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1、七年级下英语知识点(5)一短语1 look like 看起来像. 2 curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直发3 medium height/build 中等高度身体 4 a little bit =a little=kind of 一点儿 5 a pop singer 一位流行歌手 6 have a new look 呈现新面貌 7 go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物8 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长9 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎 10 stop to d

2、o sth 停下来去做某事11 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 12 tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事13 have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事14 remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的)15 remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做)16 one of - -中的一个 17.be +高矮胖瘦18.what do/does look like?=what +be +sb.+like?询问某人的外貌19.tall 指人、树、动物的高。High指物体高或

3、位置高,也可指空间位置或程度上的高,不指人或动物的高,也可表示高山,高级的,此时不能用tall替换。二、重点句型:1 Is that your friend? No, it isnt.2 What does she look like?3 I think I know her. ( I dont think I know her.)4 Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.5 Shes a little bit quiet.6 Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.7 She never stops talking.8

4、She likes reading and playing chess.9 I dont think hes so great.10 I can go shopping and nobody knows me.11 Now he has a new look.三词汇要点1、hair【用法】n._(做“几根头发”讲时,是可数名词;做“头发”讲时,是不可数名词。)【拓展】straight hair_ curly hair_【举例】_.露西留着短直发。2、thin【用法】adj._【拓展】反义词:_【举例】The ice on the river is thin._。 _.他是个瘦男孩。3. hea

5、vy 【用法】adj._【拓展】反义词:_副词:_另,heavy还可以表示雨,雪“大”,风“大”一般用strong wind.【举例】How heavy are you ?_? They didnt go to school because of the heavy snow._.4. build【用法】n._ v._【拓展】builder_ building_【举例】We are of the same build. _。 She is of medium build. _。5. height【用法】n._【拓展】它的adj.为_ tall与high tall指人,树,建筑物等的“高”,但不

6、指山“高”。 a tall man_ tall 指“树,建筑物”的高时,与high可以互换。 a tall tree = a high tree high用于不与地面接触的人或事物的高度,还可用于抽象的高,如物价,速度,温度,评价等方面。 high的反义词:_; tall的反义词:_【举例】 We are both the same height._。 _. 这是一座高山。 6. look 【用法】 v._ n._(复数为looks)【搭配】look like=be like_; look after_; look at_; look for_ look out_;look up_;look

7、over_;look up and down_ 7. popular【用法】adj._【搭配】be popular with_【拓展】popular 可缩写成_. pop songs_ pop music_【举例】Wang Lihong is a very popular actress._。 _.汉堡包受到孩子们的欢迎。8. always【用法】adv._(几乎100%)【拓展】近义词: usually_ (约90%) often_(约60%) 补充:never_(几乎0%) 注意这些词常用于be动词,助动词,情态动词之后,行为动词之前。【举例】_.他总是骑自行车去学校。 She is ne

8、ver late for school._。 Lily never tells jokes. _。(短语:play a joke on sb._ ; have a joke with sb._)10. team【用法】n._【搭配】a team of _【拓展】team做主语时,看作整体,谓语用单数形式;看作成员时,谓语用复数形式。 如:the captain/leader of the school guitar team_【举例】Im sure our team _going to win._。 A team of children _ playing games._。11. nobody

9、【用法】pron._(多用于疑问句和肯定句中,肯定句中做主语时,谓语动词用单数)【拓展】somebody_(多用于肯定句)nobody_(表示否定) 这类不定代词,跟形容词连用时,形容词放它们后面。【举例】There is nobody in the room._。 _. 没人喜欢他。12. person【用法】n. _(着重指个人方面)【拓展】people意为“人”,着重指全体方面,它是单数表复数概念。 people当”民族”讲时通常用不定冠词或复数。(a people; peoples)【举例】There are two persons outside._。 Are there many

10、people at the meeting? _?四、重点语法1. 他看起来长得怎么样?- What does he look like? (有look,用does/do)-他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。- He is very tall, and he has short curly hair. 同义句:- What is he like? (只有like,用is) (用is,like翻译问“像”)区别:- What does he like? 他喜欢什么?(用does,like翻译为“喜欢”) 区别比较:(1) 他是中等高度/身材:He is of medium height/build.

11、(是of, 前用be动词) (2) 他有中等高度/身材:He has a medium height/build.(是a, 前用have/has)2. 她有一点点胖:She is a little bit heavy. (heavy是形容词,前用be动词)一点点+形容词:a little bit+形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;一点点+名词:a little+名词 = a bit of+名词;如:His hair is a little long. = His hair is a bit long.He can speak a little English. =

12、He can speak a bit of English.3. They are talking about the tall boy with curly hair. (with翻译为“有着”)(句中已经有了动词talking about,表达“有着”不能再用动词has)比较:The tall boy has curly hair. (无They are talking about, 表达“有着”用动词has)练:(1) Jim lives in a small house _ (有着) an interesting garden.(2) Do you remember John, a p

13、op singer _ (戴着) funny glasses?(3) Do you know the tall man _ (有着) a big nose?4. 她从不停止讲话:She never stops talking. 句型:停止做某事:stop doing sth 句型:停下来去做某事:stop to do sth练:(1) Class is over. Lets stop _ (have) a rest.(2) The teacher is coming. Lets stop _ (talk).(3) I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _

14、(relax)?(4) If youre tired, you can stop _ (work).(5) Stop _ (talk). Listen to me, please.5. 他不再戴眼镜了:He doesnt wear glasses any more.词组:不再:notany more词组:戴眼镜:wear glasses穿一条红色的裙子:wear a red dress穿着某种颜色的衣服:in+颜色 如:Do you know the boy in black?6. 没有人知道我:Nobody knows me.语法:someone, somebody, everyone, e

15、verybody, nobody均表示“三单”,与之搭配使用的动词也要变“三单”。如:(1) Everyone in my class _ (know) this smart teacher.(2) Do you think everyone _ (enjoy) their weekends?(3) Everyone in our class _ the weekend.A. enjoys B. enjoy C. enjoyed D. enjoying7. 在七年级五班:in Class Five, Grade Seven (班级、年级、数字的“首字母”均需大写)8. 篮球队的队长:the c

16、aptain of the basketball team (有of,需要倒翻)有“生命”的东西,表示“的”用 s ; 如:He is my fathers friend.无“生命”的东西,表示“的”用 of . 如:Here is a photo of my family.9. 形容人的“外貌特征”的名词和形容词序号跟在be后 (be+形容词)跟在have/has后 (have/has+名词)1是高的/矮的 is tall/short有长/短头发 have long/short hair2是中等高度 is of medium height有直/卷头发 have straight/curly

17、hair3是胖的/瘦的 is heavy/fat, thin有黑/黄头发 have black/yellow hair4是中等身材 is of medium buildhave+长短+直卷+颜色+hair5是长的/短的 is long/shorthave a medium height/build6是漂亮/丑陋的 is beautiful/uglyhave (two) big eyes7是可爱的 is cute有一张圆脸:have a round face10. 受某人的欢迎:be popular with sb 受欢迎的:popular对某人友好:be friendly to sb 友好的:

18、friendly11. 讲笑话:tell a joke, tell jokes 讲故事:tell stories开玩笑:play a joke, play jokes 开某人的玩笑:play jokes on sb12. 有一副新的面貌:have a new look (此处的look作“名词”)13. 去买东西:go shopping在购物商场购物:shop at the mall14. (1) look v. 看起来; 如:He looks like his father.(2) look prep. 外表; 如:He has a new look.15. (1) like v. 喜欢;

19、如:What does he like?(2) like prep. 像; 如:What is he like?16. He is of medium build.他中等身材。He is of medium build / height.= He has a medium build/ height.两句意思一样,但侧重点不同“be + of + 名词”结构,表示人或事物的特点,性质,相当于“be + 表示人物或者事物特点性质的形容词。”例如:It is of great importance for us = It is important for us对于我们来说它很重要。He has a

20、 medium build/height.表示他有中等身材或身高,侧重于现状。 build作名词意为“体格,体型”。a man of strong build 一个体格健壮的人build 作动词意为“建造,建设,建立”例如:We are building a house.我们正在建造一个房子。语法聚焦1.like的用法:1). be like 像= _ _ Whats he like? = What _ he _ like? 2). like喜欢 like doing / like to do sth. 例:我喜欢下午练习英语。I like _ every afternoon . 3). wo

21、uld like to do sth. = want to do sth练一练:1). What does your mother _ _? = What _ your mother _?(长什么模样)2). What _ you _ _ have for dinner?(想要) 3). _ their teacher _ _ in the river? (喜欢游泳)2. a little bit = a little = a bit + 形容词;a little = a bit of + 不可数名词练一练:1). Im _ tired. A. a bit little B. a little

22、 bit C. bit of D. a bit of 2). I have _ homework today. A. a bit B. a lot C. a little D. a few 3). I feel a little tired today. = I feel _ _ _ tired today. 4). There is a little bread on the plate. = There is _ _ _ bread on the plate. 5). The little girl is a _ _ _. 有点文静3.stop的用法:1). At the bus stop

23、公交车站 2). stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情 3). stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事情练一练:1). She never stops _. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks 2). If you feel too tired, you can stop_ to bed. A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 3). The bus _ at the bus _ and the children got on the bus.停在车站4.look的用法:1). have a new l

24、ook面貌焕然一新 2). look at = have a look at看一看 3). look + 形容词, 看起来 4). look like + 名词,看起来像 5). look for 寻找5. remember / forget to do sth. 记住 / 忘记去做某事. 如:_ _ _ close the door before you leave. = _ _ close the door before you leave. 离开前别忘关门。Please _ _ _ my book to school tomorrow. 记得把带到学校来3.nobody / somebo

25、dy / anybody / everybody作主语,谓语动词用单三人称。如:1). Nobody_(know) her. (反义句) _ _ her. 2). Listen! Somebody _ (call) you! 3). Nobody is in the room. = There _ _ in the room. 词语辨析Wear, put on 与have on 的辨析wear表示“穿、戴”的意思时,强调穿的状态。例如:My mother is wearing her pink dress.我的妈妈穿着粉红色的裙子。put on意为 “穿上、戴上”,表示瞬间完成的动作,不能和表

26、示一段时间的状语连用。例如:She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套出去了。have on的意思是“穿着、戴着”和wear是同义词,指穿的状态,后面可以用表示衣服、帽子、鞋的名词。look有关词组辨析look vi 看 n 外表look at 看一看look for 寻找look out 向外看,小心look into 调查 look down 向下看,鄙视look up 向上看,查字典look over 检查描述人的外貌语法点拨本单元学习用形容词描述人的外貌特征。我们来总结一下如何询问和描述人的外貌特征。1询问某人的外貌特征和长相的用语What do y

27、ou look like? 或者What does he look like? 即用:What助动词do/does主语look like?2描述某人的外貌特征的用语描述某人的外貌特征经常用“主语be描述人外貌特征的形容词”或者“主语have/has名词(名词的前面有多个形容词修辞)”两种方式来回答。例如:What do you look like? 你长得怎么样?I am tall and thin. 我又高又瘦。What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎么样? She is tall. She has long hair. 她个子高,长头发。注意:描述人或

28、事物的特点,性质还可以使用“be + of + 名词”结构,例如本单元学到的He is of medium build / height.= He has a medium build/ height.3. 描述外貌的其他方法除了以上的句式外,动词wear, have;with构成的介词短语等也常用来描述人的外貌。例如:Lu Xun wore a moustache while Max had a beard.鲁迅留着小胡子,然而马克思留着络腮胡。Do you know the girl with long hair?你认识那个留长发的女孩吗? 课堂练习:.用be与have的适当形式填空1.S

29、he tall and thin. 2.Jim small nose and big eyes. 3.He of medium height. 4.She a little bit(有点儿) short and big eyes. 5.Does she long hair? .完成句子1.潘长江长什么样? does Pan Changjiang ? 2.我妈妈中等体格。My mother is medium . 3.你知道他有一辆新车吗? you he a new car? 4.她总是穿着绿色的外套。She a g

30、reen coat. 5.我弟弟头发卷,眼睛小。My brother hair and small . .根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.My hair isnt straight,its c. 2.My English teacher is thin and she is of medium h. 3.Look,she is about 160cm and she is of medium b. 4.Peter isnt short,he is t. 5.Lucy is very lazy.She agets up late.

31、60;6.Miss Lis classes are very interesting.She is (受欢迎的)at school. 7.Please (停止)playing.Start to work. 8.This isnt a (玩笑),you know. 9.I have a (金黄色的)car. 10.Sandra likes tennis.Now she is on the school tennis (队). IV.单项填空1.Is that your sister?. A.Yes,she isB.No,she isnt

32、C.Yes,it is D.No,that isnt2.What does he look like?. A.He is long hair B.He is fine.C.He likes English D.He is tall3.Yao Ming tall and short straight hair. A.is;is B.has;has C.is;has D.has;is4.Is he heavy?.He is very thin. A.Yes,he is B.No,he isnt C.Yes,he does D.No,he doesnt5.does yo

33、ur favorite teacher look like? A.HowB.WhatC.WhoD.When6.What does your aunt look like?. A.She is outgoing. B.She likes wearing skirtsC.She is of medium build D.She is really kind7.The new student is shy. A.a little bit B.little C.a bit of D.bit8.He wears glasses. A.not B.not to C.

34、never D.isnt9.Please stop a rest if you feel tired.(2011南宁) A.to have B.having C.have D.has10.What Amy and her brotherlike? A.does;look B.do;look C.is;look D.do;looks12.Stop to music:the teacher is coming. A.to listen B.listens C.listen D.listening13.Zhao Benshan likes jokes. A.s

35、peaking B.telling C.saying D.talking14.What does your uncle look like?He . A.likes dogs B.is heavy C.likes eating meatD.is 38 years old15.There is meat in the bag.Its smelly (有臭味的). A.a little;bit B.a little bit;a bitC.a bit;a little D.a little;a little bit16.I remember him to open the doo

36、r.But the door is still closed. A.tell B.to tell C.tellsD.telling17.Jim loves jokes. A.say B.to say C.to tell D.speaking18.David is a short boy brown hair. A.of B.has C.with D.like19.I dont think right. A.She is B.is she C.she isnt D.isnt she20.What do you look like?Im . A.t

37、ired B.tall C.kind D.happyV完形填空My good friend Tony 1 Canada.2 a middle school student.Hes fourteen years old.He 3brown hair and big eyes.4 sister is Ann.Shes a student,5.But they arent in the same school.Shes tall and thin6long brown hair.Shes good-looking.7father is a bank clerk.He is tall and medi

38、um 8.He likes 9sunglasses in summer.Tonys mother is a nurse.She has long curly hair.She 10young.Now they live in Beijing,China.They all like China and Chinese people. 1.A.is B.is from C.come from D.is a2.A.Hes B.His C.Hers D.Shes3.A.is B.have C.has D.there is4.A.Him B.Her C.His D.Hes5.A.also B.

39、too C.either D.never6.A.with B.and C.is D.has7.A.Tonys B.Tony C.Tonys D.They8.A.height B.build C.heavy D.thin9.A.wearing B.wears C.having D.to wearing10.A.look B.is looking C.looks D.looking.结合句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空1.My father often wears black (glass). 2.These (music)all come from Australia. 3.Lets stop (watch)TV and go to bed. 4.Mary wants to


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