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1、Topic5B Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 FilmsClass5TeacherSherry一、 教学目标:(重点、难点)1. Understanding modelled sentences making suggestionse.g. Shall we go to see a film this afternoon?2. Understanding modelled sentences expressing intention.E.g. I want to see Snow White二、 教学目标设计依据1、教材分析:这节课是学习句型Shall

2、 we?是一个常用的术语,语气上和Can we?是比较接近的。并且这篇课文是以一个对话形式展开的,围绕着去电影院看电影的片段。而Say and act则是将这两个句型结合在一起,更进一步。2、学生分析:主要是句型,并且结合班级特点较活跃,可以适当的加强语调进行教学。三、教具准备:PPTTeaching procedure:ContentM2U2 Look and sayPeriod(Period 1)DateProcedure教学环节Contents教学内容Methods教学方法Purpose教学意图Pre-task1. Some questions related to the daily

3、life to elicit the topic film2. Show some posters of theFilms the students like1. What do you usually do at weekends?2. What do you like doing at weekends?3. Do you like seeing films?4. Are there any cinemas near your homes?5. Whats your favourite film?Talk about the film they like通过日常会话,引出本节课主题Whil

4、e-task1. Show the picture of the textWho are they? Whats in Mums hand?2. Show the flash of the text.3. Watch it again then introduce: Shall we?More Practice about itShow some exercises on work book 334. Introduce some films - Which one do you want to see? 5.Introduce:What time is _ on?Its on at _.Th

5、ey are Mum, Ben and Kitty.There is a piece of newspaper.Watch then judge1. They are talking about seeing a film. ( )2. There are four films on at City Cinema. ( )3. Kitty wants to see Snow White. ( )4. The film Snow White is on at one oclock. ( )-Shall we go to see a film this afternoon?-Great!1. -

6、Its raining outside. Shall we _ at home?-Great!2. - Its Saturday today. Shall we go to the _ this afternoon?- Great!- Shall we go there by _? - OK!Try to tell the answerThere are 3 films on at City Cinema. They are _.- I want to see _. Its about _.Look at the table and discuss with the partner观看课文fl

7、ash动画,整体感知课文判断正误,检验学生理解与否由课文里的核心句型着手,提供多种语境,进行操练呈现练习册上相关题目,进行解答,凸显即时效果。提供多部电影,增加学生的操练,并引出Shall we.?的另一种回答。操练电影上映的时间的英语表达。Post-task1.Talk about the poster2.Make a short dialogue3. Read and complete通过多种形式的练习进行巩固。Exercises:课堂练习:Assignment:作业布置:1. Read the text on P26 2. Do the workbook p33,35Board Desi

8、gn:板书设计:Re-thinking:教学反思:Topic5B Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 FilmsClass5TeacherSherry二、 教学目标:(重点、难点)1. Using the key words in contexte.g. ticket2. Using modeled sentences to make suggestions e.g. Shall we get some drinks?二、 教学目标设计依据1、教材分析:这节课是学习句型Shall we?是一个常用的术语,语气上和Can we?是比较接近的。并且这篇课文是以一

9、个对话形式展开的,围绕着去电影院看电影的片段。而Say and act则是将这两个句型结合在一起,更进一步。 2、学生分析:主要是句型,并且结合班级特点较活跃,可以适当的加强语调进行教学。三、教具准备:PPTTeaching procedure:ContentM2U2 Say and actPeriod(Period 2)DateProcedure教学环节Contents教学内容Methods教学方法Purpose教学意图Pre-task1. Have the students listen to the rhyme in Listen and enjoy.2. Show the pictur

10、es and sentences.Ask the students some questions about films in order to elicit the topic buying a ticket.1. Listen and read the rhyme in pairs.2. Practice in pairs.Shall we ?3. Answer the questions.Whats your favourite film?What is it about?What must you do before you see a film at the cinema?以本单元的

11、儿歌巩固第一课时句型,为新课做热身。以头脑风暴形式讨论各自喜欢的电影名称、内容,并说说看电影前需要做的事,为学习去影院购票作铺垫While-task1. Have the students listen to the dialogue.2. Play the flash for Say and act 3. Have the students read the dialogues.4. Ask the students to make a new dialogue about buying tickets.5. Have the students role-play the dialogues

12、 in Say and act.1. Listen and answer.Where are Ben, Kitty and Mrs Li?Are they seeing the film now?2. Listen carefully and give the correct choices.3. Read the dialogues.4. Act the dialogue with partners.1) Read and practice.2) Read and learn.3) Group works.Excuse me, can I have four tickets for Toy

13、Story, please? Two adults and two children.Sure.How much are they?Theyre 120 yuan.OK. Here you are.Here are the tickets.Thank you.5. Act out the dialogues in front of the class.以音频形式播放P28对话,引导学生带着问题听对话,初步感知交谈的内容。以Flash形式播放对话,引导学生完成选择题,能基本明了对话中的关键信息。跟读对话,要求模仿语音语调,体验购票的过程。了解新词ticket和adult,操练对话第二段。引导学生

14、创编对话并上台表演。四人一组练习P28对话。Post-task1. exercise.1. Do the exercises and act it.2. Do the exercises and check the answers.结合部分解题技巧,讲评练习册P34、35,表演P34对话。Exercises:课堂练习:Assignment:作业布置:Board Design:板书设计:Re-thinking:教学反思:Topic5B Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 FilmsClass5TeacherSherry 一 教学目标:(重点、难点)1. Usi

15、ng modelled sentences to make suggestions e.g. entrance, exit, seat, ticket office2. Using modelled sentences to make suggestions.e.g. Shall we go to see a film this afternoon?二、 教学目标设计依据1、教材分析:这节课是学习句型Shall we?是一个常用的术语,语气上和Can we?是比较接近的。并且这篇课文是以一个对话形式展开的,围绕着去电影院看电影的片段。而Say and act则是将这两个句型结合在一起,更进一步

16、。 2、学生分析:主要是句型,并且结合班级特点较活跃,可以适当的加强语调进行教学。三、教具准备:PPTTeaching procedure:ContentM2U2 Say and ActPeriod(Period 3)DateProcedure教学环节Contents教学内容Methods教学方法Purpose教学意图Pre-task1. Listen and enjoy.2. Read in groups.3. Create the new rhyme in groups of two or four.1. Review the rhyme.2. Show the pattern and a

17、sk the students to say the poster of the films the students like.3. Ask and answer according to the “Look and say”.通过rhyme, poster复习,巩固前课时句型,为新课做热身。根据P26的对话提问,既复习了核心句型Shall we?又引出新单词教学。While-taskticket officeseatentranceexitShow the picture of P27.1. Ask and answer.What does Mrs Li do?Where does she

18、 buy the tickets?2. Fill in the blanks. 1. Look at the picture and read the word.2. Make a short dialogue.1. Show the short passage and say.2. To elicit the new word and read.3. Say the rhyme.1. Show “entrance” and ask the students to say the opposite word.2. Read the word.3. Say the phrases. 1. Rea

19、d the words together.2. Play a guessing game to check their understanding of the new words.提问引出ticket office,并且在填充中操练新单词的朗读和用法。对话中操练句型,并且拓展座位号。在段中操练单词和句型。由于entrance这个单词比较难读,因此设计这个rhyme来加强操练和巩固记忆。运用说出反义词和说词组的方式来操练单词。在a guessing game中检查学生对新单词的理解。Post-taskListen and choose.Read, choose and complete.Do

20、a Role-play about “Seeing a film”.1. Have the students do Part C”Listen, read and choose” on Page 32 of the Workbook.2. Have the students do Part “E”: Read, choose and complete” on Page 33 of the Workbook.Display some film posters and set the scene of a cinema.呈现练习册上相关题目,进行解答,凸显即时效果。自选场景,围绕主题Seeing

21、a film进行角色对话。Exercises:课堂练习:Assignment:作业布置:1. Read and copy the new words of P27.2. Do the workbook P32,33Board Design:板书设计:Re-thinking:教学反思:Topic5B Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 FilmsClass5TeacherSherry一 教学目标:(重点、难点)Using modeled sentences to give specific information e.g. The queen has a mag

22、ic mirror.二、 教学目标设计依据1、教材分析:这节课是讲述了白雪公主的故事,这节课没有太多的句型,是一个词汇的积累。 2、学生分析:主要是句型,并且结合班级特点较活跃,可以适当的加强语调进行教学。三、教具准备:PPTTeaching procedure:ContentRead a storyPeriod(Period 4)DateProcedure教学环节Contents教学内容Methods教学方法Purpose教学意图Pre-task1. Have the students discuss about the film.2. Ask the students give a rep

23、ort.3. Show the picture of Snow White and seven dwarfs.1. Talk about the film in pairs.- Whats your favourite film?- My favourite is _. Its about _. How about yours?- Its _. Its about _.2. Give a report._s favourite film is _.Its about _.3. Look at the picture and discuss.出示电影海报内容,讨论孩子们喜欢的电影名称和内容。以调

24、查汇报的形式说说其他同学喜欢的电影。以Snow White的电影海报引入今天的主题While-task1. Show the flash.2. To teach: Period 11) Show the picture and questions.2) To teach: the fairest3) Have the students read the dialogue.3. To teach: Period 24. To teach: Period 3.5.To teach: Period 46. To teach: Period 57. Have the students judge th

25、e sentences.8.To teach: The endingListen to the story and number the pictures in the right order.2. To learn: Period 11) Ask and answer with the partner.What does the queen have?What can it do?2) Read the words and explanation.3) Practice the dialogue in three.3. To learn: Period 21) Listen.2) To le

26、arn: the hunter3) Read the word.4) Guess.5) Read the dialogue in two.4. To learn: Period 31) Look at the picture and answer.2) Read the phrases.3) Read the script.5. To learn: Period 4Make the dialogue in two.6. To learn: Period 51) Ask and answer with partner.2) Complete the script.7. Do True of fa

27、lse.8. To learn: The endingHave the students work in groups of four and talk about the ending of the story.1) Discuss2) Read.欣赏动画故事,给图片排序,引导学生初步感知情节。引导学生观察图片回答问题,了解新词the fairest的含义。并引导学生体会皇后的情绪,有感情地朗读台词。听录音,学词新词kill,有感情地模仿皇后的语气。观察图片,猜测hunter会如何做,结合故事训练学生的思维能力。看图回答问题,推进故事情节。自编台词完成对话。与同伴观察图片合作问答,并完成台词

28、。判断句子与故事内容是否符合,梳理故事情节。组织四人一组讨论故事结尾,训练学生发散性思维和语言组织能力。Post-task1. Make a short 2. Have the students act the short play in front of the class.3. Play the flash of the story.1Complete the script and practice in groups.2. Act the dialogue.3. Read after the flash.合作创编剧本,表演短剧。跟动画朗读整个故事,再次训练语音语调。Exercises:课

29、堂练习:Assignment:作业布置:1. Finish the script of Snow White.2. Act the short play.3. Retell the story.Board Design:板书设计:Re-thinking:教学反思:Topic5B Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 FilmsClass5TeacherSherry一 教学目标:(重点、难点)1. To learn the following sounds: /m/, /n/, /N/2. Using modelled sentences to talk and write abuot films二、 教学目标设计依据1、教材分析:这节课是学习句型Shall


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