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1、.Section A 2a-2d. Can you say these in English?1.下象棋下象棋 2.弹吉他弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部英语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部艺术俱乐部 5.加入音乐俱乐部加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入游泳俱乐部我想加入游泳俱乐部 play chess play the guitarEnglish clubArt clubI want to join the swimming clubjoin the music club.dancedrawswimsingplay the guitarplay chessA: What can you do?B:I can sing

2、. Can you sing?A: Yes, I can./No, I cant.speak EnglishPairwork. B: I can but I cantA: I can and I candrawplay the guitardancesingswim连词,表转折连词,表转折.Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can you speak English?I can speak English.I like English!.She can dance.Can she dance?Yes, she can.No, she cant.She can draw.Can s

3、he draw?Yes, she can.No, she cant.He can swim.Can he swim?Yes, he can.No, he cant.He can play the guitar.Can he play the guitar?Yes, he can.No, he cant.They can play chess.Can they play chess?Yes, they can.No, they cant.They can play soccer.Can they play soccer?Yes, they can.No, they cant.Can She ?Y

4、es, she can./No, she cant.No, she cant.Yes, she can.Yes, she can.Can he ?Yes, he can./No, he cant.Yes, he can.Yes, he can.No, he cant.Can they ?Yes, they can./No, they cant.Yes, they can.No, they cant.2a Listen and circle the clubs you hear. English clubb. art clubc. music clubd. chess clube. swimmi

5、ng clubI. Lisa wants to join the _ club, but she cant play _.2. Bob wants to join the _ club. He likes to speak _.3. Mary likes music. She can _ and _.Bob likes music, too. They want to join the_club.2bListen again. Complete the sentences. EnglishEnglishsingdancemusicchesschess. What club does Bob w

6、ant to join at first?2. Can Mary sing and dance?3. Can Bob play chess?4.What club do Bob and Mary want to join at last?.Conversations on the tape.1.-What club do you want to join ? -I want to join the chess club. -Can you play chess? -No, I cant. What about you, John? -I can.-Hi, Mary. Here are all

7、the clubs. -What club do you want to join, Bob? -I want to join the English club. I like speak English. How about you? -Hmm, I want to join the chess club.Can you play chess? -No, I dont like chess.Do you like music? -Oh, yes.I can sing and dance. I like music. -Me, too. Lets join the music club.2.2

8、dRole-play the conversation1.Fast reading What club does Bob want to join? What club does Jane want to join?He wants to join the sports club.She wants to join the story telling and art clubs.2.Listen and follow(跟读跟读) What sports can Bob play? Can Jane tell stories well? Does Jane like to draw?. 讲故事俱

9、乐部讲故事俱乐部因此因此.1.a sports clubsports修饰名词时,一般用复数形式。sports shoes /sports jacket2.What about you?你呢?你呢?=How about you?What /How about(介词)(介词)+名词名词/人称代词人称代词/v-ingWhat about you? 你呢?你呢?, 运动俱乐部运动俱乐部What about having eggs? 吃鸡蛋怎么样呢?吃鸡蛋怎么样呢?What about eggs? 鸡蛋怎么样呢?鸡蛋怎么样呢?.I am good at English.Im good at _ (spe

10、ak) English.She is good at _ (dance).Lin Shuhao is good at _ (play) basketball.Sun Yang is good at _ (swim) good at (sth./doing)擅长做某事擅长做某事be good at (sth./doing)= do well in be good at 的反义词组为的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in)Mary is good at / in maths.玛丽数学很好玛丽数学很好(指情况指情

11、况)。= Mary does well in maths. 玛丽数学学得很好。玛丽数学学得很好。 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。.5.want to do sth 想做某事想做某事 4.tell a story =tell stories讲故事讲故事 to do sth 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事7.Let sb do sth 让某人去做某事吧让某人去做某事吧Bob想要参加音乐俱乐部。想要参加音乐俱乐部。Bob wants to join the music club.他和我喜欢写故事。他和我喜欢写故事。He and I li

12、ke to write stories.Eg. 让我们参加数学俱乐部吧。让我们参加数学俱乐部吧。Lets join the math club.A: Hi, . What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the club.A: Great! What sports can you play?B: I can.A: So you can join the club.B: What about you? Youre good at. You can join the club.A: Sounds good.( but I like to , too.)B: Then join two clubs ,.club andclub.A:OK, Lets join now.Make similar dialogues.1.I like _(swim).2.He _(swim) every day.3.Lets join the_(swim) club.4.I want _(swim).5. C


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