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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上个性化教学辅导讲义 学科: 英 语 任课教师: 程正清 授课时间: 2011年 9月 3日 (星期六) 姓名冯俊仪年级小六性别男教学课题 Module1 what are we going on holiday?教学目标知识点:本课的生词短语,语音学习,一般将来时复习,课文理解与重点句翻译考 点: 课本惯用短语及词汇,一般将来时等能 力:渗透学校任务型教学,能正确地理解课文并结合语境使用恰当的时态重点难点本课的生词短语,一般将来时复习,课文理解与重点句翻译课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议:课文读熟,按照语音熟记本课生词 课堂教学过程教学内容单词,课文及语法课

2、外课外补充讲练基本句型背诵及默写 一、完成句子1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I_ _ _ have a picnic with my friends. =I _ have a picnic with my friends. 2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。 What _ _ _ _ _ next Monday? I _ _ _ play basketball.=What _ you do next Monday? I _ play basketball. 3. 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 _ your mother _ _ go shopping this

3、_? Yes, she _. She _ _ _buy some fruit. 4. 你们打算什么时候见面。 What time _ you _ _ meet? 5.我哥哥准备明年学英语。My brother_ next year. 6今天下午我打算去看足球赛。 I_the football match this afternoon. 7.天要快要下雨啦。 It_ rain soon. 8.我6点钟要到火车站接汤姆I_Tom at the station at six. 句型过关根据中文提示把句子补充完整,一线不止一词。1. What _ _ _ to do this Sunday?(打算)2

4、. They _ _ _ at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant.(可以吃)3. There are _ _ beautiful clothes there.(许多)4. We _ _ _ the zoos many _.(到过,次数)5. Im going to _ _ at the park.(照相)6. All of _ are going to _ _.(学生们,玩得开心)7. We can see _ _ at the zoo than on the Baiyun Hill.(更多的鸟)8. _ _ _ to the Xiangjiang Zoo to

5、see the white tigers.(.我们去.好吗)9. Lets go to the Six Banyan Temple _.(不如,代替)Unit1 知识点讲析 【知识点一】课文句子:Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise? Shall 既是助动词也是情态动词 分析:具体用法如下:助动词shall和will的用法一样,作为助动词可以与动词原形一起构成一般将来时,例如: I shall study harder at English. 我将更加努力地学习英语。 He will go to Shanghai. 他要去上海。注意:现在,尤其是在口语中,

6、will常用于第一人称,但shall只用于第一人称,如用于第二、第三人称,就失去助动词的意义,已变为情态动词,试比较:在这里我们不需要更深一步理解什么时候是作为助动词,什么时候作为情态动词,我们只需要记住 shall + 动词原形 He shall come. 他必须来。(shall有命令的意味。)一句话:【知识点二】instead是一个副词,常放在句子末尾。表示的意思有两个课文句子:Lets go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead.1. 表示代替的意思e.g. He is too busy, let me go instead.他太忙了,让我去吧。2. 表示“反而,却” H

7、e didnt give John the money, but he gave it to me instead.他没把钱给约翰,却给了我。 I didnt go to play basketball, I went to play football, instead.【知识点三】课文句子:All of us are going to have fun there.分析:all of us 表示“我们所有人” ,同样的表达方法有: some of. (.当中的某个) ; many of .(.当中许多) ;one of .(.中的一个)e.g. All of them are from Br

8、itain.Some of you like pizza.Many of us get up early.One of them likes turtle.Of 后面用代词的( ) 试着归纳 【知识点四】课文句子:We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times.分析:have been to 表示 “到过”的意思e.g. I have been to Xiangjiang Zoo many times. He has been to Beijing three times.举一反三:他们到过白云山许多次了。 翻译_【知识点五】 We have

9、been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times.分析: many times “许多次” _ 一次 _ 两次 _ 三次例句:Take the medicine three times a day. I go swimming twice a week.举一反三:我妈妈每周去两次购物。 翻译_【知识点六】dimsum 点心; 英语的一些外来词由中文全化而成,如:toufu(豆腐),kong fu (功夫、武术)【知识点七】boring 令人厌倦的;使人烦闷的;例句:The play is boring. bored 厌倦的;烦闷的; 例句:The boy is

10、bored. (可与interested , interesting对比)【知识点八】 yummy 好吃的(口语)【知识点九】“Work With Language”Write down three things you plan to do today.Ben is going to do some reading at the library this afternoon.1. _2. _3. _巩固练习根据Mark 的周末计划和所给的例子完成句子。Time ActivitiesSaturday morning go fishing with daySaturday afternoon p

11、lay computer games at homeSaturday evening take the piano lesson at Mrs YuansSunday morning borrow some books in the librarySunday afternoonskate in the park with PeterSunday eveningread at home1. Mike is going to _ on Saturday morning.2. On Saturday evening, Mike is going to _.3. You can find Mike

12、in the _ on Sunday morning.4. On Sunday afternoon,Mike is going to the park to _. 一选出不同类的一项,把字母编号写在括号里。( ) 1.A.planB.pearlC.clothes D.plant( ) 2.A.templeB.loveC.dimsumD.river( ) 3.A.soonB.skipC.surfD.write( ) 4.A.whyB.where C.whenD.write( ) 5.A.wantB.then C.playD.plan二选择填空1. ( )What are you going to

13、 do _ holiday?A. onB. forC. at2. ( )We shall go _ the Pearl River Cruise tomorrow.A. onB. for C. at3. ( )I have _ to the Baiyun Hill many times.A. goB. beenC. am4. ( )All _ them are going to stay at home.A. forB. withC. of5. ( )Let _ see.A. meB.I C. my6. ( )We can see more birds _ the zoo than _ the

14、 mountain.A. on ; at B. at; on C. in; at7. ( )My brother _ basketball with his classmates after school this Friday.A. is going to playB. going to play C. plays8. ( )They can _ the Night Zoo by car next week.A. visitingB. visitsC. visit三、 按实际情况回答问题。1. What are you going to do this Sunday afternoon? _

15、2.What does your father often do at the weekend? _3.Have you been to Xiangjiang Zoo before? _4.What time are you going to get up tomorrow? _5.Are you going to play badminton this afternoon? _课后作业词汇拼读与识记plan_; pearl_; the Pearl River_; cruise_; instead_; have been to_; temple_; dimsum_; lot_; a lot o

16、f_; clothes_; yummy_; the Six Banyan Temple_;单词:汉译英计划_ 珠江_ 代替_ 庙_ 点心_ 许多_ 味道好的_ 珍珠_ 漫游;游弋_ 到过_ 许多_ 衣服_ 六榕寺_注音拼读 pln kru:z lt p:l insted dilis templ su:n pi aidi, aidi hpi s:f rait听音选词1.( )/ti:/ ( )/bi:/ ( )/pi:/ 2.( )/di:p/ ( )/pi:p/ ( )/ti:p/3.( )/pa:t/ ( )/ba:t/ ( )/ta:t/ 4.( )/pa:s/ ( )/sa:s/ ( )

17、/ba:z/5.( )/bi:bi:si:/ ( )/si:bi:si/ 6.( )/mt/ ( )/bt/ ( )/pt/( )/si:pi:si/7.( )/zi:/ ( )/vi:/ ( )/si:/ 8.( )/bi:m/ ( )/si:m/ ( )/mi:n/9.( )/nd/ ( )/snd/ ( )/bnd/ 10.( )/put/ ( )/fut/ ( )/kud/11.( )/fu:d/ ( )/du:m/ ( )/bu/ 12.( )/luk/ ( )/buk/ ( )/tuk/13.( )/get/ ( )/let/ ( )/keit/ 14.( )/weik/ ( )/wi:k/ ( )/ve


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