1、欢迎阅读学校校庆英语祝福语导读:1 、 金色秋季同欢唱,万千师生庆丰收。前辈后生齐努力,再创辉煌新征途。Golden autumn singing together, thousands of teachers and students celebrate a bumper harvest. Our predecessors and future generations work together to create a brilliant new journey.2、衷心祝愿母校百年寿辰,愿母校年年人才辈出。Sincerely wish the alma mater's centen
2、ary birthday and the alma mater's annual talent.3、我希望陪你一路辉煌,只让我今生无憾!而你的辉煌,与时 光无限延伸!I hope to accompany you all the way brilliant, only let me have no regrets in this life! And your brilliance extends infinitely with the time!4、祝愿母校积历史之厚蕴,宏图更展,再谱华章!Wishing Alma Mater a richer history, a more ambi
3、tious future and a more brilliant future!5、母校培养了无数代的精英们,可不求回报的他也满头银发,可它还不忘使命,坚守在自己的阵地之上。The alma mater has trained many generations of elites, and he is silver-haired without asking for reward, but it still keeps its mission and sticks to its position.6、衷心祝愿您永葆青春,在教育改革的道路上永争第一!I sincerely hope that
4、you will remain young and always be the first in the road of educational reform!7、为学校庆祝欢呼,这培养自己的母校祝福。Celebrate for the school, which cultivates my alma mater's blessing.8、我们坚信,母校的百年华诞将是她与时俱进,再创佳绩的新起点!We firmly believe that her alma mater's Centennial birthday will be a new starting point for
5、 her to keep pace with the times and achieve better results.9、在母校十周年之时,送去祝福,代表一段相思,一片真诚。只愿母校越办越好,桃李越来越多。On the tenth anniversary of our alma mater, we send our best wishes, representing a period of love and sincerity. I just hope that the better the alma mater is, the more peaches and plums there ar
6、e.10 、母校生日隆重举行之日,我带着我相思般的祝福,只愿母校学子为母校增光,为母校喝彩。On the grand occasion of my alma mater's birthday, I wish my alma mater's students all the best and cheer for my alma mater.11 、百位老师辛勤耕耘,无数学子勤奋刻苦。Hundreds of teachers work hard and countless students work hard.12 、祝愿母校积历史之厚蕴,宏图更展!再谱华章!Wishing Alm
7、a Mater a richer history and a more ambitious future! Let's compose another chapter!13 、 创百年丰功,赖济济时贤,桃李芬芳溢四海。建千秋伟业,有殷殷学子,群星灿烂遍九州。Creating a century of success, Lai Jijishixian, peach and plum fragrance overflowing all over the world. Build a brilliant career, there are Yin Yin students, stars al
8、l over Kyushu.14 、愿母校再培养出更多杰出英才,桃李满天下。May our alma mater cultivate more outstanding talents and make the world full of peaches and plums.15 、祝福您母校,祝您沐浴改革春风,再掀教改浪潮,祝您吹 响时代号角,争创一流学校。Bless your alma mater, bathe in the spring breeze of reform, set off a wave of educational reform, and blow the horn of
9、the times to create a first-class school.16 、今日又到校庆日,感谢母校的滴水之恩,我将永泉相报,恭祝母校生日快乐。Today is the school anniversary. Thank you for your kindness. I will report Yongquan to you. Happy birthday to your alma mater.17、百年校庆齐庆贺,*澎湃把歌唱。斗志昂扬向前进,共襄盛举创辉煌!Celebrate the centennial celebration of the school and sing
10、passionately. Go forward with high ambition and create brilliance in a grand event!18 、 母校生日之际,为母校祝上我的祝福,希望母校越办越好,越来越兴旺。On the occasion of my alma mater's birthday, I wish my best wishes to my alma mater. I hope that the better the alma mater is, the more prosperous it will be.19 、展望美好未来,再创世纪辉煌。
11、Looking forward to a bright future and creating a new century of brilliance.20、值此喜庆之日,我愿母校越办越辉煌,学子越来越多。On this festive day, I wish my alma mater more and more brilliant, more and more students.21 、百年风雨,百年沧桑,百年树人,英才辈出,母校功勋卓 著。Centuries of storms, centuries of vicissitudes, centuries of cultivation of
12、 talents, outstanding achievements of the alma mater.22、百载难逢同窗友,岁月依然再庆功。Once in a hundred years, my classmates and friends are still celebrating.23、是你给了我知识的蓓蕾,是你赋予我前进的动力,是你孕育了代代莘莘学子,祝福你,祝福永铸辉煌!You gave me the bud of knowledge, you gave me the impetus to move forward, you gave birth to generations of
13、 students, bless you, bless Yongzhu brilliant!24、 祝福是份真心意,不用千言,不用万语,默默地唱首心曲。愿母校蓬勃发展,桃李芬芳!Blessing is a sincere heart, not thousands of words, not thousands of words, silently singing the first heart song. May alma mater develop vigorously, peach and plum fragrance!25、我真诚地送上我的祝福,愿母校的学子们越来越多,英才 倍出。I s
14、incerely send my best wishes to the more and more students in my alma mater school and to the more talented.26、 在这特殊的日子里,让我们再次向母校致以最诚挚的祝福,愿母校永远辉煌,永远充满生机!On this special day, let's once again extend our sincerest wishes to Alma Mater. May Alma Mater always be brilliant and full of vitality!27、让我们
15、手拉手,肩并肩,紧密团结,共同铸造素质教育的明天!Let's hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, unite closely and forge the tomorrow of quality education together!28、百年的梦想,是传播文明的梦想,是追求科学的梦想,是播种希望的梦想,是铸造辉煌的梦想。The dream of a century is the dream of spreading civilization, the dream of pursuing science, the dream of sowing hop
16、e, and the dream of founding brilliance.29、母校华诞来临之际,祝愿母校的未来更加辉煌!On the occasion of Alma Mater's Birthday, I wish the future of Alma Mater more brilliant!30 、 此时此刻,只愿母校更加辉煌,培育出更多有出息的学子,为社会做出更大的贡献。At this moment, I only wish my alma mater more brilliant, cultivate more promising students, and make
17、 greater contributions to society.31 、 我们共同期待,期待母校的明天无比灿烂。我们共同祝福, 祝福母校桃李芬芳!We all look forward to the brilliant future of our alma mater. We wish our alma mater peach and plum fragrance!32、百年沧桑,百年辉煌。在母校百年华诞之际,祝福母校的 未来更加美好。A hundred years of vicissitudes, a hundred years of brilliance. On the occasio
18、n of my alma mater's Centennial birthday, I wish my alma mater a better future.33、走过的十年灿烂时光,万名学员不仅收获了知识的芳香, 更收获了人生的芳香。After ten years of brilliant time, thousands of students not only harvested the fragrance of knowledge, but also the fragrance of life.34、母校校庆的日子里,你可记得为母校祝福,为母校喝彩。On the annivers
19、ary of your alma mater, you can rememberto bless and cheer for your alma mater.35、今天,母校百年庆典,我们衷心祝愿母校发扬优良传统,为培育时代英才,再谱华丽篇章。Today, the centennial celebration of our alma mater, we sincerely wish our alma mater to carry forward its fine tradition and make a magnificent chapter for cultivating the talen
20、ts of the times.36、十周年校庆,愿母校有一个更辉煌的前程。On the tenth anniversary of our school, I wish our alma mater a more brilliant future.37、一片绿叶,饱含着对根的情谊;一句贺词,浓缩了我们对 母校的祝福。A green leaf, full of friendship to the root; a congratulatory message, condensed our wishes to our alma mater.38、望母校的办学质量更上一层楼,满园桃李越来越多,成功 之士越来越强。Hope that the quality of Alma Mater's school is better, more and more peaches and plums are in the garden, and more and more successful people are becoming stronger and str
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