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1、第一章 自我介绍一、自我介绍分项归纳在会谈中要求参加者做自我介绍的目的, 不外乎是想使大家先有初步的认识, 进而增进 会谈的气氛。 所以做自我介绍的时候只要做重点介绍, 或者把自己比较想说的说出来就可以 了,语气上尽量保持轻松愉快。 但是在比较正式的场合, 就须注意用语。以下归纳整理出的 自我介绍可能包含的基本项目与实用例句, 并根据各项内容与英文句型, 做进一步的分类与 评注。学完本章之后再参考范例,必定可以在各种场合进行灵活的自我介绍。1. 自我介绍的问候语1.1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 早安,各位先生,女士。Good afternoon, t

2、eachers and fellow students. 老师,同学们下午好。Good evening, everybody/everyone. 大家晚上好。 (较不正式的场合) Hi/hello, everybody. 大家好。(较不正式的场合)1.2Good morning, I am very glad to be able to be here.Good morning, I am very happy to be able to be here.Good morning, I am very pleased to be able to be here. 早安,我很高兴能来这里。Goo

3、d morning, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to visit this country. 早安,我很高兴能有机会访问这个国家。 .I feel very honored to have the opportunity to attend this conference. 我很荣幸能有机会参加这次会议。I feel very privileged to have been invited to take part in this conference.I feel very privileged to have been invite

4、d to participate in this conference. 我很荣幸应邀参加这次会议。1.3 It is a great honor for me to be here today.It is a great privilege for me to be here today.It is a great pleasure for me to be here today. 今天我很荣幸能来到这里。I feel very honored to attend this conference and shall begin by introducing myself. 我很荣幸参加这次会

5、议,将先从自我介绍开始。2. 介绍姓名与国籍My name is Caihong Zhang.I am David Liu.I am from Zhejiang, China.I come from Zhejiang.I am Wu from Hangzhou, China.3. 介绍职业3.1I work for a publishing house. 我在一家出版社工作。I am now working for a trading company. 我在一家贸易公司上班。I work in a bank. 我在银行做事。I work in a travel agency. 我在一家旅行社工

6、作。I run a book store. 我自己开书店。3.2I am a salesman. 我是公司销售。I'm in the Sales Department. 我在销售部工作。I'm Mr. Phillips' Personal Assistant. 我是菲利普先生的个人助理。3.3I am majoring in Applied English at the college. 我在这所大学应用英语专业。I am an international trade major at ZJIET, a three year college.I am currently

7、 a student in the International Trade Department at ZJIET. At present I am studying at ZJIET, majoring in international trade.I am still studying at ZJIET, majored in international trade. 我是浙江经贸职业技术学院国贸系的学生。3.4I graduated from ZJIET.I am a graduate of ZJIET.I graduated from the Department of Interna

8、tional Trade at ZJIET.我毕业于浙江经贸职业技术学院国贸系。I received an associate degree from ZJIET. 我在浙江经贸获得大专文凭。4. 说明来此的目的I was sent by my company to attend this conference. 我被公司派来参加这次会议。I would like to learn more useful things, so I have come here. 我想学更多有用的东西,所以我来到这里。I want to do advanced studies, and so I have co

9、me here 我想做深入的研究,所以我来到这里。I should like to broaden my horizons, so I have come here. 我想扩展视野,所以我来到这里。5. 介绍家庭I am the only child in my family, but I am very independent. 我们家只有我一个,但是我很独立。My family consists of my father, mother, brother and me. 我们家有我父母,一个哥哥和我。I love music very much, having been influence

10、d by my family. 由于深受家庭的影响,我很喜欢音乐。6. 介绍自己的兴趣6.1I like reading and music.I like bicycle for pleasure. 我喜欢骑自行车做消遣。I enjoy many things, especially reading. 我喜欢很多东西,尤其是看书。I am interested in English very much. 我对英文很感兴趣。My hobby is music. 我喜欢听音乐。6.2My favorite pastime is going to the movies.My greatest hob

11、by is watching the movies.My usual form of enjoyment is watching the movies.Though I have many interests, movie is what I like most. 我最喜欢看电影了。6.3I am good at Chinese painting. 我擅长国画。I am capable of playing the piano. 我能弹钢琴。7. 介绍自己的个性7.1 词汇Outgoing 外向的 Extrovert 外向的 Happy-go-lucky 乐观的 Cheerful 快乐的 Cu

12、rious 好奇的 Active 积极的 aggressive 有进取心的 creative 富创造力的 disciplined 守纪律的 efficient 有效率的 faithful 守信的 punctual 严守时刻的introvert 内向的 adaptable 适应性强的 shy 害羞的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 timid 谨慎的 frank 坦率的 cooperative 有合作精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 dutiful 尽职的 energetic 精力充沛的 industrious 勤奋的 responsible 负责的7.2I think I am somew

13、hat on the shy side. 我觉得自己有点内向。I think I am reasonably frank by nature. 我想我生性坦率。I am quite reserved, but I value friendship. 我相当内向,但是我重视友谊。I am a curious person and like to learn new things. 我是个好奇的人,喜欢学习新东西。7.3I have a sense of responsibility. 我很有责任感。I approach things very enthusiastically, and I do

14、n 't like to leave something half-done. 我做事很热心,而且不喜欢半途而废。I am too shy, so I think I need to open myself up more and be more outgoing with others. 我太害羞,所以我想必须多开放自己,多与人交往。I need to devote more of my time to learning to understand and help others. 我需要花点时间来了解别人,帮助别人。8. 自我介绍结束语8.1I hope everything wi

15、ll go well. 我希望一切顺利。I hope this conference will be fruitful/successful. 我希望会议会有丰硕的成果。I hope we will all benefit from this meeting. 我希望我们都能从这次会谈中获益。I hope we can increase our mutual co-operation and understanding. 我希望我们能增进彼此的合作与了解。I hope I can have time to hold discussions with you. 我希望我能有时间和你们讨论。8.2

16、I hope we can become friends with each other.I hope I can become your friend. 我希望我能成为你们的朋友。I hope we will have a good time together. 希望我们能愉快相处。I hope everybody has a good time. 希望每个人都玩的愉快。Let 's all have a good time. 让我们大家玩的愉快。8.3Finally, I would like to thank everyone here.In conclusion, I woul

17、d like to thank everyone. 最后,我想感谢在座的每一位。二、各种场合的自我介绍范例1. 新员工自我介绍W: Hello, Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Feng. 你好,让我自我介绍一下。我叫王峰。S: Pleased to meet you. I'm George Smith. I haven't seen you around before. 很高兴认识你,我叫乔治史密斯。我过去没有见过你呀。W: No. I've just started work for this company. I&

18、#39;m in the Sales Department. 对。我刚来这里工作,在销售部。S: What do you do there? 你在那做什么工作?W: Oh, I'm on the market research side. And you?哦,我是搞市场调研的。你呢?S: Well, I've been with Opera for years. I'm Mr. Phillips' Personal Assistant. He is the Custom Service Director.哦,我已经在 Opera 公司工作好几年了。 我是菲利普先

19、生的个人助理。 他是客户服务部 总监。W: Ah, I haven't met him. Is he at the party here? 啊,我还不认识他。他来参加这次聚会了吗? S: Yes, that's him. Let me introduce you.来了,他就在那,让我为你介绍一下。2. 向客户做自我介绍Action 公司要进军美加市场, 经过数星期的信件传真往来, 终于与一家加拿大的经销商, Standard 家用电器,约好了当面商谈合作的可能性。 Jennifer 与买家首度会面,不但要说明 公司目前的计划,还要告诉对方自己在此商谈中所扮演的角色。Good a

20、fternoon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I hope the two of you had a pleasant flight. Please take a seat.I'm Jennifer Wang from Action Appliances. I have been in this company for just six months.As you know, Action is looking to expand into Canada and the United States. What we need to

21、 get our foot in the door is a well-known distributor. To be honest, it would be quite a head start for us if we could secure a deal with a respected distributor like you, Standard Suppliers.I'll be responsible for the first round of negotiations here in Shanghai. I hope we can make some definit

22、e headway during your stay in Shanghai. As the stakes get higher, so to speak, my supervisor, Mr. Zheng, will join us at the bargaining table.And now, I'm sure you must have questions.两位中午好,很高兴终于与你们会面了。我希望两位一路旅程顺利,请坐。我是 Action 电器的 Jennifer ,刚来这家公司半年。您也知道, Action 希望能将市场扩展到加拿大和美国, 因此我们目前需要的, 就是一家

23、声誉卓著的经销商, 来帮助我们打入市场。 老实说, 如果我们能和像贵司这样信誉良好的经 销商合作,那真是一个非常好的开始。我本人负责此次在上海第一阶段的商谈。 希望趁两位在上海停留的这段时间内, 我们能 有明朗化的进展。当进入高层次的商谈时,我的上司郑先生会加入商谈。现在,你们有任何问题,请直接提出来。3. 向客户做自我介绍Kim: Welcom e to our company. My name is Jeff Kim. I ' min charge of the export department. Let me give you my business card.Smith: I

24、 ' ll give you mine Kim: How was your flight.Smith: Not bad, but I' m little tired.Kim: Here ' ysour schedule. After this meeting, we will visit the factory and have another meeting with the production manager. And you' ll be having dinner with our director.金: 欢迎到我们公司来。我叫金哲夫,负责出口部。这是

25、我的名片。史密斯:这是我的名片。 金: 你的航行顺利吗?史密斯:还行,不过我有点累。金:这是你的日程安排。开完会后,我们去参观工厂,再跟生产部经理开个会。晚上你将和我们主任共进晚餐。4. 公司员工介绍在下面的对话中, Carol Jacobs 是一家合资公司总部的一名高级主管人员。她出差到了 这家公司的亚洲地区的分公司,主管亚洲地区业务的副主席会见了她。David: Good morning, Carol. It ' s great to see you again. Did you have a good trip over? Carol: Yes, it was a good fl

26、ight. I was a little tir ed yesterday, but I ' m OK now.David: Great! If you ' re ready, I ' d like to introduce you to some of our key personnel.Carol: Let ' s go.David: Carol, this is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer. Kathy, I ' ldike you to meet Carol Jacobs.Carol: I 'pml

27、eased to meet you, Kathy. You' re doing a great job. The division' s finances arein top shape.Kathy: Thank you, Ms Jacobs. I' m happy to meet you, too.David: And this is Ben Guo. He' s in charge of Marketing. Ben, let me introduce Carol Jacobs.Ben: How do you do, Ms Jacobs?Carol: It

28、's a pleasure to meet you, Ben. So you' re the one responsible for those outstandingsales figures I' ve seen.Ben: Thank you. I must say I have a great staff.David: I think you ' ll find all of our staff iospt-notch.Carol: I ' malready convinced of that, from the reports I ' v

29、eseen. Well, I ' dlike to see our manufacturing operation now, if I could.David: Sure thing! Right this way David: 早上好。 Carol ,再次见到你真好。你旅途还愉快吧?Carol: 唔,还不错。昨天还有点累,现在没事儿了。David: 太好了!如果你已经准备好了的话,我想把您介绍给这儿的主要工作人员。Carol: 咱们走吧。David: Carol, 这是 Kathy Chen ,我们的财务主管, Kathy, 我想让你见见 Carol Jacobs。Carol: 见到

30、你真高兴 Kathy 。你干得太棒了。分公司的财务达到了最佳的状态。Kathy: 谢谢, Jacobs 小姐。见到您我也很高兴David: 这是 Ben Guo 。 他主管营销。 Ben, 我来介绍一下 Carol Jacobs.Ben: 你好, Jacobs 小姐 ?Carol: 见到你很荣幸, Ben。 我看过的那些了不起的销售数字,全是由你带领创下的 吧。Ben: 谢谢。可我得说那是因为我们有一个了不起的团队。David: 我想你会发现我们所有的员工都是一流的。Carol: 这些报告已经说服我了。嗯,如果可以的话,我想看看我们的制造车间。David:当然!这边请三、谈话应注意的事项1.

31、提问的技巧想使谈话流畅,最重要的是要注意双方的往来,就是要有问有答。从提问者的角度来说,提问者应该多提开放式问题 (open-ended question) 而不是封闭式 问题 (closed-ended question)。封闭式问题可以让对方提供一些关于他们自己的信息, 供你做进一步地了解。 尽管它们 有着明确的作用, 但是如果单纯地使用封闭式问题, 会导致谈话枯燥, 产生令人尴尬的沉默。 对方如果不停地回答封闭式问题,就会觉得自己在接受警察的盘问。例如:A: Where are you come from? 你是哪来的?B: I came from Hangzhou. 我是杭州来的。A:

32、 How long it takes you here? 你来这里花了多久?B: 2 hours. 两个小时。A: By train? 坐火车来的吗?B: No. 不是。A: By bus then? 那是坐大巴来的吗?B: Yes. 是的。要想让谈话继续下去, 并且有一定的深度和趣味, 就要继封闭式问题之后提出开放式问 题。开放式问题就像问答题一样,不是一两个词就可以回答的。这种问题需要解释和说明, 同时向对方表示你对他们说的话很感兴趣,还想了解更多的内容。例如在询问某人的家乡,并获知其来自温州后,你可以接着问以下一些开放式问题:Why did you move here from Wenzhou? “你为什么从温州搬到这里呢?”How is the weather


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