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1、Credit Reporting by Micro Lending Institutions in South Africa南非小额贷款机构的征信制度A case study byPresented by Frank LenisaTel: +27 21 883 2332Email: frankcompuscan.co.zaAgenda nbrief background to CompuScan CompuScan的背景简介的背景简介nan overview of MCIs in South Africa 南非小额贷款机构概览南非小额贷款机构概览 nthe credit information

2、 that we provide 我们提供的信用信息我们提供的信用信息nMCI reporting requirements 小额贷款机构的征信要求小额贷款机构的征信要求nregistry consultation pricing 征信局咨询定价征信局咨询定价nthe information system 信息系统信息系统nsupport and training needs of MCIs 小额贷款机构需要支持和培训小额贷款机构需要支持和培训nthe benefit to borrowers 对借款者的好处对借款者的好处nand the future outlook. 未来展望未来展望Bac

3、kground on CompuScan 背景简介背景简介nCompuScan is a credit reporting and risk information company for Micro Credit Institutions (MCIs) CompuScan是针对小额贷款机构征信和风险信息管理的公司是针对小额贷款机构征信和风险信息管理的公司nWe provide MCIs with credit information, systems, methodologies and training to manage sustainable credit operations, an

4、d share borrower information in order to avoid borrower over-indebtedness and reckless credit granting 我们向小额贷款机构提供信用信息、系统、方法及训练来维持信贷业务,与借款者分享信息我们向小额贷款机构提供信用信息、系统、方法及训练来维持信贷业务,与借款者分享信息以避免借款者过度借债以及不计后果的授信。以避免借款者过度借债以及不计后果的授信。nCompuScan was formally established in 1995 and has become the leader in its

5、field, CompuScan于于1995年正式成立,现在已经成为征信领域的佼佼者了。年正式成立,现在已经成为征信领域的佼佼者了。nOperating throughout 业务遍及南非、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳业务遍及南非、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳nWe develop, host and manage information technology (IT) requirements in-house. In 1999, Compuscan was awarded the “Sun and Oracle” partner of the year award 我们在公司内部开发并管理信息技术我们在公司内

6、部开发并管理信息技术 1999年,公司被授予年,公司被授予“太阳神灵太阳神灵”称号称号South Africa Namibia BotswanaMCIs in South Africa 南非的小额贷款机构nMCIs are consumer finance companies that provide unsecured small cash loans not exceeding R10 000 (US$1515.15) to borrowers within government controlled regulations R10 000 (US$1515.15) 小额贷款机构是消费者金

7、融公司,它们在政府控制的法规范围内向借款者小额贷款机构是消费者金融公司,它们在政府控制的法规范围内向借款者提供无担保的小额现金贷款,其额度不超过提供无担保的小额现金贷款,其额度不超过10 000 兰特兰特(1515.15美元美元) nThe micro credit industry estimated annual turnover between 20 and 30 billion Rand (3.03 and 4.55 billion US$) 估计每年的小额信贷总额为估计每年的小额信贷总额为200到到300亿兰特亿兰特(30.3 到到 45.5 亿美元)亿美元)nMCIs that p

8、rovide micro credit: 提供小额贷款的机构提供小额贷款的机构MC Institution Type 类型类型MC Entities MC Branches Banks银行银行92387Public Companies* 公营企业公营企业415Private Companies 私营企业私营企业13524803 #mainly small companies 主要是小公司主要是小公司NGO/Non-Profits*非政府组织非政府组织/非盈利性机构非盈利性机构1754Cooperatives/Credit unions 合合伙人组织伙人组织/信用联盟信用联盟242Total 总

9、计总计14097301*Ptys/CCs/Trusts have been grouped together.* NGO/Non-Profits provides small loans to small/micro businesses.nBanks and private MCI are for-profit and up the biggest market share of the micro credit industry 银行和私营小额贷款机构是赢利性的,占据了小额贷款银行和私营小额贷款机构是赢利性的,占据了小额贷款市场的最大份额市场的最大份额nThe NGOs/Non-Profi

10、ts provides small loans to micro/small businesses and only makes up a small percentage (approximately 1-2%) of the market 非政府组织或非盈利性机构也向小型企业提供小额贷款,非政府组织或非盈利性机构也向小型企业提供小额贷款,但只占据市场的一小部分,约为但只占据市场的一小部分,约为12nThe micro credit industry has a 5-8% market share of the total consumer credit industry in South

11、Africa 小额贷款占据了南非总的消费者贷款的小额贷款占据了南非总的消费者贷款的58MCIs in South Africa 南非的小额贷款机构CompuscanMain consumer CRTransunion ITC主要消费者征信局主要消费者征信局 环联环联ITC Main consumer CRExperian 主要消费者征信局主要消费者征信局 益百利益百利Managed / synchronised Banks/NBFIs银行/非银行金融机构Socio-Demo. Data & Public RegistriesE.g.courts, liensUtilities 公用事业

12、Credit information provided to MCIs 向小额贷款机构提供的信用信息MCI & Consumer dataMerchants商业企业 Banks/Larger MCIs银行银行/ 较大的小额贷款机构较大的小额贷款机构 3000 MCI subscribers +_50 % of MCI market3000个小额贷款机构用户,个小额贷款机构用户,占小额贷款市场的占小额贷款市场的50 Compuscan MCI databasePrivate 私人数据库私人数据库NLR MCI databasePublic公共数据库公共数据库MCI & Consu

13、mer data小额贷款机构和消费者数据小额贷款机构和消费者数据MCI data小额贷款机构数据小额贷款机构数据Banks/Larger MCIs银行银行/ 较大的小额贷款机构较大的小额贷款机构MCI & Consumer data小额贷款机构和消费者数据小额贷款机构和消费者数据Compuscan CRNLROther data sourced from main CR 来自主要征信局的其它数据来自主要征信局的其它数据MCI repayment data 小额小额贷款机构还款数据贷款机构还款数据MCI & consumer repayment data 小额贷款机小额贷款机构和

14、消费者还款数据构和消费者还款数据Consumer collection data回收回收消费者贷款的数据消费者贷款的数据MCI collection data 小额贷款机构回收贷款的数据小额贷款机构回收贷款的数据Contact-ability dataCivil court judgments 民法判定民法判定Contact-ability data 与客户的联系能力与客户的联系能力Previous enquires 与客户的联系能力与客户的联系能力Scores, verifications, alerts 评分、核实、警告评分、核实、警告Alerts, verifications 警告和核实

15、警告和核实Defaults 违约违约Previous enquires 事前问询事前问询Data usage 数据使用q70% of subscribers consult and report on Compuscan and the NLR, 20% are being recruited. 10% are prohibited from using the NLR (not registered with Regulator). qOf the 70%, 12 % use value add data from main CR. q70的用户向的用户向Compuscan和和NLR咨询和报

16、告信息;咨询和报告信息;20正在登记;正在登记;10被被禁止使用禁止使用NLR(没有(没有向监管者登记)向监管者登记) q在在 70%的用户中的用户中, 12 % 使用使用了来自主要征信局的增值数据了来自主要征信局的增值数据 Pricing 定价Data 数据数据Standard Price 标准价格标准价格CompuScan Credit check R433.20 (US$65.64) p/m (includes 100 freeconsultations per month) NLR + summaryconsumer data NLR加上总的消费者数据加上总的消费者数据R2.51 (U

17、S$0.38) each consultation NLR + detail consumer data NLR加上详细的消费者数据加上详细的消费者数据R5.13 (US$0.70) each Value add data from main CR. 来自主要征信局的增值数据来自主要征信局的增值数据R5.13 (US$0.70) R11.90 (US$1.80)Depending on choice of data 依赖于数据选择依赖于数据选择Price band of majority subscribers. Average MCI expenditure is approximately

18、 R690.00 (US$104.55) p/m. qVolume discounts are provided to the bigger MCIs较大的小额贷款较大的小额贷款机构可以使用贷款额度折扣机构可以使用贷款额度折扣q Includes access to the full system functionality, enabling the MCI to consult, report, and comply with regulatory requirements 包括整个征信体系功能的实现,使得小额贷款机构能够咨询、报告以及满足监管要求包括整个征信体系功能的实现,使得小额贷款机

19、构能够咨询、报告以及满足监管要求qThe data is complete and sufficient to enable the MCI to test the ability to repay and measure credit risk, as well as monitor the debt portfolio 数据必须完整和充足,使小额贷款机构能够衡量信用风险并对债务组合进行监管数据必须完整和充足,使小额贷款机构能够衡量信用风险并对债务组合进行监管MCIs data reporting requirements 小额贷款机构的征信要求nMCIs are required to r

20、eport on all loans granted, payments, re-advancements and closures of accounts 要求小额贷款机构对其授信、支付、再授信及帐户取消等信息进行报告要求小额贷款机构对其授信、支付、再授信及帐户取消等信息进行报告nMCIs are required to report all loans granted within 48 hours to the NLR, and all accounts that are closed for what ever reason within 48 hours. 要求小额贷款机构在要求小额

21、贷款机构在48小时内向小时内向NLR报告所有贷款以及不管什么原因取消的帐报告所有贷款以及不管什么原因取消的帐户户nPayment Profile data (account repayment data ) must be submitted on a monthly basis: 支付数据(帐户偿还数据)必须按月递交支付数据(帐户偿还数据)必须按月递交MCIs that provide short term loans (short term lenders) submit in format A 提供短期小额贷款的机构以格式提供短期小额贷款的机构以格式A的形式递交的形式递交MCIs tha

22、t provide term loans (term lenders) submit in format B 提供分期小额贷款的机构以格式提供分期小额贷款的机构以格式B的形式递交的形式递交Format A is less onerous than B, but its preferred that short term lenders submit in format B 虽然格式虽然格式A比格式比格式B简练,但是建议短期贷款者使用格式简练,但是建议短期贷款者使用格式BCompuScan information system信息系统信息系统nCompuScan provides credit

23、information to its MCI subscribers through leading-edge online services 公司通过一流的网络服务向它的客户提供信用信息公司通过一流的网络服务向它的客户提供信用信息System handles 500000 consultations per month 系统每月都要处理系统每月都要处理500,000的问询的问询nSystem makes use of: web-based platform telephone and fax (complementary)CPU-to-CPU (integration into debtor

24、 management systems)系统由以下部分组成:系统由以下部分组成:网络平台网络平台电话和传真(补充作用)电话和传真(补充作用)中央处理器对中央处理器(融合到债务人管理系统中)中央处理器对中央处理器(融合到债务人管理系统中)nConsultation reports instantly available (single and/or batch) via web / CPU-to-CPU 通过网络或中央处理器马上就可获得问询报告通过网络或中央处理器马上就可获得问询报告nSystem provides tools for credit application processing

25、and account monitoring 系统提供信用申请处理和帐户监测的工具系统提供信用申请处理和帐户监测的工具nMCI Reporting (i.e. account creation/closures/payments) performed via web / CPU-to-CPU (single and/or batch) instantaneously or overnight 小额贷款机构通过网络或中央处理器立刻或隔夜进行报告小额贷款机构通过网络或中央处理器立刻或隔夜进行报告nPayment profiles automatically compiled & submi

26、tted to main CR on behalf of MCI monthly 支付款项自动按月递交给主要征信机构支付款项自动按月递交给主要征信机构MCI support / training 对小额贷款机构的支持和培训 nThe training and support are key to success - MCIs rely heavily on our training and support service. 培训和支持是成功的关键小额贷款机构严培训和支持是成功的关键小额贷款机构严重依赖于培训和支持重依赖于培训和支持nSupport and training provided:

27、已提供的支持和培训已提供的支持和培训On-site at MCIs 网上服务网上服务Call centre (inbound & outbound) 6 days a week 电话中心(内部电话中心(内部和外部)每周和外部)每周6天天Contact with MCIs every 6-8 weeks 每周跟小额贷款机构联系每周跟小额贷款机构联系68次次nIn addition, skills training and development programs in credit management provided via CompuScans training division

28、另外,对信用管理的技术培训和发展规划在另外,对信用管理的技术培训和发展规划在CompuScan的培训部展开的培训部展开Outcomes are to improved MCI standards/professionalism and promote best practice 结果是要得到更完善的标准和专业素质,来推动最好的实践结果是要得到更完善的标准和专业素质,来推动最好的实践Banking sector training authority recently funded a skills training and development project to MCIs to the v

29、alue of R78million (US$ 12million)银行部门的培训主管最近为小额贷款机构的技术培训和发展计银行部门的培训主管最近为小额贷款机构的技术培训和发展计划筹集了一笔价值划筹集了一笔价值7800万兰特(万兰特(1200万美元)的资金万美元)的资金Benefit to borrowers (1) 对借款者的好处对借款者的好处nMCIs must test a borrowers ability to repay prior to entering into a loan agreement (affordability) 小额贷款机构必须在达成贷款合同之前检测借款者的偿付能

30、力小额贷款机构必须在达成贷款合同之前检测借款者的偿付能力nData used to test ability to repay from MCI/consumer data 来自小额贷款机构或消费者的用于检测偿付能力的数据来自小额贷款机构或消费者的用于检测偿付能力的数据nToday MCIs are making more informed lending decisions due to more comprehensive MCI/consumer data, attributed to the NLR 如今,由于提供了更加详实的贷款机构或消费者数据,小额贷款机构制定贷款决策的信如今,由于

31、提供了更加详实的贷款机构或消费者数据,小额贷款机构制定贷款决策的信息就更加丰富息就更加丰富nAfrican Bank, South Africas largest MCI, reported in their 2004 interim results that their non-performing loans were decreasing 非洲银行及南非最大的小额贷款机构的非洲银行及南非最大的小额贷款机构的2004年中期报告就表明它们的不良贷款正在减少年中期报告就表明它们的不良贷款正在减少 nThis can be taken as an indicator that levels of

32、 borrower over-indebtedness are declining, leading to a trend of fewer judgments and summonses for debts 借款者过度借债水平正在下降这一点可以被看作一个指标,表明了法律纠纷不断减少的借款者过度借债水平正在下降这一点可以被看作一个指标,表明了法律纠纷不断减少的趋势趋势-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Growth (%)95 96 97 98 99 0001020304SUMMONSES FOR DEBT - PRIVATE PERSONS-20 -10 0 10 20 3

33、0 Growth (%)95 96 97 98 99 0001020304JUDGEMENTS FOR DEBT - PRIVATE PERSONSGraphs show a marked decline in the percentage of judgments and summonses for debts in the last 12 month period. 下图显示在过去了下图显示在过去了12个月中债务纠纷是显著减少的个月中债务纠纷是显著减少的Benefit to borrowers (2)对借款者的好处对借款者的好处 Benefit to borrowers (3)对借款者的好

34、处对借款者的好处nInterest rate decline trend has been noticed in the last 18 month period by the larger MCIs that provide short term loans, 由较大的小额贷款机构在过去的由较大的小额贷款机构在过去的18个月里提供的短期贷款表明,利率呈下降趋个月里提供的短期贷款表明,利率呈下降趋势势nThis can be attributed to increased competitive forces in the short term loans market, mainly by

35、the bigger MCIs that provide short term loans, 这一点归功于短期借贷市场的激烈竞争,这种竞争主要是由提供短期贷款的较这一点归功于短期借贷市场的激烈竞争,这种竞争主要是由提供短期贷款的较大型机构引起的大型机构引起的nBut an assumption can also be made that due to the MCI ability to make more informed decisions via CR data results in increased MCI efficiency. Thus the savings derived f

36、rom greater efficiencies, pass onto consumer by means of lower interest rates. 但是我们仍然可以作出这样的判断,即由于征信局提供了数据,小额贷款机构但是我们仍然可以作出这样的判断,即由于征信局提供了数据,小额贷款机构就有能力作出更细致的决策,从而增加了小额贷款机构的效率。所以,更高效就有能力作出更细致的决策,从而增加了小额贷款机构的效率。所以,更高效率带来的成本节约通过更低的利率转移到了消费者率带来的成本节约通过更低的利率转移到了消费者nAnother noticeable trend is that the loa

37、n size (capital amount) has started to increase slightly in the last 12 months, 另外一个趋势是在过去的另外一个趋势是在过去的12个月里,贷款规模开始轻微地增加了个月里,贷款规模开始轻微地增加了nThis could be attributed to the MCI ability to make more informed decisions via CR data , 这一点也是由于小额贷款机构可以获得更多信息而能作出更加周密的决策了这一点也是由于小额贷款机构可以获得更多信息而能作出更加周密的决策了nBut also to the fact that the borrowers debt repayments are slightly lower, due to better interest rates. 但同时也是由于更有利的利率使得借款者的偿付成本降低了但同时也是由于更有利的利率使得借款者的偿付成本降低了Where to for CompuScan 未来发展方向未来发展方向nIn the local market, the focus is on product development: 在当地市场,主要是产品开发在当地市


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