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1、生物专业英语试题及答案一、将下列英文术语或缩写译为合乎学术规范的中文术语: 1、Odorant receptor气味受体(气味感受器、嗅觉受体、嗅觉感受器也得1分;仅答受体或感受器,则得0.5分)。2、Differentially expressed gene差异化表达基因(答为“不同表达基因”,仅得0.5分)。3、MOE主要嗅(觉)上皮答为“嗅(觉)上皮”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Main olfactory epithelium”,也得分。           &#

2、160;                     4、VNO4犁鼻器(答为“信息素外周感受器”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Vomeronasal organ”,也得分)。5、Social behavior社会行为(答为“社群行为、社交行为”也得1分)。 6、Monogamy一夫一妻制(答为“一雄一雌制、单配制”也得1分)7、Vasopressin加压素(答为“抗利尿素”仅得

3、0.5分)。8、Oxytocin催产素。9、Kin recognition亲属识别。              10、Autism自闭症/孤独症。11、NIH(美国)国家(立)卫生研究院(所)(若写出其英文术语全称NIH = National Institutes of Health 也得分)。12、HHMI霍华德·休斯医学研究所(若写出其英文术语全称HHMI = Howard Hughes Medical Institute也得分;或者译为Ho

4、ward Hughes 医学研究所,也得全分)。13、Nanotechnology纳米技术(纳米科技、奈米技术、奈米科技)。阳光大学生网14、Renewable energy可再生能源(量)(答为“可更新能源、再生能源”,或意思相近者,也得1分)。15、Biomechanical energy生物机械能(答为“生物力能、生物力学能”也得1分,而“生物化学能、生物能”,则得0.5分) 16、Nanogenerator纳米发电机(答为“纳米发动机、纳米电机、纳米发生器、纳米生产器”,也得1分)。17、Systems biology系统生物学。18、DNA sequencerDNA测序仪答

5、为“DNA测序(器、机)、DNA序列仪(器)”也得1分,答为DNA序列,仅得0.5分。19、Neurodegenerative diseases神经退行性病(若答为“神经系统退行性疾病”或者“神经系统退化性疾病”,也得1)。20、Amygdala 杏仁核(答为“杏仁体”,也得1分)。将英语短文译为中文:(4篇短文,每个小题的标题也要翻译,各为20、10、10、10分,共50分)1. “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004”Press Release(20分)4 October 2004The Nobel Assemblyat Karoli

6、nska Institutet has today decided to award The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2004 jointly toRichard Axel and Linda B. Buckfor their discoveries of "odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system"SummaryThe sense of smell long remained the most enigmatic of our s

7、enses. The basic principles for recognizing and remembering about 10,000 different odours were not understood. This year's Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine have solved this problem and in a series of pioneering studies clarified how our olfactory system works. They discovered a large ge

8、ne family, comprised of some 1,000 different genes (three per cent of our genes) that give rise to an equivalent number of olfactory receptor types. These receptors are located on the olfactory receptor cells, which occupy a small area in the upper part of the nasal epithelium and detect the inhaled

9、 odorant molecules.Each olfactory receptor cell possesses only one type of odorant receptor, and each receptor can detect a limited number of odorant substances. Our olfactory receptor cells are therefore highly specialized for a few odours. The cells send thin nerve processes directly to distinct m

10、icro domains, glomeruli, in the olfactory bulb, the primary olfactory area of the brain. Receptor cells carrying the same type of receptor send their nerve processes to the same glomerulus. From these micro domains in the olfactory bulb the information is relayed further to other parts of the brain,

11、 where the information from several olfactory receptors is combined, forming a pattern. Therefore, we can consciously experience the smell of a lilac flower in the spring and recall this olfactory memory at other times.Richard Axel, New York, USA, and Linda Buck, Seattle, USA, published the fundamen

12、tal paper jointly in 1991, in which they described the very large family of about one thousand genes for odorant receptors. Axel and Buck have since worked independent of each other, and they have in several elegant, often parallel, studies clarified the olfactory system, from the molecular level to

13、 the organization of the cells.2004年诺贝尔生理或医学奖新闻稿(发布公告)2004年10月4日卡罗琳斯卡研究所的诺贝尔大会于今天已经决定将2004年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖共同授予理查德·阿克塞尔和琳达·巴克是因为(以表彰)他们在“气味受体和嗅觉系统的组织”的发现摘要1.2 第1段汉化(4分): 长期以来,嗅觉仍是人类感觉中最神秘的。识别和记忆大约1万种不同气味的基本原理并未被理解。今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者解决了这一问题,并用一系列开创性的研究工作,阐明了我们的嗅觉系统如何工作(的原理)。他们发现了一个庞大的基因家族,它由1千种不同的

14、基因组成(占人类基因组数目的百分之三),因而产生相同数量的嗅觉受体类型。这些受体位于嗅觉受体细胞上,它们占据了小面积的鼻上皮上部,并且在此感知吸入的气味分子。1.3 第2段汉化(5分): 每个嗅觉受体细胞只拥有一种类型的气味受体,而每种受体可以感知(探测)种数有限的气味物质。因此,我们的嗅觉受体细胞对于一些特定气味则是高度专化的。这些细胞发出细长的神经突起直接到达嗅球的不同微域嗅小球,而嗅球是大脑的初级嗅觉区域。拥有同种受体的受体细胞发出它们的神经突起(即轴突神经)到达同种嗅小球。从嗅球的这些微域中,信息是被进一步传达至大脑的其他部位,在那里来自几种嗅觉受体的信息相结合,从而形成一个嗅觉模式(

15、格局)。因此,我们能够在春天自觉体验丁香花的气味,并在以后时间里回味这些(美好的)嗅觉记忆。1.4 第3段汉化(3分): 来自美国纽约理查德·阿克塞尔,和来自美国西雅图的琳达·巴克,于1991年共同发表了那篇奠基性论文,在该文中他们描述(报道)了具有大约1千种气味受体基因的一个巨大家族。自那以后,Axel(人名可不译,照搬即可)和Buck各自独立开展研究,而且取得了若干漂亮的、往往是平行的研究成果,从分子水平到细胞构成,阐明了嗅觉系统(的结构和原理)2. Kin Recognition (10分)Many organisms, from sea squirts to pri

16、mates, can identify their relatives. Understanding how and why they do so has prompted new thinking about the evolution of social behavior by David W. Pfennig and Paul W. Sherman Kinship is a basic organizing principle of all societies. Humans possess elaborate means by which to identify relatives,

17、such as using surnames and maintaining detailed genealogies.Mechanisms for distinguishing kin also occur throughout the plant and animal kingdoms regardless of an organisms social or mental complexity, in creatures as diverse as wildflowers and wasps. Scientists are beginning to discover that an und

18、erstanding of the origin and mechanisms of kin recognition offers fresh insights into such diverse topics as how living things choose their mates, how they learn and how their immune system works.BELDINGS GROUND SQUIRRELS live in groups in which mothers, daughters and sisters cooperate extensively.

19、By using odors, the squirrels can distinguish familiar nestmates, who are close kin, from nonnestmates. They can also discriminate between full sisters and half sisters.亲属识别许多生物,从海鞘以灵长类动物,可以识别其亲属。了解它们如何以及为什么这样做,已促进对社会行为进化的新的思考。David W. Pfennig 和 Paul W. Sherman(姓名可不译)2.2 第1段汉化(5分):  亲属关系是所有社会的一

20、种基本组织准则(1分)。人类拥有精致的手段,例如使用姓氏和保存详细的族谱以查验亲属(1分)。无论生物之社会或心理的复杂性,辨别亲属的机制也遍及植物和动物界,其在生物界多样性就如同植物之野花和动物之黄蜂一样多(1分)。科学家开始发现,对亲属识别的起源和机制的理解,提供了对如此多样课题的新颖见解(透视),例如生物如何选择其配偶,他们如何学习以及其免疫系统如何工作(2分)。2.3 第2段汉化(2分):拜氏(贝尔丁)地松鼠营群体生活,在其社群生活中母亲、女儿和姐妹广泛合作。通过利用气味,这种松鼠能够辨别熟悉的巢伴、亲属和非巢伴。它们还可以区分全姐妹和半姐妹。3 Self-Powered Nanotec

21、h (10分)Nanosize machines need still tinier power plantsBy Zhong Lin WangThe watchmaker in the 1920s who devised the self-winding wristwatch was on to a great idea: mechanically harvesting energy from the wearers moving arm and putting it to work rewinding the watch spring.Today we are beginning to c

22、reate extremely small energy harvesters that can supply electrical power to the tiny world of nanoscale devices, where things are measured in billionths of a meter. We call these power plants nanogenerators. The ability to make power on a minuscule scale allows us to think of implantable biosensors

23、that can continuously monitor a patients blood glucose level, or autonomous strain sensors for structures such as bridges, or environmental sensors for detecting toxins all running without the need for replacement batteries. Energy sources are desperately needed for nanorobotics, microelectromechani

24、cal systems (MEMS), homeland security and even portable personal electronics. It is hard to imagine all the uses such infinitesimal generators may eventually find.In BriefNanotechnology has huge potential but those minuscule devices will need a power source that is better than a battery. Waste energ

25、y, in the form of vibrations or even the human pulse, could provide sufficient power to run such tiny gadgets. Arrays of piezoelectric nanowires could capture and transmit that waste energy to nanodevices. Medical devices will likely be a major application. A pacemakers battery could be charged so i

26、t would not need replacing, or implanted wireless nanosensors could monitor blood glucose for diabetics.自我供电的纳米技术纳米级大小的机器仍然需要更加小巧的发电厂王中林(Zhong Lin Wang)3.2 第一段 (4分)1920年代的钟表匠制造出的自动上发条手表,来自一个伟大的点子:以机械的方式从戴表者晃动的手臂获取能量,重新上紧手表发条。今天,我们则打算制造极小的能源获取器,来为奈米仪器的小小世界供应电力。这些东西称为“纳米发电机”,由于它们有能力在微小的尺度内产生电力,我们便能开始设

27、法让有些东西不须更换电池就能运作,像是可以持续监测病患血糖浓度的植入性生物侦测器、会自动拉紧桥墩的结构侦测器,或是侦测有毒物质的环境侦测器等。此外,纳米机器人、微机电系统(MEMS)、国防安全,甚至可携式个人电子用品,都亟需电力来源。我们很难想象,最后可以找到这么精细微小的发电器,为上述电子仪器供电。3.3 第二段 (4分)重点提要 纳米科技的潜力无穷,但是这些微小的装置必须有比电池更好的电力来源。 由振动甚至人体脉搏所浪费掉的能量,就可以提供足够的动力来驱动这类的小机件 压电纳米线数组可以捕捉这些浪费掉的能量,并传送给纳米装置。 医疗装置将会是最主要的应用项目。它们可以为起搏器的电池充电,因

28、此不需要更换电池,也可以植入无线纳米侦测器,以监测糖尿病患的血糖浓度。4. Finding Early Signs of Mad-Cow Disease(10分)Disease damage: This microscopy image shows brain tissue damaged by Creutzfeldt-Jakob (可不译,照搬) disease. Researchers have made a list of blood proteins that act as early indicators of a group of diseases including bovine

29、 spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad-cow disease. The human form of BSE, a fatal degenerative neurological disorder, called Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseBiotech pioneer: Leroy Hood, president and cofounder of the Institute for Systems Biology, in Seattle, invented several tools, including

30、 the automated DNA sequencer that helped make it possible to sequence the human genome. Now, biotech pioneer Leroy Hood explains how Systems Biology will impact medicine.4.1 小标题汉化(1分):发现疯牛病的早期信号(注:关键术语为划线者,以下同)4.2 图注汉化(2分):图1(2分):疾病损伤:此显微图片显示被克鲁兹菲尔特-雅各布疾病所损伤的大脑组织(注:Creutzfeldt-Jakob 可不用翻译,照搬即可)。研究者已

31、经制造了一系列血蛋白,它们可作为一组疾病的早期显示剂,这组疾病包括牛海绵状脑疾病(BSE),亦被称为疯牛病。疯牛病的人类形式,一种致命的退行性神经疾病,则叫做克鲁兹菲尔特-雅格氏脑病(简称克雅氏脑病)。图2(2分):生物技术的先驱:莱诺伊·胡德(人名可不译,照搬),是位于西雅图的系统生物学研究所的总裁和共同创立者(联合创始人),他发明过几种工具,包括自动化DNA测序仪,该技术有助于使测序人类基因组成为可能。现在,生物技术先驱,莱若伊胡德博士,要解释系统生物学将如何影响医学。看图作答:(第1小题9分、第2小题21分,共30分) 1. Label each of the following structures on the diagram of the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) in rodent nasal cavity with 9 terms shown below: Cilia, ORNs (Olfactory receptor neurons), Dendrite, Dendritic knob, Nasal mucus, Axon, supporting cell, basal cell, Ce


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