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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一、选择题1. Were you in the supermarket? _.A.Yes , I were. B. No, I wasnt. C.No, I was.2. Where did you go yesterday?I went to _.A.the supermarket B.a schoolbag C.orange3. Whats your favorite color? Its _.A

2、. book B. banana C. blue4.  Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? A. Yes, I did.  B.Yes,I do. C.No, I did.5. What did you do in your summer vacation? A.I visit Big Ben. B.I visited the Great Wall. C.I do my homework.6. Im&#

3、160;from _.A. the USA B.summer C.the Shanghai7. Do you like your school,Sally ? A. No,you do. B.No,you dont. C.Yes,I do.8.Where are you from, Miss Panda? A.Im from China. B.Im here. C.Yes.9. Excuse me , Sir. How can I get

4、0;to the zoo? A.In China. B. Go straight,then turn right C.At school.10. Thank you. _.A.Youre right. B.Youre welcome C.Thank you.11.Are you from Australia?_ A.Yes ,you are. B.No,I am. C.Yes,I am.12.Were you in Beijing in summer? A.I am sorry. B.No,I was in Hainan.

5、C.Yes,I am in Beijing.13. Whats your favorite month? _ _ _ A.Sunday B.Tuesday C.March14. When is your birthday, Li Hong? Its  _ _ _.A.April. B.Monday C.eight15.  How is the weather in spring? Its _.A.warm B.cold C.cool16

6、. When is Childrens Day? A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st 17.翻译词组“向左转”。_A.Turn left. B.Turn right. C.Turn on.18.翻译“十月份”_ _A.September   B.October   C.November19.Its Mid-Autumn Day. 翻译:_-A.今天是国庆节。.今天是中秋节。C.今天是劳动节。20.Whats your favorite food,Panda? _A.Fish B.Grass C.Bamboo

7、21.Where are you from, Kangaroo? Im from _.A.Australia B.China C.Janpa22.We saw some _.A.panda B.pandas C.a panda23.Lets have dinner together. 翻译:_A.让我们一起吃早饭吧! B.让我们一起吃午饭吧!C.让我们一起吃晚饭吧!24.What time?_.A.At six oclock. B.April 4th C.November25.Hello._Lily.May I speak to Ben?A.Its B.This is C.That is26.

8、I had a good time. 翻译:_A.我有一个好时间。B.我有一个好时机。C.我玩得很开心。27. Thursday正确缩写形式为: A.Thur. B.thur. C.Thurs.28. 别人称赞你的新衣服时你应该怎么回答。 .A Thank you. B Yes. C Sure.29.Did you eat moon cakes?_A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No,you didnt.30.Hello,this is Jim.May I speak to Sally? _A.Speak. B.Speaking. C.Speaks.31.What ani

9、mals did you see? _A.Grapes. B.football. C.Kangaroos.32.Go straight. 翻译成中文:_A.向左转B.向右转C.一直走33.Youre welcome. 翻译成中文:_A.不用谢。B.欢迎光临。C.不要34.Which bus? Bus _.A. J B.No.51 C.35.下面哪种写法是正确的?_A.Bus No.20 B.Bus no.20 C.bus No.2036.Excuse _,Sir.A. you B.me C.she37.仍然感谢你。Thank you _.A.same B.very much C.all the

10、 same38.See you later. 翻译:_A.再见 B.一会儿见C.看见你了39.Womens Day is in _.A.March B. April C.May40.How is the weather in summer? Its _.A.warm B.hot C.cool41.We often go _.A.swimming B.swim C.swam42.July 翻译成中文:_A.六月B.七月C.八月43.When is the Army Day? _A.July 1st B.August 1st C.January 1st44._is in January.A.New

11、 Years Day B.Christmas Day C.May Day45.Its very _in January and February.A. hot B. warm C.cold46.“一月份”形式正确的是_.A. Jul. B.Jun. C. Jan.47.When is Teachers Day? Its in _.A.September B.October C.November48.How did you go to England? I went there _.A.by bike B.by plane C.on foot49.Bill took some _.A.photo

12、s B.photoes C.photo50.What do you wear in summer? I wear _.A.a T-shirt and a skirt B.a skirt and a sweater C.a T-shirt and gloves闽教版英语第六册 (  C  ) 1. - are they ? -Twenty yuan. A. How      B. How many         C. How much

13、(  B  ) 2.My grandpa cant hear clearly. There is something with his .  A. eyes   B.  ears     C. nose (  B  ) 3. There an eraser and some pencils on the box . A. is     B. are      C. was (&

14、#160; C  ) 4. are they doing now ? A. Who    B.Where     C. What (  B ) 5. the students games in the garden tomorrow? A. Are playing   B .Are going to play   C. Are going to playing (  C   ) 6. come to school late.A

15、 . Not       B. Aren't      C. Don't ( B   ) 7.He was not at school yesterday he was ill.  A. so         B. because          C. but ( 

16、60; C ) 8.Mary and Peter books over there .  A. reads       B. can read           C. are reading (   B ) 9. - I watch TV? -Yes, you _.  A . Can are      B. Can can &

17、#160;    C. Am are (  C  ) 10. - subjects is Sally going to study ?       - Physics, Chemistry and History.  A. Who        B.How       C. What (   A ) 11.There is so

18、me - in the box . A . bread         B. pens         C. apple (   B ) 12.The Chinese meaning of Thanksgiving Day is _   A. 万圣节    B.感恩节    C. 圣诞节 (  C   ) 1

19、3.Daming and Simon - to a baseball game yesterday.  A. go       B. is going         C. went ( A   ) 15.-Have you got a pen friend? -Yes, _ . A. I have        B. I am 

20、0;         C. It is  ( A ) 16.Where _ you see him last Sunday? I _ him in the street. A. did, saw   B. do, see   C. did, see (  A ) 17.Who can help him? _ A. I can.   B. You can.   C. Yes, I can. (

21、60; C ) 18. I usually go to school _ 7:30 _ the morning. A. in, at   B. at, on   C. at, in( A ) 19.Has Sally got _ Chinese kites? Yes, he has. A. any   B. many   C. a( B   ) 20.Look, the woman _ red is _ teacher. A. on, our   B. in, ou

22、r   C. in, we ( C )21. Many years ago, we _ in a small house. A . living B. live C. lived( C )22. My grandparents_ going to go to Beijing October. A .is on B. am in C. are in( A )23. I am going to _ tomorrow .A. swim B. swims C. swimming( A )24. -Where can you find the headmasters office?

23、-_the third floor. A .On B. In C. At( B )25. Where _Ben go on Saturday? He went to the park. A . do B. did C. does( B )26. Look at the women. They TV. A.watch B. are watching C. watched ( A ) 27.- How about a green T-shirt ? -_.AIts a good idea B. Yes, I am C. Yes, it is ( A )28.It's 7:00 p.m. L

24、et's have _ . A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( B )29.-What do you do on weekend ? - I like music . I often _ on weekends. A. play football B. play the piano C.play sports( C ) 30.There are _ months in a year. A four B. six C.twelve( A )31.在圣诞节时,有人对你说:"Merry Christmas !"你应该回答: A. Thank

25、you. B.Good job . C.My pleasure .( C )32The Chinese meaning of ".Halloween" 是 A. 复活节 B.感恩节 C.万圣节( B )33.There are _ days in a year . A thirty B. three hundred and sixty-five C.twelve( A )34.I _ football after school every day . A. play B.played C.is going to  ( C )35. We for a picnic

26、tomorrow.A go B goes C. are going ( B ) 36.Peter wants to take some photos with .A. he B. him C. his( B ) 37.Look at the black clouds, it rain.A goes to B is going to C go( B ) 38. They many tigers in the zoo yesterday.A see B saw C sees( B ) 39.Please the bus quickly, we will be late.A go on B. get

27、 on C. getting on( C ) 40.Dont worry. I can your cat. A. look like B. look at C. look after( B ) 41. My father newspaper now A. reads B. is reading C. reading( C ) 42. His pen is lost. He it everywhere. A. look B. looking after C. is looking for( A ) 43.Where does Lucy live?- A. On the 2nd floor. B.

28、 In the 1st floor.C. At the 2nd floor.( C ) 44. There are all kinds of flowers and trees in it. What is it? A. A bank B. A library C. A park( A )46. do you want orange? - no, Id like bottle of orange. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an( A )47. Lets a football together. A. play B. plays C. playing( A )48. H

29、ow are you going to spend your holiday? A. Im going to swim nest Sunday. B. Very good. C. Yes, I am.( C )49. 当你向别人求助,但别人无法提供帮助时,你应该怎么说? A. Excuse me B. You are bad. C. Thank you all the same.( C )50. 经介绍后认识某人时,你应该说: A. Please sit down B. Thank you C. Nice to meet you.31.It will be cold on September

30、2nd.( B )A.in B.on C.at32.Ben is playing football.( C )A.play B.plays C.playing33.当你进入商店购物时,售货员一般会对你说:Can I help you?( A )A.Can I help you? B.How much is it? C.What do you want to buy?34.以下表示提问意见的句子是:What about a toy train?( A )A.What about a toy train? B.How many? C.How much?35.What does she do?She

31、 is a singer.( B )A.Where B.What C.How36.Whats he doing?He is playing ping-pong.( B )A.She is playing ping-pong B.He is playing ping-pongC.He plays ping-pong.37.Whats your favorite sport?basketball( A )A.basketball B.spring C.red38.找出下列哪一项是不正确表达动作的动词词组:play swimming(C )A.play the piano B.fly the kit

32、e C.play swimming39.How is the weather today?Its a sunny day.( A )A.Its a sunny day. B.Its Sunday. C.Itsgreen40.There are four season in a year.They are spring,summer,fall and winter.( A )A.spring,summmer,fall and winter.B.spring,summer,hot and winter.C.spring,summer,fall and warm.41.He often goes t

33、o Shang Hai by plane.( A )A.goes;by B.go;by a C.went;by42.What do you want to be?I want to be a doctor.( B )A.doctor B.a doctor C.doctors43. John 问你:What's the date today?你答:Its June 1st.( B )A.It's Monday .B.It's June 1st. C.It's Children's Day. 44.一位外国人在大街上看地图,你想去帮助他,你该说: What

34、can I do for you?( A )A.What can I do for you B.Where are you goingC.What shall I do 45.你在书店指着一本字典向售货员问价格,你该说: How much is it?(C)A.Is it cheap B.How many money is itC.How much is it 46. 你的朋友要外出买东西,他对你说:Would you like to go with me?你乐意去,就说: Yes,Id love to.( A)A.Yes,I'd love to B.I want to go very

35、 muchC.Yes, I like 47. 一位外国朋友想借你的钢笔用一下,他对你说:May I use your pen?你乐意借给他,就说:Sure,here you are.( A )A.Sure,here you are B.That's all rightC.It doesn't matter 48.Mr Smith was a soldier in the Second World War.( A )A.a B.an C.the 49.Are there any apple trees there?( B ) A.Is there B.Are there C.Th

36、ere will be 50. Australia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.( C )A.country B.countrys C.countries51.Do you know which is the longest river in the world?( C )A.the long B.the longer C.the longest 52. Can you speak English?( C )A.say B.talk C.speak 53.We went swimming last Sunday. (

37、A ) A.swimming B. swim C.swam54.What are you going to do,LiMing? Im going to play soccor.( C)A.Im playing soccer. B.I go to play soccor. C.Im going to play soccor.55.Did you visit your parents last night?( A )A.Yes, I did. B. No, Im not. C.Yes, I am.56.英语课上,老师怎样问时间?What time is it? ( B )A.What is th

38、e date today . B.What time is it?C. What day is it ?57. What did you do last night? I did my homework and watched TV.( B ) A. watch B. watched C. will watch 58. Im hungry. Please bring me some cakes.( C ) A. kites B. desks C. cakes59. Most of the children enjoy playing computer games.( B ) A. play B

39、. playing C. played 60. This is Miss Gao. She is your new teacher.( C ) A. are B. am C. is 61. What did Mike do last weekend ? ( C ) A do B does C did62. I cleaned my room last Sunday. ( A ) A cleaned B clean C am cleaning63. I often help my mother do housework.( C ) A does B did C do 64. Did you wa

40、tch TV last night?( B ) A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched65. Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ? Yes,he did.( A ) A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does C No, he dont66.They went on a trip in February ,2007.( C ) A are going B going C went67.Were going to climb mountains tomorrow .( A ) A climb

41、 B climbed C climbing68. Did he play football two days ago?( C ) A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play69.-Good afternoon, Miss Lee. How does Mike feel? -Hes tired . He did a lot of work this morning .( C ) A does , this morning B do , this morning C did , this morning 70.Tom is 120 cm. Jack is t

42、aller than him.( B ) A. tall B. taller C. heavier71.Jim is 40 kg. Tom is 38 kg. Tom is thinner than Jim.( B )A. taller B. thinner C. heavier72.My father is younger than my grandpa.( B )A. older B. younger C. smaller73.How can I go to Shanghai? You can go by plane.  ( C ) A. What B. Where C. How

43、 74. I am going to visit my grandparents next week.( A )A. visit B. visits C. visiting75. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the bookstore.( A )A. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop76. Amys mother is an actress. Her father is a policeman.( C ) A. a , an, B. a, a C. an, a 77. Toms mother teach

44、es English. What does his mother do? She is a teacher.( B )A.She is a policewoman. B. She is a teacher. C. She goes to work by car.78. Whick season do you like better, spring or autumn?( B) A. best B. better C. the best 79. How many seasons are there in a year?( B) A. season B. seasons C. spring 80.

45、They want to go fishing this week.( C ) A. to go fish B. go fishing C. to go fishing 81. He is studying English and Maths in his study.( B ) A. study, study B. is studying, study C. study, studying 83. They often watch TV in Saturday evenings.( C ) A. on B. at C. in 84. Can you tell me the way to th

46、e cinema?( C ) A. on B. in C. to 85. Let's go to the city post office, but how can we get there?( C ) A. go to there B. get to there C. get there86.Go along this street and then turn right at the fourth crossing.( A) A. turn B. walk C. get 87. How many classrooms are there in your school? Twenty

47、.( B ) A. classroom B. classrooms C. a classroom 88.How can I get to the cinema and which way shall I go?( A ) A. How, which B. What, which C. Where, which 89. Whose box is nicer, yours or hers ?( A ) A. hers B. my C. our 90. The traffic is heavier than yesterday.( C ) A. heavy B. heavyer C. heavier

48、 91. How old is Nancy's cousin? Five years old.( B ) A. How much B. How old C. How many 92. I'm as tall as you, but I'm stronger than you.( A ) A. tall, stronger B. taller, stronger C. tall, strong93. Look! His hands are bigger than hers . ( B ) A. His, her B. His, hers C. Hers, his94.Wh

49、ats wrong with you?( B ) A.about B.with C.for95.Where are the teachers offices?On the second floor.( C )A.teacher; in B.teachers;in C.teachers;On96.Please don't be late again.( C )A. am B. is C. be 97. David is good at English, but he doesn't do well in PE.( B )A. at, on B. at, in C. at, wit

50、h 98.Yesterday morning, Nancy read the newspaper at home.( C )A. reads B. is reading C. read D. readed99.Would you like some tea or milk?( C )A. any, with B. any, and C. some, or 100. There is a hill, some trees and many flowers in the park.( A ) A. is B. are C. was 小学英语六年级期末模拟卷学校:_班级:_姓名:_1.Ben usu

51、ally gets up at 6:40.( C )A.got up B.get up C.gets up2.In the past my mother made my bed.( B )A.make B.made C.makes3.Where were you in the summer vacation?( C )A.are B.is C.were4.Did you have a good time in the USA? Yes,I did.( A )A.Yes,I did B.Yes,I do C.No,I dont5.Nice to see you. Nice to see you,

52、too.( A )A.Nice to see you,too B.Hello! C.Good morning!6.Do you often do housework at home? No,I dont.( B )A.Yes,I does. B.No,I dont. C.Yes,I am.7.Does he clean his room now? Yes,he does.( B )A.Yes,she does. B.Yes,he does. C.No,he dont.8.把你的外套穿上,正确译为:Put on your sweater.( A )A.Put on your sweater .B

53、. Take off your sweater .C.Put on your shoes.9.Will you go to Wuyishan on Oct.1st? No,I wont.( A )A.No,I wont. B.Yes,I was C.yes,I will.10.Do you want to come with me?( C )A.my B.I C.me11.It will be sunny on October 1st.( A )A.sunny B.cloudy C.rainy12.Hello.May I speak to Sally,please? Speaking.( C )A.Speak B.No,y


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