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1、初中英语德育教育案例天峰中学 郑燕燕教学内容:人教新目标版Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ?教学材料:Period 1 Section A (1a- 1c)Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1.Words : treasure; island; full of; classic; page; hurry; hurry up; due; 2. Sentences:1. A: Have you read Little Women yet? B: No, I havent. Have you? A: Yes, Ive alre

2、ady read it. B: Whats it like? A: Its fantastic.A: Has Tina read Treasure Island? B: Yes, she has. She thinks its fantastic.3. Let Ss learn more about famous books.4. have / has readAbility aims: Ss can talk about books they have read and describe them.Moral aims: Encourage Ss to read.Teaching key p

3、oints:1. Target language.2. have/has read ; already / yet教学手段:以师生讨论,生生讨论,小组合作等方式,全面训练学生的听说读写能力Teaching steps:Step1 Lead in利用中外名著的图片,导出本单元的话题,询问学生对读书的看法,引用培根说过的一句话:读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩. 以这句话作为整节课情感价值观的主线,也以这条主线贯穿整个教学材料,教育学生要热爱读书。 T: Do you like reading books? Ss: Yes. I do.T

4、: Do you often read English books?S: Yes. I do. / No, I dont.T: What classic books have you already read? Have you heard of these books? Ss: .先出示同学们熟悉的中国古典四大名著的图片,让学生们熟悉本课的话题,再出示一些国外名著,引导出本单元提到的一些名著。Step2 Work on 1a Show some pictures of the books.利用之前展示的图片,引出本课的对话,让学生初步了解现在完成时的用法。1. T: I like readi

5、ng books. Here are some books that I have read. Have you heard of these books? 2. Teach the names of the books.Alice in Wonderland Treasure IslandRobinson Crusoe Little WomenOliver Twist Tom Sawyer3. Ss read and learn.学生在组内运用新句型进行对话替换练习。再用PAIRWORK的形式进行话题汇报。教师根据学生的汇报情况进行适时的纠正和总结,让学生更好地熟悉句型。 Let Ss ch

6、eck the ones they know in 1a, then make conversations like: A: Have you heard of Treasure Island yet?B: Yes, I have. / No, I haventA: Have you read Treasure Island yet? B: Yes, Ive already read it. / No, I haventA: Whats it like? /What do you think of it? B: Its interesting/ exciting /.Step 3 Work o

7、n 1b. 先带领学生熟悉表格内容,导入听力材料的学习。1. Let Ss read the chart. Play the tape.2. Ss listen and write down the three books.3. Play the tape again. 4. Ss listen again , check if they have read the books and what they think of them.5. Check the answers. Ask Ss to read their answers in this way: Nick hasnt read T

8、reasure land, but Judy has read it. She thinks its .Step 4 Work on 1c.1. Let a pair of Ss to read the conversation in 1c to the class, ask Ss to talk according to the information in 1a and 1b.让学生小组讨论对上述小说的看法,引导孩子们读书时要善于思考。进一步练习本课的重点句型。再进一步系统讲解一般过去时与现在完成时的区别。A: Have you read Alice in Wonderland yet?B

9、: No, I havent. Have you?A: Yes, Ive already read it.B: How is it?A: Its wonderful.2. Explain the usages of the present perfect tense (have/has done)3. Do a game: Find the funniest fanfaron 利用谁是吹牛大王的游戏,激发孩子的想象力和学习热情,同时更进一步熟悉句型。I have already flown to the moon.I have already bought the bank. I have a

10、lready. 4. Explain the usages of “yet” and “already”.Step5 Moral aims: Encourage Ss to read. 展示Library of Harvard (哈弗凌晨四点半)的图片,用凌晨四点半时分,哈弗大学图书馆灯火通明,学生们都在奋力苦读的图片,给学生以视觉震撼。 还有第二张图片 Reading in America,美国中小学特别重视对学生进行阅读训练。语言课一般不讲语法和语言理论,主要是阅读,分精读和泛读。精读课要求学生对所学文章加以分析和评论,进行概括和复述。泛读课学生有较大自由,没有统一的课本,通常由老师提出一

11、个书单,供学生选读,有时也指定若干本书为必读。另外纽约州规定,小学生每年必须读25本书。低年级可以读小人书,随着年级升高,读的书也随之加深。美国学生的阅读往往与写作联系在一起。一般说来,学生每读完一本书,都要写读书报告。 通过美国对读书的重视程度,引导青少年要热爱读书,“书中自有颜如玉,书中自由黄金屋,书中自有千种粟”,Reading can bring everything.达到本课主题的升华。Step6 HomeworkChoose one of them you like to do!Do a survey and write a report like this.调查我班自上学期至今的平均读书量。同学们喜欢读的书是哪些?读书习惯是怎样的?谁是我班的读书大王?你对我班读书情况的评价是什么?In my group, A has alread


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