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1、教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式新授课教 师刘春艳单 位云阳宝坪初级中学课题名称Unit3 Topic1 SectionA学情分析本单元围绕着世界语言-英语展开,谈到了英语的广泛应用、英语学习的重要性、不同国家应用英语的差异、英语的发展、手势语、英语学习策略等问题。SectionA 主要谈论英语学习的重要性以及英语的广泛应用性,以谈论迪斯尼乐园为切入点过渡到英语语言的学习。通过每天对学生作业的批改能及时的掌握学生的学习情况。在作业中学生出现的错误,我会进行面对面的纠正,这样的方法取得了良好的效果。总而言之,做了这样的学情调研,使我对学生的学习情况有所了解,对于我每日的教学

2、工作起到了指导作用,能让我不断地反思,满足学生的学习需求,提高教学质量。 教学目标1. Learn a new word and some phrases:language, from now on, be pleased with2. Learn some useful sentences:(1)I cant wait to fly there!(2)Youll have a good chance to practice English there.(3)Try your best and work much harder from now on.3. Help the students

3、learn the usage of passive voice:(1)Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. (2)English is spoken as the main language in America.(3)It is also widely used throughout the world now.教学过程Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)复习节能环保知识,然后创设语境,呈现部分生词,引出被动语态,导入新课。1. (复习节能环保知识,加强学生爱护环境的意识

4、。)T:We know the earth is our home. Everyone is supposed to keep our home beautiful and save energy. Please list good habits of making your hometown more beautiful.S1: We should reduce the waste we produce.S2: We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.S3: We ought to turn off the light

5、s when we leave a room.S4: We should grow fruit and vegetables ourselves.S5:Wed better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if were traveling a short distance.(教师作小结,为下一步作准备。)2. (教师呈现一些写有国家、语言、民族的卡片,和学生一起谈论三者的对应关系,引出生词和被动语态。然后,请学生将此三类卡片一一对应地贴到黑板上的相应栏目中。)T:S1, which do you like bette

6、r, Chinese or English?S1:I like Chinese better. T:So do I. Chinese and English are both languages. Chinese is spoken by the most people throughout the world.(板书,要求学生掌握language;理解throughout。)languagethroughout=all overT:There are many countries in the world. Different languages are spoken by people i

7、n different countries. Now here are some cards about the countries, the languages and the people. Can you stick them on the blackboard in the correct order?PeopleLanguageCountryChineseEnglish/EnglishmanAmericanJapaneseFrench/FrenchmanChineseEnglishEnglishJapaneseFrenchChinaEnglandU.S.A.JapanFrance(可

8、请3-4名学生分工完成。)3. (1) (通过上面这个表格,进行对话练习,引出被动语态。)T:Look at the blackboard and answer my questions. Which language do Chinese people speak?S3: They speak Chinese. T:Good! It means “Chinese is spoken by Chinese”. And which language do Australians speak?S4: They speak English. T:Youre right. English is spo

9、ken by Australians.(进行上述对话时,板书以下结构,并讲解它们的意思和区别。)1. Chinese people speak Chinese.Chinese is spoken by Chinese people.2. Englishmen speak English.English is spoken by Englishmen.(2)(要求学生根据表格,仿照以上对话练习被动语态。)S5:Which language do Americans speak?S6:They speak English.S7: English is spoken by Americans. T:

10、Good jobs. This class were going to learn Section A, Topic 1, Unit 3.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)教师展示图片,创造情景对话,呈现新词汇和被动语态,完成1a,1b。1. (教师出示一幅Mickey Mouse和Donald Duck的卡通图片,导入新课,学习生词。)T:Now, look at this cartoon. Who are they?Ss:Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. T:Do you like them?Ss:Yes. We like th

11、em very much. T:They are very popular. They are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. I think you would like to see more cartoon characters.(板书并要求学生理解。)cartooncharacterThey are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. 2. (要求学生听录音,并回答下列问题。熟悉1a内容,培养听力技能。) (出示小黑板。)(1)Wher

12、e will Wang Junfeng and his parents visit?(2)Which language is widely spoken throughout the world?(边听边观察,若学生有许多不懂之处,再放一遍录音,然后核对答案。)3. (让学生速读1a,完成1b,提醒学生重点理解被动语态的用法,并找出重点、难点。培养学生快速阅读能力。)T:Now please read the dialog rapidly, and find out the key points and the difficulties. You only have two minutes,

13、then lets solve them together. (两分钟后,学生互相讨论,教师解答疑难点。)S1: What does “Guess what!” mean?S2: It means “Guess what it is / they are ?”(板书并进行补充讲解。)Guess what!cant wait to do sth.have a good chance to do sth.T: Now please fill in the blanks in 1b according to 1a.(核对答案。并让学生集体通读一遍。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

14、巩固(时间:7分钟)巩固1a,完成2,继续呈现新词汇,培养学生的听、说能力。1. (分组朗读1a。然后分角色表演。对表演好的组给予表扬。) T:Please read 1a in groups, then act it out in roles.2. (根据1a,要求学生改写并复述。)T:Dont look at your English book. Who can retell the dialog? S1, can you have a try? Im sure you can. S1:Yes. Thank you! Wang Junfeng and his parents will go

15、 to Disneyland3. (继续呈现部分新词汇。)T:Do you know who created Mickey Mouse? It is Walt Disney. It is said that he used to sit in the family garage and drew pictures. One day he saw a mouse come into the garage and play. At last he drew a mouse and he was pleased with it.(板书并要求学生理解garage;掌握be pleased with。)

16、garagebe pleased with(听录音,培养学生的听力,完成2。)T:From now on, please listen carefully and mark each sentence with (T) for True or (F) for False. Are you ready for it?(板书并要求学生掌握。)from now on(核对答案。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过师生互动,学生练习,教师小结的方式,进一步加深对被动语态的了解,归纳出主动语态与被动语态互变的规律。1. (师生互动:由听力部分的Mickey Mouse话题

17、引入、归纳被动语态的结构。)T:We all know Mickey Mouse is liked by many people and English is widely spoken throughout the world.(教师重复并强调画线部分,然后板书被动语态的结构。) be (am, is, are)+p.p.2. (教师再举几个例子,并要求学生跟读,进一步加深对被动语态的了解。)T: Now, here are some other sentences. Please read after me, and pay attention to the structure “be+p

18、.p.”.(板书) The baby is looked after well by his mother.These cars are produced by the workers.3. (学生口头完成3a,核对答案,然后齐读。)T:OK. Lets practice 3a.4. (1)(教师引导学生认真观察3b的句子变化,使学生更深刻理解被动语态。)T: OK!Boys and girls, lets make sentences using the passive voice. Ill give you some examples first, then you make senten

19、ces by yourselves according to the sentence patterns. Do you understand?Ss:Yes. T:You know, people grow tea in our area. We can also say like this:(板书句子并领读。)People grow tea in our area.Tea is grown by people in our area.T:Do you plant trees? Many people plant trees in their gardens. We can also say:

20、(板书句子并领读。) Many people plant trees.Trees are planted by many people.T:Now, lets do some exercises. OK? Look at the small blackboard.(2)(由学习被动语态到运用被动语态。)(出示小黑板。)Active voicePassive voice1. Much rubbish pollutes the river. 2. People love Disneyland. 3. Many children like Mickey Mouse. 4. The Americans

21、 speak English. 1. The river is polluted by much rubbish. 2. 3. 4. Active voicePassive voice1. People grow rice in the south. 2. 3. 4. 1. Rice is grown in the south by people. 2. Dogs are kept at home by people.3. Flowers are planted in his garden by Tom.4. Machines are made in the factory by worker

22、s.(教师请6位学生在黑板上把表格填充完整,并要求其余的学生独立完成,之后相互核对答案,最后教师讲解。) (学生齐读以上句子,教师鼓励学生运用被动语态造句。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)教师出示过去分词,要求学生尽量用被动语态对表演内容进行表述,并描述一天的生活。进一步巩固被动语态的用法。1.(学生复习动词的过去分词broken, chosen, cut, done, eaten, drunk, caught, bitten, found, worn, sent, spoken, told等等。鼓励他们把这些动词与Topic list(如下文所示)的某一

23、题目结合起来进行编剧表演活动。要求活动中尽量出现表达被动意义的动作或情节,最后小组推举一位同学,尽量多的用被动语态句子对表演内容进行讲述。)Topic list(1)Lost and Found(suggested words: lose, find)(2)An accident(suggested words: hit, send)(3)Catch a thief(suggested words: steal, catch)(4)Hunting(suggested words: shoot, scare)(一组的主要事件:Lost and Found学生表演:学生A丢了手表,学生B和C帮他寻

24、找并且找到,最后其中的一位同学对故事进行描述:)My watch is lost. I cant find it. But I am helped by Chen Jing and Li Mei. It is found at the corner of the playground by Li Mei. My watch is sent to me now. (二组的事件主题:An accident学生表演:行人被车撞倒,被送入医院,肇事者被送进警局。二组的选派同学以新闻的形式报道:)An old man is hit by a taxi when he is crossing the street. He is sent to hospit


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