



1、重点短语七年级(上、下)1.look for 寻找 2. look after 照顾 3. look up查阅、向上看, 4.look out当心 5.look down向下看 6.look down upon蔑视、看不起 7.look at 看- 8.look like 看起来像 9.have /take a look看一看 10.have a good time 玩得高兴 11.have lessons 上课 12.have medicine 吃药 13.have a meeting 开会 14.have a headache 头痛 15.have to do sth不得不做某事(客观上)

2、. 16. want sth.想要某物 17.want to do sth.=would like to do sth.想要做某事 18.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事19. with the help of 在-的帮助下 20.call for help 呼救21. ask for help 求助 22. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事=help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 23.help oneself to sth. 随便吃(喝)某物 24.cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事 ,八年级(上)1. a k

3、ind of+名词 一种- 2.all kinds of+名词 各种各样的-3. different kinds of+ 名词 不同种类的- 4. have a cold伤风、感冒 5.have a fever 发烧 6.have a stomachache肚子痛、胃痛 7.have a headache 头痛 8.have a toothache牙痛 9. go swimming 去游泳 10.go skating 去滑冰 11.go boating 去划船 12.go bike riding 去骑自行车 13.go shopping 去购物14. go hiking 去徒步远行(远足) 1

4、5.go sightseeing去观光16. leave for sp. 动身去某地 17.leave sp. for sp.离开某地去某地, 18. leave sth. sp. 把某物忘在某地 19. hope for -希望-20.hope to do sth. 希望做-, 21.hope that - 希望- ,22.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事 23.an invitation to +名词 一个-的邀请 24.invitation to do sth.干某事的邀请 25.be good at =do well in 擅长于26.be good for 对

5、-有益27.be good to对-好 28.be good with 善于应付-29.like to do sth 喜欢做-(一般性的喜欢) 30.like doing sth喜欢做某事(爱好) 31.be like像-32.look like看起来像33. as - as- 与-一样 34work as - 作为-而工作,35.the same as - 与-一样 36.as well 也,又,同样地37. as for 对-而言 38.such as 例如 39.turn on 打开40. turn off关掉 41.turn up把音量调高 42. turn down把音量调低 43.

6、pour - into-把-倒入-(一般指液体物品)44.put -into /in - 把-放入(一般指固体物品)45.move in搬家,迁入新居 46.move on 继续前进 47.move out 搬走搬出,48. move to -搬到- 49.keep +sb./sth. +adj.时某人(某物)处于某种状态 50.keep - doing 使-一直做- 51.keep fit /healthy保持健康 52.take down记下 53.take off起飞、脱下54.take care of= look after照顾 55.take a walk散步56. take a l

7、ook看一看 57.take food吃东西 58. take a boat 坐船 59.take part in =join in 参加 60.take lessons 上课 61.take- to -带-到- 62. take it easy别着急 63.take -away 把-带走 64.take photos= take a photo照相 65.take time 花费时间66. take exercise 做运动 67.take place 发生68.take up占据69. take the seat 就座 70.take turns 轮流 71.take ones place

8、 代替某人 72. feed +宾语+ on /with sth. =feed sth. to + 宾语 给-喂- 73. borrow sth from sb. 向某人借某物 74.lend sb. sth = lens sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人,八年级(下)1.as - as与-一样 2. not as/so -as 与-不一样,3.as for至于,就-而言 4.as if =as though 好像,仿佛5.as -as possible尽可能-地 6.take out 拿出7.take care of 照顾 8.take a vacation 度假 】9.take a

9、shower淋浴,10. get back 回来 11.get up起床 12.get on上车 13. get off下车 14.get out of 从-出来 15. get in /into进到-里16.get to到达 17.get on with与-相处18.be against (doing) sth.反对(做)某事 19.be for (doing) sth.赞成(做)某事 20. try to do sth 努力做某事 21.try doing sth 试着做某事22.try/do ones best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力做某事 23.have a try 试一

10、试 24.try on试穿 25.run out of 用尽,用完,26.run away 跑掉 27.run up against遭遇(困难等) 28.run down耗尽能量,停止工作 29.run into 陷入困境,偶遇 30.all the time (句末)= always(句中) 一直 31. for the first time 第一次,32.at the same time同时 33.every time每次 34.at times不时35.by the time到-时候 36. from time to time有时 37.have a good time玩得高兴 38.

11、in time及时 39.on time按时,准时40.take a message for sb.给某人捎个口信 41.take a shower淋浴,洗澡 42.take a ride 兜风 43.take a photo照相 44take care of照料 45. take it easy别紧张 46.take notes记笔记 47.take out取出 48.take part in=join in 参加,49.take place发生,举行50.take off脱掉(衣物等),(飞机)起飞 51.take the subway坐地铁 52 take sth. to sp. 把某物

12、带到某地 53.take the medicine吃药 54. right away =right now=at once =in a moment =in a minute= in no time =in a short time立刻,马上 55.now=at this time = at this moment此刻,现在 56.a moment ago = a minute ago =a short time ago刚才 57. long before =long long ago =a long time ago很久以前 58.once =before从前 59.be annoyed w

13、ith sb.=be angry with sb.=be mad at sb.对某人生气 60.be/get/become annoyed 变得生气 61.annoy sb.=make sb. annoyed使某人生气,62.be annoyed at sth.对某事生气 63.be satisfied with sb.对某人满意 64.be interested in sth. 对某事感兴趣 65.be worried about sth. 为某事担心 66.be surprised at sth.对某事感到吃惊 67.keep out阻止,阻挡 68.keep off=keep away

14、from远离 69.keep up with跟上 70.keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 71.keep sb./sth. +adj.保持某人(某物)- 72.keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事 73.keep pets养宠物 74 .keep a diary记日记 75. keep in touch with 跟-保持联系 76.cut down切下,砍下 77. get down = come down下来 78.look down/on upon看不起,轻视 79.break down出毛病,坏掉,病倒,推倒,砸破 80.lie down躺下 8

15、1.turn down 调低 82.take care =be careful =look out =watch out 小心,当心 73.take care to do sth. =be careful to do sth. =be careful of doing sth. 小心做某事 84.be careful + that从句 =take care +that从句 小心- 85.care for =take care of =look after 照顾,照看 86.care about关心,在乎 87.careless粗心的,carelessness粗心,carefulness细心 8

16、8.with care =carefully细心地 89.break out爆发,90.break into闯入 91. break up打散,破碎 92.break off 打断,终止 93. break down损坏,(身体)垮掉 94.break away 逃脱,散开 95.break the rules 破坏规定 96.at break 破晓时分97.take/have a break (课间/工间)休息 98.during the break休息期间 99.without a break连续,不间断地 100. break with sb. 跟某人绝交 101.be/get/beco

17、me asleep =fall asleep入睡,睡着 102. go to sleep入睡 103.sleep late睡过头 104.have /take a sleep 睡一觉 105.have a good sleep 睡得好 106.sleeping bag 睡袋 107.sleeping pill安眠药 108.have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦 109.have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 110.have no problem (in) doing sth.做某事没有问题 111.have fun do

18、ing sth 做某事很开心 112.have a great time doing sth. 做某事很愉快 113.have a hard /difficult time doing sth.做某事很艰难 114.have a hard time with sth.在某事方面有困难 115.have difficulty with sth. 在某事方面有困难 116.have trouble with sth. 在某事方面有麻烦 117.have no problem with sth.在某方面没有问题 118.look through浏览 119.look into向-里看,调查 120.

19、look for寻找 121.look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事 122.look like看起来像 123.look over检查 124.look the same看起来一样 125.look up向上看 126.look at看 127.have /take a look看一看 128.look after照看 129.look around环顾四周,130.look out 小心,向外看 131.look back 回顾,向后看 132.at least 至少 133.at most 至多 134.at first首先 135.at last最后 136.a

20、t home在家 137.at school在学校,138.at the doctors在医务室 139.at once立刻 140.at present 目前,现在 141.at noon 在中午 142.at the moment在此刻, 143.at the sane time 同时九年级1.by the way 顺便说一下 2.by accident 偶然 3.live alone独自生活 4.feel lonely 感到孤独 5.used to do sth.过去常常(曾)做某事(现在不做了),只用于过去时态 6.be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事,可用

21、于现在、过去、将来多种时态,7.be used for doing sth.=be used to do sth.被用来做某事 8.be used as - 被当作-使用9.be used by sb. 被某人使用10.make good use of sth. 好好利用11.have an opportunity/ chance to do sth. = have an opportunity/ chance of doing sth. 有做某事的机会12.get an opportunity/ chance to do sth. 得到做某事的机会13.catch an opportunit

22、y/ chance to do sth. 得到做某事的机会14.make an opportunity/ chance to do sth. 制造做某事的机会,15.give sb. an opportunity/ chance to do sth. 给某人做某事的机会16. spend some time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事17. have no time to do sth. 没时间做某事18. have much/ a lot of time to do sth. 有很多时间做某事19. have no need to do sth. = there is no

23、 need to do sth. 没必要做某事,20.prefer sth.更喜欢某物,21. pretend to be +adj. 假装是-,22. pretend to do sth.假装去做某事,23. pretend + that从句 假装-24. be careful of sth. 小心某事/某物25.be careful of doing sth. = be careful to do sth. = take care to do sth. = do sth carefully 小心做某事26.be careful = look out = watch out 注意,当心,(用

24、于紧急情况时的提醒) 27.be careful not to do sth. 小心别做某事 28.be careful + that 从句 从、小心-29.be afraid / sure of (doing) sth. 害怕/确信(做)某事30.be afraid / sure to do sth. 害怕/确信(做)某事31.be afraid / sure + that从句害怕/确信- 32.be sorry for / about sth. 为某事感到抱歉/遗憾33. be sorry + that从句 很抱歉- 34.expect to do sth.期盼做某事35. expect

25、sb. to do sth. 期盼某人做某事 36.expect + that从句 期望- 37.hope to do sth. 希望做某事,38. hope + that从句 希望- 39.wish sb to do sth. (表示委婉的命令)请求某人做某事40.wish sb. sth. 祝愿某人某事41.wish to do sth.希望做某事42.wish + that从句 希望/祝愿43.consider doing sth. = think about doing sth考虑做某事44.consider /treat / regard - as- 把-当作-45.give up

26、doing sth 放弃做某事46.be worth doing sth. 值得做某事47.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事48.feel like doing sth.想要做某事,49.provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 50.offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物 51.buy sth . for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 52.make sth for sb. = make sb. sth. 为某人制作某物53.send sth to

27、 sb. = send sb. sth. 把某物送给某人 54.give sth to sb. = gie sb. sth. 把某物给某人55.lend sth to sb = lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人56.either - or - 或者-或者57.neither -nor -既不-也不58.give out = hand out分发,发放e out 出来,出现,出版,传开,(相片)冲印60.fill out 填充 61.find out 找到,查明 62.get out 出来63.help out 帮助解决困难64.look out 当心,注意,向外看65.put out

28、 熄灭66.set out 出发,开始67.take out 取出68.work out算出69.put off sth.推迟某事70.put off doing sth. 推迟做某事71.put away 把-收起来,放好72.put down放下 73.put in放进74.put into把-放进-75.put on穿上 76.be invented in /at +sp. 在某地发明 77.be invented in /on + 具体时间 在某时发明78.be invented by sb.有某人发明79.fall into掉进,落入80.fall behind落在(-的)后面81.

29、fall down 不实,不够好82.fall in love with爱上-83.fall off跌落,落下84.leave sth. behind忘带某物 留下某物 85.leave sb. alone 不管某人,不理某人, 86.leave sb. sth. = leave sth with sb. 把某物交给某人87.leave for sp. 动身去某地88.leave home/ school 离开89.make up 弥补,(演员等)化妆,打扮 90.make up ones mind (to do sth. ) 下定决心做某事91.make sb. +n. 使某人成为-, 92

30、.make sb do sth. 使某人做某事 (被动语态:sb. be made to do sth. ) 93.make sb./sth. + adj.使某人或某物保持-状态94.dress up (为演戏、参加化妆舞会等)穿特殊的服装95.dress oneself个自己穿衣服96.be dressed in穿着97.to start with = at the start /beginning = at first起先,开始时98.begin with = start with以-开始 99.at the start / beginning of在-的开头100. first of a

31、ll 首先,最重要的是101. in the end= at last = finally最后102.at the end of - 在-的尽头/末尾 e to an end = end /finish 结束,完成104.end / finish with 以-结束105.some of - -中的一些106.most of- -中的大多数107.all of- -中的全部108.many /much of- -中的许多109.how many/ much of - -中的多少110.one of - -其中之一(后跟可数名词复数)111.both / two of - -中的两个112.a

32、few / several of - -中的两个 113.none of - = no one of - -中没一个(三者或三者以上)114.neither of- -中没一个(两者之中) 115.either of - -中任何一个(两者之中)116.by turns = in order = one by one 按顺序,轮流117.turn left / right 向左/右118.turn to sb. (for help)= ask sb. for help向某人求助119.turn green 变绿120.hear sb. /sth. 表示“听见某人或某事”,强调听的结果121.h

33、ear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事 122.hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事123.hear from=get a letter from =receive a letter from 收到-的来信,得到-的消息(宾语是人,而不是信件)124.hear of 听说125.hear + that 从句- 听说-写出下列单词的相应形式1.busy(反义词) free 2. hard(反义词) easy 3、 hard (同义词)different 4. question(反义词)answer 5.different(反义词) same 6. sell(反义词)

34、buy 7.excite(形容词) excited /exciting 8、sell(名词) seller (反义词)buy 9. create(形容词)creative 10.interest (形容词) interested / interesting 11.hope(形容词) helpful 12.good(副词) well 13.different(名词)difference 14.take(反义词)bring 15. finally(反义词)at first 16. slow(反义词)fast 7.quickly(形容词)quick 18.friend(形容词) friendly 19. loud(副词)loudly 20. quiet (副词)quietly 21.careful(副词)carefully 22. photo(复数)photos 23. sit (现


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