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1、 Vol . 3 No . 3 Sep t . 2007 Xinjiang Q il & Gas ( Edition of Natural Science tion - p rouduction p ressure system , as thus oilfield development is to achieve the desired results . A s Shanshan O ilfield is in the m iddle - high watercut development stage, the injection - p roduction p ressure syst

2、em estab2 lished in the low watercut developm ent stage can no longer meet the needs of the developm ent of oilfields at p res2 ent . Therefore, through restudied the whole oilfield, reasonable injection - p roduction p ressure system was estab2 lished in the m iddle - high watercut stage, and the c

3、urrent oilfield injection - p rouduction p ressure system was e2 valuated. Key W ords: Pump ing System; W ater Injection System; M iddle - high W atercut Stage; Injection - p rouduction Pressure System STUDY O N SEPARATE LAY ER FRACTUR ING TECHNOLO GY AND ITS APPL ICAT I O N IN TUHA OI L F IELD / L

4、i J un, Gong X iaox iong, L i X iang, et a l. TuHa oilfield Com pany Explora tion and D evelopm en t R e2 sea rch Institu te, Ham i X in jiang 839009 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 ( 3 : 50 55 Abstract: Tuha oilfield is a low per m eability oilfield w ith multi - layer development, rese

5、rvoir p rofile heterogenei2 ty is serious , w ith obvious interlayer difference, uneven reconstruction p roblem s caused by p reviously combined layer fracturing have severely restrained the reconstruction effect in recent years。A s for the reservoir characteris2 tics in Tuha oilfield, by studying t

6、he p revious fracturing technology , separate layer fracturing strings w ith packer of“Y341 + Y241 ” 、 “Y221 + Y111 ” 、 “Y511 + Y453 ”are developed and m atched , well selective and layer se2 lective p rincip le and operation parameters op ti m ization design of separate layer fracturing have been f

7、ormed , which have significant effects in field app lication. Key W ords: separate layer fracturing; technology; string matching; op ti m ization design APPL ICAT I O N O F TURNARO UND FRACTURE TECHNOLO GY IN ZHUNDO NG O I L F IELD / L iu J in jun , Gu L im an, X ie L ijun, et a l . ( X inJ iang O i

8、l Com pany Z hunD ong O il P roduction Factory /X in jiang S h iYou ( T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 3 : 56 58 Abstract: U sually hydraulic re - fracturing treatm ent for old p roducers only sp lits the original fractures again. W ith the development of the oilfield, p roduction potential of the reservoir a

9、round the original fractures is becom 2 ing less and less, and the effect of enhancing p roductivity decreases year by year . To turn around fracture and create new fracture are an effective way for old p roducers to increase p roduction. In this paper, the mechanis m of fracture creation for re - f

10、racturing, the condition of new fracture creation, the op tim ization of block agent and its volum e are studied. This study is app lied to Zhundong low per m eability reservoir, and better effect of enhancing p roductivity is achieved. Key W ords: Zhundong O ilfield; Turnaround Fracture; Effect of

11、app lication M EASURES TO ENHANCE EFFECT O F CLASS II RESERVES W ITH H IGH TEM PERATURE POL 2 YM ER FLOOD ING IN SHUANGHE O I L F IELD / X u X ue - pin, L i Z h i - ping, L ong Guo - qin, et a l . . Ch i2 na U n iversity of Geosciences , B eijing 100083 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 (

12、3 : 59 61 Abstract: V formation is the first Pilot test unit of class II reserves w ith high temperature polym er flooding in Henan oilfield. In this paper, perfected polym er flooding well - net and enhancing well - net controlling extent is put for ward, using reservoir numerical si m ulation to o

13、p tim ize injection parameters, adjusting p rofile control to block the larger reservoir channels before injecting polymer, and instantly enhancing p roduction of effective oil well. Obvious effect of increasing oil and decreasing water p roduction is achieved: daily oil output increased from 105 t

14、before polymer flooding to 182 t, and average water - cut lowed 3. 3% w ith total additional oil 23, 500 t . A set of technologies to enhance effect of class II reserves w ith high temperature polymer flooding is formed. It p ro2 vides a referential evidence for development of class II reserves w it

15、h high temperature polym er flooding . Key W ords: class II reserves; high temperature; polymer flooding; effect THE PHASE BEHAV I O R AND CHARACTER IZAT I O N O F CO ND ENSATE GAS RESERVO IR FL U2 I D S AND THE AFFACT ING FACTO RS / L iu Chang - lin, Z hang M ao - lin, M ei Ha i - yan, et a l. S ou

16、 thw est Petroleum U n iversity, S ichuan, Chengdu, 610500 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 ( 3 : 62 66 Abstract: Condensate gas reservoir is a particular type of gas reservoir w ith high econom ic value. The study of fluid phases is very important during its development . The paper intro

17、duces its different functions at the begin2 Vol . 3 No . 3 Sep t . 2007 Xinjiang Q il & Gas ( Edition of Natural Science ning and in the p rocess of the condensate gas reservoir developm ent, and the factors that affect phase state of the condensate gas , also focuses on the analysis of the effect o

18、f the cap illary p ressure in porous media , cap illary condensation and hum idity on phase equilibrium. Key W ords: Key Words Condensate Gas Reservoir; Phase State; cap illary p ressure; cap illary condensation; hu2 m idity; Deposition of O rganic Solid APPL ICAT I O N O F“GAS RECO VERY BY L IQU I

19、D D RA INAGE ”TECHNOLO GY THRO UGH GAS L IFT FO R LOW PRESSURE GAS W ELL IN M AZHUANG GAS RESERVO IR /W ang J in - d i, W ang Hu i - qing, W ang Guo - x ian, et a l . Z hundong O il P roduction Com pany, X in jiang O ilfield, PetroCh ina, Fukang, X in jiang 831511 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i,

20、 2007, 3 ( 3 : 67 68 Abstract: In view of low p ressure and serious liquid loading of J3q in M azhuang gas reservoir, “Gas Recovery by L iquid D rainage ”Technology through Gas L ift was carried out w ith the op tim ized gas lift string . It is effective not only for resum ing p roduction of gas wel

21、l, but also for p reventing from Second pollution of gas reservoir . It p ro2 vides an effective way for the sam e kinds of gas reservoirs to imp rove recovery rate. Key W ords: gas well w ith low p ressure; gas lift; gas recovery by liquid drainage; tubing string op tim ization STUDY O F L I M IT I

22、NG TEM PERATURE ABO UT LOW TEM PERATURE TRANSPO RTAT I ON OF W ATERCUT O I L / Hang Hong - sheng, L i W en - qing, W ang X iao - bing. College of Petroleum Eng ineering, D aqing Petroleum Institu te, D aqing, Heilong jiang 163318 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 ( 3 : 69 72 Abstract: In c

23、ompany w ith the increase of water content, the water percentage in p ipeline network can reach 90%. In order to research the influencing factor to lim iting temperature of low temperature transportation, the ex2 perim ent have been made. In this paper, by means of contrsating the data from the expe

24、ri m ent, we know that re2 ducing flux rate, increasing p ipe diam eter and concentration of flow i m p rover can reduce the lim iting tempera2 ture. The effect of adding flow im p rover is most remarkable, and it can be operated easily, so it has a good app li2 cation future. Key W ords: watercut o

25、il; lim iting temperature; flow imp rover; p ressure drop THE STUDY O F ECO NOM ICAL RUNN ING SCHEM E O N THE BUR IED CRUD E P IPEL INE / X ie Y ing, Yuan Z ong - m ing, X iao yan, et a l . S ou thw est Petroleum U n iversity, chengdu S ichuan 610500 /X in jiang S h iYou T ianR an Q i, 2007, 3 ( 3 :

26、 73 76 Abstract: In order to solve the conflict betw een energy consump tion and energy supp ly of the p ipeline perfectly, it is very i m portant to research on a reasonable and scientific operation scheme which is econom ical at the sam e tim e for reducing the transporting cost of oil on the serv

27、ice buried crude p ipeline, this paper has established math2 em atical model on buried crude p ipeline, put forward the solution of mathem atical model, which adop t the com 2 bination of schem e comparison method and TLNET softw are . W hen the flux of p ipeline is a certainty, This paper has p res

28、ented the econom ical operation scheme. The expense of p ipeline is m inim um. Inc: the number of running pump ing station and heat station, the com bination mode of pump unit in the pump ing station, in and out p ressure of every station, in and out temperature of every station, one hour running expense of p ipeline, the rotate speed of frequency conversion tim ing electricity machine,


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