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1、 北京市2009年小学英语毕业考试笔试试卷 (样卷)学校班级姓名入学登记号I 1考生要写清校名、班级、姓名。 2用钢笔或圆珠笔做答,字迹清楚,卷面整洁。认真审题。 3监考人不讲题,不解答问题。 第一部分听力理解(30分)一、听句子。看一看图画是否与所听到的内容相符,相符的写、,不相符的写×。每句话读两遍。(共10分。每小题1分)二、听对话。听一听对话表达的是哪幅图,根据对话顺序将序号填写在括号内。每段对话读两遍。(共5分。每小题1分)三、看图听短文。想一想大家在做什么,将人物与事情用线条连接。短文读三遍。(共5分,每小题1分)四、听对话,想一想对话中人物谈论了什么事情。根据问句选择相

2、应的答语。将标号填写在括号内。每段对话读三遍。(共5分。每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答l、2题。( )1Where is Anna going? AHer grandparentshome BHer mom's office CHer teacher's house( )2What is Mark doing now? AWaiting for his grandparents BWaiting for his mother CWriting a letter 听第二段对话,回答3、4题。 ( )3What is Joy making? AA story book BA cl

3、ass birthday book CA family birthday book ( )4When is Joys birthdav? AAugust 1st BApril 1st CAugust 2nd 听第三段对话,回答第5题。 ( )5Where is John from? AAmerica BCanada CAustralia 五、听新朋友介绍自己。帮助新朋友填写学生信息卡片。短文读三遍。(共5分。每个空1分) 第二部分语言知识(35分)六、读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在横线上。(共10分,每小题1分) Ahave a birthday party Bhave a

4、picnic Csee a movie Dplay drums Ego shopping Fplay a computer game Gplant trees Hmake a snowman Itake pictures J1isten to music七、读每组单词,根据每组单词的类别。在横线上填写一个同类别的单词。(共5分,每个单词1分) 1sweater,pants,coat2bread,rice,noodles3car,ship,train4worker,nurse,doctor5six,eight,nine八、读句子。从各题所给的三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10分,每

5、小题1分)( )1How many_can you see?I can see 0nlv oneAkite Bkites Ca kite( )2John is 140 centimeters tallPeter is 130 centimeters tall.So John is _than Peter Athe tallest Bshorter Ctaller( )3Ken and his father_to the Dark last weekendAwill go Bwent Cgo( )4We have a new school nowIts_the parkAnear Bunder

6、Con( )5TeachersDay is coming_are you going to do for your teacher?AWho BWhere CWhat( )6Ken and Lisa are in the same classThev are_.Aworkers Bclassmates Cfarmers( )7Uncle Tom is a _He works in a hospitalAwaiter B Policeman Cdoctor( )8What's the weather like in winter in Beijing? Its_ A cold and r

7、ainy B cold and windy Chot and rainy( )9When is Children's day? Its_AJune 1st BJuly 1st CMay 1st( )10Matt likes math very machHe thinks it is_ Ainteresting Bdifficult Cboring九、读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图画。将其编号填入句前括号内。(共5分。每小题1分)( )1Joy has to water the plants every morning( )2Peter and Kate made some cakes

8、yesterday( )3Lily is studying for tomorrows English test( )4Mary went to Yunnan with her family last summer vacation( )5Don't run after the busIts very dangerous十、读对话,根据对话内容选择合适的语句。将语句前的标号填写在横线上。(共5分,每小题1分) ACan¨I help you?BWhats wrong with you,Jack?CWhat would you like,son?DHow can I get t

9、o the cinema?EMay I speak to Mary,pJease?1 A:Hello. B:Hello_ A:This is Maly speaking Whos that? B:its Jack here2A_ B:Id like chicken and riceWhat about you,dad? A:Id like fish and rice3A:_ B:Yes1 want to buy this coatHow much is it?A:Its 60 yuan4A:Excuse me. _ B:Go straightTurn left at the first cro

10、ssingYou can see itIt's on your left A:Thank you 5A:_ B:My arm hurts A:Im sorry to hear that 第三部分综合运用(15分)十一、读句子。根据句子的描述选择最佳答案。并将所选单词前的字母填写在括号内。(共5分,每小题1分)( )1It's an animalIt has got a very long neck and legsIt eats leaves from treesWhat is it?AA lion BA tiger CA giraffe( )2It's a roomW

11、e often do our homework and read the story books thereWhat room is it? AA study BA living room CA kitchen( )3It's a kind of drinkIt's whiteYou should drink it every dayAJuice BMilk CTea( )4This is a big storeYou can buy lots of kinds of food there What place is it?AA park BA library CA super

12、market( )5You can find this fruit on treesIt's long and yellowMonkeys like it a lotAAn apple BA banana CAn orange十二、读短文。然后回答关于短文的问题,并将答语前的标号填在括号内。(共5分,每小题1分)A friendly Alllericall Fami1yThe Smiths are AmericansThey are now in BeijingThis is their first Visit to China They are going to stay in Ch

13、ina for two monthsThey want to visit some cities and villages(村庄)They hope to learn some Chinesetoo M rSmith is a doctorHe will visit a hospital in ShanghaiMrs Smith is a schoolteacherShe is going to some schools in cities and villagesTheir daughter is a primary school student She wants to meet some

14、 Chinese studentsThey are going to takea lot of pictures in ChinaWhen they are back in America, they will show the pictures to their friends They want the American people to know more about China( )1Where are the Smiths from?ACanada BAmerica CChina( )2What do they want to do in China?ATeach English

15、BPlay games CVisit some cities and villages( )3Where does MrsSmith work? AIn a restaurant BIn a hospital.CIn a school( )4Who wants to meet the Chinese students? AMrSmiths daughter BMrand MrsSmith CMrSmith and her daughter( )5What do they want to do when they are back home? AShow the pictures of Chin

16、a to their friends BHave a good restCClean their house十三、Jane是你的新朋友,一根据名卡中的信息,写几句介绍Jane的话语。(共5分。每句话1分)附录四:功能意念项目表 本表是依据英语课程标准中的相关内容选择其中适合小学阶段的项目而编制的。使用本表注意以下事项: 1本表中列出的功能项目是北京市目前使用的各套教材所涉及的项目的综合。 2本表各项指标主要用于学生在已熟悉的不同情景中的口头表达,不宜全面提出写的要求。 3本表各项指标可在听力、笔试单项选择题和情景辨别中进行检测。4本表各项指标中是否可对少量表达形式提出写的要求,由各区县教研室酌

17、定。一、社会交往 1问候 AHi! Hello! Good morningafternoonevening How areyou? BHi! Hello! Good morningafternoonevening I'm OK Fine,thanks,and you? Very well,thank you2介绍AIm BillWhats your name? Whos heshe? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Where do you live? This is MrMrsMiss Brown BMy name is Jim

18、Im Jjm HeShe is Im from I come from I live in How do vou do? NiceGladt0 meet(see)you3告别 AGoodbyeByeByebye Good night See you tomorrow BGood-byeByeByebye Good night See you tomorrow4感谢 AThank you(very much) Thanks。 BYoure welcomeThats OKall right5道歉 ASorryIm sorry Excuse me,please BThats OKIts all rj

19、ght6邀请 AWould you like to(do)with me? BSure SorryI cant7请求允许 AMayCan I? BYes,pleaseSureCertainly Im sorry8祝贺与祝愿 AHave a good time! Happy birthday! Merry Christmas! 、 Happy New Year!, Happy Spring Festival! BThank you You,too The same to you9提供帮助 ACan I help you? BYes,pleaseNo,thanks10打电话 AMay I spea

20、k to Peter,please? Who is this? BThis is Peter speaking This is Jack11就餐 AWould you like some? What Would you like(to have)? Can l have some? What food do you like? BYes,pleaseNo,thanks Id like rice and chickenI like12就医 AWhats the matter with? BI haveHe hasShe has a stomachacheMy neck hurts13购物 ACa

21、nMay I help you?What can I do for you? Try itthem on,please What about this one? How manydo you want? BYes,I want Nothanks Its very nice Its cheapexpensive1 want two, please14问路 AWhere is? How can I get to? BGo straightTurn leftright15谈论天气 AWhats the weather like?Hows the weather?BIts warmwindy16提醒注

22、意Dont No smoking Be careful! 17劝告 You should You shouldnt Youd better 18建议 LetsShall Iwe?二、态度 19喜欢和不喜欢 ADo you like? Does heshe like? What colouranimaldo you like? What seasonsportdoes heshe like? BYes,I doNo,I dont Yes,heshe doesNq heshe doesnt I like it very muchHeShe likes 20能够和不能够 ACan youheshe?

23、 BYes,Iheshe canIHeShe amis good at NoIheshe cantIHeShe amis not good at 21偏爱和爱好 AWhat's your favourite?BMy favouriteis its 22意愿和打算 A What are you going to do after schoolfor the party? what is heshe going to do after school? What do you want to? What does heshe want to? Where do you want to go?

24、 Where does heshe want to go? BIWere going to(do) HeShe is gojng to(do) I want to(bedo) HeShe wants to(bed0) I want to go to the HeShe wants tO gO tO the 三、情感 23How nicewonderful! Im so happysorry! Really? Dont worry Good!Well done!Thats fine四、时间 24AWhat time is it? What timeWhen do you? What day is

25、 today? Whats the date today? BItsIts time t0for I(do)at 6:507:00 Its M0nday Its September lst五、空间 25位置 AWhere is?BIts oninunderbehindnext toin front of_六、存在 26AIs therein your cityhomeroom? BYes,there isN0,there isnt There isarein the streetparkmy homemy room.七、特征 27颜色 A What colour(s)isare? BItsTh

26、ey are 28价格 A How much is itare they? BItsThey'reyuan 29个性和外貌 AWhat does shehe look like? B HerHis haireyesisare SheHe wears SheHe is tallpretty 30年龄 AHow old are you? How old is heshe? BImyears old HeShe isyears old八、计量 31数量How many?九、逻辑关系 32原因和结果 Why?Because十、职业 33工作 AWhat does heshe do? Whats

27、 your motherfather's job? Where does your fathermother work? BHeShe is aan HeShe works in十一、所有 ADo you have? Whatdo you have?Have you got? BYes,Iwe doNo,Iwe dontI have十二、其他 AWhats thisthat? What are thesethosethey? BIts aan They are(s)附录五: 话题项目表 本表依据英语课程标准的相关要求,综合北京市目前正在使用的各套教材所共有的话题,提出具体目标。使用本表

28、应注意以下事项: 1本表提出的12个基本话题,包含40余项学生应能使用简单语言进行话语活动的生活项目,由此构成学生用语言做事情的行动目标。 2各项行动目标都只是要求学生在已学的语言知识范围内来做事情。 3各项行动目标都应被限定在学生所用教材的具体情景范围之内。 4各项行动目标包括听、说、读、写的综合运用,但并不是每项目标都要涉及写的技能,教师和各区县教研室应把写的活动要求限制在学生力所能及的有限范围之内。 5各区县教研室和教师有必要针对各项目标提出词汇和语句的检测范围。 1个人情况(Personal information) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 2家庭(Family and home) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物


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