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1、民族学校小班化有效教学成果-导学案仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8Topic1 We will have a class fashion show.SectionA导学案五常市朝鲜族初级中学 闫丽菲仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8Topic1SectionA导学案教材 仁爱英语八年级下册U8T1SA课型 新授课班级初二二班课题 We will have a class fashion show.教者闫丽菲日期2014.5.28课堂流程 环节 具 体 内 容设计意图学法指导Step1导入 (3)Warming up学生做值日报告,报告中由最近的天气尽可能多的谈到同学们的穿着,导入本课。 激趣 学 习 目

2、 标A层目标(全班同学掌握):1、 会读本课14个生词。2、 能听懂关于服装的句子。3、 掌握so.that. 句型。B层目标(2/3以上的学生掌握)4、会读、写本课14个生词。5、能进行关于服装的简单对话。6、掌握交际用语:Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m? Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy a scarf?C层目标(至少1/3的学生掌握)7、会读写本课14个生词并掌握它们的用法。8、能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,完成小组合作交流及展示。9、对中国服装文化有更深刻的了解。 学 啥 我

3、 知 情Step2自主学习Step2自主学 习(目标1,4,7)(目标2,6)头脑风暴:有关Clothes 的单词 (已学) hat skirt shoe coat shirt shorts raincoat jacket dress(新词)handbag tie sweater scarf jeans blouse sock 独立完成P82 2 (Listening and writing) 温 故 能 知 新 自主 探究 自主 完成由a picture of Chinese Tang costume 导入对话学习。 学 习 我 有 法自读1a对话,标出本课生词,划出对话中的so.that

4、句型,找出知识点,回答下列问题。 (Reading and writing)1.Who wears a Chinese Tang costume? 2.Is it a cotton one?3.What does Jane want to buy? 根据1a对话,完成1b判断对错,更好的理解对话内容。1、 Jane has a nice coat.2、 Maria likes the Chinese Tang costume very much.3、 The new coat is a silk one.4、 Jane wants to buy some new skirts for the

5、class fashion show next Monday.5、 They will meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. 略读 了解 大意; 细读 把握 具体 含义。 句 型 我 分 析(目标3)完成1c。1、 Marias coat is _ _ _ she likes it very much.2、 The handbag is _ _ _ the woman cant afford it.3、 The boy is _ _ _ he cant get the apples.4、 The box is _ _ _ the girl cant carr

6、y it.要善于总结并能从已学知识中寻找新知识学习的依据。Step3合作交流 问 题 咱 解 决(目标8)1、 组内两人一组读对话1a 。2、 讨论自主学习部分问题的答案。3、小组讨论:The cotton blouse is so expensive that the girl cant afford it.(同义句)The cotton blouse is_expensive _the girl _afford.The boy is so short that he cant reach the apples.(同义句)The boy is_ short _ reach the apple

7、s.The boy is not tall_ _ reach the apples.He is _a short boy _ he cant reach the apples.你能总结出这几个句式吗?so +_+that_ “如此···以至于···”。可以换为:too+_ +to+_not _+ enough +to+_思考:such+ _+that_比较:so.that. 和 so that 讨论 改动 用红笔 小组 对话 展示 准备(目标5)两人一组编对话,一人扮演顾客,一人扮演售货员。(Speaking)Look at the

8、pictures in Page82 and make conversations.You may begin like this:Jane: Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy a scarf?Saleswomen: Sure! You can go to the Womens Wear Section on the third floor.Jane: Thanks. And what about hats and socks?Saleswoman: Theyre in the Shoes and Hats Section. 明确 任务 各司

9、其职Step 4 展 示 反 馈Step5总结提升对 话 表 演挑战自我,舒展个性。机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编好的对话拿到全班面前展示吧。张开嘴巴,奇迹马上会出现! 运用 新知识 解决 新问题 提升能力我的收获作业今日事今日毕单项选择( ) 1.-Excuse me, where can we buy hats?-Come this way, they are _ the Shoes and Hats Section _ the fifth floor.A. on; in B. in; in C. in; on( ) 2.-Did you see who the driver was?-No

10、,the car ran so fast _ I couldnt have a good look at his face.A. that B. which C. as( ) 3. -Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda?-I have only $10. I cant _ it.A. borrow B. afford C. Sell( ) 4. He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; tha

11、t ( )5. Look, this is my new mobile phone. Its very nice. Could you tell me_?A. where to buy B. where to buy it C. where will buy it 二、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.Many women have a _(手提包)with them. 2.This T-shirt is made of _(棉花). 3.The s_ around the girls neck makes her more beautiful. 4.The cowboys (牛仔 )

12、in the U.S.A. like wearing j_. 5.The dolls are very beautiful. I want to buy some dolls for my daughter.(用so.that.合并成一句)一We learn: 二We can:拿一张全家照描述家人的穿着。A层3句;B层5句,C层80词 零散 知识 系统化勤于反思及时总结铸就成功分层作业 反思: 导学案的设计贵在“导”,能够真正的对学生起到引导的作用,才能称得上是好的导学案,在本节课导学案的设计上,我注重了我校有效教学“三要素”:1、在调到学生学习主动性和积极性方面,我采取的策略是以分组竞赛的方式激发学生学习的兴趣,课上有必答,有抢答,有抽签答题,最后小组分数统计,选出本节课的最佳小组和本日之星。在展示环节,学生俩人一组到前面表演对话,学生的表演欲极强,都很好的调动了学生学习的积极性。2、在这节课上,我采取了分层教学法:目标分层,提问分层,作业分层。在导学案上明确给出每位学生应该达到什么目标,可以回答什么难度的问题,应该完成什么样的作业,使得不同层次的学生都有所得。3、在学法指导上,我的导学案上学生可以一目了然,自主学习,自主探究,自主完成,阅读方法是略读了解大意;细读把握具体含义。合作交流,小组讨论时,用红笔改动。对话表演准备时,明确任务,使得每个学生都参与,都知道该做


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