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1、2022届通用版高考英语一轮复习学案:高考应用文写作-建议信写作-建议信 一推荐信构造 第一段:简介自己,说明写作目的,注意语气; 第二段:在肯定对方优点的根底上提出需要改良的地方,或针对详细情况提出详细建议或忠告。切忌别人以为你是在投诉,而不是提建议。总结建议,注意礼貌,易于承受。经典表达方式 很遗憾听说你在适应新学校方面有困难。这样的问题是很正常的。可能下面的建议会有一些帮助。1.Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in your new school.Such problems are quite mon.Perhap

2、s the following suggestions are helpful.无论如何,我希望这些建议对你有所帮助。我会非常快乐看到情况改善。3.Its necessary for you to read some books about these places before you e to see them with your own eyes.With more knowledge about these places, you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.我已经收到了你的来信。信上说

3、你打算下个月来参观中国十天。可能下面的建议对你是有帮助的。4.I have received your letter saying you plan to pay a visit to China for ten days ne_t month.Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful to you.我准备好和你进一步讨论这件事情。5.I would be ready to discuss about this matter with you to further deal.3.建议信构造信件启首 (1)写信的原因 (2)引出作者的建议 (3)

4、表述建议的内容 (4)提出建议的理由一 (5)建议的理由二 (6)详细到某一方面的建议内容 (7)供被建议人选择的条件 (8)建议内容的另一方面 (9)其他的建议 (10)对建议内容的评价 (11)对建议内容所做的承诺 (12)表达本人的愿望信件结尾与签名_Dear, (1)I am delighted to learn that.(2)It.(3)In my opinion.(4)On one hand,.(5)On the other hand,.(6)As to, I suggest.(7)If.(8)It is unnecessary for you to.(9)In addition

5、,.(10)I am sure.(11)Please inform me.(12)I am looking forward to. Sincerely Yours,4.真题例题分析p 你的英国朋友 Jim 所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长江之行”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim 来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:1.你建议的线路;2.你的理由;3.你的祝愿。注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。写作步骤一 对题干进展要点编写:1._2._3._4._写作步骤二 对要点进展转述:1.很快乐收到您来信,信上说你们要来中国旅游。Im more

6、 than delighted to receive your letter saying youre ing to China on a trip._2.长江和泰山这两条线路都很有价值,就我个人而言,我倾向于长江之行。A trip to the Yangtze River or Mount Tai? Both the two trips are valuable/highly remended.Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze._3.长江,世界最长,又是中华文明的母亲河之一,你可以学到许多中国历史知识。It is the long

7、est river in the world.And its one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people._4.长江沿岸风景迷人,有许多著名的名胜古迹,你们可以一饱眼福。Moreover/Whats more/In addition, The scenery along the river is attractive, with many well-known places of interest, which

8、 can feast your eyes.charming/fascinating/attractive, with many well-known places of interest/sightseeing spots.5.故此,我认为长江之行是更好的选择。Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.6.祝愿您中国之行愉快。Wish you a good/pleasant journey to China! 写作步骤三 对转述要点汉译英 经典范文抄写Dear Jim,Im glad/happy t

9、o receive your letter saying youre ing to China on a trip.A trip to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai? Both the trips are valuable/highly remended.Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze.It is the longest river in the world.And its one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people.Moreover, the scenery along the river is attractive, with many well-known sightseeing spots, wh


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