unit 19 The_Canadian_Mosaic unit 20 economy_第1页
unit 19 The_Canadian_Mosaic unit 20 economy_第2页
unit 19 The_Canadian_Mosaic unit 20 economy_第3页
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unit 19 The_Canadian_Mosaic unit 20 economy_第5页
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1、ChinatownDifferent kinds of building The First Nations: first: Indians /tribes of aboriginal people nations: tribes have different languages, customs and beliefs (location) Two other special groupsthe Inuit (Eskimo)the Mtis Origin : when Columbus discovered America, he thought he had arrived in Indi

2、a and thus accidentally misidentified the native population as being “Indian”.LocationLife styleCanadas coastfishing & huntingprairies (ran by nomads)hunting herds of buffalo central & eastern Canada growing crops & hunting Where: in the far north How:hunt seals, wheals, caribou and pola

3、r bears ( to adapt to the harsh climate) sell their carvings and handcrafts How: merged when the French married Indian women Appearance: the Mtis inherited characteristics from both Life style: fur tradeIn the past were vital to the fur trade played a huge role in Canadas economy treated badly by wh

4、ite Europeans At present more politically active still poor gradually given more rightsBackground : 1 German in every 20 Canadians 1 Italian in every 30 Canadians 1 Ukrainian in every 40 Canadians 1 Dutchman in every 50 Canadians Canadian ancestors also came from Austria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Ru

5、ssia, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Yugoslavia and China. Besides, some came from South Africa, Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, India and Southeast Asia. Based on practical economic needs (the labor) eg. 1890s to 1920s, the Great Depression Directly by provincial and federal government caused partic

6、ular tension eg. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor Has encouraged Asian immigration in recent years eg. in the late 1980s, Vancouver The immigration policies brought inevitable friction.The country still encourage immigrants to ensure a strong work force and tax base. Hardheaded rather than humanitarian

7、Refused to assist refugees in World War two (solution: apologize to loyal Japanese Canadians) Assisted the Vietnamese “boat people” Be less racist and accepted Asian and the blackStill a explosive political issue Increasing fear1.French-speaking province of Quebec is threatened by remaining in a mai

8、nly English speaking country2.Quebec is economically dominated by English CanadaThe result: Quebec wants to separate from Canada, while most French Canadians dont agree.CountryCanadaInuit(Eskimo) Indian MtisZealandMaoriAmericaInuit IndianAustraliaKoorisUKIberian Roman Anglo-SaxonsViking Danish Norma

9、nIrelandCeltic EnglishIndustry in Canada68%26%6%10%47%43%1.The difficulties :88% unsuitable landmassshort growing seasonharsh climate location of farming-expensive transportation costs2.The conditions:remaining importantprairie provinces-grians ,dairy,hog& poultry sectorthe past1.an exporter of

10、raw resources an importer of manufactured goods2.the highest degree of foreign ownership of its industry3.Canadian manufacturing products-paper,technological equipment,automobiles,foods, clothing,etc.4.Advanced technology(notable success):the CANDU heavy water nuclear reactorhydroelectricity,mastery

11、 of tele-communication robotic arm-Cblem-criticism about the governmentService sectorbanking ,health care, construction, education, tourism,communications and government 70% working Canadians-hospitals&education liberation of services dominated by US firmsadditional remarks: 2010 201

12、0年,加拿大有四个省的服务业增加值占加服务业增加值的比重年,加拿大有四个省的服务业增加值占加服务业增加值的比重超过超过10%10%,依次是安大略(,依次是安大略(36723672亿加元,占全加拿大服务业增加值的亿加元,占全加拿大服务业增加值的41.5%41.5%)、魁北克()、魁北克(17911791亿,亿,20.2%20.2%)、不列颠哥伦比亚()、不列颠哥伦比亚(11841184亿,亿,13.4%13.4%)和阿尔伯塔()和阿尔伯塔(11121112亿,亿,12.6%12.6%)。上述四个省的服务业增加值)。上述四个省的服务业增加值合计占全加的合计占全加的87.7%87.7%。 20102

13、010年,前五大服务领域依次是金融保险、房地产和相关租赁、年,前五大服务领域依次是金融保险、房地产和相关租赁、企业管理企业管理 (25752575亿加元,占服务业增加值亿加元,占服务业增加值28.9%28.9%,下同),医疗保健,下同),医疗保健及社会救助(及社会救助(829829亿,亿,9.3%9.3%),零售(),零售(762762亿,亿,8.6%8.6%),公共管理(),公共管理(749749亿,亿,8.4%8.4%),批发(),批发(694694亿,亿,7.8%7.8%)。)。 the intervention of federal governments phycial geogra

14、phy the US1. Vast amounts of fuel higher energy consumption 2. The difficulties of energydevelopment: location of energy resources-sparsely populated,harsh terrain location of energy consumers major problem-politcal 1.Canadian worry-US will swallow their economy 2.The 1984 federal election-negociati

15、on with the US(FTA)-good economic sense in general3.FTA(1989-1998)-imperfect agreement for Canada:the competition of agricultural productsreduced role of government 1.a producer of staple commoditiesoriginal source of wealththe backbone of the Canadian economy2.changes of economyJohn A Macdonald-first Prime Minister the end of WWthe late 1950in 1965-Auto PactAfter 1966-recession of American economy&oil crisis-th


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