



1、新概念二Lesson35 Lesson37 测试题Debbies mother, who(游泳)the Channel herself when she was a girl.班级:组别:姓名:座位号:总分:.短文填空(每空1分,共 35 分)Roy Trenton used to 1.(drive) ataxi. A short whileago, however,he2. (become )a bus driver and he has3.(not regret)it.He 4.(find) his new workfarmore exciting.When he 5.(drive) al

2、ong Catford Street recently,he 6.(see)two thieves rushoutof a shop and run towards a wait ing car. One of them7.(carry) abag full of money. Roy 8.(act) quicklyand 9. (drive)thebus straight at the thieves. The one with the money 10.(get) sucha fright that he11.(drop)thebag. As the thieves12.(try) to

3、get away intheir car, Roy drove his bus into the back ofit.Whilethe battered car 13.(move) away, Roy 14. (stop) his busand 15.(telephone) the police. The thieves car was badly 16.(damage) and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, thepolice17.(stop) the car and both men were 18.(arrest).Debbie Hart

4、is going to 19.(swim)across the En glish (海峡)tomorrow. She is going to21.(出发、动身)from the 22.(法国的) coast at five oclockin the morning.Debbie is onlyeleve n years old and she hopes to 23(创立) anew world24.(记录).She is a (强壮的) swimmer and many people feel thatshe is sure to(成功).Debbies father will set ou

5、t with her in a smallboat. Mr. Harthas (培训)his daughter for years. Tomorrow he will be (看)her (忧虑地)as she swims the long (距离)to En gla nd. Debbie intendsto take short rests(每个) two hours. She will have someth ing to drinkbut she will not eat any (硬的) food. Most of Debbies school friends will be (等待)

6、 for her on the En glish . (在之中)them will be二. 选词填空。(共12题,每题1分,共12分)while ; straight; regret; fright; battered; shortly; act afterwards record stro ng swimmer succeed train an xiouslyintend solid1. Godow n the road un til you come to the Post Office2. He turned on TV to watch the hour n ewsafter he

7、got home fromwork.3. we were hav ing breakfast, Tom sat on the floor!4. The firema n fin allythe door dow n5. Ill tell you all what happe ned6. I that I may have made a mistake7. Dear , try not toall you have left beh ind youamawait ing your reply.boasted that he was the bestin the city.eno ugh, tha

8、t is precisely what I.(打算)exists in three states:, liquid and gas.achieveme nt he made heads(超过)the world三. 用so和such填空。(共8题,每题1分,共8分)1 He ranquickly that I could not catch him.2 Whoever told youthi ng.3 You should not makemany mistakes.4 You should not saythi ngs.5 This picture isbeautiful that I sh

9、all hang it in my room.6 It wasgood book that it was bought by a film compa ny.7 It wasextraordi nary exhibiti on that I went twice.8 He islazy boy that he n ever does anything.四根据句意和汉语提示用适当形式填空(共 5题,每题2分,共10分)1. The Atla ntic Ocea n is( 巨大的).2. The Olympic Games isevery four years.(举行)3. I could st

10、ay at home with Max and do my dress.(计)4. If you don t have anythingthat day, why not come to mybirthday party?( 特别的)5. Theof livi ng has gone up.(标准)五.翻译句子。(每题3分,共15分)one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.过),but the n one boy 8 Richards en couragi ngly (his hand.Yes, Dick? sa

11、id Miss鼓励地).He was not one of the brightest childre nThere was sile nce ( 沉默)for a few sec on ds, and Miss Richards felt sad (难he was driv ing along Catford Street rece ntly, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a wait ing car.in the class, so she was 9that he could an swer.Water is

12、 aliquid which has no 10un tilyou wash your hands in it,Miss.Then it tur ns black, the boy replied with great con fide nce (1. teaches ; teaching ; taught ; teach3. She is a strong swimmer and manypeople feel that she is sure to succeed六从下列各题的备选词中选出正确的词填在空格处。(共10空,每空2分,共20分)Miss Richards was a teach

13、er at a school for boys and girls. She 1 chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the 2. Sometimes the new classes 3rapidly, butsometimes they were very 4, and the n Miss Richards had to 5things many times.One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several 6 whe

14、n Miss Richards suddenly asked, What is water? Who knows? 7_ up?4. Among them will be Debbies mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.5. We are all very excited and are look ing forward to the Olympic Games because they have n ever bee n held before in this coun try.2. schooli ng; school ; schools ; home3. lear ned;lear ning; had bee n lear ned ; were lear ned4. slow ; being


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