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1、2019 高考英语二轮单项选择- 通用题+介词专题(1 ) (解析)1. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we ve decide to it. Itmight be valuable.A. hold on toB. keep up with C. turn toD. lookafter2. Mary finally Bruce as her life-long companion.A. receivedB. acceptedC. madeD. honoured3. Go and join in the party. ti to me

2、 to do the washing-up.A. GetB. RemindC. LeaveD. Send4. Can you make a sentence to the meaning of the phrase?A. show offB. turn outC. bring outD. take in5. - When shall we start?- Let s it 8:30. Is that all right?A. setB. meetC. makeD. take6. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, y

3、ou may runover by a car.A. haveB. getC. becomeD. turn7. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to from homeand earn some money on his own.A. run awayB. take awayC. keep awayD. get away8. - Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?- No, dear. They don t well. Put them in the fr

4、idge instead.A. keepB. fitC. getD. last9. It seems difficult to “ hurt ” from “ injure ” in meaning.A. judgeB. tellC. divideD.separate10. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to A. make it outB. make it offC. make it upD.make it over11. If anybody calls, tell them I m

5、out, and ask them to their name andaddress.A. passB. writeC. takeD. leave12. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have with noagreement reached.A. broken downB. broken outC. broken inD.broken up13. Don t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may the shockingending.A. gi

6、ve awayB. give outC. give upD. give off14. - David and Vickly married.- For about three years.A. How long were; beingB. How long have; gotC. How long have; beenD. How long did; get15. Her talent and experience her to the respect of her colleagues.A. permittedB. qualifiedC. deservedD.entitled参考答案1 5、

7、 ABCCC 6 10、 BDABA 11 15、 DAACD *4±击1. (2012 山东诸城市月考) her children , she also has to look after her old parents.A Far fromB Regardless of 解析 apart fromC Instead of D Apart from除了.句意:除了她日勺孩子,她也不得不照看年迈日勺父母 答案 D2. (2012 海1 市诊断 )Women have big advantages men in space because theyneed less food and

8、oxygen and they stand up to radiation better.A on B overC with D to解析advantage over sb.超过某人日勺优势. 答案 B3. (2012 安徽名校联考 ) most countries, Japan doesn't offer much access to the Internet to its people who have less money and receive less education.A As for B As ifC As withD As of 解析as with 正如,符合句意.

9、答案C4. (2012 海淀区期中练习)The iPhone 4s is Apple's first major hardware on the marketthe Oct.5 death of co-founder Steve Jobs.A forB toC fromD since 解析since 名词作状语与现在完成时连用. 答案D5. ( 浦东新区期末质量抽测)Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday,for it has passed and is our control.A. againstB. bey

10、ondC. among D. in解析against反对;beyond超过日勺范围;among在三者或三者以上之中;in在里 . 由句意“毫无疑问,生活教会我们别为昨天感到遗憾,因为昨天已逝去,这是我们所控制不了日勺”可知应选B项.beyond one's control “超出了某人能控制日勺范围”,为固定短语. 答案 B6. ( 上海六校联考 )I felt it rather inappropriate to turn up at the graduation ceremony jeans and a T-shirt.A. on B. withC. in D. by 解析 由句意

11、“穿着牛仔裤和T 恤衫就来参加毕业典礼我感觉相当不合适”可知应选介词in ,表示“穿着”日勺状态,后接表示衣服日勺名称或颜色日勺词 答案C7. ( 北京丰台第一学期期末) increasing the distance of your walks, you maylose more weight.A. By B. FromC. On D. For解析by doing "通过某种方式”,符合句意“通过增加你走路日勺距离,你可以减更多日勺体重” . 答案 A8. ( 山东济宁高三一模 )The invention of artificial hearts marked a turning

12、 point in the battle heart disease.A. among B. forC. againstD. between解析由句意“人造心脏日勺发明标志着跟心脏病日勺抗争日勺一个转折点”可知应选C项.a/the battle against 为固定搭配,意为“跟日勺斗争“ 答案 C9. (-合肥一中第一次月考)The boy talked his mother buying him a newhome-computer.A. of B. overC. to D. into 解析talk o doing sth. “说服某人干某事”,符合句意“这个男孩说服妈妈给他

13、买了台新家用电脑”. 答案D10. ( 皖南八校第一次联考)一Wasit in April, 1970 China succeeded sending its first satellite into space? Yes, that's right.A. when; inB. that; onC. which; onD. that; in解析考查强调句和动词与介词日勺搭配.本句强调时间状语in April,1970 ,所以用that ;succeed in doing sth. “成功地干成某事”. 答案 D11. ( 厦期末质检 )The boy was too young to

14、write, but he sent his father a letter and told him what had happened drawing pictures.A. with B. inC. to D. by解析本题考查介词日勺固定搭配.句意:这个男孩太小不会写字.但他通过画画给他父亲寄了 封信,告诉父亲他所发生日勺事.by doing 为固定搭配,意为“通过某种方式”,符合句意. 答案 D12. ( 山东莱州一中检测 )so many doctors and nurses around her, the sick girl didn't feel lonely at a

15、ll.A ForB InC WithD By 解析with 名词介词短语,在句中作原因状语. 答案C13. ( 杭州十四中高三质检)I think that the desk in the shop differs theone I have at home colour and size.A. from; aboutB. from; inC. in; fromD. with; on解析differ from,“跟不一样";differ in"在某方面不一样”,均为固定搭配.句意:我认为商店里日勺这张课桌跟我家里那张在颜色、型号方面都不一样 答案 B14. ( 吉安一中期中

16、 )As a reward his contribution botany, JohnBanks had a flower named him.A. for; for; forB. for; to; afterC. for; for; afterD. of; to; for解析本题考查介词日勺固定搭配 .a reward for "对日勺奖励/赏”;contribution to "对日勺贡献";name after "以命名”,均为固定搭配,符合句意“作为他对植 物学贡献日勺奖励,有一种花以 John Banks命名”. 答案 B15. ( 杭州高三期

17、中 )The charity aims to provide assistance to people.A. in favourB. in particularC. in publicD. in need 解析 in favour(of) 支持; in particular 特别,尤其;in public 当众,在公众面前;in need 需要.由句意“慈善机构旨在向那些需要援助日勺人提供帮助”可知 D项正确. 答案 D16. (福建龙岩第一次教学质检)Tom is very young. But working ability, he'smuch more experienced t

18、han others.A. in praise ofB. in face ofC. in need of D. in terms of解析in praise of 表扬;in face of 面对;in need of 需要;in terms of 从日勺角度,就而言.由句意“汤姆很年轻,但就工作能力方面而言,他比别人熟练得多”可知 D 项正确 . 答案 D17. (辽宁高三阶段测试 )If travel books are good, they will, their specific information, give an extra introductions.A. in respon

19、se to B. in addition toC. on account of D. in favour of解析in response to 对日勺反应;in addition to 除夕卜(还);on account of 由于,因为;in favour of 支持 . 根据语境可知句子译文如下:如果旅游书籍好,除了(in addition to)提供具体日勺信息外,它们还可以提供特别日勺介绍.所以选择in addition to最 佳. 答案 B18. ( 吉林东d匕摸底)Howdo the shops make money if they sell at such low prices? Manufacturers, it seems, are willing to bring down prices big volumepurchases.A. under the name of B. on behalf ofC. in return forD. in preparation for解析under the name of 用做名字(不用自己日勺真名);on behalf of 代表,以某人名义;in return for 酬谢,答谢,作为对日勺回报; in preparation for 为做准备


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