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1、 Wang H and Liao C: JPEG Images Authentication with Discrimination use a decimal chaotic sequence to select the element of a0,1. Then we can get the watermark bit. Let K2 = 0.1; we also use a decimal chaotic sequence to permute the watermark bit. The permuted watermark is embedded into the quantized

2、 DCT AC coefficients of a 512 × 512 “Pepper” original JPEG image shown in Figure 3a. The watermarked JPEG image is shown in Figure 3b with PSNR = 41.75 dB. The performance comparison between the proposed scheme and related works is shown in Table 1. From the data listed in Table 1, the invisibi

3、lity is enhanced evidently because the watermark is embedded into the LSB plane of the AC component of the quantized DCT coefficients. Furthermore, our scheme has JPEG decoding steps than Refs.67. In order to test the validity of our scheme, the tamper attack is done to the watermarked JPEG image. W

4、e add a pepper in the watermarked image shown in Figure 4a, which implies that the tamper attack is done on both the image content and watermark. The detected results are shown in Figure 4b, which include some randomly distributed nonzero points, as well as dense points Table 1: Performance comparis

5、on between the proposed scheme and related works Algorithm Proposed scheme Ref.6 Ref.7 PSNR (dB 41.75 37.9 41.6 JPEG decoding steps for authentication Huffman decoding Huffman decoding + inverse quantization + inverse DCT Huffman decoding + inverse quantization Localization precision 8×8 block

6、Pixel point 4×4 block gathered into a certain region. The region with distributing dense nonzero points represents the maliciously tampered region of the image content. Obviously, the tamper localization is very accurate for the JPEG image. Furthermore, the sparse distribution of nonzero points

7、 shows that the watermark bits are also tampered, due to the watermark permutation before embedding. In order to test the validity when only watermark bits are tampered, we select a 64×64 DCT coefficients block of interest in the added pepper and alter only its watermark bits. The detected resu

8、lts are shown in Figure 4(c. There is a random and sparse distribution of nonzero points, because the tampered local watermark bits will show random distribution after inverse permutation, which can determine that only watermark bits are tampered. But if we use the methods in 7 and 16 to alter only

9、the least significant bits of interest in the added pepper, then the detected results are shown in Figures 4d and e, respectively. Obviously, the slight modification cannot be detected in 7, because the robustness of the semifragile watermarking in 7 is stronger. Figure 4(e shows that the image cont

10、ent is also tampered because of the sensitivity of the hash function, but this slight modification does not destroy the useful value of the image, and should pass the authentication. But the method of 16 cannot distinguish the two types of tampers. Now we restore the tampered watermark bits to Figur

11、e 4a such that the watermark bits are coincident with Figure 3b. The detected results are shown in Figure 4f. There are only dense nonzero points gathered into the certain regions which represent the tampered image content. So our scheme can distinguish the modification made to the watermarked JPEG

12、image contents or the embedded watermark or both. a b Figure 3: Watermark embedding. (a Original JPEG image. (b Watermarked JPEG image. IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW | VOL 27 | ISSUE 3 | MAY-JUN 2010 249 Wang H and Liao C: JPEG Images Authentication with Discrimination a b c d e f Figure 4: Watermark extrac

13、tion and tamper detection results. (a Tampered JPEG image. (b Detected results when tampering was done on both the image content and watermark. (c Detected results when tampering was done only on watermark bits carried on 64×64 DCT coefficients block of interest in the added pepper. (d Detected

14、 results when tampering was done only on the LSB plane of interest in the added pepper in 7. (e Detected results when tampering was done only on the LSB plane of interest in the added pepper in 16. (f Detected results when tampering was done only on the image content. 5. Conclusion References 1. S.

15、Emmanuel, H. C. Kiang, and A. Das. “A reversible watermarking scheme for JPEG-2000 compressed images,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 69-72, Jul. 2005. H. Q. Wang, R. Nishimura, Y. Suzuki, and M. Lao. “Fuzzy selfadaptive digital audio watermarking b

16、ased on time-spread echo hiding,” Applied Acoustics, pp. 1-7, 2007. H. J. He, J. S. Zhang, and F. Chen. “A self-recovery fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication with superior localization,” Science in China (Series F, vol. 51, no.10, pp. 1487-507, 2008. H. X. Wang, H. Chen, and K. Ding.

17、 “Quadtrees-based image authentication technique,” IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E87-A, no.4, pp. 946-8, 2004. C. Chang, Y. H. Fan, and W. L. Tai. “Four-scanning attack on hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 41, no. 2, pp.

18、 654-61, 2008. X. P . Zhang, and S. Z. Wang. “Statistical fragile watermarking capable of locating individual tampered pixels,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no.10, pp.727-30, 2007. K. Ding, C. He, L. G. Jiang, and H. X. Wang. “Wavelet-based semifragile watermarking with tamper detection,

19、” IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E88-A(3, pp. 787-90, 2005. L. Xie, and G.R. Arce. “A class of authentication digital watermarks We have presented a fragile watermarking algorithm that embeds and extracts entirely in the JPEG compressed domain. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed

20、scheme can distinguish the modification made on the JPEG image contents or the embedded watermark or both tampered by attackers. Therefore, the proposed method overcomes the defect of those previous methods that cannot discriminate the slight tamper. The potential applications of the proposed scheme

21、 are the authentication of JPEG images on Internet and judicial witness pictures. Future work will focus on authenticating JPEG images under the pixel units. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Acknowledgments 6. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC under grant no. 60702025,

22、the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (RFDP under grant no. 20070613024, and Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Foundation of China under grant no. 07ZQ026-004. 7. 8. 250 IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW | VOL 27 | ISSUE 3 | MAY-JUN 2010 Wang H and Liao C: JPEG Images Authentication

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24、000. C. T. Li. “Digital fragile watermarking scheme for authentication of JPEG images,” IEE Proceedings-Vision Image Signal Processing, vol. 151, no.6, pp. 460-6, 2004. C. K. Ho, and C. T. Li. “Semi-fragile watermarking scheme for authentication of JPEG images,” International Conference on Informati

25、on Technology: Coding and Computing, vol. 1, pp.7-10, 2004. B. G. Mobasseri, and R. J. Berger. “A foundation for watermarking in compressed domain,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 399-402, 2005. M. Iwata, K. Miyake, and A. Shiozaki. “Digital watermarking method to embed index da

26、ta in JPEG images,” IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E85-A, no. 10, pp. 2267-71, 2002. J. C. Yen. “Watermark embedded in permuted domain,” IEE Electronics Letters, 2001, vol.37, no.2, pp. 80-1. P .H.W. Wong, O.C. Au, and J.W.C. Wong. “A Data Hiding Technique in JPEG Compressed Domain,” Proc. of SP

27、IE Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III, vol. 4314, pp. 309-320, Jan. 2001. P .W. Wong, and N. Memon. “Secret and public key image watermarking schemes for image authentication and ownership verification,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 10, pp. 1593601, 2001. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 12. AUTHORS Hongxia Wang received PhD from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2002. She engaged in postdoctoral research work in Shanghai Jiaotong University from 2002 to 2004. she is currently working as a professor at School of Information Scienc


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