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1、一短文改错John was nine years old. He was not a very good pupil. Hedid not like doing his homework, but he liked playing game 1._with his little friends in his free times. When he did his homework, 2._he always made a lot of mistakes. Then one day, Johns math teacher 3._went over his homework and saw tha

2、t all his answers were wrong. 4._He was surprising instead of being pleased. He called John to his 5._office and asked him to explain what happened. “You got all 6._your math questions right this time, John. Did anyone helped you?” 7._In fact Johns father often helped him with his lessons,and that e

3、vening, 8._he was not able to, because he was at home, So John answered, 9._“No, Sir, my father was busy last night, so I have had to do it all by myself. 10._ 二写作任务·(地方介绍文) 请阅读下面表格,写一篇介绍你所在城市的短文。词数:100左右。地 名江海市位 置东临黄海,南邻长江面 积10000平方公里人 口500 万历 史1000多年交 通海、陆、空均可到达,十分便利风 景河湖密布,古迹众多,十分美丽社会状况人民善良诚

4、实,乐于助人经济状况工农业生产发展迅速,人民生活富裕和谐 一短文改错Im writing to tell you everything about my 1._hometown. Now I live in Briton, a small town, that has 2._a population of around 30000. It is on coast about 50 3._miles from London. It isnt so interesting like London, 4._but the air is much cleaner. Though it has a fe

5、w pollution in my 5._hometown, therere many hotels and language school here. 6._In summer, it is full of travelers. My father was used to 7._work in a steel plant before he lose his job last year. He 8._really wants to open a small shop, but hes shorts of money. 9._He hopes that if he can borrow som

6、e money from the bank. 10._ 二写作任务·(英文感谢信)假如你叫吴云,王璐是你在北京的好朋友。上个月你参观北京时,她给了你很多帮助。请你根据下表内容给她写一封感谢信。词数:100左右。住宿王璐家就餐王璐供餐,饭菜可口参观安排王璐领你参观了长城、故宫、颐和园等,逛商场,拍照,玩得很开心交通工具王璐开车一短文改错My friend Ted likes climb. Last summer holiday, his uncle 1._invited him to go to Switzerland. The mountains were tall there. 2

7、._They went to Switzerland by the train and had a very good holiday. 3._They climbed several mountains. Once, Teds uncle tied him by 4._a rope because the mountains were rather steep. At the end of the 5._holiday he said to Ted, “You are still very young,so you already 6._climb well.” Ted was very g

8、lad. Now Ted wants to go to Indian 7._to climb some of the very high mountain in the Himalayas, but he 8._is still young, and he has got enough money, Perhaps 9._some day he have enough money and then he can go to India. 10._ 二写作任务·(英文交友信)假如你叫李芳, 是北京一中高二学生,国际友谊俱乐部根据你提出的要求,把美国朋友凯特介绍给你做笔友。现在请你写一封

9、信给凯特,表达愿意与她交友的愿望,并提供有关自己的信息(如下表所示),询问对方学习、生活和家庭方面的情况。词数:100左右。姓名李芳年龄17性格乐观、随和就读学校北京一中就读年级高二学习情况辛苦、快乐家庭成员 爸爸,工程师; 妈妈,教师; 妹妹,学生家庭住址北京郊区一个有山有水的小镇业余爱好打排球、听音乐、唱歌、跳舞一短文改错An accident happened in the corner of Main Street this 1._morning, when the ground was wet after a heavy rain. A truck 2._carrying chemi

10、cals knocked into a car ran at a high speed. 3._A fire broke immediately with a terrible smell. The driver 4._of the truck and two people in the car are killed, and five 5._other people were injured. Not until five hours later the 6._traffic return to the normal. According to the police, 7._the caus

11、e of the accident is still unknown, and they think 8._the wet ground and the careless of the truck driver 9._may be all responsible for this serious traffic accident. 10._二写作任务·(英文求职信)假如你叫张丽,最近从报纸上了解到某公司欲招聘若干翻译,你对这一工作颇感兴趣,请根据下表提供的信息,给公司经理写一封求职信。词数:100左右。姓名张丽性别女年龄30岁健康状况良好外貌漂亮,苗条联系电/p>

12、8优点为人善良,待人礼貌,与人相处融洽;善于表达,爱好交友个人简历2002年南京大学毕业后在一所中学担任8年教师一短文改错I asked Mr. Crozier, a friend of me, what happened 1._last night. He said that he had just got into bed about half 2._past twelve as he felt the floor shaking under him. 3._The bed was also shaking terribly. He got out of the bed and 4._lo

13、ok out of the window. He saw the houses on the 5._other side of the street shaken, too. Then he realized 6._what was happening. Earthquake! After put on his clothes 7._as quickly as he could, he ran out the street at once. 8._“Hadnt the newspaper said there might be a earthquake?” 9._I asked. “Well,

14、 I had read something about it, and I 10._hadnt given it much thought.” he replied. 二写作任务·(英文通知)请你以学校学生会名义写一份有关即将在本校举办英语晚会的书面通知,内容如下表所示。词数:100左右。时间3月12日晚 7:00地点学校礼堂内容老师和学生代表就英语学习重要性发表演讲;学生就如何学好英语进行辩论;学生介绍英语学习的经验;学生唱英语歌曲要求欢迎全体同学参加;活动结束后写一篇日记,叙述自己的感受一短文改错One of my colleagues is very annoyed and 1

15、._behave as if he were the boss of the company 2._wherever the real one is out. The guy is ready 3._to teach us anything, whether or not we 4._like it. Although I wanted to learn more to improve 5._my skills and he has helped me in times, I simply 6._cannot bear his boss-like manner. It is said that

16、 7._“office politics” are by no means easily. I really 8._dont know how express my feelings to him. Even 9._I think this situation cant hardly be changed, because 10._hes the one closest to our boss.二写作任务·(英文留言条)假如你叫王浩,前往同学李芳家通知其听有关报告。不巧李芳不在家。请结合下表内容给李芳写一张留言条。词数:100左右。报告主题目前美国教育主讲人Smith 教授听报告对象

17、全体师生时间星期六下午两点地点校大礼堂注意带笔记本记笔记,便于报告后分组讨论;原定星期六下午两点举行的歌唱比赛延至下周六下午举行;务必按时参加。一短文改错I am a nurse. I work in the childrens ward(病房) at the City Hospital 1._some people ask me if my job is difficulty because I look after so many 2._sick people in my ward. I tell to them, “Its hard, but I see my patients 3._g

18、etting better and smiling, and that make me happy.” Next month 4._I will go to Africa to help take care of some Africa people. 5._I will be part of the team, so we will visit many small villages 6._in southern Africa. We will take them clear water, food and medicine 7._In these villages they have no

19、 clean water and health care. 8._It is especial difficult for the children in thes villages. Our project is 9._very small, but I hope that it will make big difference to their lives. 10._ 二写作任务·(记叙文)假如你叫李璐,今天(5月8日)和同班同学一起去光明农场植树,请阅读下面表格,根据表格内容写一篇英文日记。词数:100左右。天气晴朗出发状况下午1:00乘校车到达状况1:30到达,受到欢迎活动状

20、况2:00开始植树;挖坑,放树,填土,浇水;休息时,询问农场工人工作和生活情况;告别农场工人,返校收获打算争取今后多参加此类活动一短文改错Im Vincent. Do you want to know that I study English? 1._I always listen to English programs on the radio. When I 2._hear new words, I try to keep them in the mind. Then after one 3._and two days, I still remember some of the words

21、. Then I start 4._looking it up in the dictionary. I dont learn English just 5._from English lessons at school. I learn it in different way. 6._Because I told you, I listen to music and watch television. And of course 7._I do a lot of reading. I read interesting stories in English. 8._ I still have

22、many books in simple English. I also spoke a lot. 9._I think its really importance to speak English with somebody. 10._二写作任务·(议论文) 下表是你班关于城市禁鞭讨论意见的要点。请阅读下表内容写一篇关于春节期间禁放鞭炮的议论文。词数:100左右。不放鞭炮的好处保持安静整洁;减少浪费;有更好的庆祝方式。放鞭炮的弊端容易造成火灾和伤人事件;增加污染,影响人们的休息;造成攀比,浪费。一短文改错Dear Li Hua,Its time to say goodbye. It

23、s time to recall that 1._beautiful days we spent together. You are a very person 2._who gives me a hand when is necessary. You are the most 3._considerate person who knows exact what I need. 4._Still remember that night two years ago? While I suddenly 5._feel ill, it was you who carried me on my bac

24、k to a nearby 6._hospital. You took good care of me while I was having an 7._injection. Later, you manage to help me with my lessons. 8._ Without your help, I have failed in the exam. 9._I still have hundred of stories to share with you. 10._May our friendship last till the end of the universe!二写作任务

25、·(现象评论文) 目前,不少中学生考取大学后立即要求父母给其配备电脑,对此不同的人有不同的看法。阅读下表内容写一篇介绍性短文,并谈谈你的看法。词数:100左右。注意开头已尽写好,不计入总词数。支持者的观点有时间可以上网;可以查找资料;可以观看影视。反对者的观点增加负担;沉溺于游戏,看不健康的信息;影响休息和学习。你自己的观点12 At present, many middle school students ask their parents to buy them a computer after they are admitted into universities, about which different people have different opinions.一短文改错Liu Xiang has apologized to his crit


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