1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上广播电视编导(数字媒体艺术)专业课程中英文简介CI原理与实务课程中英文简介课程编码: SC课程中文名称:CI原理与实务 课程英文名称: CI Principles & Practice总学时:32学分:2课程简介:CI原理与实务是数字媒体技术、数字媒体艺术专业本科生的一门专业课,主要研究CI战略的基本理论和运作规律。主要内容包括:CI概论,企业形象,CI功能,CI理论,CI设计导向,CI设计核心,CI战略策划,CI市场调查,VI应用设计,VI设计基础等。旨在掌握CI原理与实务课程的基本实验技能,正确使用常规设计工具,学会在理解CI战略的基本理论和运作规律的基础
2、上进行创意与设计。Course Description:CI Principles & Practice is an professional course of undergraduates of digital media technology, digital media art majors , which mainly study on the basic theory , knowledge and skills of CI strategy . Its main content includes the introduction of CI strategy, corpo
3、rate image,function of CI, basic theory of CI, design guide of CI, design core of CI, strategy planning of CI, market survey of CI, application design of VI, design basis of VI, and so on . This course aims at helping students master the basic skills of CI Principles &Practice , use the formal t
4、ools correctly , and learn to understand the basic theory and law of CI strategic so that they can create and design . 撰写人:张一平 审核人:郑春辉Java语言程序设计课程中英文简介课程编码:SD课程中文名称:Java语言程序设计课程英文名称:Java Programming Language总学时:32 学分:2课程简介:Java是当今成熟且流行的编程语言之一。对数字媒体技术专业和数字媒体艺术专业的学生来说,本课程主要讲解Java语言编程的基本语法,Java语言的面向对象编
5、程思想(包括继承、封装和多态)、方法和技巧,以及基于AWT的图形图形编程技术等。通过本课程的学习,可以使学生了解并掌握如何在桌面和网络环境中利用Java技术构建应用程序。Course Description:Java is currently mature and one of the popular programming language. For the students majored in digital media technology and art, this course is to explain the basic syntax of the Java programmi
6、ng language, the Java language's object-oriented programming thinking(including inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism), methods and techniques, and graphics programming techniques based the AWT. Through this course, the students would understand and know how to build applications using Jav
7、a technology in desktop and network environments.撰写人:郭丰 审核人:郑春辉程序设计概论课程中英文简介课程编码:SD课程中文名称:程序设计概论课程英文名称:Introduction to Computer Programming总学时:24 学分:1.5 课程简介:本课程主要讲授现代程序设计的原理和实现方法,这包括程序结构上的一些基本构成要素,例如变量、表达式、语句和函数等。本课程尤其注重于语法语义特性,特别是控制操作符,并将进而研究数据结构和算法的相关内容,例如多态、代码的组织结构等。因此本课程涵盖了从结构化程序设计到面向对象程序设计的一系列
8、知识。Course Description:This course explores the principles of modern programming languages by implementing them. It involves some basic issues of program structure, such as variables, expressions, statements and functions. The linguistic features, especially control operators, are carefully examined.
9、 This leads to a study of data and their types, e.g. polymorphism, as well as algorithms, e.g. organization and structure of codes. Therefore it covers the evolution process from structured programming to object-oriented programming.撰写人:薛永增 审核人:郑春辉传播学课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:传播学课程英文名称:Communications总学时:
10、40学分:2.5课程简介:本课程旨在使学生从辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的立场出发,了解和掌握人类传播活动产生和发展的一般规律,了解人类传播活动与传播媒介的演变及其对人类信息生活的影响,了解和学习传播学的基本概念、主要理论、传播模式和研究方法,了解传播学主要学术流派的理论观点;了解和掌握传播过程中传播者、传播内容、传播媒介、受众传播效果等主要理论课题;了解如何批判地吸收西方传播学的科学成分并应用于我国新闻与传播实践;能运用所学知识与理论,理论联系实际地分析传播闻现象。Course Description: This course aims to instruct students from th
11、e standpoint of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, to understand and grasp the general rule of human communication activities and development; to understand human communication activities and the evolution of media and its influence on human information life; and to understand and l
12、earn the basic concepts of communication and the main theory, the propagation mode and research methods, understanding the communication studies major academic genre theory viewpoint; to understand and grasp the main theoretical issues such as communicators of the communication process, communicatio
13、n content, communication media and audience communication effect; to learn how to critically absorb the scientific ingredients of western communication and apply to the practice of journalism and communication in our country. At last, students should be able to use knowledge and theory, combine theo
14、ry with practice to analyze the phenomenon of propagation.撰写人:陈月华 审核人:郑春辉电视概论课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:电视概论课程英文名称:Introduction to Television总学时:32学分:2课程简介:本课程是广播电视编导(数字媒体艺术)专业学生的基础理论课程,旨在使学生对“电视技术、电视节目、电视传播和电视产业”四个方面的相关知识有一个全面、系统地认识,内容包括“认识电视,传统电视技术与数字化变革,新媒体技术与电视媒体新形态,电视节目的构成和编制,电视节目的类型与发展,电视的传播特性和发展趋势,
15、电视的传播要素解析,媒介融合背景下电视媒体的生存空间,电视产业发展概观,电视产业的管理与经营”十个章节,以期培养学生学习其他专业课程和从事媒体产业相关职业的知识基础和理论修养。Course Description: The course is a basic theory course for undergraduates of digital media arts, which is designed to make students have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of TV technology, TV program,
16、 TV communication and TV industry. The course is consisted of ten parts in total: Part1.Understanding TV. Part2.The Development and Digital Revolution of TV Technology.Part3.New Media Technology and New TV Media Forms.Part4.The Elements, Layout and Production of TV program.Part5.The Classification a
17、nd Development Trend of TV Programs.Part6.The Characteristics and Development Trend of TV Communication.Part7.The Factors Analysis of Television Communication. Part8.The Living Space of TV Media In The Context of Media Convergence. Part9.The Overview of TV Industry Development. Part10.The management
18、 and Operation In TV Industry. It will construct the basic knowledge foundation and theory ability for their studying of other courses and engaging in media industry.撰写人:盖龙涛 审核人:郑春辉电影艺术概论课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:电影艺术概论课程英文名称:Theory of Film Art总学时:32 学分:2课程简介: 本课程的目的在于让学生对电影艺术有一个基本的了解,掌握电影的艺术特性,主要理论概念,媒介
19、形态构成元素,历史上的重要理论体系,同时,介绍纪录片的发展历史、构成形态和创作方法,为进一步学习影视制作技艺的课程奠定基础。Course Description: This Course requires students have a basic understanding about film, mastering the artistic features of film, its theoretical concept, media morphemes and historical theory system, and history about documentary product
20、ion finally found a foundation for film production. 撰写人:欧剑 审核人:郑春辉二维动画软件课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:二维动画软件课程英文名称:2D Animation Software总学时:32 学分:2 课程简介:本课程主要讲授二维矢量动画软件FLASH CS4版本的基本使用方法,通过对FLASH软件的掌握和应用,从而使学生基本了解动画运动基本原理和掌握动画制作基本流程;并要求学生能够综合运用逐帧动画、形状补间动画、引导层动画、遮罩层动画、按钮效果动画和骨骼动画等六种基本动画制作原理进行简单的二维动画制作;并且使用简单A
21、ction Script语言对动画进行交互控制形成交互小游戏的制作;并使学生掌握用Photoshop软件制作简单二维像素动画的方法。Course Description:This course is mainly about the basis using methods of a 2D vector quantity animation software FLASH CS4 version, and is based on the mastery and application to provide students with a basic understanding of animati
22、on motion principle and grasps the animation production process; and requires students to use six kinds of basic animation making principle of frame animation, shape in-between animation, guide layer animation, layer mask animation, button effect animation and bones animation to make simple two-dime
23、nsional animation; and uses simple Action Script language to control animation and to product a little interactive game; and make students master the use of Photoshop software to make a simple two- dimensional pixel animation.撰写人:胡郁 审核人:郑春辉广告平面设计课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:广告平面设计课程英文名称:Graphic Designing总学时
24、:32 学分: 2 课程简介:广告平面设计是数字媒体技术、数字媒体艺术专业本科生的一门专业课,主要研究广告设计基本理论、基础知识和基本技能。主要内容包括:平面广告设计的发展沿革和流派,包豪斯与新平面设计,平面广告构图原理,色彩设计基础,文字与版式设计基础,平面广告设计形式等。旨在提升学生的审美素质,掌握设计的基本理论与技法,提高学生对美的鉴赏能力、对广告作品的鉴赏能力以及创造能力。Course Description:Graphic Designing is anprofessional course of undergraduates of digital media technology,
25、 digital media art majors, which mainly study on the basic theory, knowledge and skills of graphic designing. Its main content includes the development and genre of graphic designing,bauhaus and new graphic, composition principle of print ads, the basics of color design, words and format design basi
26、s, design forms of print ads, and so on. This course aims at helping students improve their aesthetic ability, master the basic theory ,basic knowledge, basic skills of design so that they can improve connoisseurship of beauty and advertising works, and creativity. 撰写人:张一平 审核人:郑春辉剪辑艺术课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课
27、程中文名称:剪辑艺术课程英文名称:Film and TV Editing Art总学时:32学分:2 课程简介: 剪辑艺术是数字媒体技术、数字媒体艺术专业本科生的一门专业课,主要研究影视剪辑基本理论、基础知识和基本技能。主要内容包括:影视剪辑概述,剪辑的生理和心理学基础,镜头的组接技巧,剪辑节奏,电影蒙太奇及其类型,剪辑对时空的结构,现代影视剪辑观念,数字化剪辑技术等。旨在树立学生正确的影视剪辑思想和影视时空观念,掌握影视剪辑的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,并能运用这种观念及所学知识和技能进行艺术创作。Course Description:Film and TV editing is an c
28、ourse of undergraduates of digital media technology, digital media art majors , which mainly study on the basic theory , knowledge and skills of film editing . Its includes film editing overview, physiological and psychological foundation of editing , Movements skills of lens, film editing rhythm, m
29、ontage and its types, editing on the structure of spacetime , modern film editing concept, digital editing techniques ,and so on . This course aims at helping students correct film editing thoughts and film time-space concept, master the basic theory ,basic knowledge, basic skills of film edting so
30、that they can make artistic creation by using this concept , knowledge and skills.撰写人:巩新龙 审核人:郑春辉交互广告设计课程中英文简介课程编码: SC课程中文名称:交互广告设计课程英文名称:Interactive Advertisement Design总学时:32 学分:2课程简介:随着互联网的发展,广告的交互性成为广告设计过程中的重要考虑因素。信息技术革命改变了广告的信息结构,改变了广告产业链,改变了传统营销者和消费者的关系,使传统广告以前所未有的速度向交互广告转型,由此引出了交互广告设计这一新教学领域。
31、该课程主要知识结构包括交互广告产生发展的背景、交互广告交互性的界定和分析、交互广告的特性和形式、交互广告系统、计算广告相关概念、合约广告系统、受众定向、竞价广告系统等。通过学习,学生对广告前沿领域有个初步的了解,掌握新媒体广告市场的特征和技术体系,重点掌握受众定向技术、推荐技术、广告定价及效果分析,为日后从事新媒体广告相关工作、研究打下基础。Course Description:With the development of the Internet, interactive advertising become the advertising important considerations
32、 in the design process. The revolution in information technology has changed the advertising information structure, change the advertising industry chain, changed the traditional marketing and consumer relations, traditional advertising with unprecedented speed the transition to the Interactive Adve
33、rtising, which leads to interactive advertising design this new teaching fields. The course structure of knowledge, including the background of the development of the Interactive Advertising, Interactive Advertising interactivity define and analyze the characteristics and form of interactive adverti
34、sing, interactive advertising system, calculate the advertising concept, contract advertising system, audience targeting, bid advertising system. Learning interactive advertising design student advertising frontier have a preliminary understanding, grasp the characteristics of the new media advertis
35、ing market and technology system, focusing on master audience targeting technology, recommended technology, advertising, pricing and effect analysis, for the future in the new media advertising related work, studies lay the foundation.撰写人:景东 审核人:郑春辉交互设计(双语)课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:交互设计(双语)课程英文名称:Interac
36、tion Design(Bilingualism)总学时:32 学分:2课程简介:交互设计是数字媒体技术与数字媒体艺术专业的主干课,该课程以双语形式讲授。通过对本课程的学习,首先能够使学生理解交互设计中的基本概念,包括:什么是交互设计、如何理解和概念化交互设计,以及从认知、情感和社会化交互领域理解数字媒体产品;其次能够使学生系统的理解构建基于虚拟现实等技术的数字媒体技术交互产品的基本流程,包括:如何收集和分析数据、如何建立需求、如何设计产品原型以及如何评价一款交互产品。Course Description:Interaction design is the main course of the
37、 major of digital media technology and digital media arts, which is taught in bilingual form. By this course, the first aim is to make the students understand the basic concepts of the interaction design, including: What is interaction design, how to understand and conceptualize the interactive desi
38、gn, and understanding of digital media products from the field of cognitive, emotional, and social interaction; the second aim is to make student understandbasic processes of that how to build digital media interactive productsbased on the technology of virtual reality, and other technologies, inclu
39、ding: how to collect and analyze data, and how to establish the requirements, how to design the prototype and how to evaluate an interactive products.撰写人:郭丰 审核人:郑春辉录音工程课程中英文简介课程编码:SC 课程中文名称:录音工程课程英文名称:Recording of film &tv总学时:32 学分:2 课程简介: 影视录音课程是一门用于培养广播电视编导专业学生音频制作能力的技术、艺术专业课,本课程主要讲述声音的原理、声音制作
40、的基础知识、特点,各种录音设备的特点与功能及操作技巧,声音的处理以及数字化音频的概念。其主要任务是培养学生:1.理论联系实际,掌握录音制作的基本理论、知识和基本技能;2.了解影视录音的一般方法与规律;3.掌握各种录音设备的操作使用及音频工作站的原理与使用;4.了解电影,电视的录音工艺,掌握电影电视录音的特点与录音机巧;5.掌握数字录音技术原理,了解录音技术今后的发展趋势。Course Description:Film recording course is a door to cultivate broadcasting television playwright-director profe
41、ssional students audio production capacity technology, art professional class, this course introduces the principle of sound, sound production of the basic knowledge, characteristics, all kinds of recording equipment characteristics and function and operation skills, voice processing and the concept
42、 of digital audio. Its main task is to cultivate students to have: 1, theory with practice, master the recording made basic theory, knowledge and basic skills.2.understand the general method of film and TV recording and law.3.master all kinds of recording equipment operate and audio workstation prin
43、ciple and use.4.Understand the film, TV recording process, grasp the characteristics of film and TV recording and recording cleverness.5.grasps the digital recording technology principle, to understand the trend of development of the recording.撰写人:董璐 审核人:郑春辉三维动画软件课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:三维动画软件课程英文名称:Ma
44、ya2009总学时:24学分:1.5课程简介: 影视录音课程是一门用于培养广播电视编导专业学生音频制作能力的技术、艺术专业课,本课程主要讲述声音的原理、声音制作的基础知识、特点,各种录音设备的特点与功能及操作技巧,声音的处理以及数字化音频的概念。其主要任务是培养学生:1.理论联系实际,掌握录音制作的基本理论、知识和基本技能;2.了解影视录音的一般方法与规律;3.掌握各种录音设备的操作使用及音频工作站的原理与使用;4.了解电影,电视的录音工艺,掌握电影电视录音的特点与录音机巧;5.掌握数字录音技术原理,了解录音技术今后的发展趋势。Course Description:3 d animation
45、software is radio and television director basis of professional course, starting from zero based system study Maya, mainly study the basic operation of the Maya, NURBS, Polygons, Subdivision three modeling methods. From solid modeling design of structure is relatively simple to complex modelling des
46、ign, compile, and gradually training students the basic skills of the software and the use of the software for 3 d design ability, skills, master the correct entity modeling design method, and improve the students' creativity, expressive and judgment in the design process. Students can easily un
47、derstand how the three dimensional animation software tools used in the process of practice. 撰写人:李莹 审核人:郑春辉设计基础课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:设计基础课程英文名称:Construction总学时:40学分:2.5 课程简介:本课程研究将造型的诸多要素按照一定的原则,去组织成富有感知的和具有理性思维的型以及对事物进行分解、组合为直线的形态造型全过程。通过本课程的学习,培养学生构成形象的思维能力和造型的感受能力,训练学生设计制作的动手技能,引导学生对各种制作材料、形态、空间造型
48、及美学等方法的探讨。学生通过先修课程中所学到的素描、色彩等基本知识和技能培养,已经在形体、结构、比例、线条和明暗等造型因素层面有了进一步的掌握。Course Description:This course concerns how to organize various kinds of formative factors into the certain format with full of sensibility and rational thinking ability and the whole conformation process of disseminating and co
49、mposing an object according to a certain principles. Through learning this course, students can improve the figurative thinking ability and the formative perception ability; the design and creative skills can also be enhanced. Students will further grasp the formative factors such as structure, prop
50、ortion and outlines.撰写人:王赫晨 审核人:郑春辉设计美学课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:设计美学课程英文名称:Aesthetics of Design总学时:32学分:2课程简介:本课程为数字媒体技术专业和广播电视编导(数字媒体艺术)专业学生的基础理论课程,包括八部分:一、设计美学的范畴和意义;二、设计的审美本质;三、设计美的本质,设计作为有意味的形式,设计的美感;四、设计意志的表达,以用户为中心的设计理念和以体验为中心的设计原则;五、设计艺术的形式美;六、设计艺术的意象意境美;七、设计艺术与审美文化的关系;八、设计艺术案例探索,通过案例探究和理解设计美学的相关
51、理论。Course Description:The course is a basic theory course for undergraduates of digital media arts and digital media technology. The course is consisted of eight parts in total: Part1,The category and significance of design aesthetics. Part2,the aesthetic nature of design.Part3, The essence of the a
52、esthetic perception in design, design as a significant form and the beauty of the design. Part4.The expression of design purpose, user-centered design idea and experience centered design principles. Part5.The formal beauty of design art. Part6.The imagery of design art: artistic conception.Part7.The
53、 relationship between design art and aesthetic culture. Part8.Design art case explore,explore the theory to understand the design aesthetic through case.撰写人:王妍 审核人:郑春辉摄影与照明艺术课程中英文简介课程编码:SC课程中文名称:摄影与照明艺术课程英文名称:Photography and Lighting Art 总学时:32学分:2课程简介:摄影与照明艺术是数字媒体技术、数字媒体艺术专业本科生的一门专业课,主要研究平面和影视摄影、用光的基本理论、基础知识和基本技能。主要内容包括:照相机的原理、组成和使用方法,摄影构图理论及方法,光的基础知识、照明器材,自然光条件下的摄影用光,摄像机的原理、组成、使用及摄影语言。旨在让学生掌握摄影与照明的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,并能运用所学知识和技能进行影像艺术创作。Course Description:Photogra
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