UnitCanyou play the guitar新目标英语七年级下导学_第1页
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UnitCanyou play the guitar新目标英语七年级下导学_第3页
UnitCanyou play the guitar新目标英语七年级下导学_第4页
UnitCanyou play the guitar新目标英语七年级下导学_第5页
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1、Unit 1 新目标英语七年级下导学Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 导学我爱读单词:guitar /'t:(r)/ n.吉他sing /s/ v.唱;唱歌swim /swm/ v. & n.游泳dance /dns/dæns/ v.跳舞 n.舞蹈draw /dr/v.画chess /tes/ n.国际象棋play chess 下国际象棋speak /spik/ v.说(某种语言);说话speak English 说英语join /dn/ v.参加;加入club /klb/n.俱乐部;社团be good at擅长于tell /tel/ v

2、.讲述;告诉story /'str/ n.故事;小说write /rat/ v.写作;写字show / n.演出;节目v.给看;展示;or /(r)/ conj.或者;也不(用于否定句)talk /tk/ v. & n.说话;交谈talk to跟说kungfu /kfu/ n.(中国)功夫 单词短语活动 一你知道他们的翻译吗: 1 弹吉他: 打篮球: play +球,棋,牌(参加体育运动,比赛活动)play +the+乐器(弹/吹/拉某乐器) 你能举出一些关于这类词组吗: 打球类: 演奏乐器类: 选一选:Victor can play piano. He can join th

3、e music clud.A. / B an C the D a 2 play with sb. 与某人玩。play with sth. 玩某物。翻译句子:不要玩火: Mary 正在和一群孩子在公园里玩: 选一选:Please dont your pencil in class . A play B played C played with D play with你能写出一些关于play的词组吗?3 play 作为名词的意思你知道吗? 翻译句子:谁是这个剧本的作者? 4(1)join /dn/ v. (一般指加入某种组织,集体聚会或党派)join: 参加某组织,团体,党派并成为其中一员,长期身

4、份。翻译:你想加入什么俱乐部? 短语:入党: 入团: 加入世贸: 加入龙文英语俱乐部: 拓展:join sb. 加入某人。join sb in doing sth.join in doing sth.翻译:他太忙了不能加入我们打篮球。 (2)join in : 参加活动,比赛,游戏,短期身份。翻译:他希望参与游戏: 短语:参与球赛: 参加帮助穷人的活动中: (3)take party in :参加会议或群众性活动,并发挥积极作用。翻译: She is an excellent student ,and takes party in many sports meetings. 拓展: join

5、作为名词,意为:连接处,结合点。例如:The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join. 5 dance v. 跳舞,舞蹈我喜欢跳舞。I like to dance. 或I like dancing. dance+r=dancer舞蹈家,跳舞的人。6 swim 它的现在分词: 去游泳: He likes to swim. = He likes to go swimming.= He likes swimming.翻译短语:去划船: 去钓鱼: 去购物: 去远足: 去野营: 他喜欢游泳。Let

6、s go for a swim.让我们去游泳。选一选:1 They had fun in the river last aummer. A swam B swims C swimming D swimming 2 Her sister prefers to be a star. A swimming B swiming C swim 翻译短语: 游泳池: 游泳俱乐部: 游泳衣服: 游泳比赛: 7 sing v. 唱歌。歌曲:song. 歌手: 歌星: 8 draw v. 画。draw a picture 画画。 draw a line 画线。 近义词,paint 指用颜料绘画,如水彩画,油画。

7、侧重着色。固定短语:draw sth. for sb. = draw sb.sth 为某人画选一选:What do you know about Walt Disney? He cartoons for newspapers.A . sent B. wrote C. read D. drew9 tell v. 告诉,讲述 。 例句:I cant tell jokes. 我不会讲笑话。 你能说说tell的一些短语吗?讲故事: 说谎: 讲笑话: 说事实:固定语法结构:tell sb.about sth. = tell sth. to sb.告诉某人某事。用这个结构造句: tell sb.(not)

8、 to do sth.告诉某人(不)做某事。例句: 还有其他有这样相似结构的词吗?ask ,advise ,want. 你能区分下speak,say ,talk,tell的用法吗? speak : vt. 说(某种语言)vi. 说话。speak + 语言。Speak Chinese .说中文。Speak English .说英语。Speak to sb.跟某人说话,与talk to sb.差不多。Speak to me . 跟我说话。The baby can speak . say: vt. 说(内容).say sth. to sb.例句:Say it to me again.再跟我说一遍。“

9、No way !”she said . “没门!”她说。say sth. in +语言 用语说某事。She said “Good morning”in French.她用法语说早上好。 talk: vi 说话,谈话。talk to sb.向某人说. 例句:Dont talk to him.别跟他说话talk with sb.跟某人说.例句:She is talking with her teacher.她正在跟她的老师说话。talk about sth.谈论某事。例句:What are you talking about?他们在谈论说明? tell:vt. 告诉,讲述,辨别。tell sb.

10、sth. = tell sth. to sb.例句You cant tell her joke. = You cant tell the joke to her.你不能跟她讲那个笑话tell sb. (not) to do sth .例句:The teacher let us to listen carefully.老师让我们认真听讲。tell A from B .把 A 与B 分开。 巧记:He told me he could speak English. When we talked about English,he said,“English isnt easy to learn.”他

11、告诉我他会说英语。当我们谈论英语的时候,他说:“英语不容易学。”选一选:1) Shall we go and hello to the foreign teachers? Good idea! Lets go. A say B speak C talk D shout常见词组:the English-speaking country 说英语的国家。 spoken English 英语口语。 speak of 讲到例句:他谈到了他在法国的学生时代。2 )The boy can _ English and stories in English.A speak say B tell speak C

12、speak tell 3 My brother wants .A to tell us a story B to tell a story to us C tell us stories. 3 )完成单词。g it s sw da ce dr c e sp k j i s o y w ite sh r t lk4 )写出下列词组的英语表达。吉他: 参加: 俱乐部: 写作: 故事: 跳舞: 游泳: 唱歌: 告诉: 说英语: 国际象棋: 下国际象棋 擅长于 交谈,说话: 跟说话 10 story n.故事,小说。 复数:stories .你喜欢故事吗?Do you like stories?Man

13、y student like (story).tell a story/ stories 讲故事 write a story/stories 写故事read a story /stories 读故事 11 write v. 书写,写作。write back(to sb) 回复,回信。write sth down 用笔记下。write sth out完整写下来 write sth up整理成文 填一填Im not good at (write), and I always hand in my homework late.Write a letter to sb. = write to sb.给

14、某人写信。 writer :作家,作者。be good at sth.擅长做某事 = do well in be good at doing.擅长于做某事。翻译:他数学学得很好。 be good with sb. 与相处得好。翻译:丽丽与她的同学们相处得好。 be good to = be friendly to = be kind to对友好翻译: 李老师对他的学生很友好。 be good for 对有益。 ( be bad for 对······有坏处,对······有害

15、)翻译:早睡对身体有好处 12 show v. 展示给.看。show sth. to sb.=show sb.sth.类似结构的词:tell,give ,pass, post sb. sth= post sth. to sb.lend sb. sth = lend sth. to sb. buy sb. sth = buy sth. for sb.offer sb. sth.= offer sth.to sb. borrow sb. sth. = borrow sth. from sb.Let me show my photos to you = Let me show you my phot

16、os.让我把我的照片给你看。 短语:talent show 才艺表演 fashion show 时尚表演 TV show 电视节目 be on show 在展览中 talk show 脱口秀选一选:I have many interesting books and I can show _.A it to you B you them C them 拓展:show n. 演出,表演。shoes show:鞋子展。on show :展览,陈列。13 or conj.或者,表选择。经常链接两个以上的人或事供选择,常构成选择疑问句。Is he your brother or your cousin?

17、 选择疑问句的回答不能用yes或no。or 常用在否定句中连接并列成分,而在肯定句中,用and连接并列成分;or“否者,要不然。”or so 大约;左右。例句:I dont like playing basketball or tennis.Come here,or you cant play soccer.I like English and Chinese.I dont like English or Chinese.Is your friend a boy or a girl?选一选Is the girl your sister_ your cousin? Shes my cousin.

18、A and B or C but 比较:and or but. and 表递进,并列;or 表选择;but 表转折 没有我不会的一 根据汉语意思和首字母写出单词。1. I want to _(参加)the chess club.2.-Can she _(跳舞)?- Yes, she can.3. My brother sings_(好).4.Mr Liu is (我们的)Chinese teacher.5.The boy likes telling _(故事).6.I can sing and dance. I want to join the m_ club(俱乐部).7.She isnt

19、English, but she s_ English very well.8.-Can you p_ the piano? - No,I cant.9.Mum often tells my little brother s_ in the evening.10.They are playing basketball, you can join t_. 二 从括号里选择适当的单词完成句子。 1. Can you play _(the/a)guitar?2. Lets talk_(to/at)our English teaher.3. What can your father _(do/does

20、)?4. His grandfather plays chess very _(well/good).5. We can _(speak/watch)English and Chinese.6. Mary loves sports. She wants _(to join/ joins)the sports games.7. Can you show your family photo_(to me / me) next week?8. I dont like to eat hamburgers beause I dont want_(to be fat/ be fat).9. Teacher

21、s often tell _(we/ us) not _(play/ to play) too much computers.10. You need to finish your homework first _(or/ and) you cant watch TV. 单词短语活动 二drum /drm/ n.鼓play the drums 敲鼓piano /p'æn/ n.钢琴play the piano 弹钢琴violin /va'ln/ n.小提琴play the violin 拉小提琴also /'ls/ adv.也;而且people /'p

22、ipl/ n.人;人们home /hm/ n.家;活动本部 adv.到家;在家be good with善于应付的;对有办法make /mek/ v.使成为;制造make friends 结交朋友today /t'de/ adv.在今天help (sb) with sth在某方面帮助(某人)center /'sent(r)/ n.(=centre)中心;中央weekend /wik'end/ / 'wi kend/ n.周末on the weekend (在)周末teach /tit/ v教;讲授musician /mju'zn/ n.音乐家Lisa /

23、'li:z/莉萨(女名)Jill /dl/ 吉尔(女名)Peter /'pit/ r) / 彼得(男名) 1完成任务 (1) 完成单词 d_um v_ _ l _ _ a_s_ p_ _ple m_ke c_ _ t_ _ w_ _k t_ _ch m_s_c_an t_d_ _ h_me (2) 写出下列汉字的英语表达。 工夫:_ 鼓:_ 钢琴:_ 小提琴:_也,而且:_ 人们:_ 家,活动本部:_使成为:_ 在今天:_ 在某方面给某人帮助:_在周末:_ 教,讲授:_ 音乐家:_中心,中央:_ 善于应付:_ 结交朋友:_弹钢琴:_ 拉小提琴:_敲鼓:_ (3) 乐器名词 dr

24、um n. 鼓 短语:击鼓 play the drums.例句:I can play the drums.piano n.钢琴 短语:弹钢琴 play the piano pianist: 钢琴家violin n.小提琴 短语:拉小提琴play the violin violinist: 小提琴家例句:She plays the violin well and she is a violinist. (4)其它单词 kungfu n. 中国功夫 play kungfu 表演功夫center n. 中心,中央 例句:There is a table in the center of the ro

25、om. 区别:center 与middle。center指立体事物的中心,正中心,搭配介词at或in;middle 指中间或中部,搭配介词in;学术,工业,商业等中心用center. 2 people n. 人,人们。指人时是集体名词,没有复数形式,在句中做主语时,谓语用复数!与the 连用,指人民群众;表“民族,种族”时是可数名词,复数形式为peoples。英语中单复数一致的名词你能想出一些吗?people fish sheep Chinese Japanese deer Swiss 3 home n. 家;本部活动;adv. 到家,在家 短语:go home(副词);at home(名词)

26、作为副词时,前面没有介词.come home be home翻译短语:arrive home return home go back home stay home welcome home walk home 注意:in ones home 在某人家,home 为名词。 区分:home ,family ,house .home :家,指一个人的出生地或居住地,具有抽象的含义。family:家庭,指由父母,子女所组成的家庭,是集合名词,即有单数意义(指整体概念,一个社会单位),也有复数意义(指家庭成员)。house:房子,指供家人住的房子,指具体的建筑物。选一选:We have only one

27、 earth .Its our common(共有的) A family B house C home D room 4 weekend n. 周末 短语:on the weekend = on (at)weekends 也可以说成 at the weekend weekday 工作日 on weekdays 在工作日.this weekend 这/ 本周末 last weekend 上周末 next weekend 下周末。例句:The shop opens at 9:00 a.m. on weekdays ,but at 10:30 a.m. on weekends.这个商店工作日上午9:

28、00开门,但周末上午10:30开门。 5 musician n. 音乐家 构词:music+ian构成 musician。msicial 音乐的类似构词magic+ian构成 magician .魔术师。police+ian 构成 policeian 政治家。 6 teach v. 教,讲授 例句:Mr Smith teaches English in our school.斯密斯先生在我们学校教英语。其它搭配:1 teach sb. 教某人 2 teach sth. 教某事 3 teach sb.sth.教某人某事。 4 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事。5 teach

29、 oneself 自学6 teach sb.a lesson 教训某人。例句:1 ,Its easy to teach smart students.教聪明的学生很轻松。 2 ,He can teach English.他能教英语。 3 ,Ms Li teaches me to write good stories.李女士教我写出好故事。 4 ,One may teach himself when he is free.人可以在空闲时间自学。 5 ,You should teach him a lesson.你应该教训他一顿。名词teacher :老师。teach +ing 变成teachin

30、g ,常用来修饰语教学相关的食物。如:teaching building:教学楼teaching methods :教学方法 teaching experience:教学经验7 make v. 例句:Its easy to make a mistake.犯错容易。短语:make friends with sb 与某人交朋友选一选:She wants to everyone in her class .A make friends B make a friend C make friend with D make friends with make 常见的结构:make sb./sth.+形容词

31、 使某人/物呈现的状态。例句:Doing sports makes you healthy. 做运动使你健康。make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事。翻译:我妈妈让我打扫房间: make 的常见短语:make a telephone 打电话 make a face / faces 做鬼脸make a living 谋生;维持生活 make a mistake / mistakes 犯错 make a noise / noises制造噪音 make a fire 生火 make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱 等。 8 help:n 或v. 例句:With the he

32、lp of a dictionary,I can read English storybooks.借助字典,我可以阅读英文故事书。help 作为名词是不可数。例如:I need some help.我需要一些帮助。with the heip of sb.= with ones help 在某人的帮助下。ask sb.for help 向某人寻求帮助。选一选:Bill has made great progress the help of his teacher. A for B with C under help 作为动词,意为帮助。help (sb.) with sth.在某方面帮助(某人)

33、。翻译:你能帮我学英语吗? help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 翻译:他们经常帮助老人们打扫他们的房子: 选一选:Can you help me my English ?A on B with C to 固定结构:cant help doing sth .情不自禁做某事翻译:当她知道这个消息时,她情不自禁地哭了。 9 also adv. 也,而且用在实意动词前,be,助动词和情态动词后。比较于too :too 用于句末;also用于句中。 例如: My friend is also called Helen.I am 12 years old ,too. 10 toda

34、y adv. 在今天 n. 今天,今日 例句:Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。We have music lesson today.我们今天上了音乐课。拓展:the day before yesterday 前天 the day after tomorrow 后天 the next day 第二天 yesterday 昨天 tomorrow 明天。 11 call v. 打电话,呼唤 例句:Call me at any time .随时给我打电话。call sb. at +电话号码 翻译:你可以拨打77777876找我。 短语:call sb.(up) 或ring

35、sb. (up) 给某人打电话。make a telephone call to sb.给某人打电话。 give a telephone call 打电话 。 give sb. a call 给某人打电话 call sb back 回电。 12 need v. 需要 例句:He needs to say goodbye to the old days.他需要向过去的日子告别。固定结构:need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事。选一选:My father is not good at cooking . He often needs my mother . A to help him

36、 B to be helped C not to help him D how to help him 固定结构:need to do sth .需要做某事 选一选:Lucy is a little poor at Chinese.I think she needs it every day. A practice to speak B to pratice speaking D practice speaking拓展:need sth.需要某物。例句:He needs more time and more money .他需要更多的时间和金钱。need 可以作为名词,表示“必须,需要”。例句

37、:There is no need to call a doctor.没有必要叫医生。注意:need作为情态动词时后跟动词原形,比如:You neednt open the door.你没有必要打开门。没有我不会的一 根据汉语意思和首字母写出单词或短语。 1 Can you play the v_?2 Can you h_ me with my Chinese?3 They like playing the piano on the w_.4 Bills brother can_(敲鼓)。5 We are going to see my aunt_(在周末)。6 Can you _ kids

38、_(帮助)drawing? 7 I want to _(结交朋友)with other students. 8 Please _(友好相处)your sister,dont make her cry9 Lucys _(小提琴)is new. 10 Hey,Mary.Come and_(给.看)me your watch.11 How many_ (钢琴)does Miss Jones have? 12 Han Tiantian often _(写)stories after school. 13 Song Zuying is a great _(音乐家).My father helps_(人们

39、)with swimming. 14 Mr.Zhang _(教)us English very well. 15 Kate can_(也)draw pictures. 二 英汉词组互译。 1 帮助某人做某事_ 2 与某人相处得融洽_3 说英语_ 4 join the music club _ 5 make friends _ 语法精分析: 情态动词 can 的用法。1 can意思为_. 是_动词。曾学过的与can有关的句子为Can I help you ?其同义句为_.如果需要则回答为_;不需要则回答为_. 2 can的同义词有_(想出你可能知道的) 完成任务: 一 选一选。 1- Mary,

40、_ you speak Chinese? -Yes, only a little.A must B need C can 2 -_ you do the math problem? - Yes, I _. A Can;cant B Do;can C Can;can3 She can_ and _. A to sing dance B sing to dance C sing dance 4 - What can you do? - I can_. A to sing B sing C singing 5 The girl dances well.(用can 改写句子) The girl _ _

41、 well. 二 完成下列句子 1 Can you _(swim/ swims)? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 2 Can he play chess? Yes, _ _. No, he _. 3 Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, _ _. No, _ _. 4 Can Jane and Jill swim? _, they can. _, _ cant.5 What _ you do ? I can dance. But I _ sing. 6 What club do you want _(join/ to join)? We want

42、_(join/ to join) the chess club. 情态动词是动词的一种,其本身具有一定的词意,用来表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气,但情态动词不能单独作宾语,只能和其他动词原形构成宾语,没有人称和数量的变化。结构为:情态动词+动词原形。常见的情态动词有:can 、may 、must、will、should、woud、could、need、shall。 can 的常见用法:1 表能力,“能,会”;We can play soccer. 2表示“许可,可以”,可以和may通用,比may正式;Can I open the door? 3 表可能性,常用于否定句,“可能会”It be ca

43、n true.情态动词can的常见句式:肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他He can speak English. 否定句:主语+cant+动词原形+其他。He cant play chess.一般疑问句:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can. 否定回答:No,主语+cant.7 练习:(1) You can take some photos in the zoo.(改为否定句)。You take photos in the zoo.(2) Mom,can I play tennis? (选择) right now .Id like you to help me w

44、ith the housework.A No,you can B Yes, you cant C Yes, you can D No , you cant (3) 1 She can draw a picture .(对划线部分提问) 2 She can draw a picture. (对划线部分提问) (4) Susan is good at English and she sing English songs. A cans B can C can to (5) Trees fight air pollution(污染). They are natural air conditioner

45、s (空调). A should B must C need D Can (6) I wear any lothes I like to school? No ,you cant . You must wear your uniform. (7) whose backpack is that ?It be mine . Mine is here.A must B can C mustnt D cant 没有我不会的一 单项选择1 - Can you play the guitar? -_. A Yes, I cant. B No, I can C No, I cant.2 -_ club _ he want to join? A Which;do B What;does C What;do 3-_you play golf? -No, I _. A Can; can B Can;dont C Can;cant4 C


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