



1、 基数词&序数词一、基数词1. 1-10 ( one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten)2. 11-19 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen)3. 两位数(非整数),十位数和个位数之间用连字符“-”。 ( 21 twenty-one; 76 seventy-six)4. 两位数(整数),以ty结尾; (40 forty; 90 ninety)4. 三位数,在百位数和十位数之间用an

2、d连接。 101 a hundred and one; 320 three hundred and twenty; 648 six hundred and forty-eight5. 百(hundred),千(thousand),百万(million),千万(billion)6. 表示确切的百、千、百万时,不能用其复数形式; ( 400 four hundred,hundred不加s) 表示成百、成千时,用其复数形式;( 成百 hundreds of; 成千 thousands of )7. 表示“人的不确切岁数”,用几十的复数形式; He became a professor in his

3、thirties. (他在三十多岁成为教授。)8. 表示年代时,用几十的复数形式; It was in 1960s. (那是在20世纪60年代。)二、序数词1、英语的序数词基本变法:(1) 1-19:一般在基数词后加th 特殊情况:one-first ; two-second; three-third; eight-eighth; nine-ninth; -ve结尾的改ve为f加th;(如five-fifth; twelve-twelfth) (2)两位数(整数),改y为-ie,加th; (如twenty-twentieth; thirty-thirtieth) (3)两位数/多位数(非整数)

4、,仅个位数部分用序数词。 (如:thirty-sixth, fifty-third, one hundred and twenty-first)2.缩写形式:阿拉伯数字 + 序数词末尾两个字母 (只有1st, 2nd, 3rd为特殊形式,其他都是阿拉伯数字+ th) first -1st; second-2nd; twentieth -20th; twenty-third -23rd三、基数词/序数词用法辨别1. 基数词也可以表示顺序,要将基数词放在名词之后。 the first Lesson - Lesson One / the fifth page - Page 52. (1)序数词前面加

5、the时,表示顺序,This is the fourth time I come here. 这是我第四次来这儿。 (2) 加a/an时表示“再一、又一”Weve tried it three times. Must we try it a fourth time? 我们已经试过三遍了,还必须再试一次(第四次)吗?四、时间的数词表示法1. 表示时刻(1)整点用“ oclock ”; (5: 00读作five oclock或five) (2)几点过几分,分钟 + past + 小时; (five past seven 七点过五分; a quarter past eight八点过一刻; half

6、past eight八点半)(3) 几点差几分,分钟 + to + 小时; (ten to eight八点差十分; a quarter to twelve 十二点差一刻)(4) 直接法:小时 + 分钟; (6: 31读作six thirty-one; 10:26 ten twenty-six)2. 表示日期,用the 加序数词表示,或用缩写形式 12月1日: Dec.1st或the first of December;2002年11月8日: Nov. 8th, 2002.3. 表示年份,用基数词表示 2002读作twenty thousand and two; 1976读作 nineteen

7、seventy-six4. 表示年代,用the + 年代 + s/ s 在20世纪30年代: in the 1930s 或 in the 1930s5. 表示世纪,用the + 序数词 + century,或者 the + 整百 + s/s 20世纪: the 20th century 或 the 1900s/ the 1900s 五、分数/小数/百分数表示法1、分数表示法:基数词作分子,序数词作分母; 分子是“1”时,序数词用单数;除此之外,序数词用复数 1/3:one third / a third; 1/2:a half; 1/4:one quarter ; 3/4:three four

8、ths/ three quarters ; 1:one and a half2. “半”的表达: 一半-a half; 半小时half an hour; 1.5小时one and a half hours或one hour and a half. 3. 当分数后接名词时,如果分数值大于1,名词用复数;小于1,名词用单数。 one and a half hours一个半小时; two and three fourths meters 2.75米3) 小数:小数点左边合起来读,小数点右边的数字分开读,小数点读作point 10.25 -ten point two five / 1.03-one p

9、oint o three4) 10.25 -ten point two five / 1.03-one point o three4) 百分数:用基数词+ percent表示 50%-fifty percent; 3% - three percent 专项练习题1. Excuse me, how does this number 20,135 read? It reads_. A. twenty thousands one hundred and thirty-five. C. twenty thousand one hundred and thirty five. B. twenty tho

10、usand one hundred and thirty-five. D. twenty thousands, one hundred and thirty-five. 2. Each year, _ fished are killed by the polluted water and many people are made sick by the polluted air. A. millions of B. million of C. two millions of D. two millions3. During the seven-day May Day holiday _ fam

11、ilies went sightseeing. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands and thousands D. thousands of4. The building has _ floors. They live on the _ floor. A. ninth, last B. nine, nine C. nine, ninth D. nine , tenth5. The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop. Jane likes _. A. the ninth B. the nineth C. n

12、ine D. ninth6. December is the _ month of the year. A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelvitth D. twelfth7. I think that the _ century(世纪) will bring us more hopes. A. twenty-one B. twentiety-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one8. Now let me have _. A. the third try B. a third try C. third try D. this thi

13、rd try9. My sister is a student of _. A. the First Class B. Class One C. One Class D. Class First10. Shakespeare was born in _. A. 1660sB. 1660sC. The 1660D. The 1660s11. He became a super star _. A. In his thirtyB. In his thirtiesC. At his thirtyD. At his thirties12. _ of the students play QQ farm

14、games on the Internet. A. 70 percent ofB. 70 percentC. 70 percent ofD. 70 percents13. The Olympic Games are held _. A. Every four yearsB. Every four yearC. Every fourth years D.Every four-years14. Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English. A. Two third B. Two thirdsC. Two threeD. Second

15、three综合练习一、单项选择题1. The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people. A. ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousand ofD. Thousands of2. The teacher said that _ of the boys would take part in the talent show.A. Three fiveB. Three fivesC. Thirds fifthsD. Three fifths 4. I got a beaut

16、iful bike on _ birthday. I like it very much. A. FifteenthB. FifteenC. My fifteenD. My fifteenth 5. This is Mr. Whites _ visit to Beijing. He has been there twice before. A. TwoB. SecondC. ThreeD. Third 6. Now, everybody, please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. A. Fifth; fiveB. Five; fifthC

17、. Fifth; fifthD. Five; five 7. _ people went to the concert which was held in Peoples Square _ the night of May Day. A. Thousand of; inB. Thousand; onC. Many thousand; inD. Thousands of; on 8. I think _ of the materials I listened to at the very beginning of the exam _easy. A. Three fourths; isB. Th

18、ird four; areC. Three fourth; areD. Three fourth; are 9. About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _. A. Two-thirds; 1970B. Two-thirds; 1970s C. Two-third; 1970D. Two-third; 1970s 10. -Bob, can you write the number seven hundred and eighty thousand and thirty-two? - Yes. It is _. A. 780

19、32 B. 7832 C. 7032 D. 780032 11. Nine _ pounds a week? A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. Hundred 12. The _ month of the year is February.A. one B. first C. two D. Second13. -Come and see me in _. -With pleasure. Thats what Im expecting. A. Two or three daysB. Two or three days time C. Two

20、or three days time二、阅读理解 Some people have a very poor sense of direction. Unlucky , I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time. When I was a little girl, I never dared ask strangers the way. And so I used to walk round in circle and hope that by

21、chance I would get to the place I was going to. Now , I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone asks me the way somewhere, I would say,"sorry, I am a stranger here.&quo

22、t; Once on my way to work I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps. I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him.

23、 I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn't want to keep him waiting. When I just got to my office, the secretary showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight!1. The writer al

24、ways refuses to give people directions because . A.she's a strange to the city B.she doesn't know the people C.she has no time to help others D.she's afraid of giving wrong directions.2. A man stopped the writer on the way to . A.sell her something B.ask for the time C.make friends with

25、her D.ask for the directions.3. The Friendship Building is the place where the writer . A. lives B.studies C.works D.teaches4. The word "embarrassed" in the last paragraph means " " .A. 尴尬 B.困惑 C.激动 D.拮据5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer is t

26、ooshy to give others directions B. The writer has a very poor sense of directionsC. The writer never got lost when she was young.D. The man was quite nervous when he saw the writer.三、完型填空 Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same_ 1_?A new_ 2_Hi, Ke'ai

27、is on at Beijing Children's Art Theatre. It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a _ 3_ one day. They teach him to _4_and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a gold_5_ at the Athens Olympic Gam


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