sundries shall not fall to ground,” “ Five- no -permission” (No fire use without permission; no entry in site without safety helmet, no height working without harness, no lif

50、ting without lifting crane inspected, no working in risky area without supervision and protection); “Five- no misbehavior” ( no misuse of heavy hammer, wrench, shovel; no disassembly, remove, draw, prop up, move equipment, strike insulation layer, use components, parts and accessories of other equip

51、ment without instruction. When daily work is finished, the materials shall be used up and construction site shall be cleaned.Site construction shall be 机器就位的条件和时间:机器周围地下工程已结束,设备基础强度已达到70%以上,基础验收合格,周围环境适合解体作业。Condition and time to locate units in position: Underground work around units have b

52、een completed, and the equipment foundation hardness has reached to 70% above. Foundation has been accepted and the ambience is suitable for disassembly work. 对现场安装就位的机器搭设专门的防护棚,同时能保证正常施工。对机器拆卸下来的精密件要收入工具棚,并用软材料下铺上盖。Special shelf shall be built for field located and installed equipment, meanw

53、hile it shall not disturb the normal construction work. The minute parts removed from equipment shall be kept in tool boxes and they shall be padded and covered by soft materials.5.2 设备开箱检查:Visual inspection of equipment 施工前须对设备进行开箱检查并填写开箱检验交接记录,开箱检查内容如下:Before construction, visual inspection shall

54、be carried out and the inspections shall include the following items:5.2.1 核对设备的规格、型号与设计选型是否一致,根据装箱清单清点零配件的数量等Check equipment specifications, models with design requirements, check quantity of parts according to packing list;5.2.2 检查到货设备、配件的外观质量情况,核实底座外型尺寸及螺栓孔尺寸。Check the appearance of the delivered

55、 equipment and accessories, check the external dimensions of base and the dimensions of bolts 5.2.3 随机技术资料、专用工具及计量器具,应清点造册,妥善保管,保证使用。对精密零配件、计量器具应存放在适宜库房内的货架上。The technical documents, special tools and measuring instruments shall be checked and put in records and filed. They shall be properly kept. T

56、he minute parts and components, measuring instruments shall be stacked on corresponding shelves in warehouses.5.2.4 设备开箱检查后,对有缺陷、疑问的设备、部件或缺件情况清楚地描述记录,并形成各方签字确认的开箱检查记录。After visual inspection, the inspection records shall be made concerning the equipment and components that are found be to defected o

57、r doubted to have defects and concerning the missed accessories. All relevant parties for inspection confirmation shall sign the records.5.3 基础验收及处理:Foundation treatment and acceptance5.3.1 基础使用前必须办理中间交接证书。基础移交时必须同时提供下列资料:施工质量合格证书及中心、标高、外形尺寸实测记录、 基础的沉降观测点位置及沉降观测记录Foundation taking over certificate s

58、hall be transacted before it is used and the following documents are required for foundation handing over: Construction Qualification Certificate and Field measured center, elevation, external dimensions, position of settlement plugs and settlement records. 5.3.2 对基础进行外观检查,应满足下列要求:Foundations shall meet the following requirement


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