1、营销专业英语课程教学大纲课程代码:040531010课程英文名称:Professional English for Marketing课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0 上机:0适用专业:市场营销专业大纲编写(修订)时间:2010.9一、大纲使用说明(一)课程的地位及教学目标市场营销专业英语课程是市场营销专业学生的必修课,具有承上启下的作用。在学生深入系统地掌握市场营销相关课程的基本原理、理论、方法和技能的基础上,重点掌握市场营销专业英语的专业术语和相关句子表达,使学生能够阅读市场营销专业的相关外文文献,并能基本准确地进行市场营销专业的翻译工作,进一步地训练和培养学生能够比较熟练地用英语撰
2、写学术论文。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 通过本课程的学习,学生将达到以下要求:1.掌握市场营销专业的基本专业术语和句子的表达;2.在工具书和其它工具的帮助下,能够读懂专业外文文献;3.能够利用掌握的相关术语和句子进行专业的英语交流与沟通;4.能够进行专业的英汉互译;5.基本做到能用英语撰写学术论文;6.为大学英语四六级考试打下深厚的基础;7.学生能理解专业相关文献和用英语练习写作学术论文;8.学生能向国际学术会议投稿。 (三)实施说明1教学方法:课堂讲授中要重点对基本概念、基本方法和原理的翻译讲解;采用互动式教学,培养学生双语转换的能力;引导和鼓励学生通过实践和自学获取知识,培养学
3、生的自学能力;增加讨论课,调动学生学习的主观能动性;注意培养学生提高利用专业英语文献资料的能力。2教学手段:本课程属于专业必修课,在教学中采用电子教案和多媒体教学系统等先进教学手段,以确保在有限的学时内,全面、高质量地完成课程教学任务。 (四)对先修课的要求 本课程的教学必须在完成先修课程之后进行。本课程主要的先修课程有市场营销、市场调查、 分销渠道、广告学和高等数学等。本课程将为毕业设计的英文摘要翻译打下良好基础。(五)对习题课、实践环节的要求 1对重点、难点章节(如:STP、消费者行为、销售管理计等)应安排习题翻译课,翻译内容的选择以培养学生消化和巩固所学知识,用以解决实际问题为目的。 2
4、课后作业要少而精,内容要多样化,作业题内容必须包括基本概念和基本理论内容,作业要能起到巩固理论,掌握翻译方法和技巧,提高英汉互译能力,对作业中的重点、难点,课上应做必要的提示,并适当安排课内讲评作业。学生必须独立、按时完成课外习题和作业,作业的完成情况应作为评定课程成绩的一部分。 3安排大作业,大作业成绩作为平时成绩的一部分。 (六)课程考核方式 1考核方式:考查 2考核目标:在考核学生对市场营销基本知识、基本原理和方法的基础上,重点考核学生的英汉翻译能力。 3成绩构成:本课程的总成绩主要由三部分组成:平时成绩(包括作业情况、出勤情况和课堂表现等)占40%左右,翻译等成绩占30%左右,平时测试
5、与期末测试等成绩占30%左右。 (七)参考书目市场营销专业英语, 沈铖编,机械工业出版社,出版时间2008.principles of global marketing,沃伦·J·基坎.中国人民大学出版社,出版时间1998.二、中文摘要本课程是市场营销专业学生必修的一门专业性性很强的必修课程。课程通过对市场营销相关内容的翻译和讲授,使学生掌握市场营销的基本词汇和专业术语,并具有达到英汉互译的能力。课程主要内容包括三、课程学时分配表序号教学内容学时讲课实验上机1marketing management661.1marketing management philosophies
6、21.2STP21.3relationship marketing22consumer behavior442.1The buyer decision process12.2factors influencing consumer behavior 112.3factors influencing consumer behavior 212.4models of consumer behavior13Integrated marketing communications223.1what is integrated marketing communications13.2he practice
7、 and the adoption process for IMC14contemporary advertising44types of advertising2advertising planning25sales management225.1the tasks of sales management 15.2 steps in the selling process16brand management446.1what is brand16.2new products and brand extension16.3advantages and disadvantages of bran
8、d extensions27marketing research227.1the types of marketing research17.2types of surveys18retail marketing228.1increasing sales from the existing customer base18.2increase sales by expanding the customer base19marketing of services229.1how consumers purchase services19.2managing the marketing of ser
9、vices110global marketing2210.1the scope of global marketing110.2cross-culture analysis in a global economy111E-Marketing2211.1the emergence of E-marketing111.2E-marketing in emerging economies1合计3232注释:根据学生的实际情况结合供应链管理的发展趋势,课程内容和学时可适当调整四、教学内容及基本要求第1部分 marketing management (6学时) 具体内容1 marketing manag
10、ement philosophies2 market segmentation,market targeting and positioning3 relationship marketing 重 点:Marketing management philosophies难 点:STP习 题:how can you understand marketing management philosophies?第2部分 consumer behavior (4学时)具体内容 1 The buyer decision process 2 factors influencing consumer behav
11、ior 3 models of consumer behavior 重 点:The buyer decision process难 点:Models of consumer behavior习 题:explain the steps of buyer decision process?第3部分 Integrated marketing communications(2学时) 1 what is integrated marketing communications 2 publicity and public relations 3 the practice and the adoption
12、process for IMC重 点:What is integrated marketing communications难 点:The practice and the adoption process for IMC习 题:what is integrated marketing communications?第4部分 contemporary advertising (4学时) 1 types of advertising 2 advertising planning 3 criticisms of advertising重 点:Advertising planning难 点:Adve
13、rtising planning习 题:how can we understand the modern ads?第5部分 sales management (2学时) 1 the tasks of sales management 2 steps in the selling process重 点:Steps in the selling process难 点:Steps in the selling process习 题:would you please expounds the tasks of sales management?第6部分 brand management (4学时) 1
14、 what is brand 2 new products and brand extension 3 advantages of extentions 4 disadvantages of brand extensions重 点:New products and brand extension难 点:New products and brand extension习 题:Give examples to explain the function of brand?第7部分 marketing research(2学时) 1 the types of marketing research 2
15、focus groups 3 depth interviews and projective tests 4 types of surveys重 点:Focus groups难 点:Depth interviews and projective tests习 题:the types of marketing research?第8部分 retail marketing (2学时) 1 increasing sales from the existing customer base 2 increase sales by expanding the customer base重 点:Increa
16、sing sales from the existing customer base难 点:Increasing sales from the existing customer base习 题:how can you increase sales from the existing customer base?第9部分 marketing of services(2学时) 具体内容1 the uniqueness of service 2 how consumers purchase services 3 managing the marketing of services重 点:Uniqu
17、eness of service难 点:Managing the marketing of services习 题:concept of the uniqueness of service?第10部分 global marketing (2学时) 具体内容1 the scope of global marketing 2 emergence of a borderless economic world 3 cross-culture analysis in a global economy重 点:Emergence of a borderless economic world难 点:Cross-culture analysis in a global economy习 题:Explain the reasons about the emergence of a borderless econom
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