选修六unit4 Global warming 词汇讲解_第1页
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1、Unit 4 Vocabulary1.consume vt.She consumed most of her time in reading. She consumed the big cake.消费,消耗消费,消耗 吃完吃完=use up; waste; spendconsumer n消费者消费者 consumption n消费消费(量量),消耗,消耗(量量)timeconsuming adj.耗费时间的耗费时间的consumer goods(家用家用)消费品消费品 come across 偶遇;穿越 come back 回来;重新流行 come in 进来;到达 come out 出来;开

2、花;出版;结果是 come up 上来;(问题等)被提出;发芽(无被动式) come up with 追上,赶上,不落后;提出,提供 come along 进展,进行e about发生;造成 I _ _ the children sleeping under the bridge. 我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。 The daffodils are just beginning to _ _. 那些水仙花刚开始破土发芽。came acrosscome upBecause he was not listening, he made a random answer to the teachers qu

3、estion.He took a flower at random, put down 5 dollarsand walked out of the shop straight away. at random 随意地,任意地随意地,任意地=randomly3.Random adj. 随意的,胡乱的随意的,胡乱的 4.subscribe vt./vi. =contribute;agree; write ones name He subscribed a large sum of money to charities.He subscribed his name to the contract.I

4、 subscribe to your opinion completely.I subscribed to a monthly magazine.捐助捐助签署签署同意同意订阅订阅subscribern. 订阅者 ,捐赠者 subscribe to 订阅订阅(报纸或杂志报纸或杂志);同意,赞同;同意,赞同;向向捐款捐款 subscribe for 认购认购(股票股票) subscription n. 订阅费订阅费 Chris subscribes to an environmental action group. 克里斯定期克里斯定期捐款捐款给一个环保行动组织。给一个环保行动组织。 We don

5、t subscribe to the view that we have failed. 我们不我们不同意同意我们已经失败了的观点。我们已经失败了的观点。5.quantity n量,数量,数额,数目Quantities of water _wasted in our daily life.大量的水在我们的日常生活中被浪费。A large quantity of water_ needed urgently here.这儿急需大量的水。were is in quantity -in large quantities 大量大量Police found a large quantity of ill

6、egal drugs.Its cheaper to buy goods in quantity . 完成句子 房间里有许多老鼠。 There are _ rats in the room. 那家印刷公司成批买纸。 The printing office buys paper _. quantities ofin quantityJane tends to become angry if you disagree with her.It tends to rain here a lot in summer.The nurse tended to the wounded solider caref

7、ully.vi.趋于,易于Vt. 照顾,照料tendencyn. 倾向倾向=take care of; look after=have a tendency to do sth6.tend v.=look after; have a tendency to do sth.7.go up vi升起升起The prices of cigarettes are going up. 上升上升Unemployment has gone up again. 增长增长The curtain has gone up before the stage play.The careless speech _much

8、 argument.The terrible accident_his carelessness.Tom broke his legs._,he was taken to hospital.He was injured_a traffic accident.resulted inresulted fromAs a resultas a result of导致,造成由于所以,因此由于,因为8. result in result from as a result as a result of 9.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量oppose sth./doing sth./sb.do

9、ing sth.反对某事反对某事/做某事做某事/某人做某事某人做某事oppose sth.to/against sth.使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗opposed adj.相反的;对立的相反的;对立的be opposed to.反对反对;与;与对立对立 大多数市民反对这项新法律。 _ 那位母亲反对她女儿一个人去那儿。 _ 我坚决反对你的计划。 _Most citizens opposed the new law.The mother opposed her daughters going there alone.I am strongly opposed to yo

10、ur plan. 10.consequence n. 结果结果; 后果后果; 影响影响【填一填【填一填激活思维激活思维】The rise in lung cancers was _ _ _ cigarette smoking. 肺癌肺癌(患者患者)的增多是吸烟导致的结果。的增多是吸烟导致的结果。The city was in ruins a severe earthquake.由于严重的地震,这座城市变成了废墟。由于严重的地震,这座城市变成了废墟。_ _ _ _ _ _a consequence ofinconsequence ofasaconsequenceof【记一记【记一记构建知识构建知

11、识】in consequence ofas a consequence of 作为作为的结果的结果as a result ofin consequenceas a consequence 结果是;因而结果是;因而as a resulttake/face/suffer the consequences为结果负责为结果负责(be) of little/no consequence 不重要的,无足轻重的不重要的,无足轻重的consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的随之发生的;作为结果的consequently adv.所以;因此所以;因此*He broke the law, and now

12、 he must face/take/suffer the consequences of his action. _*Your opinion is of little consequence to me. _你的观点对我来说不重要你的观点对我来说不重要。他违犯了法律他违犯了法律, 现在他必须为他的行为承担后果。现在他必须为他的行为承担后果。11. range n. 种类种类; 范围范围; 幅度幅度; 界限界限 v. (在一定范围内在一定范围内)变动变动, 变化变化; 排列排列【填一填【填一填激活思维激活思维】There is _ _ _ _ activities for children.

13、 这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。The child is now _ _ _ _ _ vision. 这个孩子现在走出了她的视线。这个孩子现在走出了她的视线。Their ages _ _ 25 _ 50. 他们的年龄从他们的年龄从25到到50不等。不等。a wide range ofout of her range ofrangefromto【记一记【记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)a wide range of. . . 范围广泛的范围广泛的, 各种各样的各种各样的in/within range 在射程内在射程内; 在范围内在范围内beyond/out of ra

14、nge 在射程外在射程外; 在范围外在范围外out of ones range 某人能力达不到的某人能力达不到的; 某人知识以外的某人知识以外的(2)range from. . . to. . . 在在范围内变动范围内变动; 包括由包括由 到到之间的各类事物之间的各类事物range between. . . and. . . 在在和和范围内变动范围内变动12.keep on 继续The climbers kept on in the hope of reaching the top.They kept on working although they were tired.Dont _aski

15、ng such questions.He _ standing in the rain for 3 hours.keep on doing强调强调反复性反复性,强调动作的强调动作的连续不断连续不断keep doingkeep onkept13. on the whole_,Im in favor of the plan.We must consider these matters_._,people in the south like rice.as a wholegenerally speakingOn the wholeas a wholeGenerally speaking大体上,总的来

16、说作为整体,就整体来看一般来说14. average adj. 平均的平均的; 普通的普通的 n. 平均平均; 平均数平均数【填一填【填一填激活思维激活思维】_ _, men smoke more cigarettes than women. 一般来说一般来说, 男子比女子吸烟多。男子比女子吸烟多。These marks are well _ _. 这些分数远在一般水平以上。这些分数远在一般水平以上。Onaverageaboveaverage*(2013湖南高考湖南高考)The library now gets an average of five visits a day. _*Class

17、sizes in the school are below the national average. _图书馆现在一天可以平均去五次。图书馆现在一天可以平均去五次。这个学校的班级规模低于全国平均水平。这个学校的班级规模低于全国平均水平。【记一记【记一记构建知识构建知识】the/an average of. . . 的平均数的平均数on average 平均地平均地; 通常通常above/below average 高于高于/低于平均水平低于平均水平up to average 达到平均数达到平均数/水平水平15.on behalf ofOn behalf of the department I

18、 would like to thank you all.The manager cant be here today, so Im going to speak on his behalf.代表代表一方,作为一方,作为的代表人的代表人16.put up with 容忍,忍受=_I dont know how his parents put up with his bad behavior.I wont _any longer. (忍受他的粗鲁)I cant stand_ in public.(被嘲笑)stand / bear / tolerate(doing)put up with his rudenessbeing laughed atput up with忍受忍受; 容忍容忍【填一填【填一填激活思维激活思维】Im not going to _ _ _ their smoking any longer. 我再也不能容忍他们抽烟了。我再也不能容忍他们抽烟了。I can not _ _ _ my noisy roommates. 我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。我受不了我那些吵


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