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1、unit5        Look at the monkeysA lets learn教学目标:1、  能够听说认读句子:look at the tiger! Its running! The rabbit is jumping.2、  能够听说读写动词短语的ing 形式:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming.3、  能够完成task time 中的任务。教学重点:掌握五个动词的ing 形式,并用其现在进行时态进行句型练习。 

2、0;                      教学难点;                      “running”和“swimming”的拼写。 

3、0;                    课前准备;                       课件、词卡、图片、    &#

4、160;                教学过程;Step1 warm-up1、 歌曲引入:师有节奏拍手唱Hello歌,学生应和。谈话,T:Hello boys and girls,I am very happy to see you again. Are you happy?  Ss:-T:Ok, let's start our class. It's time for class.(师生问好)T:Today

5、 I have some friends play with you, do you want to see?  Ss:-T:Ok, let's look at the flash. Let's do. 2、 教师播放三年级上册第四单元B部分Let's do的录音.3、 教师适时出示各种动物的词卡,学生边说边做相应的动作。 T:Look, a bird. Please, fly like the bird,fly fly fly.(请学生跟读,师在四线格在板书 fly 后面接着出示elephant,rabbit,tiger,duke,方法同

6、上。)激励措施:分成四组,you did a good job,give you one group a star, two group a star- 4、T:Woo!They are so funny.Now, please felow me go to the zoo,look at the monkeys, and the other animals.在黑板上贴出提前画好的课题图案,学生读两遍。T: You did a good job. Now open your books, page58,look at “ A-let's learn”.Step2 presen

7、tation                       1、  教师出示Lets learn部分的教学课件。T:read after the tape, then answer my question.(师点击课件,让学生跟读。)2、 提问:What animals can you see in the picture?让学生回答。  

8、                     3、 教师点击课件,指着小鸟说:Look at the bird! What is it doing?Ss:Its flying! 教师板书:在四线格里fly后面用红粉笔加上ing,引导学生拼读单词。师再趁机板书:look at the -.It's -。拿出生字图卡,齐读、个别读、开火车读。随机送星星奖励给各组。4、 拓展:Yes, t

9、he bird is flying, and what the other are flying? Look .-师点课件,出示风筝、蝴蝶、超人等正在飞的图片,用句子look at the -.It's -来说。同样的方法学习walking。5、  分别指着一只鸟和小兔子,让学生模仿句子说出:Look at the bird! Its flying! The bird is flying. Look at the rabbit! Its jumping! The rabbit is jumping.  6、 say a chant.  (T: Now, l

10、ook at the chant, read and do together. 师示范,先拍手,再读并做动作。) Look at the bird! It's flying,  flying,flying,flying. Look at the elephant! It's walking,  walking,walking,walking. Look at the rabbit! It's jumping,   jumping,jumping,jumping.学生跟读几遍,并跟老师一起边学边做动作。

11、                       7、  根据chant ,看图片创编新chant。(T:you are super. Let's make a new chant.) Look at the -! It's flying,  flying,flying,flying. Look at the -!

12、It's walking,  walking,walking,walking. Look at the -! It's jumping,   jumping,jumping,jumping.8、  让学生看图回答:Look at the picture again. Why is the rabbit jumping? What animal is after the rabbit?引导学生回答:A tiger. 教师再问:What is the tiger doing? 引导学生回答:Its running. The tige

13、r is running.教师板书:running。教师指着正在水里游的鱼,问:What is the fish doing?引导学生回答:Its swimming.教师板书:swimming.师手指swimming,问,how many”m” are there in it? 学生回答。强调双写。再看running. (T: Look at the running and swimming, they are double n and m.)            

14、0;        点击课件展示WARMING,进行安全教育. T: Swimming is a good sport, but please be care for yourself. Understand? 9、  教师播放课件中的对话,让学生重复句子。                    &

15、#160; Step3 practise                       1、  “game” guess what is it doing?”    课件出示图片,指各生回答2、    Show time. (指到最后的刘星的图片T: Yes, Look at LiuXing

16、 ,he is showing. He is a superstar, right?  All of you can be superstar. 做加油手势Come on. Let's do the action.)(1)、请生从箱中拿出动物,做相应动作,全班读句子。师先做示范。(T:Look at the box. What's in it? Take out and do the action. You read the sentence.)(2) 、传递一个动物,做不同动作。(T:Now, let's do one by one. I take out

17、a dog, do the action "running", then pass the next one, do the other. Understand?)3 、小组交流。一组一张动物图片,小组内运用句子,look at the . Its 。再请两个小组表演。(T;Now, let's read in pare. 一边发放图片一边说:The tiger-to you, read and do in your group.)4、  课外延伸:2008北京奥运会T say:you know the 2008 olympic game hold in

18、beijing , lets have a look .分别出示刘翔,姚明、beckham,罗雪娟和孔令辉照片,运用句子:look at  .shehe is  (同桌讨论,并说一说) 5 、 Let's sing. 课件播放两只老虎伴奏,歌词:what are you doing,what are you doing,I am flying,I am flying,I am running,I am swimming,I am walking,I am walking.6、总结。T:today,we learn the words -, and the sentence-.you did a good job. It's time for over.Step4 homework1、  make a funny book强化句子。  2、  完成练习册上的练习。3、  抄写本课所学的词汇。案例评析:为了让学生在有效的教学活动中参与和完成真实的语


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