1、Rev.Date Compiled byReview Approval 压型钢板施工程序Procedure for Corrugated Metal Sheet ConstructionDocument No.MTP-0-SEPC-COM-WI-0040PROJECT赞比亚马安巴 2×150MW燃煤电站项目300 MW(2×150MW) Coal-Fired Power Plant at Maamba, ZambiaOWNER赞比亚马安巴煤矿公司MAAMBA COLLIERIES LIMITEDOWNERS ENGINEERTATA咨询工程有限公司TATA CONSULTI
3、偏-板端与钢梁点焊固定-压型钢板纵向搭接点焊连接-栓钉焊接The corrugated metal sheet will be lifted in position onto the steel beam according to the axis lineit will be laid out manually, rectified and inclination shall be correctedthe end of the sheet will be connected with steel beam through point weldingthe corrugated metal
4、sheets vertical orientation will take a point welded jointstud welding. 1、压型钢板型号为U-200,板厚0.8mm,外设镀锌层。The corrugated metal sheet should be a U-200 model with a thickness of 0.8mm and the exterior should be furnished with a galvanized layer.2、安装压型钢板前,在梁上标出压型钢板铺放的位置线。Prior to installing the corrugated
5、metal sheet, mark out the position lines on the steel beam where it will be laid out.3、板吊装就位后,先从钢梁己弹出的起铺线开始,沿铺设方向单块就位,到控制线后应适当调整板缝,遇到钢柱等现场开孔。After the sheet has been lifted into position, begin paving from the steel beam pop up start line. Follow the paving direction by placing single pieces in posi
6、tion and after the control line, appropriately adjust the sheets sews. If steel pillars are encountered, holes should be made. 4、铺放压型钢板时,相邻两排压型钢板端头的波形槽口应对准。During paving of the corrugated metal sheet, the wavy grooves of the two rows of bordering sheets should be correctly aligned.5、每块板的纵向搭接长度不小于200
7、mm,接头宜在钢梁上,横向搭接1个小波。The vertical connection of each sheet shall not be less than 200mm in length; the joint will be fitted on the steel beam. The transverse orientation should be set up with a small wave.6、栓钉焊接前,应先弹出栓钉安装位置线,并将板和钢梁焊接处的表面清理干净Before welding the studs, first pop out the position marks f
8、or the stud s installation and the surface location of welding between the sheet and the beam shall be thoroughly cleaned.7、钢梁两端至L/3位置栓钉间距为200mm,钢梁中间L/3位置栓钉间距为400mmThe distance between the two ends of the steel beam and L/3 stud position should be 200mm; the distance between the middle of the steel
9、beam and L/3 stud position shall be 400mm.8、压型钢板周边的堵板和封沿板与钢梁可点焊连接,焊点直径为3mm,焊点间距为200mm。The blocking and enveloping plates in the peripheral of the corrugated metal sheet can be connected with the steel beam through point welding; point welding should have a diameter of 3mm and spacing of 200mm.二、注意事项
10、Precautions:1、压型钢板在钢梁上铺设时,按照顺序,从一端铺向另一端。Paving of the corrugated metal sheet should follow an order, from one end to the other.2、铺设时,相临跨钢板端头的槽口应对齐贯通。搬运安装时,注意不要与硬物碰撞,以免擦伤板面或变形。During paving, the grooves of the immediate bridging steel plates should be properly aligned. When transporting and installin
11、g, ensure that the sheet does not collide with hard objects to avoid scratching its surface or deformation.3、钢板应随铺、随校正、随点焊、以防止压型钢板松动、滑脱。The steel beam should follow paving, rectification and point welding to prevent the corrugated metal sheet from becoming loose or sliding.4、栓钉焊接采用焊机自动焊的施工方式。Welding
12、 of studs should use an automatic welding construction method.NoList Task with All Task Steps(Who will do what, where and when)Potential and Existing Hazards· Injury, Health, Process, Material and/or EnvironmentProbability of Occurrence a/b/c/d/eConsequence of Occurrence 1/2/3/4/5Risk Rank /Pri
13、ority FactorPreventative Measures and Controls· Eliminate Risk· Control at Source· Put/Follow Procedure· Provide PPEPerson Responsible to Ensure Preventative Measures and Controls are in PlaceResponsible Persons Signatureon Completion Date1高空作业Working on high altitude 落物伤人Falling
14、 objects which can cause injuryC321. 尽量避免交叉作业,上方施工时,下方拉设警戒绳,防止无关人员进入。Avoid overlapping of tasks, if works are going on above, the area below should fenced with an alert rope to prevent unauthorized people from entering2. 高处操作人员使用的工具、零配件等,应放在随身佩带的工具袋内,或拴上安全绳系在身上,不可随意上下抛掷。All the operators working on
15、high altitude should carry their tools, components etc in tool bags or they should be tied with a rope to their body; its not allowed to throw objects up and down.Kong Qingyi2013-9-2013/2013-12-20132高空作业Working on high altitude高空坠落Falling from high altitudeC321.酒后、精神不振及非施工人员严禁进入施工现场The following per
16、sonnel are not allowed to enter the construction site: - those who have consumed alcohol, those who are mentally unstable and non-workers.2. 高空作业必须正确使用安全带。高处作业人员必须随时进行自我安全保护,在任何时候都不得失去防护用品。When working on high altitude, one must correctly use the safety rope. One must always be on high alert to prot
17、ect oneself and must have protective gear at all times3. 攀爬、高处作业的施工人员要穿软底胶鞋。When climbing and working on high altitude, workers should wear shoes with soft rubber soles/bottom.4.施工工机具应检验合格,性能良好,绳索、吊具、安全网必须检验合格,任何情况下不得违章使用。All the tools and equipment should be checked and certified to ensure their pe
18、rformance. The cables, lifting tools and the safety net must be checked and certified for use. Under no circumstance should one disobey the rules of usage.5. 、遇有六级以上大风及雷雨等恶劣气候,应停止所有作业;雨季施工应有可靠防滑措施,否则不准施工;施工区域存在积水应及时清除,否则严禁施工。When facing adverse weather conditions such as level 6 typhoon or thunderst
19、orms, all works should stop; during the rain reason, there should be measures to prevent slipping; the construction area should not be allowed to accumulate with water.Kong Qingyi2013-9-2013/2013-12-20133电焊Electric welding漏电伤人Power leakage which can cause injuryC24接电由专门电工负责,非电工不得乱接电。焊接必须有接电保护,定期检查线路
20、漏电情况。Connection of electric power should be done only by a certified electrician. Welding must have proper earthing protection and the circuits should undergo regular check ups.Kong Qingyi2013-9-2013/2013-12-20134压型钢板的堆放Piling up of corrugated metal sheets板面污染,变形Contaminating the surface of the shee
21、ts; deformation C321.压型钢板的堆放必须干燥,防止污染板面,压型钢板必须堆放在枕木上,枕木间距应不使板发生变形为宜,严禁在板上行走站立。The corrugated metal sheet must be pile up in a dry environment to avoid contaminating the surface and they should be put on wooden pads. The spacing of wooded pads should not allow the deformation of sheets. Its not allowed to walk or stand on the metal sheets. 搬运安装
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