1、Unit 2 Phrases(熟记版) Section ASection A1 .中秋节2 .元宵节3 .端午节4 .泼水节5 .春节6 .体重增加了五磅7 .与.相似8 .互相泼水9 .做某事的时候10 .呈的形状11 .许多传统的民间故事12 .计划做13 .拒绝做某事14 .飞上月亮15 .叫喊,召集16 .摆开;布置17 .与分享18 .结果19 .带某人出去吃饭Section B20 .乔装打扮21 .鬼屋22 .(万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋23 .捉弄某人24 .圣诞精神25 .考虑26 .警告某人做某事27 .结束28 .分发29 .的重要性30 .关心31 .使一回想起32 .
2、承诺做某事33 .用/以对待某人34 .新生命的开始I think that mooncakes are delicious. Phrases(自测版 I)1. Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节2. Lantern Festival 元宵节3. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节4. Water Festival 泼水节5. Chinese Spring Festival 春节6. put on five pounds体重增加了五磅7. be similar to.与相似8. throw water at each other 互相泼水9. a time for doing
3、sth.做某事的时候10. in the shape of.呈的形状11. many traditional folk stories许多传统的民间故事12. plan to do sth.计戈U做13. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事14. fly up to the moon 飞上月亮15. call out叫喊,召集16. lay out摆开;布置17. share sth. with sb.与分享18. as a resu阎果19. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭 Section B20. dress up乔装打扮21. haunted h
4、ouse鬼屋22. trick or treat(万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋23. play a trick on sb捉弄某人24. the spirit of Christmas 圣诞精神25. think about 考虑26. warn sb. to do sth®告某人做某事27. end up 结束28. give out 分发29. the importance of 的重要性30. care about ; 关心31. remind of 使一回想起32. promise to do sth.承诺做某事33. treat sb. with.用/以对待某人34. the
5、 beginning of new life新生命的开始 Sentences 熟记版)1. I think that mooncakes are delicious.我认为月饼很美味。2. What do you like best aboutthe Dragon Boat Festival?关于端午节你最喜欢什么?I love the races.I think that they re fun to watch.我喜欢龙舟比赛,我认为它们看起来很好玩。3. I wonder if it s similar to the Water Festivalof the Dai people in
6、Yunnan Province.我想知道它是否与云南傣族的泼水节相似。4. People go on the streets tohrow water at each other.人们者B走上街头互相泼水。5. Chinese peoplehave been celebratinghe Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.许多世纪以来中国人一直在庆祝中秋节享用月饼。6. What fun the Water Festival is泼水节多么有意思啊!How pretty the dragon boats were
7、174; 舟多么漂亮!7. Hou Yi got magic medicine for shooting down the nine sunsW羿因为射下九个太阳得至U了神药。8. Chang e refused to give it to him and drank it all 嫦娥拒绝给他,自己吞下全部仙药。9. Hou Yi was so sad that hecalled outher name to the moon every night后羿伤心不已,每晚对月呼喊她的名字。10. 一 What do you like most about this festival轨于这个节日,
8、你最喜欢的是什么?I think it's fun to dress up ascartoon character录觉得打扮成卡通人物彳艮有趣!11. But behind all these things liesthe true meaning ofChristmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.但是在这一切背后存在着圣诞节的真谛:分享与给予我们周围的人爱与欢乐的重要性。12. He just cares aboutwhether he can make more mo
9、ney and he hates Christmas.他只关心能否挣到更多的钱,且厌恶圣诞节。13. He is mean and only thinks about himself. He doesn't treat others nicely.他十分吝啬,只想着自己,对待他人也不友善。adj.吝啬的;刻薄的14. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he does nt want to end up like him 他警告斯克鲁齐,如果不想重蹈覆辙,就要改变生活方式。15. First, the Ghost of Christmas Pa
10、st takes him back to his childhood anreminds Scrooge of his happier daysas a child.首先,昔日圣诞幽灵把他带回了他的童年,并使他想起了他儿时的快乐生活。16. Scrooge isso scaredthat he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is already the next morningon Christmas Day!斯克鲁齐是如此的害怕,以至于在床上惊醒,醒了后他只发现已经是第二天早上一圣诞节17. He decides tochange his life
11、 and promises to be a better person.他决定改变他的生活并发誓做个好人.18. Hens lay eggs g iving birth to life. So an egg isa symbol of new life.母鸡下蛋孕育生命,因此鸡蛋是新生命的象征。 Sentences自测版I)(连词成句)1. Are,I ,that, delicious,mooncakes,think.2. Great,What, day,a !3. eating ,liked ,He ,out .4. The, is, delicious, how, in, food, Ho
12、ngkong5. Like , do, festival,you , mostabout,this,What6. Sharing,the, of ,and ,giving,to, importance, love,around, and, joy, people, us Sentences测试版 II)根据汉语提示完成句子:1. I think that are.我认为月饼很美味。2. do you like the Dragon Boat?I love the.I think that they Ye. 关于端午节你最喜欢什么?我喜欢龙舟比赛,我认为它们看起来很好玩。3. I if it s
13、 the Water Festival the Dai people YunnanProvince.我想知道它是否与云南傣族的泼水节相似。4. People the streets to water each other.们者B走上街头互相泼水。5. Chinese people have been the Festival and mooncakes.许多世纪以来中国人一直在庆祝中秋节享用月饼。6. the Water Festival is!t水节多么有意思啊! the dragon boats werefe舟多么漂亮!7. Hou Yi got medicine the nine sun
14、s.后羿因为射下九个太阳得到了神药。8. Chang' e give it to him and it all嫦娥拒绝给他,自己吞下全部仙药。9. Hou Yi was sad he her name the moon every night后羿伤心不已,每晚对月呼喊她的名字。10. 一 do you like this festival?!于这个节日,你最喜欢的是什么?-I think it s fun cartoon character我觉得打扮成卡通人物很有趣!11. But all these things the of Christmas: the ofand love an
15、d joy people us.但是在这一切背后存在着圣诞节的真谛:分享与给予我们周围的人爱与欢乐的重要性。12. He just whether he can more and he hates Christmas.他只关心能否挣到更多的钱,且厌恶圣诞节。13. He is and only himself. He doesrb others nicely.他十分吝啬,只想着自己,对待他人也不友善。adj.吝啬的;刻薄的14. He Scrooge his ways if he does nt want to him他警告斯克鲁齐,如果不想重蹈覆辙,就要改变生活方式。15. First, t
16、he Ghost of Christmas Past him his childhood and Scroogehis happier days a child.首先,昔日圣诞幽灵把他带回了他的童年,并使他想起了他儿时的快乐生活。16. Scrooge is scared he in his bed and it is already the nextmorning! 斯克鲁齐是如此的害怕,以至于在床上惊醒,醒了后他只发现已经是第二天早上一圣诞节。17. He change his life and a better person.他决定改变他的生活并发誓做个好人18. Hens,life.
17、So an egg is new life.母鸡下蛋孕育生命,因此鸡蛋是新生命的象征。 Phrases(测试版 I)Phrases(测试版 II)1.中秋节1.结果2.端午节2.元宵节3.泼水节3.春节4.体重增力.4.与相似5.与相似5.呈的形状6.呈的形状6.中秋节7.许多传统的民间故事7.许多传统的民间故事8.计划做8.拒绝做某事9.拒绝做某事9.体重增加10.飞上月亮10.飞上月亮11.叫喊,召集11.叫喊,召集12.摆开;布置12.圣诞精神13.结果13.与分享14.带某人出去吃饭14.关心15.乔装打扮15.使一回想起16.捉弄某人16.摆开;布置17.圣诞精神17.乔装打扮18.
18、考虑18.(万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋19.警告某人做某事19.捉弄某人20.结束20.考虑21.分发21.警告某人做某事22.的重要性22.结束23.关心23.分发24.使一回想起24.承诺做某事25.新生命的开始25.用/以对待某人 Grammarl宾语从句 语法点拨:宾语从句三件事,时态语序连接词:主从时态要一致、陈述语序才合适;一般问句做从句,连接词if别忘记;特殊问句做宾从,特殊问词莫漏掉(1)时态:主句和从句的时态必须保持一致。即主句为一般现在时,从句可根据需 要选择各种时态;如果主句是一般过去时,从句只能用过去的某种时态。(2)语序:不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述句语序。即:
19、从句的连接词后是 主语、谓语、宾语的语序。(3)连接词:宾语从句是陈述句时,连接词用that;宾语从句是一般疑问句时,连 接词用if或whether ;宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,连接词直接用本 身的特殊疑问词,如 who, what, why, where等,后面变为陈述语序.九年级英语基础知识巩固提高选择这样的"三心二意":信心、恒心、决心、创意、乐意【ExercisesI1.【2014 重庆中考 3】40. Do you know? This afternoon.A. when will the policenman give us a talk B. where wil
20、l the policeman give us a talkC.when the policenman give us a talkD.where the policeman will give us a talk2 .【2014 宁波】32 I' d like to visit Kate tomorrow .Do you know? Sorry , I don ' t know her address, either. A.why she lives there B.who she lives with C.where she lives D.how she lives3 .
21、【2014 黄冈】So, can you tell me here today?Well, I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO landed.A. what did you see B. what you saw C. when did you see it D. when you saw4 .【2014 连云港一Jack, could you tell me for travelling this summer?We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Hainan.A. where your f
22、amily will goB. how will your family goC. how your family will goD. where will your family go5 .【2014 年临沂 Dad, can you tell me to the amusement park?The day after tomorrow.A. when we are going B. when we went C. when are we going D. when did we go6 .【2014 长沙】 一 Excuse me, could you please tell me?-S
23、ure. It' s about ten minutes' walk.A. how long it takes to go to the zoo B. how far it is from here to the zoo C. how far is it from here to the zoo7 .【2014 河北】I have some tickets for the basketball match. I wonder.A. where you buy the ticketsB. why you like to go thereC. if you ' d like
24、 to come alongD. when you watch the match8 .【2014 达州】一We have no idea. It' s heard that he is Mr. Green' s son.A. where he comes from B. if does he live here C. who he is D. who is he9 .【2014 河南】 Excuse me, can you tell me? Sorry, I don ' t know. You can go to the information - desk.A. t
25、hat there is a train B. when the train leaves C. which train can I take D. where does the train go10 .【20 14 陕西】一Mum, summer holiday is coming. I wonder . How about Qinling Wild Zoo ?A. where can we go B. where we can go C. how we can go D. how we can go【ExercisesI 口()1. Have you decided for Austral
26、ia?A. when will you leave B. when do you leave C. you will leave when D. when you will leave()2. Can you tell me?A. where does Tom live B. where Tom lived C. Tom lives where D. where Tom lives()3. The old man asked me.A.where was the cinema B.where is the cinema C.where the cinema was D.where was th
27、e way to the cinema()4. I think you will like him. A. that B. if C. why D. how()5. I didn ' t know he will come or not. A. that B. whether C. weather D. how()6. I wonder.A. how much cost these shoes B. how much do these shoes cost C. how much these shoes cost D. how much are these shoes cost()7.
28、 She asked me. A. who he was B. who was he C. who is he D. who he is()8. Ask him.A. whose cup this is B. whose cup is this C. this is whose cup D. whose is this cup()9. I don ' t know.A. what time the movie starts B. what time starts the movie C. the time to start the movie D. the movie what tim
29、e starts ()10. The doctor asked me how long.A. was I illB. have I been ill C. I have been ill D. I had been ill Grammar 感叹句、结构: What (a / an) + adj. + n. + 主 +谓!How + adj. / adv. + 主+谓!What beautiful flowers they are !=How beautiful the flowers are !、what引导的感叹句:1.what + a / an +adj + 单数名词(+主语+谓语)!【2
30、014 石"南中考】33. sweet song it is! Yeah. It s My Heart Will Go On sung by Celine Dion.A.How B.How a C.What a D.What2. what + adj + 复数名词(+主语 + 谓语)!【2014丹东】 一 bad weather! We can't go for a picnic because of the rain today. I hope it 'll stop soon.A. What B.How C. What a D. How a3. what + ad
31、j + 不可数名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)! bad weather !、how引导的感叹句:I.How + adj / adv + 主语+谓语!【2014 黑龙江】24. What can you see in the garden? Flowers.beautiful they are!A. What B. How C. How a【2014 南京中考】6. -brave Zhang Hua is! -Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs. Sun out of the fire.A. What aB. How C. .How aD.What【2014山东滨州】
32、27.一interesting the film is!Yes, I have seen it twice.A.WhatB.HowC. What an2 .How + adj + a / an + 单数名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)! How tall a boy he is !3 .How + adj / adv + the + 名词 + 谓语! heavily the rain is falling!四、what与how引导的感叹句之间的转换:D. How an1 .What a beautiful girl she is !=beautiful the girl is2.How delicious the food is !=delicious food it is !五、 几个常见的感叹句 1.great fun it is !2.important information !3.good news【感叹句练习】() . beautiful hat .she is wearing!(). kind the .old. man! A. What(). unusual day .! A. What a【中考真题演练】A. What B. What a C. How D. How aB. What a C. How a D. HowB.
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