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1、武沟初级中学八年级英语讲学稿Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(Period 1)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标:1学会对所做的活动过程进行具体的描写;2学会使用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问;3识记重要单词、短语及句式;学会使用祈使句;4谈论过去曾经发生的事,正确地运用动词的过去式.课前准备:1预习并识记P4142中的新单词;2预习并完成Section A 中1a部分,将词组填入图中的空格处,将1b中的操作步骤进行正确排序.课前检测:一写出下列单词的复数形式:chil

2、d woman photo sheep tooth knife tomato watch 二单项选择:( ) 1. How do you make milk shake?A. a bananaB. bananasC. bananaD. the bananas( ) 2. We are all . A. ChinesesB. the ChineseC. ChineseD. Chinese people( ) 3. He had something to write down and asked me for .A. a paperB. some paperC. some pieces of pa

3、persD. a piece of paper( ) 4. They are talking about how there tomorrow.A. to getB. to get toC. gettingD. getting to( ) 5. Spring Festival is coming,Ill up my room. I dont want to live in a dirty place.A. cheerB. cleanC. setD. turn疑难摘录_ 学习过程:1师生交流,探究预习中存在的问题.2学生做对话练习,掌握本节重点句型:How do you make a ?3探讨总

4、结,区别下列短语并翻译:turn on turn down turn up turn off turn back turn over精讲:一般情况下表示蔬菜和水果的词是可数名词,如:tomato,cabbage,grape等;表示肉类和饮料类的词是不可数的,如:pork, chicken, fish, juice, beer等,此外,rice(米饭),bread(面包)不可数;noodle(面条),dumpling(饺子),sandwich(三明治)是可数名词.4听两遍录音,完成2a、2b部分;5仿照2c例子,进行对话练习.难点点拨:1another,other,the other. anot

5、her 是“另一个,又一个”的意思,后跟单数名词,但若后面加等数词或时,就可以跟复数. 如:Would you like another apple? He will be there for another two days. other 有形容词、代词两种词性,“别的,其他的”,加s是代词,表示其他的人或物,如:some other questions. the other是二者中的另一个或三者以上中剩下的,为单数含义. 如:Here are two pens, one is his, the other isn mine. In our class, twenty students ar

6、e boys, the others are girls.课堂检测:1单项选择:( ) Please put the milk the blender.A. inB. onC. undreD.into( ) You need everything into a blender.A. pourB. to pourC. pouringD. pour to( ) Let me for you.A. pick it upB. to pick up itC. to pick it upD. pick up it( ) There are some on the table. A. milksB. bot

7、tle of milksC. a milkD. bottles of milk( ) Would you like apple? Im full, thanks.A. the otherB.anotherC. an otherD. other one2句型转换: He does morning exercise every day. (改为否定句) He morning exercise every day. We need one spoon of water to make fruit salad. (对画线部分提问) you need to make fruit salad. an, d

8、o, milk shake, they, apple, how, make. (连词成句) 错题集_ _ (学)教后记_ Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(Period 2)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标:1如何表达事物的先后顺序;提高写作能力;2掌握熟记下列短语:cut up put into mix up3名词单数形式;事物发展的先后顺序.课前准备:1预习P433a部分,找出其中重要的短语及句子. 课前检测:英汉互译:cut up take away turn dwon eating habit th

9、ink over birthday cake hundres of help sb. do sth. add to 把倒入 打开 拍照片 一条建议 在外面呆很晚 铺床 一杯酸奶 关小(声音) 疑难摘录_ 教学过程:1师生共同探究预习中存在的问题.2熟读3a,模仿其结构写一段短文. 3完成3b,创造情景,让学生进行对话练习:精讲:名词分为可数名词和不可数名词,顾名思义,能够数出数的为可数名词,反之易然. 它们量的表示也不同. 可数名词前面加数词,有复数形式,不可数名词要用容器来表示. 例如:可数名词: two apples, three onions, four tomatoes, five w

10、atermelons, one orange,不可数名词:a teaspoon of honey, a bottle of milk, three cups of tea.表示顺序的词:(1) 首先:first, at first, first of all, firstly(2) 然后:next, after that, then, after wards.(3) 最后:finally, at last, in the end mix, mix into 的区别:mix up 意为“混在一起”,指的是把同类的物质混在一起. e.g. mix up all the salad. 把所有的沙拉都

11、混合起来吧. mix into 意为“把和混合在一起”指的是把两种不同类的事物混合在一起. 例如:Mix an egg into batter. 在面糊中加进一个鸡蛋. stop to do sth. 与stop doing sth. 前者是停下(正做的)去做另外的事情;后者是停下正做的事情. 例如:Lets stop to have a rest. 让我们停下来休息一下吧. Lets stop working. 让我们停止工作吧.课堂检测:一用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. I want to buy three vegetable (sandwich).2. How many (taomat

12、o) do we need?3. Father made me (mix) them up.4. Finally, put (other) slice of bread on the top.5. The bag is too small for me (carry).二句型转换:1. We need to add two teaspoons of relish. (对划线部分提问) of relish do you need too add?2. Pour the iced tea into the glass. (改为否定句) the iced tea into the glass.3.

13、My sister usually does the dishes on weekends. (改为一般疑问句) your sister the dishes on weekends?4. Linda is American. (改为选择疑问句) Linda American English?5. Put a tea spoon of butter on a slice of bread. (就划线部分提问) How butter I put on a slice of bread.6. Its 5 miles from Toms home to his school. (就划线部分提问) f

14、rom Toms home to his school?7. Lily and Lucy were born(出生于) on the same day. (同义句) Lily is old Lucy.8.I get up early evrey morning. (改为一般疑问句) you up early every morning?错题集_ _ (学)教后记_ Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(Period 3)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标:1学会谈论自己的喜好;学会如何搜集写作素材,2掌握不可数名

15、词量的表示方法.e.g. two slices of bread. Two teaspoons of butter. Three slices of shicken four teaspoons of relish课前准备:1预习P44 Section B中1a,1b部分;2搜集整理不规则的名词复数形式. e.g. photophotos mousemice toothteeth footfeet课前检测:1下面短语你知道多少,翻译并记住:how many turn off make salad take off pu t into pour into peel the bananas tow

16、 teaspoons of honey a cup of yogurt cut up three bananas 2交际用语:( ) (1) Can you teach me how to fruit salad? A. putB. needC. takeD. make( ) (2) First, put the pizza in the oven. turn on the oven.A. NextB. FinallyC. lastD. third( ) (3) I need three honey.A. teaspoon ofB. teaspoons ofC. teaspoon forD.

17、teaspoons for( ) (4) Can you help me up the meat?A. cutB. pickC. giveD. clean( ) (5) Put the eggs and sugar in the bowl and together.A. cut them upB. cut up themC. mix up themD. mix them up疑难摘录_ 学习过程:1预习情况交流,共同探讨存在的问题.2听两遍录音,完成2a,2b.3看例,探讨并总结:A:Do you like lettuce sandwiches? 意思是:你喜欢三明治里放生菜吗?这是个一般现在

18、时的一般疑问句,用来询问对方喜欢什么,助动词随主语的人称和数而变化. 如:Does she like turkey sandwiches?Do they like countryside life? 句中lettuce为不可数名词,意为“莴苣,生菜”.B:First, put the lettuce on a slice of bread. 意思是:首先把生菜放在一薄片面包上. put on 意思是“把放在上”. 如:Its raining outside, put on your coat. 另外,put on 意为“穿上/戴上(衣服、鞋、帽等)”. put 还带与其它介词或副词连用,构成短

19、语动词,表达不同的意义,常见的有:put away 把收起来/整理好 put up 把挂起来 put down 放下 put off 推迟、拖延. a slice of “一薄片”,常指不可数名词的量. Slice some slices of roast beef. 我已经吃了好多片烤牛肉了.课堂检测:一交际配对:( ) 1. How many sandwiches do wee need?( ) 2. How much relish do you need?( ) 3. Lets make a banana milk shake.( ) 4. How do you make popcorn

20、?( ) 5. Do you like fruit salad?A. No, I dontB. Ok, good ideaC. FourD. One teaspoonE. First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper. Next 二单项选择:( ) 1. are the potatoes? Two yuan a kilo.A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How heavy( ) 2. Its getting dark. Please the light.A. turn offB. turn onC.turn

21、 downD. turn up( ) 3. How long have you learnt English? four years.A. ForB. sinceC. FromD. Untill( ) 4. Can you speak English? Yes, but only .A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little( ) 5. We need three apples and .A. cut up themB. cut it upC. cut them upD. cut up it( ) 6.Uncle wang works .A.in a hospital

22、 B. in hospital C. in hospitals D. in an hospital( )7.I bought a new coat my way home.A. in, toB.on, to C. in, D. on, 错题集_ _ (学)教后记_ Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(Period 4)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标:1通过读、说、练使学生能熟练地掌握所学知识;2复习first, next, then, tinally 的用法.3.简述某一食物的制作过程.课前准备:1预习Se

23、lf-check中第一部分.2归纳总结本单元重点知识.课前检测:按要求改写句子:( ) 1. He does morning exercise every day. (改为否定句) He morning exercise every day.( ) 2. I get up early every morning. (改为一般疑问句) you up early every morning?( ) 3. The building near the Tea House is the Peoples Hospital. (对划线部分提问) is the Peoples Hospital?( ) 4.

24、Its such an film that all the students are in it.A. interesting; interestingB. intrerested; interestedC. interesting; interestedD. interested; interesting( ) 5. Did you hear ?A. what he sayB. what he saysC. what he saidD. what did he say疑难摘录_ 学习过程:1交流、解决预习中存在的问题.2.3a.Read the recipe .Write the ingre

25、dients under “Vegetables” ,”Meat”,and “Others” in the chart below.3.3b Fill in the following recipe with the words from the box . turkey finally rellish tomato then put 4.3c pairwork Write a recipe for your favorite sandwich or another favorite food .Read your recipe to a partner .英语中,“单位词”既可以与不可数名词,也可与可数名词搭配. 与不可数名词搭配时,根据需要,可将单位词变为复数形式,后面的不可数名词不变;与可数名词搭配时,可将单位词变为复数形式,后面的名词复数形式不变. 如:单数汉语单数 汉语a piece fo meat 一块肉two pieces fo meat 两块肉a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶three bottle of milk 三瓶牛奶a glass of wine 一杯酒four glasse


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