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1、WORD整理版中专新模式英语1基础练习册整本参考答案专业学习参考资料Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our ClassChallenge 1: The Verb: Be (p. P2)Exercise A.Read a conversation.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.Read the information.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Exercise F.1. I m Andrew.2. I m Esmeralda.3. I,m Eva.4.

2、I m Gabriela.5. I m Gilberto.6. I m Ivan.7. I m Roberto.8. I,m Tri.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: It is and it (p. P4 )Exercise A.Reading.Exercise B.1. 14 Main Street2. (619) 555-69033. 333 Western Circle4. (562) 555-28765. (401) 555-72486. Eva7. Roberto8. GabrielaExercise C.Read the char

3、t.Exercise D.1. It s-3755.2. It s 14 Main Street.3. It ,2856.4. It s-2953.5. It s 25821 West Birch Street.6. It ,952.7. It s C73ress Ave.8. It s-90i9i0.Exercise E.Reading Exercise D with a partner.Exercise F.1.333 Western Circle2. (401) 555-35343. (562) 555-28764. (619) 555-69035. 14 Main Street6. 2

4、315 Wilshire PlaceExercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Imperatives (ActionVerbs) (p. P6 )Exercise A002E1. c2. d3. b4. a5. cExercise B.Read the chart.Exercise C.1.Stand up2.Open3.Read4.Listen to5.Write6.Take out7.Help8.Sit down.Exercise D.1.Open2.Read3.Help4.Stand5.Sit6.Teach7.Listen8.WriteExerc

5、ise F.Giving directions.11. are12. isExercise E.1. a2. c3. a4. c5. bExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Simple Present:Have/Be (p. 4)Exercise A.Read the identification card.Exercise B.1. 8220 State Street2. San Francisco3. 941404. Felipe5. RodriguezExercise C.Read

6、the chart.Exercise D.1. is2. have3. have4. are5. have6. am7. is8. have9. has10. areExercise E.Unit 1 Talking with Others (p. 2)Challenge 1: Simple Present:Be (p. 2 )Exercise A.Read the chart.Exercise B.Marital status: married, divorced, singleAge: 33 years old, 15, 75 years old Country: China, Russi

7、a, EnglandExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. is2. are3. are4. am5. are6. is7. is8. are9. are10. is1. has2. has3. have4. have5. have6. have7. is8. are9. are10. are11. are12. amExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: More on Simple Present:Have/Be (p. 6)Exercise A.L

8、ook at the chart.Exercise B.1. c2. a3. a4. bExercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1. is2. are3. is4. are5. am6. areExercise E.1. has2. has3. has4. have5. have6. haveExercise F.Read the paragraphs.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Simple Present:Like (p.8)Exercise A.Read the information.Exerc

9、ise B.Only Rebecca likes: music, parks, books Only Antonio likes: movies, TV, games Rebecca and Antonio like: sports, restaurants, computersExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. likes2. like3. like4. like5. like6. like7. like8. like9. likes10. likes11. like12. likesExercise E.Allen is a teacher. M

10、aria is Allens wife.Allen likes computers. Maria likes restaurants. Maria and Allen like parks. Maria reads every day. She likes books. Allen listens to the radio every day. He likes music. They like sports, movies, and games.Exercise F.is also acceptable)Allen likes: computers, parks, music, sports

11、, movies, gamesMaria likes: restaurants, parks, books, sports, movies, gamesAllen and Maria like: parks, sports, movies, gamesExercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: Using from to (p.10)Exercise A.Read the planner.Exercise B.1. c2. a3. d4. bExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. Jerome reads from

12、 7:00 to 8:00.2. Binh practices English from 5:00 to 7:00.3. Alberto writes in a journal from 9:30 to 10:00.4. Marie listens to the radio from 12:00 to 2:00.5. Hugo watches TV from 7:30 to 10:00.6. Tien reads a newspaper from 7:00 to 7:30.Exercise E.1. Barry eats from 7:00 AM to 7:15 AM.2. Barry pra

13、ctices English from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.3. Barry listens to the radio from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: PossessiveAdjectives ( p. 12 )Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.My name is Kenji. I am from Japan. I have black hair and brown eyes. I am singl

14、e. I have 2 brothers andsister. I practice English from 8:00 to 10:000. I like movies and sports.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. My2. My3. His4. Her5. Their6. Her7. My/my8. Our ( MyExercise E.This is a photo of my family. This is my daughter. Her name is Ana. Ana has two children, Rosalina a

15、nd Luiz. Both Rosalina and Luiz have the same birthday. Her birthday is August 8. Rosalina has blue eyes and her hair is red. Luiz has brown eyes and her hair is brown. Rosalina likes books. Her brother likes sports and movies.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: PossessiveProper Noun

16、s( p. 14 )Exercise A.Look at the family chart.Exercise B.Father: JimMother: MarieGrandfathers: Jack, BillGrandmothers: Ann, JaneExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. Johns book is new.2. Antonis sister is 24 years old.3. Rosalbas pencil is yellow.4. Darlenes friend is from Peru.5. Lidias sister ha

17、s red hair.6. Armands uncle has blue eyes.Exercise E.1. Jacks wife has red hair.2. Jims father has white hair.3. Maries husband has blond hair.4. Johns grandmother has red hair.5. Jack and Anns grandson has brown hair.6. Maries father has black hair.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Unit 2 Let s Go Shopp

18、ing (p. 16)Challenge 1: Simple Present:Shop (p.16)Exercise A.Look at the bar graph.Exercise B.1. 452. 333. 1094. 645. 224Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. shop2. shop3. shop4. shop5. shops6. shop7. shops8. shop9. shop10. shopExercise E.Read the chart.Exercise F.1. Richard shops for shoes and p

19、ants at the department store.2. Alexis shops for toys at the department store.3. Richard and Alexis shop for groceries at the supermarket.4. Alexis shops for shirts at the clothing store.5. Richard shops for dictionaries at the book store.6. Richard shops for milk and water at the convenience store.

20、7. Richard and Alexis shop for shirts at the clothing store.8. Alexis shops for toys at the department store.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much is/are (p.18)Exercise A.Read the receipt:Exercise B.1. 98.992. 42.993. 80.004. 53.765. 725.74Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. is2. ar

21、e3. is4. are5. are6. is7. are8. areExercise E.1. How much is the radio?2. How much are the T-shirts?3. How much is the dictionary?4. How much are the socks?5. How much are the shoes?6. How much is the dress?7. How much is the bread?8. How much is the CD player?Exercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G

22、.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: It is, they are (p. 20 )Exercise A.Fill in the missing numbers:Baseball cap $ 12.99Blouse32.89Sweater42.00Suit275.45Tax25.07Total$ 388.40Exercise B.baseball cap$ 12.99blouse$32.89sweater$42.00suit$275.45Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1. It is2. They are3. Its4.

23、 It is5. They are6. Theyre7. Its8. TheyreExercise E.1. The shoes are $28.00. They are $28.00. Theyre $28.00.2. The blouse is $45.00. It is $45.00. Its $45.00.3. The suit is $385.98. It is $385.98. Its $385.98.4. The socks are $15.45. They are $15.45. Theyre $15.45.5. The tie is $25.55. It is $25.55.

24、 Its $25.55.6. The coat is $75.99. It is $75.99. Its $75.99.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Possessive Adjectives(p. 22 )Exercise A.Read the descriptions.Exercise B.1. Gabriela has a white blouse.2. She has_blue slacks.3. She has brown sandals.4. She has a black belt.5. Roberto has a _red

25、shirt.6. He has brown shorts.7. He has brown sandals.8. He has a blue cap.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. Their2. My3. Our4. Your5. Her6. Our7. Their8. MyExercise E.1. His shirt is red.2. His belt is brown.3. Her pants are gray.4. Their shoes are black.5. Their pants are blue.6. Her blouse i

26、s blue.Challenge 5: Adjectives ( p. 24)Exercise A.Matchsmall to radio old to old car medium to plain blouse striped to striped shirtExercise B.1. He wants a small radio and not a large radio.2. He wants an old car and not a new car.3. She wants a medium blouse and not a large/small blouse.4. He want

27、s a striped shirt and not a plain shirt.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. want2. wants3. want4. want5. want6. want7. want8. wantsExercise E.Read the descriptions.Exercise F.1. Nam wants a new house and a used car.2. Silvia and Roberto want an old house and a new car.3. Gabriela wants an old ho

28、use and a used car.4. Nam and Gabriela want a used car.5. Silvia, Roberto, and Gabriela want an old house.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Singular/Plural ( p. 26 )Exercise A.Read.Exercise B.1 Coat3 Dresses1 Skirt3 BlousesExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. shoes2. suits3. rad

29、ios4. dresses5. socks6. houses7. cars8. booksExercise E.My name is Maria. I am fro Haiti. I live in West Palm Beach, Florida. I need more clothes. I need two new coats. I need sandals and pants. I need four new shirts. I need two dresses and one skirt. I also need a suit.Exercise F.Answers will vary

30、.Extension Challenge 2: Negative Simple Present Want/Need (p. 28 )Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.He needsmoney a used car new clothes a new job a new $1,000 computerHe wantsa new housea new cara new $2,000 computerExercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1. dont want2. dont need3. doesnt want

31、4. dont want5. doesnt want6. dont need7. dont want8. dont needExercise E.Read the chart.Exercise F.Answers will vary.1. Armand and Debbie both want a new house.2. Armand and Debbie dont want an old house.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Unit 3 Food (p. 30)Challenge 1: Simple Present:Like (p.30)Exercise

32、A.Look at the words.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1. doesnt like2. likes3. like4. doesnt like5. like6. dont like7. doesnt like8. likeExercises E.1. likes2. likes3. doesnt like4. like5. doesnt like6. likeExercises E.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much/How many

33、 (p. 32)Exercise A.Look at the chart.Exercise B.1. gallons of milk.2. one package3. one jar4. three six-packs5. three boxes6. three bagsExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. How many2. How many3. How much4. How many5. How much6. How many7. How many8. How much9. How much10. How muchExercise E.1. Ho

34、w much are2. How much is3. How much are4. How much are5. How much is6. How much is7. How much is8. How much are9. How much is10. How much are11. How much is12. How much areExercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Simple Present( p. 34 )Exercise A.Look at the shopping list. .Exercise B.Answers will

35、vary.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. eats2. like3. need4. want5. make6. eat7. likes8. need9. eats10. makesExercise E.Look at the charts.Exercise F.1. makes2. eats3. eats4. eat5. likes6. likeExercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Comparative Adjectives (p. 36)Exercise A.Read the chart.Exer

36、cise B.1. $1.35 a pound2. $2.10 a jar3. $4.684. $4.105. $4.256. $2.25Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. cheaper2. cheaper3. more expensive4. cheaper5. more expensive6. more expensiveExercise E.1. Vans Supermarket2. Vans Supermarket3. Alberts Supermarket4. Alberts Supermarket5. Vans Supermarket6

37、. Vans SupermarketExercises F.1. Theyre cheaper at Vans.2. Its more expensive at Vans.3. Its cheaper at Alberts.4. Its more expensive at Alberts.5. Its cheaper at Vans.Exercises G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: Short Answers ( p. 38 )Exercise A.Read the order.Exercise B.1. Its $ .54.2. Its $7.30.3.

38、Its $ .99.4. Its $2.99.5. Yes, he does.6. No, he doesnt.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.Look at the chart.Extension Challenge 1: ComparingNouns ( p. 40 )Exercise A.Read the sign over the highway fruit stand.Exercise B.1. $42. $33. $44. $3.255. $2.006. $4.507. $3.758. $2.75Exercise C.Read the ch

39、art.Exercise D.1. cheaper than2. more expensive than3. cheaper than4. more expensive than5. cheaper than6. cheaper than7. cheaper than8. cheaper thanExercise E.bananas tomatoes grapesapple orangesExercise F.1. True2. False3. False4. False5. True6. True7. False8. TrueExercise E.1. Yes, she does.2. No

40、, she doesnt.3. No, they dont.4. Yes, he does.5. No, she doesnt.6. Yes, she does.7. Yes, they do.8. No, she doesnt.Exercise F.Read the chart; practice with a partner.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: NegativeSimple Present ( p. 42 )Exercise A.Read the m

41、enu.Exercise B.Answers will varyExercise C.Read the Chart.Exercise D.1. doesnt2. dont3. doesnt4. dont5. dont6. doesnt7. dont8. dont9. dont10. dontExercise E.1. dont like2. dont eat3. dont make4. dont serve5. doesnt work6. doesnt eat7. dont drive8. dont go9. dont see10. doesnt drinkExercise F.Answers

42、 will vary.Unit 4 Housing (p. 44)Challenge 1: Simple Present LivePrepositions ( p. 44 )Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.1. an apartment2. Japan.3. Japan.4. His uncle and aunt.5. at a restaurantExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. lives2. live3. live4. live5. live6. lives7. live8. live9. l

43、ive10. lives11. lives12. live13. lives14. liveExercise E.Look at the information.Exercise F.1. lives in2. lives at3. lives on4. lives in5. live in6. live in7. lives with8. lives atExercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Simple Present: andHave/Has (p. 46 )Exercise A.Look at the floor plan.Exercise

44、 B. 1. three bedrooms 2. one (1) 3. yes4.yeselectricityelect5.yesnearnr6.yespaid utilitiespd. utlsExercise C.Read the chart.withExercise C.w/Exercise D.1. hasRead the chart.2.hasExercise D.3.has1. Yes, it does.4.have2. Yes, it does.5.have3. No, it doesnt.6.has4. Yes, they do.7.has5. No, they dont.8.

45、have6. Yes, it does.9.have7. No, it doesnt.10.11.has have8. No, they dont.12.haveExercise E.Practice the conversation.Exercise E.Look at the information.Exercise F.1. has2. have3. have4. has5. has6. have7. has8. hasExercise F.Read the information.Exercise G.Repeat the conversation.Exercise HAnswers

46、will vary.Challenge 4: Present Continuous ( p. 50)Exercise G.Answers will vary.Exercise A.Practice the conversation.Challenge 3: Yes/No Questions ( p. 48 )Exercise A.Read the advertisements.Exercise B.Exercise B.1. a. They are talking.2. b. He is looking for an apartment.3. b. She is talking and cle

47、aning.Exercise C.Read the chart.air conditioninga/capartmentapt.bathroombathbedroombedExercise D.1. are looking2. is calling3. are reading4. am moving5. are talking6. are cleaning7. is painting8. are talkingExercise E.1. The owner is selling the house for $250,000.2. We are calling for information a

48、bout an apartment.3. They are reading the classified ads.4. We are looking for a home on Sycamore Street.Exercise F.1. Eva and Franco are painting and sweeping.2. Alex is mopping.3. Alex and Franco are mopping.4. Eva is painting and sweeping.Challenge 5: Prepositions ( p. 52 ) Exercise A.1. b2. c3.

49、d4. a5. eExercise B.1. False2. True3. True4. False5. TrueExtension Challenge 1: NegativeSimple Present: Be(p. 54 )Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.There is a kitchena balconya fenced-in backyard.There isnta garagea swimming poola front yardExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. Theyre not o

50、n the front porch. Theyre in the backyard.2. Its in a good neighborhood. It s not ina bad neighborhood.3. Were not from San Francisco. Werefrom Dallas.4. Shes not outside. Shes inside.5. Theres not a deck.Theres a large backyard.6. Theyre not in the house. Theyre in the garage.Exercise E.Read the in

51、formation.Exercise C.1. The coffee table is in front of the sofa.2. The lamp is on the table.3. The bed is between the tables.4. The refrigerator is next to the oven.5. The picture is over the recliner.6. The cat is under the dining room table.Exercise D.Answers will vary.Exercise F.Answers may or m

52、ay not contain contractions. Both are correct.1. Yes, there are chairs in the living room.2. No, there isnt a dresser in the kitchen.3. No, there isnt a bed in the living room.4. Yes, theres chairs in the bedroom.Extension Challenge 2: NegativePresent Continuous ( p. 56 )Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.CleanRepairCookPaintKevinXXXPaulXXDavidXCarlaXXKimXXXExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. arent2. am not3. isnt4. arent5. isnt6. arent7. isnt8. am not9. arent10. arentExercise E.1. isnt re


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