1、1. 我公司是一家集生产、销售、贸易于一体的女装企业。Ourcompanyis engagedin/undertakes/runs/isoccupiedin/worksontheproduction,sale,tradeoffemaledress/clothing.2. 我们十分重视员工的培养,并未他们提供良好的福利。Weemphasize/laygreatemphasison/attachimportanceto/payattentionto/giveprioritytothedevelopmentofstaff and good welfare.Prioritization of educ
2、ation3. 以前我们比较注重一个人的专业知识,现在我们更注重人的综合素质。Wepaidattentiontoonesprofessionalknowledge/expertiseandweattachmoreimportancetoone s comprehensive/overall quality.4. 公 司 自 成立 以来 ,规 模 不 断 扩大 。 Increase/grow/expand enlargeSince the establishment of the company, it keeps growing in its scale.5. 工厂占地面积 6 万平方米,员工
3、 2000 人。 Has/holdThe factory covers an area of 60,000 square meters with 2000 staff.6.公司的年销售额突破5 亿元,比去年增长了10% 。 Quarterlyyearly/annualmonthlydaily/exceed/surpass/is morethanTheannualsalesamount/volumesurpasses/exceeds0.5billion RMB, a 10% increase over that of last year.7. 我们采取各种激励措施,调动了员工的积极性,提高了生产
4、率。We have motivatedour staff and improvedourproductivitybyadoptingvariousstimulatingmeasures/incentives. / with incentives, we have8. 我们的主导产品是各类建筑模型。Ourdominating/leadingproductis variousarchitecturalmodels.9. 我们设计的工艺品已经成为流行时尚。Our designed handicrafts have become fashion trend.10. 这些休闲鞋得到了当地进口商的肯定和消
5、费者的好评。SureThese leisure shoes are well received by the local importerand consumers.按时按质按量in accordance with the terms/clauses of quantity,quality and time of delivery11. 请记下货号、价格、数量和包装明细,待会我们就签合同。Please note/write down the product item number, price, quantity, packaging details and later we will sig
6、n the contract.12. 只要咱们的产品物美价廉,销售一定没问题。There are no problems with the sale as long as our productsare goodin qualityandprice./are competitivein qualityand精品price. Our products are high in quality and reasonable in price.13. 我们坚信,有了各位经销商的通力合作,公司必将走向辉煌。We firmly believe that the full cooperation among
7、 dealers will bring our company a huge success.14. 以人为本,诚信经营,这是我们公司的理念。Thephilosophyofourcompanyispeople-orienteddirection/putting people first and integrity/honesty.15. 公司的业务范围包括地产、旅游、外贸、和会展。Our business lines include/ranges from real estate, tourism, foreign trade and exhibition.16. 公司是本市成立最早的中外合资
8、企业之一,拥有注册资本2000万美元。The company is one of the early/first joint ventures in thecity with registered capital of USD 20 million.17. 现在不断增长的土地和人力成本,给我们公司带来了很大的挑战。Theever-increasinglandandlaborcostsbringa greatchallenge to our company.18. 通过定期参加广交会,我们扩展了业务,认识了更多的朋友。The regular visit to the Chinese Export
9、 Commodities Fair in Guangzhou expands our business and helps us make more friends.19. 在我们的展位有现场展示,以吸引更多的潜在客户。Theon-site/fielddemonstration/display/presentationinour booth aims to attract more potential customers.20. 我们在展会前会有一个新品发布会,欢迎各位届时欢迎。There will be a new product launch and we are looking forw
10、ard to seeing you there.1. 我想去了解一下去桂林的旅游行程。I would like to know the itinerary to Guilin.2. 请问旅行社提供接机服务吗?Does the travel agency provide pick-up service?3. 我们一日游的报价包括了吃饭的费用The price/offer of one-day tour includes eating.4. 这是到海南双飞五日游的价格,住宿的酒店都是四星级的。The five-day tour price includes round trip air ticke
11、ts to Hainan and four-star hotel accommodation.5. 请仔细阅读这份旅游合同,如无异议请在下面签字。Please read the travel contract carefully. If there are no problems, please sign your name at the bottom.6. 我们明天早上八点出发,记得带上护照。We will set off at eight oclock in the morning; please dont forget your passport.7. 一直往前走,你就可以看到旅游服务中
12、心了。Walk straight forward and you can see the travel service center.8. 福建的乌龙茶很出名,到这里旅游一定要品尝一下。感谢下载载TheOnlongteainFujianProvinceisveryfamous,something you cannot miss.9. 这家饭馆是经旅游部门批准经营的,不存在乱收费现象。The restaurant is approved by travel authority; there are no arbitrary charges.10. 这家礼品店的东西物美价廉,买几件回去做纪念品吧。
13、The items/goods in the gift shop are good in quality and price. Why not buy some as souvenirs?11. 外出迷路的话,请拨打当地旅游服务热线寻求帮助。If you get lost, please call the local tourist service hotline for help.12. 我们有大巴到湖区,每小时一班。There is a coach/bus to the Lake District each hour.13. 贵重物品请随身携带。 Belongings Please tak
14、e your valuables with you.14. 今晚我们先到酒店入住,第二天早上坐大巴出发。We will check in the hotel tonight and leave by bus tomorrow morning.15. 这次参观博物馆有导游带领,有任何问题请与他联系。This is a guided museum tour; please contact the guide if you have any questions.16. 退房时请交房卡给前台,并保留收据。When you check out, please return the room card t
15、o the reception desk and keep receipt.17. 展览馆专门开辟了动手操作区,让游客与这些展品亲密接触。There is a special Hands-on area in the exhibition hall to offer direct experiences for the tourists.18. 请听从导游的指示,注意安全。Please follow the instruction of the guide and be careful.19. 游客中心 24 小时受理游客的投诉。The tourist center handles compl
16、aints 24 hours a day.20. 请大家在景区玩的愉快。I wish you a good time in the scenic zone.1. 我多买些能打折吗?Is there any discount for bulk purchase?2. 这能卖的便宜点吗?Can you give me a deal on this?3. 我们价格上都各让一步吧Let s make compromise on price./ Lets meet each halfway.4. 感谢你们对我们产品的支持,这次展览会上你们可以看到我们的经典产品和最新产品。Thankyouforyours
17、upportofourproducts.Inthisexhibition,youcanseeourclassicandlatest/newestproducts.5. 购买我们的商品,我们会给您开具保证书。一年之内,只要没有零件遗失,或者损坏,任何修理都是免费的。 3R : repair refund精品replacementWe will give you a guaranty/warranty. Within one year, any repair is free as long as no parts of the product is lost or broken.6. 很抱歉不能退
18、款,但您可以挑选更换,直到您满意。I am sorry you cannot get a refund, but you can choose another desirable product from our store. Exchange7. 我们店的商品一旦售出,概不退货。但我可以建议您换一件等值的其他商品。Oursoldproducts/yourpurchasedproductsarenonrefundable.I cansuggestexchangingitforanotherone of the same value.8. 香港是购物者的天堂。在这里您可以发现最新的时尚潮流,尖端
19、的电子产品和华丽的珠宝首饰。HongKongis theparadiseforshopperswhereyoucanfind the newest fashion, the top electronics and luxuriousjewelry.9. 一家普通超市经营数千种可食用的商品,包括肉、鱼、新鲜水果和蔬菜、乳制品、饮料、罐头食品、烘烤食品、熟食及冷冻产品等。An average supermarket sells thousands of edible products including meat, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairyprod
20、ucts, drinks, canned products/groceries, baked, cooked and frozen products, etc.10. 现在很多的购物中心都是青少年为主要消费对象,配备了多功能的娱乐中心和昂贵的体育服饰商店。Cater to sbThe objected consumers of many shopping centers are teenagers and they are equipped with multi-functional entertainment center and fancy sportswear shops.11. 九寨沟
21、国家公园是欣赏自然景观的好地方。Jiuzhai Valley National Park is a good place to enjoy/appreciate natural scenery.12. 被列为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。To be put on the World Culture Heritage List by UNESCO.13. 中国 56 个民族的不同风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,是世界的宝贵财富,也是中国最重要的旅游资源。Different customs and cultures of Chinas 56 ethnic groupsarenationalandw
22、orldtreasure,makingupthemostimportant tourist resources in China.14. 这条美食街集餐饮、购物、和娱乐为一体,游客可以在此体验异国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买旅游纪念品,参加各种娱乐活动。The gourmet street encompasses services for catering,shoppingandentertainment.Touristscanexperienceforeignatmosphere,tasteforeignfood,buytouristsouvenirsandparticipateinavarie
23、tyofrecreationalactivities/amusements.15. 旅游业是现代发展最快的行业之一。它的发展速度已经超过世界感谢下载载经济发展的水平。The tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in modern times whose growth rate has already exceeded that of the world economy.16. 旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。它不是一个单一的行业,而是涵盖交通业、住宿业、餐饮业、导游服务、银行保险业、制造业、教
24、育等多种行业的综合产业。The tourist industry not only benefits the service sector, butalso the manufacture of tourist goods. It is not a single industry,butacomprehensiveoneincludingtransportation,accommodation,catering,guidingservice,bankingandinsurance, manufacturing and education, etc.1. 我非常想了解有关中国对外贸易政策。I w
25、ould like to know about China s foreign trade policy.2. 我们竭诚欢迎外国朋友来华投资,并正积极为投资者创造更有利的投资环境。We welcome foreign friends to invest in China and we are trying to create a favorable environment for them.3. 欢迎您出席我们的项目签约仪式。Welcome to our signing ceremony.4. 此次投资洽谈会包括开闭幕式、投资论坛和项目对接会。The investment fair inclu
26、des opening and closing ceremonies, the investment forum and match-up sessions.5. 我们期望这次谈判取得双赢的结果。Weexpectthenegotiationtoachievewin-win精品famous/known/renownedforlonghistoryandnumerousparticipants.2. 缅甸的玉制品世界知名,应该作为我们此次考察的重点。Burma s jade products are world-renowned and should be the focus/center/key
27、 point/priority of our investigation.3. 由于国内劳动力成本急剧上升,我们选择了东南亚作为我们的生产基地。Due to the sharp rise of domestic labor cost, we choose Southeast Asia as the production base. Surge/slump4. 总经理此次前来是来了解一下越南当地摩托车的销售情况。The general manager is here to find out the sales of motorcycles in Vietnam.5. 我们选择在非洲开厂,其实也是
28、为了绕过欧洲对我们设立的贸易壁垒。 Establish/set up/foundpropose/put forwardThe reason why we open factories in Africa is to avoid thetrade barriers imposed by Europe.6. 最近一段时间中国制造的质量问题引起了国际社会的关注和担忧,也引起了中国政府的重视。Recently the quality problem of Made-in-China has causedinternationalconcernsandalsotheattentionofChineseg
29、overnment.7. 今天只是我们合作的开始,我们需要进一步加强和扩大合作关系。Todayis thebeginningof ourcooperation/collaborationandwe needto reinforce/strengthen/enhance/boostandresult/situation/deal.6. 我方出资大约占投资总额的 51%, 其中包括现金,厂房,场地使用前之类。We will lay out 51% of the total investment which includescash, factorybuilding,andthe right tou
30、se the site,etc.with investment value reaches/exceeds7.我想先下一个是试订单。Accomplish the orderI would like to place a trial order.8.合同中规定必须在本月底前交货。Clauses/terms/as stipulatedin the contract/contract requires thatThe contractrequiresthe delivery beforethe end ofthismonth.9. 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间或非政府间的贷款。Profita
31、bleWemayconsiderthegovernment-to-governmentornon-governmental loans if the condition permits.10. 我们主要采取了一些国际上的惯例做法。In most cases, we adopted usual international practices.11. 谈判就是一个不断妥协的过程。Negotiation is a process of constant compromise.1. 拉斯维加斯国际电子展以其历史悠久、参展商众多而著称。LasVegasInternationalElectronicsSh
32、owisexpand our partnership/cooperative relations.8. 我对贵国的地毯很感兴趣,我觉得这些商品在中国很有销路。I am interested in your carpets and I think they will be sold well./they will find a good/ready market.9. 我们即将在沙特开两家分公司和三家办事处。We are about to open two branches and three offices in Saudi Arabia.10. 我们专门经营中国棉纺织品的出口,非常愿意与你们
33、进行这方面的合作。As the specialist in the export of Chinese cotton goods, we would like to cooperate with you in this field. Specialize / exclusive11. 总经理的美国之行一共签订了 20 张订单,总额为 200 万美元。The general manager has placed 20 orders reaching/adding up to/valued at 2 million US dollars.12. 我们集团在贵国有庞大的售后服务队伍,您可以就近维修。
34、Our group has a large after-sales service team in your country. You can go to the nearest one.13. 本公司在全球范围内有三个级别的客服系统,即总部级,区域级和地方级。The company has three levels of customer service on a global scale, namely headquarters, regional and local.感谢下载载精品14.贵国实施积极的改革措施,保障经济的稳步发展,这正是我们这Thecapacityof this full
35、yautomatedproductionlinereaches些投资者最为看重的。50,000 pieces per year.Yourcountry is carryingoutproactivereformplan to7.这是成品,这是半成品,这是劣质品,大家可看出有什么不一样ensurethesteadyeconomicgrowth.Thisisthemost吗?important element we investors value.This is a finished product;this is asemi-finishedproductand15.我们在贵国的公司员工为400
36、人,其中本地招募的就超过200this is an inferior product. Can you tell the difference?人。8.这里是我们的客户服务部,负责处理客户投诉,旁边是公关部,We have 400 employees in your country, of which over 200负责公司的外宣和广告。are recruited locally.This is our customer service department, which is responsible16.埃及开罗的培训中心已经于去年启动,为中国总部输送更多的人forhandlingcomp
37、laints.Next toit is the publicrelations才。department responsible for the publicity and advertising of theThe CairoTrainingCenterwas launchedlastyear tocompany.deliver/develop more talents for Chinese headquarters.9.我们为客户提供售前、售中和售后服务。17.来自中国的这家电信公司与当地14 家主要的运营商建立了合作Weprovideservices before, duringand
38、aftersalesforour关系。customers.ThistelecommunicationcompanyfromChinahas10.展厅里的所有样品在目录上都可以找到。establishedcooperativerelationshipwith14mainAll the samples in the showroom can be found in the catalogue.operators here.18. 华为公司已经于 2004 年投资 700 万美元建立了华为尼日利亚培训中心。Huawei invested USD 7 million in 2004 to build
39、Huawei Nigeria Training Center.19. 双方必须调动一切人力财力来克服合作过程中的更多困难。Both sides must mobilize human and financial resources to overcome difficulties in their cooperation.20. 中国制造一定能够赢得全世界消费者的认可和信任。Made-in China will win/is bound to win the recognitionand trust from consumers all over the world.1. 参观工厂后你对我们的
40、产品肯定会更了解。You will surely know the products better after the visit.2. 我们装配线上的所有的机器都是从德国引进的,有专人定期维护和检查。All the machines in our assembly line are imported from Germany and receive regular check-ups and maintenance.3. 一般的做法是,销售经理拿到订单后会给生产部门下单,订单完成后再由配送部门送货。The normal practice is that the sales manger ge
41、ts an order andpasses it on to the production department. And the finished products are delivered by the distribution department.4. 在进入生产车间之间,请穿上防护服,换上鞋服。Beforeenteringtheproductionroom,pleasewearprotectiveclothing and shoe covers.5. 这是我们的产品目录和说明书,如果您对什么产品感兴趣,请告诉我。Here are our catalogue and instruct
42、ions/descriptions/directions.If you find any item interesting, please let me know.6.这条全自动生产线的年生产能力达到5 万件。1 、 咨询旅行社旅行社:你好,请问你要去哪里旅游?Hi, May I help you?James: Hi, I understand that your agency arranges a trip to theThree Gorges from here. 你好,我听说你们旅行社由三峡旅游的项目。旅行社:是的,我们每天都有游船从这里到三峡,分三峡一日游和两日游两种,请问你们准备选择
43、哪种呢?Yes, we arrange daily cruisetravel to the Three Gorges; there are one-day tours and two-daytours. Which one would you like?James: What s the difference between these two tours?这两个项目有什么区别吗 ? 旅行社: 一日游的话, 我们就是早上 8点从重庆出发,乘快船游三峡,沿途参观张飞庙、白帝城、三峡等景点。晚上到宜昌住宿。两日游的是慢船,行程和景点都是一样的。In theone-day tour, we leav
44、e Chongqing at 8 am and take a fast boatto the Three Gorges. Duringthetrip we willvisitZhangfeiTemple, Baidi City and the Three Gorges. By night we will arriveat Yichang for accommodations. In the two-day tour the trip isthe same, except we take an ordinary boat.James: I see. How much does each cost
45、?额,是这样,那两种个要多少钱?旅行社: 一日游是 960 元一个人,二日游稍微贵一点,1100 元一个人。960 RMB per person for the one-day tour, and 1100 RMB forthe two-day tour.James: OK, one-day tour sounds good to me. By the way, aremeals included in the price?好的,我想要一日游。顺便问一下,刚才的报价包括用餐吗?旅行社:额,这个价格包括了中午和晚上两顿饭,就是我们提供的建议套餐,不含饮料。当然,你也可以自己点菜,点饮料,但是要另
46、外掏钱。Well, the price includes two standard meals, but not drinks.感谢下载载You have to pay an extra charge for more dishes and drinks.James: All right. I ll go for the one-day tour.那行,我就选一日游。旅行社:好的,这里是我们旅行社提供的旅行合同,一式两份,你看一下,没问题的话,签个字,到隔壁柜台交完钱就可以了,明天早上七点赶到这里,坐我们的大巴到码头。Ok,hereis thecontractprepared by our a
47、gency. There are two copies. Pleasetake a look. If you think it s Ok, please sign it and pay at thenextcounter.Pleasebe hereby7 amtomorrow.Ourbuswilltake you to the dock.2 、 景区游览须知各位外国朋友大家好,我是这个景区的管委会主任,在大家进入景区游览之前, 有几个注意事项要提醒一下: Hello dear friends, I am the Director of the Administrative Committee.
48、 Before you visit thescenic area, I would like to give you several tips.首先,我们景区会给大家配一个英文导游,请听从我们导游的安排,遵守时间,以便顺利完成整个行程。请大家记好导游的电话、旅游车牌,手机随时保持开机状态,因为我们这个景区比较大,当与团队走散时,请不要慌张,我们的导游一定会来找你们。First, we will provide you with anEnglish-speakingguide.Pleasetakehis adviceduring thetripand follow the schedule. P
49、lease dont forget his phone numberandyourbus s number.Pleasedon t turnoffyourmobilephone so that we can reach you in case you get lost. Should youlose your way, stay calm, our guide will soon find you.精品To encourage you to relax, there are no radios or TVs and theonly phones and newspapers are in th
50、e office. So, if peace andquiet is what youve come for, this is the place to be.为了让大家真正放松,我们这里没有收音机和电视、电话、报纸只有办公室才有,所以,如果大家是来寻求安静的话,你们算来对地方了。Your luggage will be downloaded from the bus and take to yourrooms in a few minutes. Once you have picked up your key atreception,pleaselocateyourroomandcheckt
51、hatallyourluggagehasarrived.一会儿有人会把大家的行李抬下车送到房间去。大家在前台拿到钥匙后,请找到各自的房间,看看行李是否送到了房间。You ve chosen to visit us in January, which is one of our hotter months, and although you may be tempted to wear a minimum of clothing, you should always take precautions against injury.This includes sensible footwear.
52、You d be surprised how manyof our guests ignore this advice and end up being sorry. Andsocksarea goodideatoo.And,eventhoughyoumightbeunder trees a lot of the times, its a good idea to wear a hat inthis hot climate.大家来的时间十一月份,是一年中比较热的时间,可能想少穿点衣服,但是一定要小心别受伤,记得穿上舒服点的鞋。有很多客人没听我的话,结果就吃了亏。记得穿袜子。还有,虽然这里有树荫很凉快,不过天气热,戴顶帽子准错不了。Well, thats about all for now
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