



1、第三单元重要句子 1.I can speak English and Chinese;我会讲英语和汉语 2.I can make noodles with my long arms and small hands;我能用我的长胳膊和小手做面条3.I am a good football player.我是一名优秀的足球运动员。4.I like to play and have fun.我喜欢玩并且一直很快乐。5.Do you want to play with me ?你想和我一起玩吗?6.I cant do your homework, but I can make noodles for

2、you我不会做家庭作业,但我可以给你做面条7.Can you do my homework for me. 你可以给我做家庭作业吗?8.I am listening to an English song.我正在听一首英文歌曲9.How can you feel a colour?你怎么能感觉一种颜色呢?10.In Engliah, we use many colours for our feelings.在英语中我们用许多颜色来表达我们的感觉11.Blue can mean sad .蓝色可以表示 沮丧。12.Green can mean sick .绿色可以表示 生病。13.Yellow c

3、an mean scared.黄色可以表示 恐惧。14.Red can mean angry.红色可以表示 生气。15.This is Li Lin. She is 1.5 metres tall.这是李玲。她1.5米高。 16.How tall are you?你有多高?17.Can you think of other pairs of words like these?你还能想出这样的几组单词吗?18.Please sit down against the wall.请靠墙坐下。19.Put your hands upon your head.请把你的手放在你的头上。20.I feel

4、happy.我感觉很高兴21.How do you feel today?今天你感觉怎么样?22.What is wrong?怎么了?23.Are you hurt?你受伤了吗?24.My mum wants me to eat just one donut a day.我妈妈想让我每天只吃一个面包圈。25.Dont be sad.不要难过。26.Your mum is right.你妈妈是对的。27.One donut a day is enough.一天一个面包圈足够了。28.We all have feelings.我们都有感觉。29.Sometimes we laugh. Someti

5、mes we cry。有时我们笑有时我们哭。30.How many donut does Dannys mother want him to eat?丹尼的妈妈想让他一天吃多少个面包圈?31.What does he/she look like?她长得怎么样?32.We all look different.我们都看起来不同。33.Jenny is from Canada. she is twelve years old.Jenny 来自加拿大,她12岁了。34.She has short blond hair.她留着金色的短头发35.Her eyes are blue .她的眼睛是蓝色的36

6、.She is a pretty girl.她是一个标致的女孩37.I am Li Ming. I am almost twelve years old .我是一个男孩,我快12岁了38.I am from China 我来自中国39.I have short black hair.我有黑色的短头发40.I wear glasses.我带着眼镜41.We all look different.我们都看起来不同42.What is the matter?怎么了?43.Take this medicine.吃上这个药44.Stay home and have a good rest呆在家里好好休息

7、一下。第四单元重点句型45.Its seven fifteen .他是七点十五分46.Time for breakfast?吃早饭的时间到了47.What would you like?你想吃点什么48.I have to go to the supermarket我必须去超市49.Do you want to come with me?你想和我一起来吗50.I can write it dowm.我可以把写下来51.Do we have everything on this list我们买了购物单上所有的物品了吗?52.You have everything on this list.你已经

8、买了购物单上的所有物品53.Many people buy fruit and vegetable here.许多人在这买水果和蔬菜54.Do you like fruit and vegetable?你喜欢水果和蔬菜吗55.I like vegetable very much.我非常喜欢蔬菜56.Potatoes are my favourite.土豆是我的最爱57.I like watermelons.我喜欢西瓜58.They are sweet.他们是甜的59.Lets buy a watermelon让我们买一个西瓜60.Are you ready to order?你准备好点菜了吗6

9、1.How much are the noodles?一碗面条多少钱62.How much for the dumplings?饺子多少钱63.Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么64.Can I help you?我可以帮你吗65.What would you like?你想来点什么66.Your dad and I are away for three days.你的爸爸和我准备离开三天67.Dont watch too much TV.不要看太长时1·间的电视68.Here is some money 这是钱 第六单元重点句型69.L

10、ets go to the bookstore.让我们一起去书店。70.How can we get there?我们怎样到哪?71.We can take Bus 42.我们乘42路汽车72.They get lost on the way to the bookstore.他们在去书店的路上迷失了方向。73.Excuse me. Can you help us?打扰一下。你可以帮我们吗?74.Go down this street.沿着街道直走。75.Turn left at the traffic lights.在交通等处左拐。76.Then go straight and you ca

11、n see the bookstore.然后直走你可以看见书店。77.Li Ming and his mum are shopping at the supermarket.黎明和他的妈妈正在市场购物。78.May I help you?我可以帮你吗?79.They are next to the carrots.他们在胡萝卜旁边。80.What can I do for you?我能帮你吗?81.Id like to buy a T-shirt.我想买一件T-shirt.82.Do you have any red T-shirts?你们有一些红色的T-shirt.83.How much i

12、s this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?84.I will take it.我想买它。85.Are they eating donuts?他们吃面包圈吗?86.They are making noises.他们正在制造噪音。87.Do animals have feelings.动物有感觉吗?88.Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm.李明正在访问他叔叔的农场。89.This farm is beautiful.这个农场是漂亮的。90.What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?91.You are doing a good job.你

13、做得很好。92.This is my favourite cow. 这是我最喜欢的奶牛。93.She is answering me.她正在回答我。94.Danny and Jenny are at the museum.丹尼和詹妮在博物馆。95.Lets go to the Art Hall.让我们一起去艺术大厅。96.This museum has many famous paintings.这个博物馆有许多著名的画。97.Lets ask that man.让我们问一下那个男人。98.Maybe he knows the way .他可能知道路。99.But I want to buy

14、a donut at the Rest Area.但是我想在休息街买个面包圈。100.This movie is about a hero dinosaur.这部电影是关于一个英雄恐龙的。101.He takes a taxi to Wangfuging Street.他乘坐小轿车去王府井大街。102.An old man gives him a magic map .一个老人给他一张神奇的地图103.He gets help from the elephants, lions and tigers .他得到了大象,狮子和老虎的帮助。第八单元重点句型104.This is north。Nort

15、h point up .这是北方.北指向上面105.We can see all the countries around the world.我们可以在世界各地找到所有国家。106. My grandparents will go there during the Spring Festival.我的外祖母想要在春节期间去那。107.Jack is going back to Canada soon.家乐不久就要回加拿大了。 108.He has a big goodbye party. 他有一个很大的送别聚会。109.I am so happy to see you .我见到你很开心110

16、.Thank you for inviting me.谢谢你邀请我 111.Its nice to meet you.见到你很开心112.London is the capital of the U.K.right?伦敦是英国的首都?113.Im very happy to meet you.我见到你很高心114.Jack and all of his friends have a lot of fun at the patty.家乐和他的朋友在聚会上很开心。 115.What do you know about China.你了解中国吗?116.What language do people

17、 speak in China?在中国人们讲什么语言。117.What is the capital city of China.中国的首都是什么?118.Beijing is the capital of China.中国的首都是北京。119.Canada and the U.S are east of China.加拿大和美国在中国的东部。120.What else do you know about China.你还了解中国吗?121.This is the Palace Museum. It is famous around the world.这是故宫。它在全世界是著名。122.Th

18、is is the Great Wall of China. It has a long history.这是中国的万里长城123.This is a lovely panda .Panda live in China.这是一只可爱的熊猫。124.What do you know about Canada?你还了解加拿大吗?125.People speak English and French in Canada.人们在加拿大讲英语和法语126.This is a beaver. It is Canadas national animal.这是一只海莉,它是加拿大的国宝。127.This is a Niagara Falls. It is a waterfall and its famous all over the world.这是尼亚加拉大瀑布他是一个瀑布著名与全世界。128.How much do you know about the U.S?你了解美国多少。129.Here is a map of the United States.这是一张美国地图。130.The flag of the U.S.美国的国旗。1


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