



1、第一题:(过程可以写在后面)学校的毕业话剧演出由四个小美女来出演小红帽、美羊羊、女巫和公主的角色。没人在排练时的角色与演出时的角色不同。排练时出演小红帽的人会撒谎,通过如下消息,请判断四人在演出和排练时分别 出演什么角色。梅:“排练时,兰的角色是演出时竹的角色。”兰:“菊排练时扮演的是美羊羊。”竹:“演出时我演公主。”菊:“兰演出时扮演的是美羊羊。”第二题:解数独题(数独是九宫格(即3格宽x3格高)正方形状,每一格又细分为一个九宫格,在没 一个小九宫格中,分别填上 19个数字,让每一个大九宫格没一列,没一行的数字都 不重复。8174694833852756966511831、Which lin

2、e contains a constructor in this class definition?public class Counter.1)is also called a static member2)is always a variable3)is never a method4)belongs to a single instance,not to the class as a whole5)always represents an operation3 、 Given the following class,which statements can be inserted at

3、position I without causing the code to fail compilation?public class Q6db8int a ;int b=0;static int c;public void m()int d;int e=0;4 、 A the try block cannot be followed by both a catch and a finally block.5 、 ) An empty catch block is not allowed.6 、 ) A catch block cannot follow a finally block.7

4、、 ) A finally block must always follow one or more catch blocks.8 、 What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following program by passing the Test class to the Java interpreter?Class TestPublic static void main6.7.the one right answer.the program does not compile because main() is no

5、t defined correctly.The program compiles but when you try to run the interpreter complies that it cannot find the main() method it needs to run.C) the program compiles but you cannot run it because the class is not declared as public .D) the program compiles and runs without an error but does not di

6、splay anything in the standard output .E) the program compiles and displays“hello ” in the standard output when you inrun it.6 、 Give those code snippets:Boolean b1=new Boolean(true);Boolean b2=new Boolean(true);Which expressions are legal Java expressions that return true?Select all valid answer.3.

7、 b1=b24. (b2)C) b1&b2D) b1|b2E) b1&&b2F) b1|b27 、 Given this code snippet:trytryThis();return;catch(IOException x1)"exception 1");return ;catch(Exception x2)"exception 2");return ;finally"finally");What will appear in the standard output if try This() throws

8、 a NumberFormatException?Select the one right answer.a)Nothingb)"exception 1",followed by "finallyc)"exception 2",followed by "finallyd)"exception 1"e)"exception 2"选择 : C8 、 Giver these class definitions;class Superclassclass Subclass1 extends Superc

9、lassclass Subclass2 extends Superclass and these objects;Superclass a =new Superclass();Subclass1 b=new Subclass1();Subclass2 c=new Subclass2();which of the following explains the result of the statement;b=(Subclass1)c;Selected the one right answer;a)Illegal at compile timeb)Legal at compile time bu

10、t possibly illegal at runtimec)Definitely legal at runtime9、简述以下代码是在做什么事情?Public static getEJBHome(String JNDIName) throws NameNotFoundException,NamingExceptionenv=new initContext=new Throw new RuntimeException(“getEJBHome could tretrieve initial context ”);return 请从空白处填写代码,满足以下功能:A)从请求中得到用户名和口令(请求通

11、过 web浏览器中的HTML页面提交,页面中 用户名对象名为 userName, 口令对象名为 password )B)如果用户名为"admin",口令为password ,则讲登陆成功,将页面转到页面,并在session 存放用户名(username )和密码(password)C(如果用户名和空灵为其他值,转到Public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet Public void service(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse resopnse) throws Ser

12、vletException,IOException .TrysetAttribute("username", "admin ");.setAttribute("password", "password ");(“)';else(“)';catch(Exception e)典道的笔试分A-B卷,题型有:1 .选择题30道(每道2分共60分)2 .代码阅读题4道(每道5分共20分)3 .程序逻辑题2道(每道10分共20分)不管是A-B卷,考察的范围都是基础知识,这个是和几个做B卷的同学那了解到的,主要的

13、考点如下:考点名称考试频率难易度备注数组高易值传递与址传递高中Main函数低中线程低难Swing 与 awt低中Ascii 码高难请务必记住常用ascii码,代码题都由考运算符优先级低中去网上百度一下Oop思想高中方法重载与重 写高易包低易方法与类的命名规则低易逻辑思维高难其他的记得不是很清楚了,不过不会超过基础知识这个范围,但光靠书()上那些还 不够,建议找些参考书学习一下,越基础越好。以下是A卷代码阅读题7、建一个数组,顺序输出10位数,然后把这10位数再倒序输出public class Test public static void main(String口 args) int 口 ar

14、r= new int 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10;" 顺序输出-一");for ( int i = 0; i < ; i+) ",");IV倒叙输出-一一");for ( int j = ; j >=0 ; j-) ",");8、考的是方法重载,它是将两个方法的参数顺序颠倒了一下,看题的时候要注意 3.public class Test5 public static void main(Stringargs)int arr= new int 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;a(arr);b(arr)

15、;a(arr);staticvoid a( int arr)for ( int temp:arr)static void b( int arr)for ( int i=0;i<i+)arri*=i;输出结果是: 56以下是A卷手写代码题:8 .请用1、2、3、4组成N数值不重复 且个十百位都不重复 的3位数,一共有几个?分别是什么?共有: 24 个分别是:123,124,132,134,142,143,213,214,231,234,241,243,312,314,321,324,341,342,412,413,421,423,431,432,参考答案:Int count=0;For(i

16、nt i=1;i<=4;i+)For(int j=1;j<=4;j+)For(int k=1;k<=4;k+)If(i!=j&&i!=k&&j!=k)Count+;一共有 24 个,公式: 4*3*2=24 ,具体数学公式请见排列算法。9. 查询子串在父串中出现的次数:参考答案:设: str1 为父串, str2 为字串,则:public class Test6 public static void main(Stringargs)Stringstr1= "hdsajkfhuisadhifnokfasdfdasdoksdfsdsfso

17、k"String str2="ok" ;String temp="" ;int count=0;null &&()<=();)for (temp=str1;temp!=if (str2)=0)count+;str1=(1);" 共出现了 :" +count+ " 次 " );以下是B卷手写代码题:8、如果有“ 123 空格 abc 空格 zzz 空格” , 求数字、英文字符、空格在这个字符串中出现的次数 :参考答案:public class Test public static void main(Stringa


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