



1、小学英语沪教版二年级上册Uni t 4 Goi ng about ( 单 元 分 析 )本单元教学内容围绕交通工具这个主题开展。在本课, 学生将接触到水、陆、空三种交通方式中的七种交通工具plane, ferry, train,taxi, gar, bus, van,做到发音清晰,熟练听说。plane, ferry, train学生较容易理解,taxi和car、bus和van学生很容易混淆,教学中注意区分。其中,plane, ferry, train 和 van 的发音较难,教师应该着重指导。在以上交通工具中有的适用于短途交通,有的适用于长途,有的适用于远途,教学中教师应引导学生选一种交通工具

2、去指定地点, 培养学生的空间意识和实际的运用水平。对于二年级的学生来讲,当堂记住这么多词汇是对记忆能力的一种挑战。教师将结合教材特点和学生爱玩、好奇心强的特点设计“魔袋摸模型、猜模型” “听声音猜交通工具”,根据路途远近选择适合的交通工具的活动和任务。ing ,Shanghai, bin 这些词汇的认读、拼读、简单运用等口语表达;能够随着字母学习的进度正确书写单词。除此之外,可根据学生的实际生活情况在口语学习中适当增加居住地的街道名称或学生较熟悉的城市名称等。课时安排:本单元计划8 课时新授及2 课时复习课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时1班级学情分析:教知识目标Lea

3、rn two sentences.学 目 标能力目标Improve their listening speaking ability.and德育目标Know the traffic rules.教学重点Give the simple instructions. and act it out.教学难点How to use the sentences.解决办法Practice more and more.教学方法TPR communication学生学法Communication and memory教具准备a cassette player, a toy bus and a toy car多媒体

4、使用意图Know the knowledge straightly学情分析They knew sentence.some words inthe教学过程:一、Warming-upSay a rhyme: My father is coming.二、Revision1. Listen and actClean the desk,Please.Come and sing with me.Have some biscuits.Turn left.2. Ask and answerWhere do you live?What do you like to do?May I have a pizza?H

5、ave you got a,?三、Presentation1.To teach: car1) Show a toy car and ask: What is it?f car2) Read: in chorus f individual3) Make some sentences. e.g I see a car. This is a car.I see a blue car. Draw a car. ,2. To teach :Get in the car1) (Put two chairs ina line. Ask a pupil to sitin the front chair and

6、 act as a car driver.)T: Look, the car is coming. Do you want to take the car? P; Yes.T: Let s get in the car. P: O.K.fGet in the car.(Pretend to get in the car by bending over andsitting in the back chair.)2) Read: get in f Get in the car.3) Practice:T- PP-P3. To teach: Get out of the car.1) Teache

7、r are sitting in the car. Pretend to get out of the car by opening the door and standing on the ground.2) Read: out of f Get out of the car.3) Practice:a).Teacher give the instructions first and let the pupils act it out.b) Let a pupil give the instructions and others act it out.4 .To teach: bus1) (

8、Show a park) I go to the park by bus. It scheap.Say: bus, I see a bus. This is a bus,5 .To teach: Get on the bus.1) T: Let s go to the park. Look, the bus is coming. Get on the bus.Say: get on-Get on the bus.6 . To teach: Get off the bus.1)T: Oh, look ,I can see a park. Here weare. Let s get off the

9、 bus.2)Say: Get off-Get off the bus.Consolidation1)Look and give the simple instructions.Ask one pupil to act and others give the simple instructions .2)Play a game: Simon says ( T - S1) Mix these four instructions together.四、HomeworkListen to the tape.五、Writing on boardUnit 4 Let s act Get in the c

10、ar.Get out of the car.Get on the bus.Get off the bus.教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时2班级学情分析:教 学 目 标知识目标Traffic words and letters能力目标Improve their listeningandspeaking ability.德育目标To be a polite studentd教学重点The pronunciation of the words.教学难点Pronounce words correctly.解决办法Practice more and more.教

11、学方法TPR communication学生学法Communication and memory教具准备a cassette player, picture cards, word cards多媒体使用意图None学情分析They have learn the colour.教学过程: 一、Warming-upSay some rhymes and sing some songsRevision1. Daily talk2. Play a game: Simon says3. Look at the alphabet cards and say the rhyme二、Presentation1

12、 .Teach the letter “ Gga) Point to a girl and say: She s a girl. Showthe word card “girl ” to the pupils.b)Read: girlc)Point to the word card and say: The first letterof the“girl isg” . Repeat several timesg .d)Read: g f g /g/ girle)Show the capital letterG and teach the pupilsto write the letters.2

13、 .Teach the letterHhThe teaching method is the same to 13 .Learn to say: planea)(Show a picture)T: What is this? P: planeb)Say: planec)Game: Let s make a paper plane.Show me your plane.d)Say some sentences about your plane.e.g. Look ,this is my plane.I like this plane.I can see a plane.Pick up the p

14、lane. ,4.Learn to say: ferry a)(Show a picture of Shanghai)T: Do you love Shanghai?P: I love Shanghai.T: Do you love Huangpu River?What can you see?T: We can see some ferries. I go to Puxi by ferry.b) Say:ferryc)Say sth about the ferry.e.g. I can see ferry in Huangpu River.It says boo-booI go to Pux

15、i by ferry.5 .Learn to say: traina)T: Do you know Beijing?How do you go to Beijing?I go to Beijing by train.b)Say: trainc)Say:I go to-by train.d) Sing a song: the train6 .Learn to say: vana)T: Guess, how do I go to Shanghai?b)Say: vanc)Make sentences7 .Learn to say: bus, car, taxia)T: Look, how can

16、I go to Shanghai?手拉手一公交车招手-出租车翘腿坐一小汽车b)Have a match三、Consolidation1 .Repeat or clap your hands.First let the pupils look at the pictures and playthe game. Then let them look at the words and play it.2 .A flashing gameShow the pictures quickly and ask them: What doyou see? ”3 .Free activity:e.g. Hell

17、o.I m ,I live in ,I love ,I go to ,by , 四、Homework1. Listen and read after the tape.2. Write the letters :Aa Bb.Step五、Writing on boardUnit 4 Lets learnplanetrainbusferry taxicar教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时3班级学情分析:教 学 目 标知识目标To learn I go to . by .能力目标Improve their listeningandspeaking abilit

18、y.德育目标To know the traffic rules.教学重点The sentences.教学难点How to use the sentences.解决办法Practice more and more.教学方法TPR communication学生学法Communication and memory教具准备Slide tape-recorder cards多媒体使用意图Stir up their interests.学情分析They have learn about the traffic words.教学过程:一、Warming-upSay some rhymes and sing

19、 some songs 二、Revision.plane,Play a game: Guessing gameDo the actions and guess: What is it?bus, train and taxi 三、Presentation1) Teach the sentence “I go to Beijing by plane”2) Ask the pupils to look at the Great Wall T:Where is it? P: BeijingT: How is Beijing? P: It s big, modern,T: Do you know any

20、 places in Beijing?3) Read: Beijing & the Great Wall4) Ask some questions: Have you been to Beijing?How do you go to Beijing? f I go to Beijing by plane.5) Repeat: I go to Beijing by plane.6) Ask some questions:How do you go to Beijing?Why do you go to Beijing by .? f It s fast.It s cheap. .7) Ask s

21、ome more able pupils to ask the question:How do you go to Beijing?8) Repeat: How do you go to Beijing?9) Ask and answer in pairs.2.Teach th e sentence “I go to the park by .”The teaching method is the same to step 1.3.Practice:1) Openthe book and turn to page 20. Introduce thefour different places a

22、nd let the pupils follow.2) Let the pupils to pretend the children in the picture and ask and answer in pairs, draw the routes and find out the transport they use.3) Ask somegroups to ask and answer in pairs, then listen to the tape and check are they right or not.4) Group work(one says I go to,by ,

23、the others point to the picture.)MayBeijingplaneAnneGuilintrainTomShanghaivanSamHongkongship四、Consolidation1 .Draw a picture and introduce“My dream”Ask the pupils to draw their favourite form of transport and show their owntransport pictures and introduce their dream.2 .Group workFour players take t

24、urns rolling a dice and moving forward out the board according to the number on the dice. They must think of a place and sayIgo to .(the name of the place) by .(the word on the square they stop at) ” .五、Homework1. Listen and readPlay with your Parents 六、Writing on boardUnit 4 Let s playFollow the ro

25、ad I go to ,by ,May Beijing planeAnne Guilin train Tom Shanghai van Sam Hongkong ship教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时4班级学情分析:教 学 目 标知识目标How do you go to ?能力目标Improve their listeningandspeaking ability.德育目标To know the traffic rules.教学重点Sentence “Wego to . by . ”教学难点How to use the sentences.解决办法Pr

26、actice more and more.教学方法TPR card-teaching game学生学法Memory and play教具准备Slide tape-recorder cards多媒体使用意图Stir up their eyes.学情分析They have learned some of the traffic words.教学过程:一、Warming-upEnjoy a song on page 21二、Revision1 . Listen and act.Stand up. Clap your hands.Wave your hands. Clean your desk.Swe

27、ep the floor. Have some milk.Write a big A. Run fast./slow.Sleep, please. Come and dance with me.Get on the train. Get off the plane.2 .Read the words.bus bus by bus taxi taxi by taxi ,.3 Do a surveyGive the pupils a paper sheet. On the paper sheet, there are four places and several types of transpo

28、rt. Let them ask and answer in pairs to write down how do they go to each place. 三、Presentation1.Teach the sentence “ We go to . by .”1) Teacher asks one pupil: How do you go to .(the name of the place)? ”If thetransport he uses isthe same to theteacher s, teacher says: I go to . ( thesame place) by

29、 .( the same transport). Wego to . by .” Repeat the sentence“ Wego to . by . ” several times by the action.2) Repeat: We go to . by .3) Make sentences with“ We go to . by .”the Great Wall train GuilintrainPuxiferryHongkongplane4)Game: We are good friends.a)One says: I go to ,by,b)The other who wants

30、 to be his friend says: I , c)Then they say: We go to,by,2. To teach: How do you go to the park?a) T: How do you go to ,?P: I go to ,(several times)b) Say after the teacher.c) Work in groups of four.How do you go to ,?We go to,by,3. Look at the wallchart and make a dialogue.1) Show the wallchart and

31、 introduce the people inthe picture. Four pupils a group, let them pretend the people in the picture and make asimple dialogue using the sentence: How do yougo to ? Tell them to add something they velearned before.2) Play the cassette tape to let pupils know whatare they talking about.3) Get pupils

32、to repeat after the tape.4) Perform the dialogue. 四、Consolidation1)Find good friendsGive the pupils one place and let them use the question: Howdo you go to .? ” to find the good friends and say: We go to . by . ” together. 2)Make a dialogueTwo or three pupils a group, find another group to makea ne

33、wdialogue with them according to the paper sheet. At last, choose the best group, and give them some small gifts.e.g. - Hello, whereare you going? - To the park.- Howdo you go to the park? - We go to the park by taxi. Where are you going?-To Shanghai. - How do you go to the park?-We go to the park b

34、y van.五、Homework1. Listen and readTalk about with your parents or friends六、Writing on board.Unit 4 Let s talk How do you go to,?We go to,by,教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时6班级学情分析:知识目标Using imperatives to give simple instructions教 学 目能力目标Locate specific information in response to simple instruct

35、ions.标德育目标Use modeled phrasestocommunicate with other learners.教学重点Read and write the words.教学难点Let them know some more words解决办法Use some easy way to practice.教学方法TPR card-teaching game学生学法Memory play and acting教具准备Slide tape-recorder cards多媒体使用意图Stir up their eyes.学情分析They have learned some nouns.教

36、学过程:一、Pre-task preparation1. Fly a paper plane to the students. Ask Who has been on a plane? Tell us about it!Share your own experience if none of the students have been on a plane.2. Ask questions about differentmodes oftransport, including plane, ferry, train,car,bus and van. Ask questions such as

37、 the following:二、While-task procedure1. Put up the picture cards for this unit. Introduce the new vocabulary by pointing to each item. Ask What is this? Then say the words in English and put up the word cards beside the relevant forms of transport. Repeat the words.2. Get students to open their Stud

38、ent s Books topage 19. Play the Cassette tape to let students listen to the pronunciation of the words first, and then practice saying them after the beep.3. Divide the class into four groups. Each group s name is a form of transport they have learned. Have the groups sit in circles. When you name t

39、he mode of transport, the whole group has to more excitement.4. Showstudents the picture card for girl and say Girl begins with the sound g . Show theword card forgirl and say G girl. Repeat. Show alphabet cardsG andg.Have students compare the capital letter Gwith the small letter g . Do the same wi

40、thH h hand. Play the tape for students to follow in their books.三、Post-task activityAsk the following riddles for students to guess the mode of transport. Tell them to give the answer in English. Ask What goes on the water and says booboo? What has wings and carriespeople around? What is green, yell

41、ow or blue and stops when you put your arm out?四、ConsolidationWorkbook page12:Colour the correct word.Workbook page13:a. Trace the letters.b. Trace and match the capital and small letters. 五、Homework:The second period:1 Review words write .2Let Ss spell the words one by one and remember them六、Writin

42、g on board.Unit4 Going about各单词图片单词卡片教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时7班级学情分析:教 学 目 标知识目标Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.能力目标Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners德育目标To know the traffic rules.教学重点Ask and answer in pairs.教学难点How-questions.解决办法Use som

43、e easy way to practice.教学方法Direct way Communication学生学法Do something by themselves.教具准备cards多媒体使用意图See something clearly学情分析They know some of the words.教学过程:一、Pre-task preparationReview the different forms of transport using the Word and Picture Cards. Then write the wordsplane, ferry ,train ,taxi,ca

44、r ,bus and van on the left of theboard. On the right, write the names of a few places, e.g. school, home and park. Point to a place and ask the students to tell you how they go there. Remind them to use the structure I go to by二、While-task procedure1. Open the Student s Book to page 20. Say There ar

45、e four children in the picture . They want to go to different places, but we don t know which form of transport they like to use. Let s follow the road to find out . Ask students to draw the routes and sayI go toby ,pretending they are the children in the picture.2. Play the cassette tape for studen

46、ts to check if their answers are right.3. Make several board games that can be used in small groups to revise the expressionI gotoby and the vocabulary they havelearned. Make gameboards from cardboard. Four players take turns rolling a dice and moving forward on the board according to the number on

47、the dice. They must think of a place and say I go to (the name of the place)by(the word onthe square they stop at).三、Post-task activities1. Ask Which form of transport do you like to use? Please draw it on paper. Ask students to show their own transport pictures and say I go toby2. Write up the numb

48、er of students who like to use each form of transport on the board.四、ConsolidationWorkbook page14:a Listen and match the pictures.b Circle the one that does not belong.五、Homework:The second period:1 Review words write 一2Let Ss spell the words one by one and rememberthem3Make a dialogue like this :Wh

49、at do you like to do ?I like to .六、Writing on board.Unit4 Going aboutHow do you go to the park?I go to the park by taxi.教学反思:教案课题Unit4 Going about出勤人数授课日期课时8班级学情分析:知识目标Review the words To learn a song.教 学 目 标能力目标Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking together and using appropriate

50、stress.德育目标To be a polite person.教学重点Words and sentences inthe song.教学难点Pronounce correctly words in connected speech解决办法Practice more.教学方法Say and do.学生学法Communication Audio-visual教具准备Real things they like.多媒体使用意图None学情分析They knew the words in the song.教学过程:一、Warming-upEnjoy a song on page 21Rhymes:

51、 Transports rhyme.二、Revision1 .Daily talkGood morning. How are you?How old are you? Are you a pupil?Haveyou a car? What is your father? Where do you live? How do you go to school?2 .Do a survey: How do you go to school?Use the question: How do you go to school? ” to ask and answer in pairs, and find

52、 the good friends to say thesentence: Wego to school by . ” together. 三、Presentation1 .Teach the first verse of the song1) Ask the pupils to look at the screen and ask themsome questions.a)Who can you see?Where are they? f bus-stopRead: bus - stop f down by the bus-stopb)What are they waiting for? f

53、 Waiting for a busRead: wait for f waiting for a bus2) Play the cassette tape once for pupils to listento the lyrics of the song.3) Play the tape several times and let the pupilsto follow until they are familiar with the first verse.2 .Teach the second verse of the songThe teaching method is the sam

54、e to step13 .Teach the third verse of the song.The teaching method is the same to step1.4.Sing the song1) Play the tape and sing the whole song severaltimes.2) Look at the screen and choose the correct verse to sing.3) Sing the song group by group, each group sing one verse.四、Consolidation1 .Role playLet pupils choose one verse, take different roles and sing in front of the class.2 .Rewrite the songDivide the whole class into four groups. Each group rewrite


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