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1、 Canada由NordriDesign提供LOGOPage 2 Contentsn 1.A general introduction of Canadan 2.History,politics and economyn 3.Natural resources and landscapeLOGOPage 3使用规范说明使用规范说明nCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent,

2、it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Spanning over 9.9 million square kilometres, Canada is the worlds second-largest country by total area, and its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the

3、 world.LOGOPage 4 flagLOGOPage 5n 呈横长方形,长与宽之比为呈横长方形,长与宽之比为 。旗面中间为白色正方形,内有一片旗面中间为白色正方形,内有一片 个角的红色枫树叶;两侧为两个个角的红色枫树叶;两侧为两个相等的红色竖长方形。白色正方形代相等的红色竖长方形。白色正方形代表加拿大辽阔的国土,加拿大很大面表加拿大辽阔的国土,加拿大很大面积的国土全年积雪期在天以上,积的国土全年积雪期在天以上,故用白色表示;两个红色竖长方形分故用白色表示;两个红色竖长方形分别代表太平洋和大西洋,因加拿大西别代表太平洋和大西洋,因加拿大西濒太平洋、东临大西洋;红枫叶代表濒太平洋、东临大西

4、洋;红枫叶代表全体加拿大人民,加拿大素有全体加拿大人民,加拿大素有“枫叶枫叶之国之国”的美誉,枫树是该国的国树,的美誉,枫树是该国的国树,枫叶是加拿大民族的象征。枫叶是加拿大民族的象征。LOGOPage 6 Coat of arms of Canadan加拿大的国徽制定于加拿大的国徽制定于1921年,为一盾年,为一盾形图案。国徽的最上部是镶有宝石的圣形图案。国徽的最上部是镶有宝石的圣爱德华金色王冠,象征英国女王是加拿爱德华金色王冠,象征英国女王是加拿大国家元首。它的下部绘有头戴王冠的大国家元首。它的下部绘有头戴王冠的雄狮和金色头盔,这是加拿大主权的象雄狮和金色头盔,这是加拿大主权的象征。盾徽的

5、中部分别有征。盾徽的中部分别有S三头金色的狮三头金色的狮子,一头直立的狮子,金竖琴和百合花,子,一头直立的狮子,金竖琴和百合花,在它们的下方有在它们的下方有3枚红枫叶。左侧绘有枚红枫叶。左侧绘有金狮和英国国旗,象征着加拿大为英联金狮和英国国旗,象征着加拿大为英联邦成员国;右侧绘有马身狮尾独角兽和邦成员国;右侧绘有马身狮尾独角兽和百合花旗,象征与法国的关系。在盾徽百合花旗,象征与法国的关系。在盾徽下方,爱尔兰白花酢浆草和法下方,爱尔兰白花酢浆草和法 国红色国红色百合花拱托着蓝色的饰带上写着百合花拱托着蓝色的饰带上写着“从大从大海到大海海到大海”(拉丁语拉丁语A MARI USQUE AD MAR

6、E )的加拿大格言,表达了加的加拿大格言,表达了加拿大在地理上幅员辽阔的特征。拿大在地理上幅员辽阔的特征。LOGOPage 7 AnthemLOGOPage 8 O Canadan O Canada!Our home and native land! 啊!加拿大!啊!加拿大!n True patriot love in all thy sons command. 我们的家园与故土!我们的家园与故土!n With glowing hearts we see thee rise, 你的儿女,忠诚爱国。你的儿女,忠诚爱国。n The true North strong and free! 雄心万丈,

7、国势昌盛,雄心万丈,国势昌盛,n From far and wide, 强大自由的北方之邦!强大自由的北方之邦!n O Canada,we stand on guard for thee. 万众一心,啊加拿大!万众一心,啊加拿大!n God keep our land glorious and free! 我们挺立防护!我们挺立防护!n O Canada,we stand on guard for thee. 上苍祝幸,国泰民安。上苍祝幸,国泰民安。n O Canada,we stand on guard for thee. 啊加拿大!我们挺立防护啊加拿大!我们挺立防护 LOGOPage 9n

8、ational flower and treen 加拿大素有加拿大素有枫树之国枫树之国的称号的称号.n 国花糖槭又叫糖枫国花糖槭又叫糖枫n 国树枫树国树枫树LOGOPage 10LOGOPage 11nCanada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories. In turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada .LOGOPage 12We

9、stern Canadan From west to east, the four provinces that comprise the region are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.LOGOPage 13n Central Canada (sometimes the Central provinces) is a region consisting of Canadas two largest and most populous provinces: Ontario and Quebec. Central

10、CanadaLOGOPage 14Atlantic Canadan Atlantic Canada is the region of Canada comprising the four provinces located on the Atlantic coast, excluding Quebec: the three Maritime provinces New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. LOGOPage 15Northern Canadan Northe

11、rn Canada is the vast northernmost region of Canada variously defined by geography and politics. Politically, the term refers to the three territories of Canada: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. LOGOPage 16Ottawan Ottawa is the capital of Canada.n The city lies on the southern banks of the

12、 Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. LOGOPage 17LOGOPage 18Toronton Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. With over 2

13、.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous city in North America. LOGOPage 19n As Canadas economic capital, Toronto isalso one of the top financial centres in the world. n Torontos leading economic sectors include finance, business services, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, me

14、dia, arts, film, television production, publishing, software production, medical research, education, tourism and sports industries. LOGOPage 20LOGOPage 21LOGOPage 22nMontreal is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America. M

15、ontrealLOGOPage 23Vancouvern Vancouver is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. With over 2.3 million residents, it is the third largest city in Canada.LOGOPage 24HIstoryn 1. The European Discovery (加拿大的发现加拿大的发现)n (1)The European explorer acknowledged as the first one l

16、anding in Canada was John Cabot (约翰约翰 卡卡伯特伯特), an Italian who was under the patronage of Henry VII of England.n (2)In 1608, Samuel de Champlain (萨缪尔萨缪尔德德尚普尚普兰兰) ,the French explorer established his habitation in what is now Quebec City to lay the roots of French Canada.LOGOPage 25n (3) After the Sev

17、en years War from 1756 to 1763 , the French were forced to give up every inch of land in North America and the whole Canada came under the British rule.LOGOPage 26n 2. British Canada (英国统治下的加拿大英国统治下的加拿大)n (1) The Quebec Act of 1774 granted the people of Quebec rights as French Canadians.n (2) By an

18、act of 1791, Upper Canada (British) and Lower Canada (French) were created ,but in 1846, they were united again. n (3) In 1867, three colonies , Canada(Quebec and Ontario) ,New Brunswick(新不伦瑞克省新不伦瑞克省) and Nova Scotia(新斯科舍省新斯科舍省) joined in a Confederation and was made a dominion(自治领自治领) by the Britis

19、h North America Act .LOGOPage 27Upper Canada and Lower Canadan Upper Canada was a British province located in what is now the Canadian province of Ontario. Upper Canada officially existed from 1791 to 1841 and covered generally present-day Southern Ontario.n Lower Canada was a British colony on the

20、lower Saint Lawrence River and the shores of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence (1791-1841). It covered the southern portion of the modern-day province of Qubec, as well as the Labrador region of the modern-day province of Newfoundland纽芬兰纽芬兰 and Labrador拉布拉布拉多拉多.(纽芬兰拉布拉多省纽芬兰拉布拉多省)n 简单的来说简单的来说Upper Canada 就是

21、安大略省就是安大略省 Lower Canada就是魁北克就是魁北克省省 . LOGOPage 28n 3.The Canadian Nation (正式独立正式独立)n (1) In 1931, Canada became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. n (2) In 1949, Newfoundland(纽芬兰纽芬兰) became Canadas tenth province.n (3) In 1959, the opening of the St. Lawence Seaway(圣劳伦斯航道圣劳伦斯航道) saw a further

22、growth in Canadas economy.LOGOPage 29Government and politicsn Canada has strong democratic traditions upheld through a parliamentary government within the construct of constitutional monarchy, the monarchy of Canada being the foundation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches and its au

23、thority stemming from the Canadian populace. The sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, who also serves as head of state of 15 other Commonwealth countries and resides predominantly in the United Kingdom. As such, the Queens representative, the Governor General of Canada, carries out most of the royal dut

24、ies in Canada.LOGOPage 30LOGOPage 31 Partiesn In Canada, there are two main federal parties, the Liberal Party (自由党自由党) and the Progressive Conservative Party(进步保守党进步保守党)n Canadas system of political parties is also characterized by one-party rule, that is one political party may win so many electio

25、ns that it becomes the main ruling party.LOGOPage 32 Economyn Canada is one of the worlds wealthiest nations, with a high per-capita income, and it is a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the G8. It is one of the worlds top ten trading nations. Canada is

26、a mixed market, ranking above the U.S. on the Heritage Foundations index of economic freedom and higher than most western European nations. The largest foreign importers of Canadian goods are the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. LOGOPage 33n In the past century, the growth of the manufa

27、cturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy to a more industrial and urban one. Like other First World nations, the Canadian economy is dominated by the service industry, which employs about three quarters of Canadians. Canada is unusual among develop

28、ed countries in the importance of its primary sector, in which the logging and petroleum industries are two of the most important.LOGOPage 34Natural Resources-mountainsn The Appalachian mountains:They are an old and eroded range of mountains,approximately 380million years in age.n Mount Logan(洛根峰洛根峰

29、):It is the highest peak in Canada.n Mount Saint Elias(圣伊莱亚斯圣伊莱亚斯):It is the 2nd highest in Canada.LOGOPage 35 Mount LoganLOGOPage 36 Mount Saint EliasLOGOPage 37 Castle MountainLOGOPage 38Natural resources-riversn The St.Lawrence(圣劳伦斯河圣劳伦斯河):It is Canadas most important river,providing a seaway for

30、 ships from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.LOGOPage 39n The Mackenzie(麦肯麦肯齐河齐河):It is thelongest Canadian river,which follows 4241kilometers through the Northern territories.LOGOPage 40Natural resources-Lakesn Great Bear Lake(大熊湖大熊湖):The largest lake situated in Canada in the Northwest territ

31、ories.n Great Slave Lake(大奴湖大奴湖):The deepest lake.n The Great Lakes(五大湖五大湖):The Great Lakes - Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario-are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world.Only Michiganis entirely within the US.LOGOPage 41Great Bear LakeLOGOPage 42LOGOPage 43 Great Slave LakeLOGOPage 44 The Great LakesLOGOPage 45Canadas famous tourist attractionsnNiagara FallsnCabot RoadnRocky Mountains National P


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