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1、Let's talkFurther L and SCourse resourcesCheck & checkUnit 6 The truth can be stranger than fiction.Done with this task.Your curre nt score: 93%Unit 6 testNextplayiDirections:Click on the speaker to the left to start playi ng the audio recordi ngsarts I, II and III. They will be played conti

2、nuously.Once the recording startsease do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu babove. Otherwise, you may lose the cha nee of heari ng the complete record ing.Part IScriptDirections:Liste n to the short dialogs, and the n choose the correct an swersto the q

3、uestions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your an swers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woma n does n't believe in any superstiti ons.B. The man does n

4、't believe in any superstiti ons.C. The two speakers will probably go out for an outi ng.* D. The two speakers will probably stay at home.2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)* A. To keep evil away.B. To wish for more mon ey.C. To show frie ndli ness.D. To treat a wound.3. (Listen

5、 to the audio recording for the question.)A. Teachers.B. Lawyers.* C. Sailors.D. Doctors.4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man lear nt the n ews of UFO from the n ewspaper.B. The woma n lear nt the n ews of UFO from the n ewspaper today. C. The woma n probably mistook an air

6、pla ne for a UFO.D. The man does n't believe in UFO at all.5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. It causes a car accide nt.B. It causes an injury. C. It preve nts bad luck.D. It makes ple nty of mon ey.Part IIScriptDirect ions:Liste n to the passage three times. Whe n the passag

7、e is read forthe first time, listen for the general idea. Whenthe passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numberedfrom (1) to (7) with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from (8) to (10), write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. Whe n th

8、e passage is read the third time, check your an swers.Easter Isla nd in the souther n Pacific Ocea n remai ns a mystery. When the isla nd was (1) , it was almost unin habited, but there were many statues on it. People are (2) to know who lived there before its discovery, how they lived, and why they

9、 (3) out. Different theories give different explanations, but none is completely(4).The Easter Islanders had their own system of (5) , differentfrom any otherin the world. No other Pacific Islanders knew how to write. The American(6) did not know how to write either. Who(7) the Easter Islanders howt

10、o write, or did they develop their own system? Remembeithat writing was first inven ted in Asia only a few thousa nd years BC.(8). How did the Easter Isla nders get them? Is it possiblethat a few Easter Isla nders traveled 2,300 miles to Chile, got sweet potatoes, and brought them back? But this is

11、un likely.(9)which was only colonized in 1492. Could Easter Island have been colonized by people from Chile? Yet, DNA take n from graves dug up on Easter Isla ndhas shown that these people were Polynesians, not American Indians. The Polyn esia ns lived on the sea and knew how to travel thousa nds of

12、 miles in their small cano es. They knew where they were going. The America nIndians did not know howto do that.Yet, (10)Also, the seedscould have bee n brought in the stomachs of birds.Your an swerCorrect an swer*(1)discovereddiscoveredeagereagerS3)dieddied冀convicingconvincing上writi ngwriti ng上In d

13、ia nsIn dia ns(8)(9)(10)taughttaughtThe Easter Islanders lived on sweet potatoes they farmed. These sweet potatoes came from the Americas Remember that the dista nces invo Ived were great, further tha n the dista nee from Europe to the closest place in the Americas a few America n In dia ns could ha

14、ve reached Easter Island, because of a storm, and brought the seeds of sweet potatoes with themPart IIIScriptDirections:Liste n to the followi ng recordi ng, and the n choose the correctanswers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you t

15、o choose the correct answers. Use the second play ing to check your an swers.1. When did people beg in to record an imals falli ng from skies?A. Hun dreds of years ago.* B. Thousa nds of years ago.C. In 1877.D. In 1957.2. What did Dr. Smith notice?A. An alligator climbing ashore.B. An alligator fall

16、ing to the ground, seriously wounded.C. An alligator falling to the ground dead.D. An alligator falling to the ground and crawling towards the tent.3. How many alligators did Dr. Smith find within 200 yards? 7 A. Eight.B. Seve n.C. Six.D. Two.4. How did Mr. and Mrs. Tucker conclude that the alligato

17、r dropped from sky?A. They heard the soft sound of a falli ng object.B. They heard a groa n.- C. They heard both a thump and a groa n.D. They saw a dark object dropp ing to the ground.5. How did the airship officer know that the alligator had fallen from the sky?A. He saw it falling with his own eye

18、s.B. One of his crew members saw it falli ng.C. The crew of ano ther airship saw it falli ng.D. The officer did not take an alligator aboard.Part IVDirections:Choose the best an swer to each of the followi ng stateme nts.1. My Uncle gave me this lucky mascot when I was five, and it's been with m

19、eever sin ce. It brought me luck in all my exams. I can'tpartwith it.* A. bring myself toB. get myselfC. take myself toD. help myself2. Con gratulati ons for gett ing the in terview! I'vefor you.A. crossed my legs for youB. crossed my arms for youC. got your fin gers crossedD. got my fin ger

20、s crossed3. David Copperfield is the world's greatest magician. He's certainlyA. worth see nB. worth lookedC. worth look ingD. worth a look4. A magician never tells his secrets. David attempts the impossible and no one has any ideahe does it.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. how5. If you smash your

21、mirror, your soul will be damaged too, dooming you to an early death, and not giving you entry to.A. skyB. the skyC. heavenD. the heave n6. It has even been suggested that space aliens mayhave played a role these gia nt statues.A. regard ingB. regardedC. with regard inD. in regard with7. its peak, t

22、he population of Easter Island is believed to have reached11,000.A. I n7 B. AtC. OnD. For8. There has bee n a sig nifica ntin crease in superstitio nover the last month,as a result of curre nt econo mic and political un certa in ties.A. probableB. mayC. possiblyD. likely9. Lucky people were muchless

23、 superstitious and tended to take constructive acti on to improve their lives., superstitious people ten dedto regard themselves as among the less lucky.A. OppositeB. Con traryC. Conv erselyD. In the con trary10. Peoplelivelihoodsdepend more on luck like professionalathletes,or fisherme n ofte n hav

24、e superstitious routi nes.A. withB. forC. whoseD. which Learning tool kitWord tipsLanguage and culture tipsOverviewLear ning strategiesScriptQuestion 1M:What a fine day! Shall we go for an outing?W:No. It's going to rain. Don't you see the cat brushing its ears with its claws? My gra ndma to

25、ld me that this suggests rain's coming.Q:What can we infer from the dialog?Questi on 2W: What are you throwing over your shoulder?M:Oh, I spilled some salt, so rm throw ing a pinch over my left shoulderinto the devil's eye! It's an old superstitionmy grandmother taught me.Q:Why does the

26、man throw salt over his shoulder?Questi on 3M:Mary, why are Chin ese people relucta nt to tur n fish upside dow n?W:Because they believe it will bring them bad luck. Sailors, in particular, would never do that since they fear that bad luck willmake the boat turnupside dow n.Q:Accord ing to the dialo

27、g, for whom is it particularly bad to tur n fish upside dow n?Questi on 4W: Can you believe it? I saw a UFO last night.M: Don't be silly! It must be an airpla ne. Otherwise, we would have hadbreak ing n ews on n ewspapers all around today.Q: What can we infer from the dialog?Questi on 5W: David

28、crashed his car the other day. Luckily he was n't hurt. Have you ever bee n in a car accide nt?M: No I have n't. I ofte n kn ock on wood. In fact I touch wood each time Ileave home and each time I hear someth ing bad.Q: What function does a "knock on wood" have?ScriptEaster Isla nd

29、 in the souther n Pacific Ocea n remai ns a mystery. When the isla nd was discovered, it was almost unin habited, but there were many statues on it. People are eager to know who lived there before its discovery, how they lived, and why they died out. Different theories give differe nt expla nati ons

30、, but none is completely convincing.The Easter Isla nders had their own system of writi ng, differe nt from any other in the world. No other Pacific Isla nders knew how to write. The America n In dia ns did not know how to write either. Who taught the Easter Islanders how to write, or did they devel

31、op their own system? Rememberthat writi ng was first i nven ted in Asia only a few thousa nd years BC.The Easter Isla nders lived on sweet potatoes they farmed. These sweet potatoes came from the Americas. How did the Easter Isla nders get them?Is it possible thata few Easter Isla nders traveled2,30

32、0 miles to Chile,got sweet potatoes,and brought them back? But this is unlikely. Rememberthat the dista nces in volved were great, further tha n the dista nee fromEurope to the closest place in the Americas, which was only coloni zed in 1492. Could Easter Isla nd have bee n coloni zed by people from

33、 Chile? Yet, DNA take n from graves dug up on Easter Isla nd has show n that these people were Polyn esia ns, n ot America n In dia ns. The Polyn esia ns lived on the sea and knew how to travel thousands of miles in their small canoes. They knew where they were going. The America n In dia ns did not

34、 know how to do that.Yet, a few America n In dia ns could have reached Easter Isla nd, because of a storm, and brought the seeds of sweet potatoes with them. Also, the seeds could have bee n brought in the stomachs of birds.ScriptAcco unts of living things falli ng from clearskies are as old as reco

35、rdedhistory and have never been explained in any satisfactory way. Most reports describe falls of small ani mals frogs, fish,and in sects but sometimeslarger creatures fall out of no where, too. Alligators, for in sta nee.On December 26, 1877, the NewYork Times reported the following:"Dr. JohnSmith of SilvertonTownship, South Carolina, while opening up a new farm,noticed something fall to the ground and commenceto crawl toward the tent where he


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