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1、外研版(一起)四年级英语下册期末考试一、写出下列动词的过去式。10%l.run 2.win3.cut 4.put5.take 6.buy7.learn 8. wear9. have 10.climb二、根据句意用适当的形式首字母填空。10%1. I c my finger last month .2. Yesterday I c the mountains.3. You ve got a cold . Take this m.4. Lingling won a g cup in the competition .5. I w my trousers yesterday.6. Don t f t

2、he chickens.6B. He was t, he wanted some water .7. Look at all the shoes. It s d to choose.7B. On N Day, I often visit my grandma .8. The moon is b and round .8B. We ate lots of a.9. She w into a shop yesterday.10. Sam usually w TV on Sundays.10. The moon looks like a b.10.1 I f my homework yesterda

3、y .三、选择适当的介词填空。(可重复使用)10%with at in to for on of for from1. We were Buckingham Palace .2. What happened you ?3. I stayed home .4. Thank you your letter .5. I often play the toys.6. Los Angles is the west of America .6B. They learnt skate .7. We will send you a postcard England .7B. It s a picture Ch

4、ina .8. We are going to eat an Chinese restaurant.8B. Look this girl.9. Its far my school .98. Sam usually plays football the park.10. Sam is good English .108. It was my birthday Saturday.四、单项选择。20%()1. I go to school today.A isn t B didn t C don t()2.What happened to?A her B she C they()3. She usu

5、ally at six o clock .A.get up B.got up C.gets up()4. What s the matter you ?A with B to C for()5.you go to school yesterday?A. did B. Did C. Do()6. I didn t football yesterday.A. played B. plays C. play()7. What to you? I hurt my leg.A. happens B. happening C. happened()8. This little boy ate two.A.

6、 biscuites B. biscuits C. biscuts()9. He ate many sweets.A. two B. too C. to( ) 10. What did you yesterday?A.does B. do C did( ) 11 It s difficult choose.A. for B. to C. on( ) 11 B. Some English came to China for a music competition.A. childs B children C childrens( ) 12. Lingling will a picture tom

7、orrow.A. draw B. drawing C . going to draw( ) 12 B.I go to school bus everyday.A. on B by C in( ) 13. He played erhu last week.A. 不填 B. an C . the( ) 13 B. I went out to see grandma yesterday afternoon.A me B my C mine( ) 14. This planet is near the sun. It s very hot.A. to B. from C. in( ) 14 B. Di

8、d you fall your bike? Yes, I did.A for B of C off( ) 15. Yesterday Amy played in the concert. And everyone .A. clapping B. clap C. clapped( ) 15 B. Last Sunday we went out a bike ride.A. for B of C off( ) 16. Beijing is the east of China.A. to B. in C. on( ) 16 B. My father s birthday is April 21.A.

9、 for B of C on( ) 17. The capital of America is .A. New York B. Washington, D.C. C. London( )17 B. The two wheels this bicycle were big.A of B to C in( )18. Lingling will football tomorrow.A. played B.plays C . play( )18 B. My brother is listening the music now.A on B to C of()19. Lets a picnic this

10、 Saturday.A. having B. had C. have()19 B. The man invented this bicycle 1839.A of B to C in( )20. This machine the apples.A. washes B. wash C. washing()20 B. My grandpa in Shanghai.A. living B lives C live五、按要求写句子。20%1. Write in the books!( 变否定句)18. Sam stayed at home.(就划线部分提问)2. I will cut the pape

11、r tomorrow.(变一般问句)28. They came last Sunday. (就划线部分提问)3. We,re having a party.(划线提问)38. He played the flute. (就划线部分提问)4. He watched TV yesterday.(变否定句)4B. I cleaned my room.(改为一般疑问句)5.She will go to London.(划线提问)5B. He had a cake .(改为否定句)六、阅读理解。20%ALast weekend was a nice day. It was warm. In the mo

12、rning we walked in the park. It was beautiful. Dad and mum talked to some friends.Sam and I played football and danced in the park. We were very happy.In the afternoon we went to a shop. We saw a lot of computers. A new computer had a big screen and it s cheap. We bought the computer.We took it home

13、.仔细阅读并判断,对的写“ T”错的写“ F”。()1. It rained last weekend.()2. Dad and mum talked to the friends in the park.()3. Sam and I played basketball in the park.()4. We bought a new computer.()5. The computer was expensive and it had a big screen.BLily is my classmate.She is from England.But her parents are from

14、 America.They both speak English.On Sundays I go to see her.We do our homework together.She has a big dog.I dont like it.But she likes it very much.Sometimes she plays with it.I think its dirty .I only play with a toy gun.Lily speaks English,French and Chinese.We go shopping together.仔细阅读并判断,对的写“ T”

15、错的写“ F()1.Lilys parents are from England.()2.Lily and I do homework together on weekdays.()3.I like her big dog very much.()4.I like to play with a toy gun.()5.We go fishing together.七、书面表达10%写几句话简单的介绍一下你昨天、上个周末、或上个假期的活动。要求:1.包括做了什么和没做什么2.最少五句话七(B)、书面表达10%请给你的朋友写一封信,告诉他你将在周末做些什么活动。字数在 词左右30-40答案一、根据

16、汉语意思,用正确的形式写出单词。10%1. ran 2. won 3. cut 4. put5. took 6. bought 7. learnt/learned8. wore 9. had 10. climbed二、根据句意用适当的形式首字母填空10%1. cut 2.climbed 3. medicine 4.gold5. washed/wore6. feed 7.difficult8.big9. went10.banana6 B.thirsty 7 B.National 8 B.apples 9 B. watches 10 B.finished三、选择适当的介词填空( 可重复使用)10%1. at 2. to 3. at 4. for 5. with6 in 7 from 8 in 9 from 10 at6 B. to 7 B. of 8 B. at 9 B. in 10 B.on四、单项选择。20%1-5 CACAB 610 CCBBB11-15 BACAC16-20 BBCCA11B-15B) BBBCA16B-20B) CABCB五、按要求写句子。20%1 Don t write in the book!2 Will you cut th


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