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1、淄博市2017-2018学年度高三模拟考试试题英 语听力(略)一阅读理解AGive it a Go! one-off volunteeringOur one-off programme allows you to take part in volunteering activities with no regular commitment such as dog walking, helping your local community and so on.Transport is provided from campus when activities cant be reached by

2、public transport or on foot from campus.Canley Pop p Cafe: Chinese New Year Special !Date: Saturday 17 February 2018Time:10:30-15:30Help run fun games and activities for Canley citizens.Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference

3、 as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories and knowledge.Dogs Trust Volunteer DayDate: Friday 23 February 2018Time:09:55-16:00Join us for a day with the Dogs Trust, Help exercise the dogs, prepare food andthe dog shelter.Transport and lunc

4、h will be provided by Warwick Volunteers.cleanKings Hill NurseryDate: Wednesday 16 May 2018Time:09:05-13:15Kings Hill Nurseries provide placements, training, work experience and jobs for people with learning disabilities. Volunteers will help support adults with disabilities with gardening tasks, No

5、 previous experience required.Transport from campus provided.Friends of Canley Green spaces-woodland Path ClearanceDate: Saturday 10 March 2018Time:1030-13:30Help clean a woodland pathway by removing a mass of dead wood from low lying tree branches. By cutting away the wood, walking along the path w

6、ill be much easier. A more attractive pathway will also encourage people to explore Park Wood ,one of Canleys ancient bluebell woodlands.Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and strong shoes or boots that you dont mind getting a little muddy21. What is the Purpose of Canley Pop Up Cafes?A. To provi

7、de jobs for volunteersB. To improve the neighbourhoodC. To ask for help from neighboursD. To encourage neighbours to consume.22 Which activity lasts longest?A. Kings Hill Nursery B. Canley Pop Up CafeC. Dogs Trust Volunteer Day D. Friends of Canley Green Space23. What is the main task in the last ac

8、tivity?A. Planting trees B. Widening the pathC. Guiding the tourists D. Clearing the path.BRecently the sewer line (污水管道)under our house didnt work.My first response was to call a repairman.I made the call,expecting the man at the other end of the line to complain about the such an awful job.Instead

9、,he asked “The address?”.An hour later Steve arrived in his truck.He looked exactly as I had imagined he might:broad and bearlike,in well-worn clothing. “Can you fix it ?”I asked with a a mixture of doubt and hope.Steve looked at me as if responding to my lack of faith.With a cheerful shrug that sug

10、gested my crisis was all in a days work for him,he said , “Sure”.After a short while,Steve told me he had to get a tool and tear up the street to the main sewer line.He would first get permission from the town.I registered appropriate panic. “How long will all this take ?”Again,a shrug. “ I should h

11、ave it done by evening”.I did not want to watch the digging of my property unfold and went into town to visit some friends. I felt somewhat guilty upon driving off in my clean vehicle,leaving Steve to such a disagreeable task. Finally, when I went home, a sweeter sight I never saw: a period of newly

12、 paved street and all was tidy and relatively dry.I need to say, in my own defense, that I am not a weak father of two children .Ive traveled all over the world, served in the United States Navy and earned a PhD. But the broken sewer line was my limit. Then I thought about Steve. Big,rough, and how

13、people might judge him, if not for his appearance then for his work. And I was taken by the very idea that, no matter what crisis occurs, there is somebody, somewhere, who has the appropriate tools and settles it.24. What do we know about Steve?A. He wears neat and new clothesB. He is quite confiden

14、t of his skillsC. He always complains about his jobD. He hesitates to accept the repair work.25. What did Steve think of the authors crisis?A its a great challengeB its beyond his ability.C. its a part of his routine.D. its none of his business26. Why did the author leave home during the repairs?A.

15、He liked ta take his time riding outside B He drove to mm to his friends for helpC He was afraid of being looked down uponD. He was unwilling to face the embarrassing situation27. what can he inferred from the text?A. Action speaks louder than wordsB. God helps those who help themselvesC. Every prof

16、ession produces its top expertsD. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.CThe Detroit Symphony Orchestra will be performing works by Georges Bizet Friday morning. You might enjoy classical music and like to attend the performance, but live far away from Americas Motor City.On Saturday, the GoG

17、o group Curtis Johnson & The Band Eternity is performing at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. If you live overseas, going to that show is probably out of the question.Butthereisasolution!TheseandotherconcertsareavailableliveontheInternet.Youcanheartheminrealtimewithanelectronicdevice.Bothperfor

18、manceswillbeavailableontheWorldWideWeb.Theyarepartofagrowing numberofconcertsbroadcastoncomputers,tabletsandsmartphones.Thesedigitalconcerts areknownaslive-streaming.TechnologyexpertMichaelAntonoffsaysbetterandlesscostlyequipmentismakingiteasier forperformersandtheaterstooffermusicliveonline.Thequal

19、ityofthesoundandvideo imagesareimprovingallthetime,hesays.Thoseonlineconcertsnow haveasmanyas40,000viewerspershow.Peoplein100nationsarewatching.Itisahugepartofourincreasingglobalreach.Forinternationalperformers,KennedyCenterofficialsseeajumpinonlineviewership from the home countriesoftheperformer.Th

20、ere is hometown pride when an artist is performing in one of Americas best-know concerts,says the Kennedy Centers Garth Ross.At a recent Kennedy Center concert ,a performer said he was so happy that his disabled mother back in California could watch his performance.Itisnotjustmusicbeingstreamedonthe

21、web.OnDecember10,theproducerofthemusicalDaddyLongLegsputtheshowonthewebfreeofcharge.Itwasthefirstlivewebcastofa NewYorkmusical.Over150,000peoplefrom135nationswatched,producerKenDavenportsaid.Inotherwords,itwouldtakehismusical2.7yearsofsoldoutperformancestodrawthatmany people.28. Which of the followi

22、ng can replace the underlined phrase “out of the question” in Paragraph 2 ? A.Impossible B.Easy C.Exciting D.Concerning29. What results from the improvement of equipment ?A. The equipment is becoming more expensive .B. Few people like watching performances at spot.C. People can watch digital concert

23、s free of charge.D. More and more people enjoy the performances online.30. How do the international artists feel about their performances ?A. Proud B.Anxious C.Relaxed D.Stressed31. What is the best title of the text ?A. A Solution to Live Concert ProblemsB. Detroit Symphony Orchestra PerformancesC.

24、 American Concerts Available WorldwideD. Development of Music Electric DeviceD Recycling is essential in todays world.The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for lots of people to have lots of things,when people have many material possessions,they

25、 are bound to throw some of them away.This creates a lot of garbage which in turn destroys the environment. Recycling is a way for us to keep the world clean as items are broken down and used again,preventing the littering of the environment.Instead of throwing all your garbage into the trash can,yo

26、u should separate the paper,metal,glass and plastic into different containers.Compost should also be recycled as this is excellent food for farm animals and also makes for great fertilizer(肥料).You should try to buy products that have been recycled.You can see if an item has been made from recycled m

27、aterials by its labels;if its recycled,it will say so.Also,instead of always buying new clothes,you can arrange to have a clothing swap with your friends. You bring clothes you dont want and pick items you want from what other people have brought.Not only does this save the environment, but it also

28、saves your pocketbook.Remember ,what is one persons junk can be someone elses treasure!The saying can be can be applied to all sorts of things:books,CDs, furniture,etc.Also ,try shopping at second-hand stores,because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose.Many people hav

29、e made it easy for people to recycle,as alongside the normal garbage trucks,special garbage trucks come and pick up recyclables.However, in many countries around the world the responsibility is left up to the individual to recycle.Therefore,it must be made a priority (优先考虑的事)in society so we can con

30、tinue to make our environment livable.32. Why is more waste being made in todays world?A. People dislike the updated items.B. People own abundant belongings.C. People intend to live a simple life.D. People have made great progress in industry.33. What does the underlined word “this”in this Paragraph

31、 3 refer to ?A. Exchanging clothes with friends.B. Shopping at second-hand stores.C. Throwing away old clothes.D. Picking up new items.34. To make the environment enjoyable,we should _.A. always buy new clothes.B. choose recyclable products.C. go shopping at chain stores.D. arrange more garbage truc

32、ks.35. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Government do nothing in recycling.B. Normal vehicles can pick up recyclables.C. The individual seldom cares about recycling.D. Everyone should feel socially responsible for recycling.二.七选五Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the

33、last 50 years, butnot everything that is said about them is good Mobiles are frequently blamed for anumber of things,from thumb injuries and headaches to house fires._36_The theory is that the bees navigation (导航) systems are damaged by theradiation that is given off by mobile phones. Bees have a bu

34、ilt-in system a bit ikeGPS and this helps them find their way back to their hive. But recently. thousandsof bees have failed to find their way home._37_The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot morecomplicated than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that m

35、ost ofthe crops in many countries of the world are pollinated(授粉) by them._38_Many beekeepers in America and Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70percent of their bees, Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, was recently asked how theproblem was affecting him. “My business has been ruined by this, h

36、e explained.twenty-nine of my forty hives are now empty.”_39_However, the fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers isreal. And we cant manage without them. Einstein said that if all our beesdisappeared, man would only live for four more years!_40_If the mobile phonetheory is correct we

37、need to do something about it immediately before its toolate.A .Bees are losing their way.B. Nobody has proved the theory is true.C. More evidence is provided to support the theory.D.It is believed they are dying far from their hives.E.Without bees, the crops cant continue to grow.F. The situation n

38、eeds to be evaluated by the worlds best scientists.G. one theory even blames mobile phones for the disappearance of bees.三完形填空This past summer I went on a journey to Canadas Arctic with Students on Ice.When I left Calgary I _41_ what I would find , what I would learn and who I would meet.On the trip

39、 to Ottawa I was wrapped_42_a blanket of amazement and _43_.But when I first met the group of students, scientists and expedition leaders, I knew that I didnt have_44_ to worry about.The group was am amazingly receptive and I was soon part of a big family _45_ on an amazing adventure an adventure of

40、 a lifetime!When we reached the _46_ I was surprised with its great size and beauty and my senses were repeatedly _47_ and amazed.I stood on the Kapitan Khlebnikov and _48_ twelve polar bears.They walked in _49_ of seal holes,and _50_ waited for a meal.I learned that polar bears are _51_ only one ou

41、t of every twenty hunting attempts.I saw a vast land that appeared untouched and original._52_,I learned that the Arctic and its people are being threatened by pollution and global warming.I learned that pollutants are _53_ by ocean and air and have a bad _54_ on all Arctic people. I learned that gl

42、obal warming has put Polar bears at _55_ because a warmer climate means that they have a _56_ to hunt seals on the ice.The trip was a _57_ for the senses, I have learned more about our environment,and particularly how alive and interesting the Arctic is and _58_ it is so important to take care of it

43、 .I learned pollution and ignorance of individual and global problems need to be _59_.The Arctic deserves to be preserved.My trip with Students.On Ice has made me more determined to try to ensure that I I do not leave _60_footprints on either Earth or its people.41. A.remembered B.felt C.doubted D.w

44、ondered42. A.in B.with C.up D.on43. A.worry B.excitement C.sorrow D.sympathy 44. A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something45. A.setting out B.looking down C.getting along D.breaking away 46. A.Calgary B.Arctic C.Ottawa D.Kapitan47. A.frozen B.awoken C.shocked D.destroyed 48. A.counted B.seized C

45、.shot D.saw49. A.search B.sight C.direction D.fear50. A.happily B.firmly C.constantly D.patiently51. A.clever B.successful C.alive D.crazy 52. A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Anyhow 53. A.blown B.flowed C.carried D.produced 54. A.effect B.result C.habit D.service55. A.war B.peace C.work D.risk56.

46、A.fewer B.shorter C.better D.harder57. A.challenge B.feast C.test D.comfort58. A.how B.when C.why D.where 59. A.solved B.shown C.mentioned D.understood60. A.clear B.solid C.steady D.harmful四语法填空British Prime Minister Theresa May made an _61_visit to China from Jan 31 to Feb 2.She said in her _62_(sp

47、eak) Jan 31 that ,“with the building of the global comprehensive strategic partnership towards the 21st century between China and the UK, the relationship has_63_(deep) by people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.In exchanges between China and the UK, British tea has become a cultural element that has to be mentioned. Tea, _64_ the important goods of the ancient maritime Silk Road, was once an important carrier of Sino-British trade relations, and has existed for thousands of years. Through business and trade _65_ has covered more than 1


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