



1、六年级英语U1-2测试卷(2019.10)班级 姓名 得分听力部分(30分)、听录音;选择你所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(10分)()1.)2.A. cleanA. kingB. cleverB. boyC. classC. peopleD. classroomD. man()3.A. likedB. visitedC. showedD. walked()4. A. jacketB. wearC. kiltD. jeans()5.A. shortB. longC. agoD. got()6.A.happyB. newC. oldD. make()7.A. angryB. foolishC.

2、cryD. shout()8.A. new clothesB. magic clothesC. make clothesD. like clothes()9.A. try onB. point toC. shout atD. look at()10. A. lookedB. livedC. likedD. played二、根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(5分)()1.A. It is Monday. B. It was Monday. C. It was sunny.()2. A.I often do my homework. B. I did my homework C. Sh

3、e did the housework.()3. A. We can make a new dress for you. B. They can make the magicclothes.C. Yes; tthey can.()4. A. It s on the desk. B. They are in the fridge. C. It was in the desk.()5. A. I lost my new kite. B. Yes; the kite is beautiful. C. I watched a film.三、听录音;判断下列句子是否与所听内容相符;用 T或F表示。(听两

4、遍)(5分)()1.It was sunny and hot yesterday.()2.We saw some interesting parrots in the park.()3. There were some black clouds in the sky.()4. We played basketball in the playground this morning.()5.I lost my new kite.四、听录音;完成下列短文。(听三遍)(10分)Long long ; there was a king . He liked new clothes. One day; t

5、wo men tomake new clothes for him.people can see the new clothes. Bu people can ' t seethem. The king walked the in his new clothes. A boy pointed at the kingand. The king wearing clothes.笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同;相同的写“';不同的写“ F” (5分)()1. bread sweater () 4. looked watched () 3. pear year

6、()2. party card() 5. meet see二、英汉互译(10分)1.糟糕的一天 2.飞走3 .今天下午 4.三天以前5 .爬上小山6. hold onto the kite7 . have a picnic 8. watch a film9 . write diaries 10. bring some food三、用单词的适当形式填空。(51. It was. There was a lot of.(rain)2. She likes. She often for her family. Now she some food. Andyesterday she a big din

7、ner.(cook)3. Mrs Blackthe flowers every day? ( water)4. Mr Green in the park now. ( walk)5. I look after every day. ( he )四、单项选择(10 )()1. -What happened?-My kite away.A. flyB. fliesC. flew()2. He could not his book.A. find B. look for C. found()3. They are looking the picture. Its beautiful.A. forB.

8、 afterC. at()4. Each student one sentence.A. says B. speaksC. tells()5. Don't shout your friend.A. toB. at C. on()6. It was time play games.A. toB. forC. on()7. There many black clouds then.A. isB. wasC. were()8. -Because I get some books from my teacher.A. What s the matter with you?B. Why are

9、you so happy?C. Which man is your teacher?()9. The witch(女巫) the prince the lion.A. turned on B. talked with C. told about D. turned - into ()10.I want to play football;A. /; the B. /; /五、景配对(5分)()1.Was it sunny?()2.What did you see?()3.Were you hungry?()4.How do you go to the park?()5.What's in

10、 the box?六、中译英填空。(10分)1 .很久以前;有个男孩子;他喜欢画画。but he wants to play violin.C. the; /A. There are some sweets.B . No; it wasn't.C. I saw an interesting parrot.D. Yes;I was.E. By bike.Long long ; there a boy . He drawing .2 .今天早上;我带来了一些饮料。This ; I some drinks .3 .轮到波比了;他正在努力思考。It ' s Bobby ' s

11、. He is hard .4 .昨大公园里有一场有趣的表演;我们看到了许多鹦鹉。There was interesting we many parrots .七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. The boy could see the king ' s (clothes定旬)The boy see the king ' s clothes.2. The coat fits well.(改为一般疑问句) the coatwell?3.It is often rainy in spring.(改为同义句)It often in spring.4. The two men sho

12、wed the king his new clothes.(同义句转换) The two men his new clothes the king.5. There are many interesting animals in the zooc(为单数句) There interesting in the zoo.八、根据首字母填空。(5分)1.It ' s a w day.Let ' s fly kites.1 .I am thirsty; I need something to d5 .My mother t me a story every day when齿时候)I

13、was a c6.Last Sunday we f kites in the park.九、阅读。(10分)A)阅读短文;判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符;相符的“T:不符的“F:' (5分)It was very cold in the morning . I was playing with some of my classmates in the park . We were running about on the ice laughing and joking . Suddenly; something dangerous happened( 生).The ice broke

14、(破) and one of my classmates fell(掉) into the cold water . We all shouted ;“ Help! Help! ” Just at this tinaeooy of the same age ran over. With the help of him; we pulled (拉) our classmate out of the water.In the face to danger ; the boy was very brave(勇敢).We all admire(敬佩)him very much.I will never

15、 forget (忘t己)him. What a lovely world we live in.()1. It wasn ' t hot in the morning.()2.I was playing with my classmates in a zoo.()3.One of my classmates likes swimming in thecoldwater.()4.A young man ran over and pulled our classmate outof the water.()5.Here the word " Help! 救伽eansB)阅读短文

16、;并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(5分)My Friends ' Birthday Presents物)Today is Wednesday the February (二月).It is my friends ' birthday. They arehgoing to a birthday party at seven this evening. What am I going to buy for them? Zhang Jian likes drawing pictures so I ' m going to buy him some crayons. What

17、about Li Wen? Dtemember. She enjoys listening to music and I am going to buy her a CD. Li Dong is interested in reading science booksand I ' m going to buy him two books on scientists. I' m sure they ' ll like the presents.()1. What day was yesterday 昨天)?A. It was Tuesday. B. It was Febr

18、uary l6h.C. It was February l5h()2. You should say“" when someone says“ Happy birthday " to you.A. the same to you B. happy birthdayC. thank you()3. Li Wen will get for her birthday.A. a CDB. some crayonsC. two books()4. What does“enjoy" mean?A.经常B.喜欢C.有时()5. Which sentence is TURE:(正

19、确的)?A. They will have a party at seven thirty this evening.B. The writer will give the same present to the friends.C. They are good friends I think.六年级英语上册一二单元测试听力部分一、听录音;选出你所听到的单词或词组(听两遍)1. clever 2.king 3.visited 4.kilt 5.ago 6.make 7.foolish 8.magic clothes 9.try on10.lived二、根据所听问句选择合适的答句(听两遍)1. What day was yesterday?2. What did your mother do last night


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