



1、经典幼儿英语故事大全In addition to people, some dinnerware lived in the town. 除了人们以 外,一些正餐餐具居住在这座城镇。There were bowls, cups, plates, serving platters, and so o有碗,杯子, 盘子,大浅盘等等。But, the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food.但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。One day, some new neighbors moved into town

2、一天,一些新邻居搬 到了这个城镇。There were forks, kni ves, spo ons, and chopstick 他们是叉子,刀子, 勺子和筷子。The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to welcome the n ew neighbors.正餐餐具非常快乐去欢送新邻居的到来。“Guys,welcome to our town!Let ' s live in peace!A伙计h们,欢送 来到我们的城镇 ! “让我们和平相处 !And let ' hselp each other.So, t

3、hey helped each other and became good frie nds. Every one had a job to do.好 的,让我们互相帮助。于是,他们互相帮助成为了好朋友。每一个人都有工作做。The forks poked and moved food 叉子叉和移动食物。The kn ives cut up food 刀子切食物。The spo ons scooped up and moved fooc勺子舀起和移动食物。But,the chopsticks couldn' t find a job that they coulffidb. 筷子找不到他

4、们能够做的工作。They couldn ' t do anything alone.They only interfered with the others work.我们不能单独做任何事情。他们只能阻碍其他人的工作。The other ute nsils bega n to ignore the chopsticks 其他的用具开始忽 视筷子。Soon,the chopsticks became sad. One day,all of the chopsticks gathered together to have a talk很 快,筷子变得忧伤的。一天,所有的筷子聚集到一起讨论。

5、“Guys,we have to find a way to work. Why should we be ignored by the others? 伙“计们,我们必须找到一种工作的方法。为什么我们一定要被其他人无视呢 ? “Becauswe are useless.因为 我们没有。“No,we can find a way to be useful. Let 不,s我们i能找到一种 有用的方法。让我们想想。每天早晨同样的事情都会发生, 他也靠卖金蛋逐渐变得富足起来农夫变得越来越贪婪,他想立刻得到鹅肚子中所有的金蛋。于是他杀死了鹅,但是,在鹅肚中他什么也没找到。经典幼儿英语故事篇 3The

6、 Tortoise and the HareThe Hare was once boasting of his speed before other animals. "I have never been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge." "That is a good

7、 joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way." "Keep your boasting till you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his

8、 contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.Then the Tortoise said: "Slow but steady progress wins the race【." 译文】乌龟与兔 子从前有一只兔子, 他在其它动物面前吹嘘自己跑得是如何如何的快。“当我全速奔跑的时候, 我从来没有被打败过, 他说,“谁敢跟我比 一比 ? “我来跟你跑一场,一只乌龟沉着地说。“快笑死我了, 兔子说, “我一边跑一边围着你跳舞都能赢你。“你跑赢了再吹牛吧, 乌龟说, “我们可以开始比赛了吗 ?于是,他 们确定了一条比赛路线和起点。比赛开始,兔子是嗖的一声就跑得没影了, 但他很快就停了下来。 为了让乌龟知道他并没把乌龟放在眼里, 兔子决定睡上一觉再接 着跑。这时,乌龟正一点一点艰难地向前爬着。当兔子一


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